Author Topic: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?  (Read 20831 times)


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2018, 11:37:06 AM »
Since the supplements that seem to be working are different all the time, I'm starting to think that malabsorption may be playing a role.
Yes this option is also on my mind and/or abnormal gastrointestinal motility leading to different transit times and gut exposure which could lead to malabsorption. Decreased gut motility could also lead to gut dysbiosis.

David have you been tested for SHBG yet?

right before my TRT journey i'v made a bloodtest:
Total Testosterone: 340 (248-836)
Free Testosterone(calculated): 97 (40-279)
FSH: 3.13 (1.5 - 12.4)
LH: 3.16 (1.7 - 8.6)
SHBG: 33.2 (18.3-54.1)
Estradiol: 14.62  (11.26-43.25)
Prolactin: 275.2 (86-324) 
so my problem was quite high prolactin and close to lowest range testosterone

that is why i'm using cabergoline 12.5mg/week
and a clomid 25mg and androgel 50mg daily

looks to me my body now adapted to androgel
now i dont have euphoria like it was first times, feeling myself perfect
planning to make a new bloodtest at the end of the week

p.s. sleep enough it is vital
i'v found that despite i have a lot of energy now, i have to sleep at least 8 hours otherwise i will be sleeping zomby with energy :)
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 11:40:25 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2018, 11:51:08 AM »
Everything looks normal to me, it doesn't make any sense. How is your cholesterol?


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #42 on: November 27, 2018, 12:05:41 PM »
Everything looks normal to me, it doesn't make any sense. How is your cholesterol?

man it is NOT normal !
testosterone 340 is a level of the 70 y.o. man
and prolactin 275 already gave me a little gyno !
not saying about f..cking pois
i had 7 days period to recover after just one orgasm !
i had sex just 1-2 times a month because of that !!!
now i can have several almost each day and no pois at all !!! no brain fog ! no fatigue !

« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 12:24:48 PM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #43 on: November 27, 2018, 12:31:34 PM »
Then why don't 70 year old men get POIS? I think there are abnormalities somewhere else which is hormone related or testosterone affects other systems like the immune system which is in an abnormal state. But whatever, if testosterone helps for you that's good, but I'm only questioning this phenomena. I wonder if using testosterone on people with POIS who have higher testosterone levels on the reference range will help them reducing POIS symptoms.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #44 on: November 27, 2018, 12:58:29 PM »
Then why don't 70 year old men get POIS? I think there are abnormalities somewhere else which is hormone related or testosterone affects other systems like the immune system which is in an abnormal state. But whatever, if testosterone helps for you that's good, but I'm only questioning this phenomena. I wonder if using testosterone on people with POIS who have higher testosterone levels on the reference range will help them reducing POIS symptoms.

i'm not sure about 70 y.o. men don`t have pois symptoms i actually  think most of them do have such symptoms
but they probably think of it as it should be so cuz i'm a 70 y.o. man why the heck should i be like a young men right ?

i used to think the same: i'm 41 and everybody have "middle age crisis" so it is ok that i have sex 1 time a month and usually are in a permanent depression, have little energy and almost no will and desire to do anything

well, my table bible: shows that many guys who started their TRT got rid of most pois like symptoms: fatigue, brain fog, low libido etc
i guess many pois people if not all will benefit from proper testosterone levels

30 y.o. man should have 600-900 total testosterone
around 25-30 estradiol
and prolactin 80-100

other numbers are not good
and you can have higher testosterone like 1200 it wont give you more advantages

testosterone is a king for a man
it affects almost everything
it stimulates dopamine release - so it will give you more concentration more confidence more wiliness to work
low prolactine will dramatically shorter your refractory period
and proper estradiol level which should be 1:30 ratio concentration to testosterone will give you highest libido possible with rock hard boner
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 01:53:14 PM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #45 on: November 27, 2018, 01:13:02 PM »
But I mean if I follow your argumentation wouldn't POIS be epidemic among 70 year old men?

Testosterone can inhibit auto-antibodies in some auto-immune diseases. Here are some papers after a quick search:

Sex hormones, immune responses, and autoimmune diseases. Mechanisms of sex hormone action.
''The possibility of using sex hormone modulation of immune responses for the treatment of autoimmune disorders is a promising area for future investigation.''

Sex hormones and the immune response in humans

I wonder if this also act in the reverse way like immune diseases surpressing sex hormones. Just some food for thought.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #46 on: November 27, 2018, 02:10:58 PM »
Always intresting to see  8) poisers wich hawe low T how they been
helped complitly by incresing T.

Me also think that is autoimunity inwolwed, yust from diferent angle.

David- do you hawe astmha like shortnes of breath ,
bumping hert symptomes in pois?


« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 02:29:26 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #47 on: November 27, 2018, 02:34:13 PM »
But I mean if I follow your argumentation wouldn't POIS be epidemic among 70 year old men?

Testosterone can inhibit auto-antibodies in some auto-immune diseases. Here are some papers after a quick search:

Sex hormones, immune responses, and autoimmune diseases. Mechanisms of sex hormone action.
''The possibility of using sex hormone modulation of immune responses for the treatment of autoimmune disorders is a promising area for future investigation.''

Sex hormones and the immune response in humans

I wonder if this also act in the reverse way like immune diseases surpressing sex hormones. Just some food for thought.

it is all possible
i'v read an article which showed that there are special cells in testies which protects spermatozoids from our own immune system as spermatozoids are always recognized as an alien cells so immune system will not kill them
so it is no wander that many guys have autoimmune response for their own sperm
may be i had/ have it also but getting my testosterone level to proper value now it gives me little to no effect
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 02:42:09 PM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #48 on: November 27, 2018, 02:38:11 PM »
Always intresting to see  8) poisers wich hawe low T how they been
helped complitly by incresing T.

Me also think that is autoimunity inwolwed, yust from diferent angle.

David- do you hawe astmha like shortnes of breath ,
bumping hert symptomes in pois?

never had any problems with asthma no heart problems except when i used 25mg cabergoline /week i had some little palpitations
my biggest concerns about pois were brain fog, severe fatigue and no will to do anything
« Last Edit: November 27, 2018, 02:49:10 PM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #49 on: December 01, 2018, 10:43:38 AM »
today i allowed myself to sleep well after a difficult week upto 1 p.m.
ate only clomid 0.25mg right after i woke up
and 4 hours later felt a little fatigue, lack of willingness to do anything, kind of depressed mood (2 months ago i would think it is ok) but not now
so i applied androgel and got my dope of mood boost and felt myself better - signs of depression gone and got energy again
i'm so f..king dependent on it
as far as i know it is not possible to rise T level significantly with other means than TRT ...
« Last Edit: December 01, 2018, 10:54:06 AM by david »
current protocol: 24mg test. cypionate subQ every day, Cabergoline 0.125mg every 5 days, Alcar 2 grams per day, NALT 0.6 gram per day sulbutiamine 2*200 every day highly potent vitamins each day = no pois at all and in addition now have quite decent motivation


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2018, 05:48:09 PM »

As far as i know it is not possible to rise T level significantly with other means than TRT ...

I agree.
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #51 on: April 07, 2019, 07:39:24 AM »

As far as i know it is not possible to rise T level significantly with other means than TRT ...

I agree.
Untill 20 years ago I did not eat meat or chicken. I just did not like it. Maybe that is the reason why my testosterone is low? Also 20 years ago I stopped with playing soccer for 3 times a week. I gained 20 kg in a short time. Maybe my testosterone dropped even more because of that. The last 20 years I eat meat maybe 3 times a month and chicken 4 times a month. What if I start eating more meat and chicken en do sports? Can I raise my testosterone to a normal level (at least 12)? My testosterone now is 9.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Has anyone tried prolactin inhibitors?
« Reply #52 on: April 18, 2019, 09:51:12 AM »
Hi, I tried bromocriptin 2.8mg yesterday and it did nothing. It also makes your really nauseous and dizzy.