Here is a list of doctors and specialists ( urologists, neurologists, allergy specialists, etc...) who know about POIS, and are open to see POIS patients (
"POIS doctors" ). The MDs in this POIS Doctors list may be from anywhere in the world. City and country where is the Doctor's clinic is in
red in the list below, so you can easily find which Doctor is the nearest from where you live.
So, for members who would like to see a physician who already knows about
POIS, one that will not send them in psychiatry, or try a large list of tests that will come back all normal ( as they did with all members here), or try any meds with no particular experience with it, so here is the place to find a "POIS Doctor". Those
"POIS doctors" will not make you feel frustrated because you were not understood at all, will not make you false promises, but will help you the best they can, and are willing to learn more about POIS, and help us more, and they are usually involved in POIS research.
Be aware that these Doctors do not know yet what causes POIS, and in most cases do not have much to offer in terms of treatment ( However, as of 2024, there are a few case reports of successful treatment of individual cases with specific drugs). But at the least, those doctors know about POIS diagnostic criteria, and can confirm you have POIS, and you will get some understanding from a qualified doctor. Also, those physicians listed here are aiming at a better understanding of POIS, and at raising awareness of POIS in the medical community. So, the more POIS patients they will see, the better they will get to know POIS, and the more material they will have for another scientific publication on POIS ( most of those listed here have already published at least one article on POIS).
Some of these doctors do offer some treatment alternatives, like NSAIDS or prednisolone, but at this point, they may be called "experimental" treatments. Keep in mind that there is no specific treatment for POIS yet. Before accepting a treatment offered to you, be sure to be aware of all the potential risks of this experimental treatment. Do not hesitate to ask for a second opinion from your family doctor or from another specialist before going forward with any treatment, which, at this stage, are all experimental.
So, be aware that POISCenter does not recommend any treatment, and IF YOU HAVE A CONSULTATION WITH A POIS DOCTOR ON THIS LIST AND ACCEPT TO TRY AN EXPERIMENTAL POIS TREATMENT SHE OR HE SUGGESTS, YOU DO IT AT YOUR OWN RISKS. If you think a physician should be added to this list, send me a private message.
POIS Doctors List: 1- Doctor's name: Dr Wayne Hellstrom ( Urologist)
Contact information: Professor of Urology / Chief of Andrology / / (504) 988-3361 / School of Medicine, University of Tulane,
New Orleans,Louisiana, USA / POIS article(s) published: Direct link to appointement webpage Other information: You need a reference from your primary care physician in order to make an appointment with Dr Hellstrom about POIS.
Take note that Dr Hellstrom is the head of the Tulane University team, same team that has made a survey on the forum in 2019 and will eventually publish about it.
2 - Doctor's name: Dr Ege Can Serefoglu, MD, FECSM
Contact information : Associate Professor / / Uroklinik - Center of Excellence in Urology / Zerrin Sk. No:2 34330 ?ç Levent, Besiktas,
Istanbul, Turkey / POIS article(s) published : Other information : Even if in Turkey, he is perfectly fluent in English
3 - Doctor's name: Pr Gerard Amarenco ( Neuro-urologist )
Contact information : , La Sorbonne : Service de Neuro-Urologie, Hôpital Tenon, Paris
4 Rue de la Chine, 75020,
Paris, France Neuro-Urology Department, Tenon Hospital, Paris
GRC01 GREEN Groupe de Recherche Clinique en Neuro-Urologie
Sorbonne Universités UPMC, Paris, France /
GRC01 GREEN Group of Clinical Research in Neuro-Urology : (33)156017500
POIS article(s) published :!/content/playContent/1-s2.0-S1166708717300696? Other information : La Sorbonne University is in Paris, France
4 - Doctor's name: Dr Ahmed Mahmoud ( Endocrinology and metabolic diseases)
Contact information : Scientific coordinator of Andrological center / Male sexual dysfunction (Universiteit Gent) UZ Gent, Corneel Heymanslaan 10, 9000, Entrance 12, route 1450, 9th floor ,
Gent, Belgiume-mail :
website : PHONE: 09 332 21 37
POIS article(s) published : -
Other information : You need a reference from your primary care physician in order to make an appointment with Dr Ahmed Mahmoud about POIS but you can also email him a letter with explaining your personal history about POIS, how it effects you, etc.
The Andrology Center of Ghent is a founding member of the “Belgian expert group for semen analysis” which provides ESHRE training every 1 or 2 years in semen analysis under supervision of the Belgian Institute of Public Health (Ahmed Mahmoud, followed by Kelly Tilleman).
Dr Ahmed Mahmoud is a colleague of the medical head of endocrinology Prof Guy T'Sjoen
5 - Doctor's name: Dr Irwin Goldstein ( urologist, specialized in sexual health)
Contact information : 5555 Reservoir Dr Ste 300 ,
San Diego, CA, USA 92120 (619) 286-8804 or 619.265.8865
dr.irwingoldstein@gmail.comwebsite : POIS article(s) published : data to be added
Other information : In recent years, it seems that Dr Goldstein has offered an experimental treatment to members of this forum who had a consultation with him: Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection ( TFESI). Be aware that this procedure has not been evaluated in POIS. See here a comment from a member about this procedure:
6 - Doctor's name: Dr Paul-Henri Cesar ( Neurologist )
Contact information : Keck Hospital of USC
1510 San Pablo St., 5th Floor, Suite 514,
Los Angeles, CA, USA 90033
toll free number fr appointements: (800) USC-CARE (800-872-2273)
e-mail : POIS article(s) published : -
Other information : At least one of our forum members had consultations with him. He is interested in understanding POIS and help find a treatment.
7- Doctor's name: Dr Serge Carrier ( urologist )
Contact information : Hôp Général Juif - Sir M.B. Davis E-208-3755 ch de La Côte-Sainte-Catherine,
Montreal, P.Q., Canada, H3T 1E2
Telephone: 514-340-8222 extension #7558
POIS article(s) published : data to be added
Other information : English and French speaking
8 - Doctor's name: Dr Celina Silvia Stafie ( Specialist in Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Specialist in Internal Medicine )
Contact information : Allergology Private Office, Bd Carol I nr.4, corp A, Habitat Building,
Iasi, Romania Office phone +40232219932
Mobile office phone +40745114074
Email address POIS article(s) published : POST COITAL ALLERGY - A CASE REPORT OF POST ORGASMIC ILLNESS SYNDROME Other information : website:
9 - Doctor's name: Dr Keity Souza Santos ( immunologist )NO LONGER RECEIVING POIS PATIENTS IN CONSULTATION ( 2023-10)
10 -Doctor's name: Dr De Boer Mannen Gezondheid ( urologist)
Contact information : 3723 MB,
Bilthoven, NetherlandsPhone: 030 662 8327
voorbeeld@domeinnaam.nlDr De Boer Mannen Gezondheid is now retired ( around 2023-2024) . His clinic will receive you only if you already had an appointment with him, and I have no information if there are any doctors there knowing about POIS and receiveing POIS patients ( even if it is the clinic where the late Dr Waldinger was practicing).--
11 -Doctor's name: Dr Yacov (Cobi) Reisman ( Urologist & Sexologist )
Contact information : Prof. W.H. Keesomlaan 12 ,
Amstelveen, The NetherlandsPhone: +0031638760984
info@flare-health.nlWebsite: POIS article(s) published : Other information : He knew Dr. Waldinger personally. He would like to help POIS patients.
12 -Doctor's name: Dr Khaleeq ur Rehman ( Urologist )
Contact information : 14- Abu Baker Block New Garden Town, Lahore,
Lahore, PakistanPhone: + 042 32500989
info@hameedlatifhospital.comWebsite: POIS article(s) published : -
Other information : He speaks English and Urdu. He has treated at least one patient with presumed success ( with 5mg prednisolone 4 hours before O, see --
13 -Doctor's name: Rachel S. Rubin MD, IF (Urologist and Sexual Medicine Specialist)
Assistant Clinical Professor Department of Urology, Georgetown University
Contact information : 6171 Executive Blvd Rockville, MD,
Rockville, MD, USA, 20852
office phone: 202-888-6731 fax: 202- 851-5739
website: twitter:@drrachelrubin
instagram: @drrachelrubin
POIS article(s) published : Orzel, J., and R. Rubin. "042 Successful treatment strategies in two patients with Postorgasmic illness syndrome (POIS)." The Journal of Sexual Medicine 18.3 (2021): S23-S24. (
Full version)
Other information : She knows about POIS and is interested in seeing POIS patients and contributing to POIS research
14-Doctor's name: Jia Yin, MD, Allergy Doctor/ProfessorPresident of Allergy Department, Peking Union Medical College Hospital. President, Chinese Medical Doctor Association - Allergy Department
Contact information : Peking Union Medical College Hospital,
Beijing, China, 100032
Office Phone: +86 10 69156114
Website: article(s) published : Postorgasmic illness syndrome (POIS) in a Chinese man: No proof for IgE-mediated allergy to semen information : Professor Yin reported the first POIS patient in China and has built up a team to research POIS. She is actively recruiting patients who can go to Beijing to have an appointment with her. Please contact Professor Yin via email or make an appointment via Peking Union Medical College Hospital.
15-Doctor's name: Kam Mann, MD, Physician in Andrology, MBBS MRCP MRCGP
Contact information : BMI Sarum Road Hospital, Sarum Road,
Winchester, Hampshire, England SO22 5HA and also International Andrology London ,78 Seymour Place,
London United Kingdom ,W1H 2EH
Email: unknown
Website(s): , and ( there is a "Chat with Us" link at the top right of this webpage, in order to get information)
POIS article(s) published : He presented a POIS Case Study at The British Society for Sexual Medicine Annual London Conference, in 2018 information : Dr Mann is an experienced Men’s Health Physician with a specialist interest in Sexual Medicine
16-Doctor's name: Prof. Piotr Jedrzejczak, MD, PhD, gynecologist/andrologist
Contact information: Division of Reproduction,Poznan University of Medical Sciences,
Poznan, PolandWebsite(s): phone: +48601820212
POIS article(s) published : Wrotynska-Barczynska, J., Swat, E., Berger, A., Pawelczyk, L., & Jedrzejczak, P. "Intensified Hyposensitization Is an Effective Treatment of Postorgasmic Illness Syndrome (POIS)." Sexual Medicine 10.2 (2022): 100474Other information : to be added
17-Doctor's name: Dr. Martina Ambardjieva , MD, Ph.D, Urology resident,
Contact information: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje,
Skopje, North MacedoniaWebsite(s): -
POIS article(s) published : - no published article, but cited in information : to be added
18-Doctor's name: Dr Zsolt Kopa, MD, PhD, MSc, andrologist/urologist
Contact information: Associate Professor, Semmelweis University, Andrology Centre (Dept. of Urology),
Budapest, HungaryWebsite:
POIS article(s) published: : Other information : Even if he is in Hungary, he is perfectly fluent in English