Hi! I would like to introduce myself as one young man who must show you gratitude, because i have read your post in the naked scientist forum several weeks ago and that has helped me a lot!(I discovered it from a news article about "sex can make men sick" from late Januray). Well, i think i could have POIS because i had the symptoms after every Orgasm since i was 18-19 YR maybe, sometimes more, sometimes less.
I think there must be several factors about this syndrome, and a good sleep and sunny days usually diminishes the severity.
I began to take garlic cloves and the result was immediate... specially with the brain fog *AFTER* the orgasm. If you take them *BEFORE* you have less (-70,80%) POIS symptoms after O, at least in my case. And then, was Fenugreek´s time.
Seriously, it´s amazing. Taking it, AFTER or BEFORE the orgasm(i take only 1 capsule), i have experienced no POIS. Moreover, If you try to take FENUGREEK+Garlic it gives you a more enhanced mind and an increase of cognitive functions(and i am talking about this after and before orgasm, it doesn´t matter).
I want to thank you about this, because it´s for sure that i would never get this genial idea from my own. This forum and the other will be useful for more people, i hope.