Author Topic: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?  (Read 20869 times)


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #20 on: November 17, 2018, 04:22:42 AM »
One side of poisers hawe low testosterone, one with hi estradilol togedger and
odhers side hawe normall t,  so pois symptomes simly cant be the same in
those two, becase hormonall difference, and t in man is cruciall for
sexuall processes in body.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 04:24:27 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #21 on: November 17, 2018, 04:28:02 AM »
By the way David, a big tanks for the link
WWW.PEAKTESTOSTERONE.COM , wery inportant info for poisers there.
Linked meny things we discus here.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #22 on: November 17, 2018, 08:48:43 AM »
by saying of a testosteron/estrogen ratio i mean this:

some news from me
from october 20 i'm on prolactin (12.5 mg/week) and
on clomid 0.25mg each day
and so far got no significant improvement in testosteron level as i can feel it
so 2 days ago i started applying Androgel 1 packet with 50mg of testo
and i can say it really does help
the most significant change i'v got: now i have much more stamina in mental and in physical states
now i'm willing to work whole day long till the night it is so cool
i'm kinda robot now
the mood is now much more stable a little bit of angry which i think does help a bit in work
actually it was stable before but now it is i can say concrete stable
didnt test how it is in bed so far but will do soon :)

by the way clomid gave me also one small bad side-affect: orgasms now became less intensive
i think it is not very bad and not so good too
Androgel? But will you be able to produce testosteron when you stop with Androgel?

I stopped with Clomid after 3 weeks. It had too much side effects. I took 25 mg a day. Are you still on Clomid?

i'm on clomid still so i wont stop producing my own test
but i can feel that my own production isnt enough still so i added androgel

1 month on clomid is a very small period i believe one need to be on clomid at lest 6 months to get the maximum test production level - it increases slowly

what exact sideeffects did you get ?

i'm planning to stay on clomid for the next 2 months at least
and if i will get bad sideeffects i will probably switch to Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
as far as i know it gives much less bad effects than clomid and it is also more strong then clomid
the only bad sideeffect with it it is a pain in the ass :)
but when you are a real man with big ballz :) you dont care about small pain after injections in the ass

these androgel applications literally makes me 20 years younger
this is what i was lack for decades
this is real life
it does worth any penny spent on it
i would say i just started to live
I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn’t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 08:56:06 AM by Vandemolen »
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #23 on: November 17, 2018, 11:18:56 AM »

I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn?€™t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
yes cuz clomid stimulates HPA axis and your testies will produce testo anyway even if you get exo test

having prostate is prohibited to take clomid or any other testo substances
well i hope you will eliminate your infections first and then you will be able to treat yourself properly with testo cures
wish you be cured soon

p.s. if i were you i would check my thyroid also - some symptoms may be from hypothyroid
« Last Edit: November 17, 2018, 11:22:57 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #24 on: November 17, 2018, 11:28:29 AM »

I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn?€™t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
yes cuz clomid stimulates HPA axis and your testies will produce testo anyway even if you get exo test

having prostate is prohibited to take clomid or any other testo substances
well i hope you will eliminate your infections first and then you will be able to treat yourself properly with testo cures
wish you be cured soon

p.s. if i were you i would check my thyroid also - some symptoms may be from hypothyroid
I have prostatitis. So that problem is almost always there.

I did a bloodtest for thyroid. It was a bit low but still in the range. It was before I knew I had POIS. My docto even gave me levothyroxine for a few weeks, but it didn’t help me.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #25 on: November 17, 2018, 11:47:47 AM »

I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn??‚??„?t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
yes cuz clomid stimulates HPA axis and your testies will produce testo anyway even if you get exo test

having prostate is prohibited to take clomid or any other testo substances
well i hope you will eliminate your infections first and then you will be able to treat yourself properly with testo cures
wish you be cured soon

p.s. if i were you i would check my thyroid also - some symptoms may be from hypothyroid
I have prostatitis. So that problem is almost always there.

I did a bloodtest for thyroid. It was a bit low but still in the range. It was before I knew I had POIS. My docto even gave me levothyroxine for a few weeks, but it didn?€™t help me.

a bit low - it doesnt tell me anything - common reference numbers are usually too wide and actual "good/proper" values are very narrow
show us your thyroid numbers if you will
or just read this
and decide yourself if your thyroid needs a correction
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #26 on: November 17, 2018, 03:41:53 PM »

I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn??‚??„?t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
yes cuz clomid stimulates HPA axis and your testies will produce testo anyway even if you get exo test

having prostate is prohibited to take clomid or any other testo substances
well i hope you will eliminate your infections first and then you will be able to treat yourself properly with testo cures
wish you be cured soon

p.s. if i were you i would check my thyroid also - some symptoms may be from hypothyroid
I have prostatitis. So that problem is almost always there.

I did a bloodtest for thyroid. It was a bit low but still in the range. It was before I knew I had POIS. My docto even gave me levothyroxine for a few weeks, but it didn?€™t help me.

a bit low - it doesnt tell me anything - common reference numbers are usually too wide and actual "good/proper" values are very narrow
show us your thyroid numbers if you will
or just read this
and decide yourself if your thyroid needs a correction
TSH: 2.7. RR: 0.55-4.8
Free T4: 11 (in 2011). RR: 10-19

Blood test topic:
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #27 on: November 21, 2018, 08:48:29 AM »
Quote from: Vandemolen

TSH: 2.7. RR: 0.55-4.8
Free T4: 11 (in 2011). RR: 10-19

Blood test topic:

sorry for long answer

anybody who has a TSH > 2 actually has a hypothyroid although it is within "official reference range"

so i would start curing with thyroid first
try to eat at least potassium iodide 200mg a day and see in two weeks if you feel yourself anybetter

some about me
i feel terrific
like i got new body
i can feel the moment in about 15-20 minutes after i applyed androgel when it starts to work !

its kind of a rocket booster started to push me !
i have the power !!!

i tryed just half packet of androgel 25mg and its is not good enough so i will continue to apply full pack
also i'm still on clomid 25mg a day and caberglin 12.5mg/week

so i'v checked how it is now in bed  and its great !!!
i can definitely say i completely eliminated any sign of a pois !!!
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 08:50:00 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #28 on: November 21, 2018, 10:01:51 AM »
anybody who has a TSH > 2 actually has a hypothyroid although it is within "official reference range"



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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #29 on: November 21, 2018, 10:03:22 AM »
2.7 is in the middle of the reference range...

I used potassium for 1 month. But I didn’t feel better. I stopped because of a medicine that conflicted with potassium.

But great that androgel works for you. I am curious that if you stop with Androgel and Clomid what will happen with your testosterone level. I hope it will stay high.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #30 on: November 21, 2018, 10:06:22 AM »
2.7 is in the middle of the reference range...

I used potassium for 1 month. But I didn?€™t feel better. I stopped because of a medicine that conflicted with potassium.

But great that androgel works for you. I am curious that if you stop with Androgel and Clomid what will happen with your testosterone level. I hope it will stay high.

i tryed one day not to use androgel and i felt myself 50% less awesome than with androgel
also i tryed half dose of androgel nd its wasnt enough also
so for now i will keep using it
« Last Edit: November 21, 2018, 03:51:11 PM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #31 on: November 21, 2018, 10:09:33 AM »
i tryed one day not to use androgel and i feeled myself 50% less awesome than with androgel
also i tryed half dose of androgel nd its wasnt enough also
so for now i will keep using it
For how long did you use it prior to the day you have skipped it?


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #32 on: November 21, 2018, 10:10:37 AM »
anybody who has a TSH > 2 actually has a hypothyroid although it is within "official reference range"

i consider it is an authority site where everything posted has prooflinks to different clinical reseach trials or proofed with personal experience by many users on forum
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #33 on: November 21, 2018, 10:11:57 AM »
i tryed one day not to use androgel and i feeled myself 50% less awesome than with androgel
also i tryed half dose of androgel nd its wasnt enough also
so for now i will keep using it
For how long did you use it prior to the day you have skipped it?

just several days
in it's instruction it is said one should not use androgel for 3 days prior to any bloodtests as i remember
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #34 on: November 22, 2018, 09:11:39 AM »

I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn??‚??„?t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
yes cuz clomid stimulates HPA axis and your testies will produce testo anyway even if you get exo test

having prostate is prohibited to take clomid or any other testo substances
well i hope you will eliminate your infections first and then you will be able to treat yourself properly with testo cures
wish you be cured soon

p.s. if i were you i would check my thyroid also - some symptoms may be from hypothyroid
I have prostatitis. So that problem is almost always there.

I did a bloodtest for thyroid. It was a bit low but still in the range. It was before I knew I had POIS. My docto even gave me levothyroxine for a few weeks, but it didn?€™t help me.

a bit low - it doesnt tell me anything - common reference numbers are usually too wide and actual "good/proper" values are very narrow
show us your thyroid numbers if you will
or just read this
and decide yourself if your thyroid needs a correction
TSH: 2.7. RR: 0.55-4.8
Free T4: 11 (in 2011). RR: 10-19

Blood test topic:
I asked my doctor if my thyroid can be checked. Because the previous blood test was in 2009. Alomost 10 years ago. And back then my Free T4 was low but in the range. My TSH was a bit high. In The Netherlands it is ok if TSH is below 4.0. I read that in the US it is 3.0. And in The Netherlands they say that people who feel healthy TSH is below 2.0. Maybe my TSH now is above 3.0. And my Free T4 is below 10. I will see my doctor about a month. After that I will let my blood checked. Because I have a lot of symptoms of a slow thyroid. One of them is that I always feel very cold in the morning. Even in the summer. And I have cold hands and cold feet. I thought because of UTI, but maybe it is because of the thyroid. And I also have dry skin. Even without POIS. And I have a few other symptoms.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #35 on: November 22, 2018, 09:25:58 AM »

sorry for long answer

anybody who has a TSH > 2 actually has a hypothyroid although it is within "official reference range"

so i would start curing with thyroid first
try to eat at least potassium iodide 200mg a day and see in two weeks if you feel yourself anybetter

some about me
i feel terrific
like i got new body
i can feel the moment in about 15-20 minutes after i applyed androgel when it starts to work !

its kind of a rocket booster started to push me !
i have the power !!!

i tryed just half packet of androgel 25mg and its is not good enough so i will continue to apply full pack
also i'm still on clomid 25mg a day and caberglin 12.5mg/week

so i'v checked how it is now in bed  and its great !!!
i can definitely say i completely eliminated any sign of a pois !!!

Hi David,

Let me know if you are still POIS-free in a few months, in particular will have been off Clomid for a month or two, so I can add you as reference member in my POIS types chart for the POIS type responding to TRT  ( see at )
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #36 on: November 22, 2018, 09:59:27 PM »

I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn??‚??„?t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
yes cuz clomid stimulates HPA axis and your testies will produce testo anyway even if you get exo test

having prostate is prohibited to take clomid or any other testo substances
well i hope you will eliminate your infections first and then you will be able to treat yourself properly with testo cures
wish you be cured soon

p.s. if i were you i would check my thyroid also - some symptoms may be from hypothyroid
I have prostatitis. So that problem is almost always there.

I did a bloodtest for thyroid. It was a bit low but still in the range. It was before I knew I had POIS. My docto even gave me levothyroxine for a few weeks, but it didn?€™t help me.

a bit low - it doesnt tell me anything - common reference numbers are usually too wide and actual "good/proper" values are very narrow
show us your thyroid numbers if you will
or just read this
and decide yourself if your thyroid needs a correction
TSH: 2.7. RR: 0.55-4.8
Free T4: 11 (in 2011). RR: 10-19

Blood test topic:
I asked my doctor if my thyroid can be checked. Because the previous blood test was in 2009. Alomost 10 years ago. And back then my Free T4 was low but in the range. My TSH was a bit high. In The Netherlands it is ok if TSH is below 4.0. I read that in the US it is 3.0. And in The Netherlands they say that people who feel healthy TSH is below 2.0. Maybe my TSH now is above 3.0. And my Free T4 is below 10. I will see my doctor about a month. After that I will let my blood checked. Because I have a lot of symptoms of a slow thyroid. One of them is that I always feel very cold in the morning. Even in the summer. And I have cold hands and cold feet. I thought because of UTI, but maybe it is because of the thyroid. And I also have dry skin. Even without POIS. And I have a few other symptoms.
My TSH was 2.7 this year. My FT4 was not checked. I found a blood test from 2011, back then my TSH was 6.6! My FT4 was 10. Just in range. Maybe that’s why my doctor did not alarm me. I was a few weeks on Thyrax. Back then I didn’t knew what POIS. Thyrax did not help me against POIS and thought I had a lot of side effects. But maybe it was POIS. Now i have seen that my TSH was so high I am going to make an earlier appointment with my doctor.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #37 on: November 23, 2018, 05:15:16 AM »

I know that 3 weeks is too short. I was planning to take it for 3 months. Maybe I have more side effects because I take 25 mg a day. You take only the half. I felt sick, had hot flushes, dry fingers, dry skin, dry mouth and lower backpain. But I also have a prostate infection and candida. So I couldn???€š???€ž?t have the Clomid side effects too. That was too much.

So you say because you are still on Clomid even when you stop with Androgel your body still can produce testosterone?
yes cuz clomid stimulates HPA axis and your testies will produce testo anyway even if you get exo test

having prostate is prohibited to take clomid or any other testo substances
well i hope you will eliminate your infections first and then you will be able to treat yourself properly with testo cures
wish you be cured soon

p.s. if i were you i would check my thyroid also - some symptoms may be from hypothyroid
I have prostatitis. So that problem is almost always there.

I did a bloodtest for thyroid. It was a bit low but still in the range. It was before I knew I had POIS. My docto even gave me levothyroxine for a few weeks, but it didn??‚??„?t help me.

a bit low - it doesnt tell me anything - common reference numbers are usually too wide and actual "good/proper" values are very narrow
show us your thyroid numbers if you will
or just read this
and decide yourself if your thyroid needs a correction
TSH: 2.7. RR: 0.55-4.8
Free T4: 11 (in 2011). RR: 10-19

Blood test topic:
I asked my doctor if my thyroid can be checked. Because the previous blood test was in 2009. Alomost 10 years ago. And back then my Free T4 was low but in the range. My TSH was a bit high. In The Netherlands it is ok if TSH is below 4.0. I read that in the US it is 3.0. And in The Netherlands they say that people who feel healthy TSH is below 2.0. Maybe my TSH now is above 3.0. And my Free T4 is below 10. I will see my doctor about a month. After that I will let my blood checked. Because I have a lot of symptoms of a slow thyroid. One of them is that I always feel very cold in the morning. Even in the summer. And I have cold hands and cold feet. I thought because of UTI, but maybe it is because of the thyroid. And I also have dry skin. Even without POIS. And I have a few other symptoms.
My TSH was 2.7 this year. My FT4 was not checked. I found a blood test from 2011, back then my TSH was 6.6! My FT4 was 10. Just in range. Maybe that?€™s why my doctor did not alarm me. I was a few weeks on Thyrax. Back then I didn?€™t knew what POIS. Thyrax did not help me against POIS and thought I had a lot of side effects. But maybe it was POIS. Now i have seen that my TSH was so high I am going to make an earlier appointment with my doctor.

i'm not a pro doctor but i know something
glad we found some and you will fix it soon, i hope, cuz you have most of the hypothyroid symptoms

some update from me
yesterday i applied full pack of androgel as i always do
and whole day i was feeling myself as a superman!
that was awesome! BUT!!! it also gave me ADHD and it was very difficult to concentrate on work tasks
so since today i will lower my androgel dosage down to 50%
i'm still on clomid 25mg/ed and cabergoline 12.5mg/each week
so i guess my endotesto is slowly growing and androgel gives me just too much of testo although i like the feeling
and i still have less intensive orgasms feelings and not so high libido although i have very strong boner - i  guess testo aromatises a lot and i get big quantity of estrogen - in this case i have anastrosol - but first is first i will do my bloodtests first probably in one week to see how much exactly i have estrogen(E2)

and again about pois  - no f..cking pois at all !!! i won ! god! i'm so glad !
« Last Edit: November 23, 2018, 05:30:33 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #38 on: November 24, 2018, 03:58:41 AM »
yesterday i applied just half dose of androgel
felt myself perfect nonetheless i had some adhd symptoms less than day before but still
in the evening i had sex ... no pois symptoms at all
and today i didnt use androgel just clomid 25mg
feeling myself absolutely calm no pois and no adhd at all
perfect time for work !

so i guess one should find he's perfect individual balance of testosterone estrogen and prolactin to get rid of pois, fatigue, adhd, brain fog and other misery life symptoms

p.s. found this beautiful article about adhd:
« Last Edit: November 24, 2018, 05:09:58 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #39 on: November 27, 2018, 09:59:56 AM »
Since the supplements that seem to be working are different all the time, I'm starting to think that malabsorption may be playing a role.
Yes this option is also on my mind and/or abnormal gastrointestinal motility leading to different transit times and gut exposure which could lead to malabsorption. Decreased gut motility could also lead to gut dysbiosis.

David have you been tested for SHBG yet?