Author Topic: Fenugreek + Garlic...  (Read 181573 times)


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Re: Overwhelming Success with Fenugreek & Garlic
« Reply #160 on: August 06, 2021, 10:17:26 PM »
Great news, Warrior !  I am glad that you have found something effective for you.

We do not hear as much about fenugreek and garlic, but it has been used a lot and talked about a lot on the forum, some years ago.  It is one of the methods listed in the POIS Types Chart.
Let me know if it stills works for you in a couple of months so that I can add your name as a reference member in the Fenugreek and Garlic section of the chart.  Most members cited there are no longer active, so it could be interesting to have active members in the list.

Will do! Thank you so much for running this website, I owe it to you and all the other admins for keeping this site clean and tidy so people have access to good information about POIS.
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Re: Overwhelming Success with Fenugreek & Garlic
« Reply #161 on: August 06, 2021, 11:41:07 PM »

I owe it to you and all the other admins for keeping this site clean and tidy so people have access to good information about POIS.

Thanks for your kind words about Quantum and the admin/moderators team!

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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #162 on: August 07, 2021, 03:14:45 AM »
Terrific to hear about your success!!

So I've not shared some of my success with Fenugreek and Garlic, which I take as a meal. :D  Look in the frozen section for Deep Foods Chicken Tikka Masala (that comes with rice) or the spinach version which is Chicken Tikka Masala with Spinach and yellow rice.  I couple with with GNC's 'Performance and Vitality' multipak vitamins which are 6 in a pack that you take, which I wash down using Vega ready to drink protein drinks that are spinach and kale based and have over 1000mg of Omega 3s per serving.  If I stick religiously to this regiment, I can have nearly no days lost to pois and can recover in just a week versus 3 weeks.

Indian food in general will have fenugreek and garlic, so that may be an easy way to just supplement with diet.


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #163 on: August 07, 2021, 04:53:05 AM »
Currently I am looking into saponins as they are mostly a common factor in the supplements that work for me. Most notably MACA and wild yam are really beneficial and it was found that they both contain the steroidal saponin called diosgenin.

Diosgenin, a type of saponin, is a steroidal sapogenin found in several plant species and is one of the main bioactive constituents of multiple plant species, including yam (Dioscorea villosa) and maca (Lepidium meyenii).

Interestingly others found that fenugreek also contains diosgenin.

However both fenugreek and garlic only had a weak positive effect on me, although I haven't had the time to test them in combination. It is also possible that the brand I used was not the best in this regard.
I was wondering if anyone with a very positive fenugreek experience could report whether Maca and wild yam are any good for them as it could confirm the role of diosgenin.
Actually both Maca and wild yam behave somewhat differently so other compounds must also play some role as well.
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Re: Overwhelming Success with Fenugreek & Garlic
« Reply #164 on: August 07, 2021, 08:03:38 AM »
Great news, Warrior !  I am glad that you have found something effective for you.

We do not hear as much about fenugreek and garlic, but it has been used a lot and talked about a lot on the forum, some years ago.  It is one of the methods listed in the POIS Types Chart.
Let me know if it stills works for you in a couple of months so that I can add your name as a reference member in the Fenugreek and Garlic section of the chart.  Most members cited there are no longer active, so it could be interesting to have active members in the list.

Will do! Thank you so much for running this website, I owe it to you and all the other admins for keeping this site clean and tidy so people have access to good information about POIS.

Thank you for your good words, Warrior!  And thank you for having taken the time to share your success story.  A message like yours is a motivation for the admins and moderators to keep on gathering valuable information on the forum, and also a motivation for all the members to find a relief method for themselves.
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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #165 on: August 07, 2021, 03:55:15 PM »
Currently I am looking into saponins as they are mostly a common factor in the supplements that work for me. Most notably MACA and wild yam are really beneficial and it was found that they both contain the steroidal saponin called diosgenin.

Diosgenin, a type of saponin, is a steroidal sapogenin found in several plant species and is one of the main bioactive constituents of multiple plant species, including yam (Dioscorea villosa) and maca (Lepidium meyenii).

Interestingly others found that fenugreek also contains diosgenin.

However both fenugreek and garlic only had a weak positive effect on me, although I haven't had the time to test them in combination. It is also possible that the brand I used was not the best in this regard.
I was wondering if anyone with a very positive fenugreek experience could report whether Maca and wild yam are any good for them as it could confirm the role of diosgenin.
Actually both Maca and wild yam behave somewhat differently so other compounds must also play some role as well.
Where would one find Maca and wild yams and what foods might contain them?  I'll definitely give them a try if it's easy enough to do so!


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #166 on: August 07, 2021, 04:23:35 PM »
my online girlfriend will be visiting in about a month so hopefully i should be able to provide some info on whether sex affects me differently than masturbation.

Today it seems i am feeling the POIS i hadn´t yesterday. Fortunately, fenugreek + garlic is helping me a lot like it usually does.  I am wondering about the effect the Sun has on POIS(Vitamin D??), because it seems that when the days are sunny, my POIS is less intense, but when they are darker POIS is more hard. Today it has been sunny occasionally and in that moment i feel better of my cognitive symptoms. I would like to know if someone has reported the same about this.

Pretty certain I also experience the same thing. Garlic & fenugreek works wonders for me, but when I did have POIS, or POIS residue, the sun also has a very positive effect for me. Hot showers also seem to intensify the POIS in the moment, but once I hop out into the cold it all kinda returns to normal. Not sure if thats just because hot showers for me a very pleasurable, and therefore I tend to think a lot more, especially when I don't put myself on stricter time limits of 4 minutes, etc.
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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #167 on: August 09, 2021, 02:23:18 PM »


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #168 on: August 15, 2021, 03:11:32 AM »
Currently I am looking into saponins as they are mostly a common factor in the supplements that work for me. Most notably MACA and wild yam are really beneficial and it was found that they both contain the steroidal saponin called diosgenin.

Diosgenin, a type of saponin, is a steroidal sapogenin found in several plant species and is one of the main bioactive constituents of multiple plant species, including yam (Dioscorea villosa) and maca (Lepidium meyenii).

Interestingly others found that fenugreek also contains diosgenin.

However both fenugreek and garlic only had a weak positive effect on me, although I haven't had the time to test them in combination. It is also possible that the brand I used was not the best in this regard.
I was wondering if anyone with a very positive fenugreek experience could report whether Maca and wild yam are any good for them as it could confirm the role of diosgenin.
Actually both Maca and wild yam behave somewhat differently so other compounds must also play some role as well.
Where would one find Maca and wild yams and what foods might contain them?  I'll definitely give them a try if it's easy enough to do so!

Any kind of health food store or even bulk food stores. My local health food store is where I bought maca. I've tried maca, although I haven't taken it consistently, more so randomly. I do feel like it makes me more aroused in the preceding days, but that could also be placebo.
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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #169 on: August 16, 2021, 10:34:00 PM »
Original post written on 16th August, 2021

Tested ingesting garlic pills rather than raw garlic for the first time last night before O. Complete success  ;D.

I used Australian Naturalcare Garlic Pearls Enteric Coated. In the morning of yesterday, I ingested 1x garlic pill, and 1x fenugreek, and 1x vitamin b3. I then had 2x garlic pills, 1x fenugreek 1.5-2 hrs before O, matcha green tea 25 minutes before O, and finally 2x fenugreek and 2x garlic after O. I basically double dosed the garlic & fenugreek because I was sceptical it was going to be as strong against POIS as ingesting a raw garlic.

These garlic pearls are also quite old (their expiry is actually August 2021). The scent of garlic in the container is pretty strong, they certainly are not odourless - I'm not sure if that's because they are old or if its intentional.

Woke up with minor POIS residue. Important to note, I have ejaculated 3 times in the last 5 days. I then took a 1x garlic pill, 1x fenugreek, 1x vitamin b3, 1x oystermax (zinc, selenium, vitamin b12, copper etc...) this morning with some fruit. Then did some intense cardio runs (maybe 10-20 minutes or so), and some bushwalking with sun exposure. The intense cardio (where the heartrate is actually accelerated & you break a sweat, coupled with the fenugreek & garlic seems very good at removing any remaining POIS residue).

Edited 19th August 2021:
Tested again yesterday night, which was 2 days later. This time, I took 3x garlic pills & 2x fenugreek post O. Niacin taken in the morning, which was definitely more than 8 hours prior. No matcha green tea. Woke up physically tired (It was 6AM tho & I had work), energy levels quickly came back to normal once I had breakfast (oats & banana), and ingested 2x garlic & 1x fenugreek. Today I was working as a labourer, so relatively physically demanding - I definitely had plenty of energy to carry out my work as normal (my regular POIS symptoms would not have allowed this to be easy, I would have felt exhausted all day). I would say I had mild POIS symptoms, particularly towards the end of the day, even after taking more garlic pills. This was further proven directly by ingesting raw garlic & fenugreek, which immediately had a positive effect on reducing ALL POIS symptoms (it further stilled my mind, to 'thriving' levels). I was not able to test whether high intense cardio would do the trick on alleviating the POIS residue, although I do believe it would have certainly helped.

Edited 20th August 2021:
Woke up feeling good. Fasted in the morning (had work out in the sun too!). Had 1x garlic pill & 1x fenugreek pill with lunch. Was feeling some POIS residue later that evening around 4pm, so I experimented this time by popping the garlic capsules in my mouth and discarding the enteric coating. Popped 3x garlic pills, had with 1x fenugreek. Definitely felt like it had a positive effect on the POIS residue, however I could still feel the lingering POIS residue which primarily consists of mild brain fog and noise. Decided it would be another good opportunity to test the power of actual raw garlic. Butchered a garlic clove in a small mortar and pestle at 6pm, added honey, and swallowed down the hatch with water. Within 5-10 minutes, I immediately feel the POIS residue melting into greater clarity and awareness. It's even possible that the mild positive effect I am experiencing from the garlic pills might actually be from fenugreek. More testing required.

Edited 25th August 2021: Tried garlic pills again, this time another brand. Much more effective - the other brand I tried was basically expired. Whats interesting too is technically there is less garlic oil in these pills than the other brands I tried. There is also peppermint oil included - you literally cannot even taste the garlic (I crack open the pill in my mouth because I don't eat the soy capsulation).

Current verdict: Garlic pills do work (with fenugreek of course), but not as effective as ingesting crushed raw garlic. Intense cardio e.g. sprints certainly help as well at reducing POIS residue.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2021, 02:01:16 AM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #170 on: August 18, 2021, 03:51:06 PM »
Any kind of health food store or even bulk food stores. My local health food store is where I bought maca. I've tried maca, although I haven't taken it consistently, more so randomly. I do feel like it makes me more aroused in the preceding days, but that could also be placebo.
Thank you!  Would whole foods or trader joe's carry them?  I also have an asian specialty market nearby if they might have them.


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #171 on: August 18, 2021, 03:53:36 PM »
Tested ingesting garlic pills rather than raw garlic for the first time last night before O. Complete success  ;D.

I used Australian Naturalcare Garlic Pearls Enteric Coated. In the morning of yesterday, I ingested 1x garlic pill, and 1x fenugreek, and 1x vitamin b3. I then had 2x garlic pills, 1x fenugreek 1.5-2 hrs before O, matcha green tea 25 minutes before O, and finally 2x fenugreek and 2x garlic after O. I basically double dosed the garlic & fenugreek because I was sceptical it was going to be as strong against POIS as ingesting a raw garlic.

These garlic pearls are also quite old (their expiry is actually August 2021). The scent of garlic in the container is pretty strong, they certainly are not odourless - I'm not sure if that's because they are old or if its intentional.

Woke up with minor POIS residue. Important to note, I have ejaculated 3 times in the last 5 days. I then took a 1x garlic, 1x fenugreek, 1x vitamin b3, 1x oystermax (zinc, selenium, vitamin b12, copper etc...) this morning with some fruit. Then did some intense cardio runs (maybe 10-20 minutes or so), and some bushwalking with sun exposure. The intense cardio (where the heartrate is actually accelerated & you break a sweat, coupled with the fenugreek & garlic seems very good at removing any remaining POIS residue).
Awesome to hear!!  Keep us posted on if this regimen continues to work over time. :)  Your solution uses some of the same as mine. :)  Raw oysters and sushi do wonders for me as well as fenugreek.


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #172 on: August 18, 2021, 07:37:16 PM »
Any kind of health food store or even bulk food stores. My local health food store is where I bought maca. I've tried maca, although I haven't taken it consistently, more so randomly. I do feel like it makes me more aroused in the preceding days, but that could also be placebo.
Thank you!  Would whole foods or trader joe's carry them?  I also have an asian specialty market nearby if they might have them.
I?m not sure where you?re from, but in Australia GoVita stock the maca powder. Pretty sure I?ve seen maca powder in bulk food stores as well. You could try ringing up trader joe?s etc

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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #173 on: August 18, 2021, 10:19:46 PM »
Any kind of health food store or even bulk food stores. My local health food store is where I bought maca. I've tried maca, although I haven't taken it consistently, more so randomly. I do feel like it makes me more aroused in the preceding days, but that could also be placebo.
Thank you!  Would whole foods or trader joe's carry them?  I also have an asian specialty market nearby if they might have them.
I?m not sure where you?re from, but in Australia GoVita stock the maca powder. Pretty sure I?ve seen maca powder in bulk food stores as well. You could try ringing up trader joe?s etc

In the USA--sorry I forget about how international POIS can be!  :-[


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #174 on: September 08, 2021, 05:48:58 AM »
Hey guys. Just wanted to state, garlic & fenugreek is still working amazingly for me  ;D. It's been 2 months since I found this method and began testing. I created a diary summary of my POIS experience, and I am documenting my experiments with trying to figure out the best way to take garlic. Might be of use for anyone else scrolling through this garlic & fenugreek thread:
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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #175 on: November 03, 2021, 04:02:20 AM »
Hey guys. My solution is still working perfectly. I am in the process of experimenting with niacin (flush) and that also seems promising (on top!). Nonetheless, raw diced garlic and fenugreek work perfectly for me. I have even tested them individually on their own, and both of them give me positive effects it seems.
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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #176 on: November 03, 2021, 05:32:23 AM »
Hi warrioronthetrot!
In what extent does the Garlic/fenugreek/niacin/matcha green tea works if you only take it after Orgasm/NE and not before?


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #177 on: November 04, 2021, 06:47:43 PM »
Hi warrioronthetrot!
In what extent does the Garlic/fenugreek/niacin/matcha green tea works if you only take it after Orgasm/NE and not before?

I think by taking it after, the post-orgasm period where I feel a slight POIS build up (2 hours or so) may be more intense for a bit (as at the moment of orgasm, the body has not been primed from the garlic and fenugreek). But if you look at it over a 24hr period, I have observed zero difference. The solution works just as effectively if taken afterwards. I have tested this at times where I have taken the fenugreek and garlic immediately after orgasm, no later though.

Just want to say too, I have been on a gluten free diet this entire time. Whenever I added gluten back in, it seemed to cause issues. The solution wasn't as effective (worked for an hour or so), and it seems to give me POIS-like symptoms later in the day (that I can only assume is from gluten food I consumed earlier in the day). Still testing this to prove it, but I am pretty certain adhering to a strict gluten free diet has been excellent for me in addition to the fenugreek and garlic.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2021, 07:07:06 PM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #178 on: November 06, 2021, 05:32:23 AM »
Interesting! I've add your protocol to the "Actions to take after orgasm (post-packs)" list.


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Re: Fenugreek + Garlic...
« Reply #179 on: December 29, 2021, 07:25:27 AM »
Hey guys, just a quick update. I am still going strong after 5.5 months. An interesting thing I've discovered is that my POIS (and the effectiveness of raw garlic and fenugreek) is worsened through consumption of grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, tubers, or contaminants of these food groups. It may be primarily grains, but I would recommend eliminating those groups to see if you get any improved results! I've documented it here in my journal if you want more info.
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