Original post written on 16th August, 2021Tested ingesting garlic pills rather than raw garlic for the first time last night before O. Complete success

I used Australian Naturalcare Garlic Pearls Enteric Coated. In the morning of yesterday, I ingested 1x garlic pill, and 1x fenugreek, and 1x vitamin b3. I then had 2x garlic pills, 1x fenugreek 1.5-2 hrs before O, matcha green tea 25 minutes before O, and finally 2x fenugreek and 2x garlic after O. I basically double dosed the garlic & fenugreek because I was sceptical it was going to be as strong against POIS as ingesting a raw garlic.
These garlic pearls are also quite old (their expiry is actually August 2021). The scent of garlic in the container is pretty strong, they certainly are not odourless - I'm not sure if that's because they are old or if its intentional.
Woke up with minor POIS residue. Important to note, I have ejaculated 3 times in the last 5 days. I then took a 1x garlic pill, 1x fenugreek, 1x vitamin b3, 1x oystermax (zinc, selenium, vitamin b12, copper etc...) this morning with some fruit. Then did some intense cardio runs (maybe 10-20 minutes or so), and some bushwalking with sun exposure. The intense cardio (where the heartrate is actually accelerated & you break a sweat, coupled with the fenugreek & garlic seems very good at removing any remaining POIS residue).
Edited 19th August 2021:Tested again yesterday night, which was 2 days later. This time, I took 3x garlic pills & 2x fenugreek post O. Niacin taken in the morning, which was definitely more than 8 hours prior. No matcha green tea. Woke up physically tired (It was 6AM tho & I had work), energy levels quickly came back to normal once I had breakfast (oats & banana), and ingested 2x garlic & 1x fenugreek. Today I was working as a labourer, so relatively physically demanding - I definitely had plenty of energy to carry out my work as normal (my regular POIS symptoms would not have allowed this to be easy, I would have felt exhausted all day). I would say I had mild POIS symptoms, particularly towards the end of the day, even after taking more garlic pills. This was further proven directly by ingesting raw garlic & fenugreek, which immediately had a positive effect on reducing ALL POIS symptoms (it further stilled my mind, to 'thriving' levels). I was not able to test whether high intense cardio would do the trick on alleviating the POIS residue, although I do believe it would have certainly helped.
Edited 20th August 2021:Woke up feeling good. Fasted in the morning (had work out in the sun too!). Had 1x garlic pill & 1x fenugreek pill with lunch. Was feeling some POIS residue later that evening around 4pm, so I experimented this time by popping the garlic capsules in my mouth and discarding the enteric coating. Popped 3x garlic pills, had with 1x fenugreek. Definitely felt like it had a positive effect on the POIS residue, however I could still feel the lingering POIS residue which primarily consists of mild brain fog and noise. Decided it would be another good opportunity to test the power of actual raw garlic. Butchered a garlic clove in a small mortar and pestle at 6pm, added honey, and swallowed down the hatch with water. Within 5-10 minutes, I immediately feel the POIS residue melting into greater clarity and awareness. It's even possible that the mild positive effect I am experiencing from the garlic pills might actually be from fenugreek. More testing required.
Edited 25th August 2021: Tried garlic pills again, this time another brand. Much more effective - the other brand I tried was basically expired. Whats interesting too is technically there is less garlic oil in these pills than the other brands I tried. There is also peppermint oil included - you literally cannot even taste the garlic (I crack open the pill in my mouth because I don't eat the soy capsulation).
Current verdict: Garlic pills do work (with fenugreek of course), but not as effective as ingesting crushed raw garlic. Intense cardio e.g. sprints certainly help as well at reducing POIS residue.