Author Topic: POIS treatment: theory & supplement stack  (Read 364297 times)


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #120 on: December 05, 2017, 10:38:01 AM »
Hey Nanna, Quantum
So I've been lately suffering from fast heartbeat issue. My heartbeat rate is ~120 bpm and yesterday I couldn't even sleep because of it. Until now nothing seems to be wrong with me but I'll be waiting on further tests. The question that I'd like to ask is if the supplements that are mentioned here could cause these issues ? I only take them about 1-2 times a day so I'm not overdosing or anything. And I also finished my GPC so maybe cutting the GPC is causing me this issue ? I'm just checking for the possibility of these stuff because I'm still not sure yet what's causing me this problem.

Hi Nas,

Have you checked your blood pressure ? If low, it may be a reflex tachychardia - check with a health professionnal.

Is this fast heart beat constant ?  Does it come with nervousness ?
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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #121 on: December 06, 2017, 06:01:36 AM »
Hey, Quantum, Muon
So No my blood pressure is fine, and yes it is constant and it doesn't have to do with being nervous.
I did check my heartbeat on my phone and when I am resting and it gets usually normal but when I measure it standing it gets higher; usually above 100, but rarely >120. I think last night when my condition was dire it got there but I'm already taking bisoprolol hemifumarate which is helping a little bit. But will defnetly check on a specialist on the end of this week to see what's wrong.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #122 on: December 06, 2017, 10:58:34 AM »
Diagnostic Criteria:

There are 2 diagnostic criteria: The increase must be at least >30 BPM or you measure a single value over 120 BPM both within the first 10 minutes of standing in the absense of orthostatic hypotension.

I also recommend getting a reliable upper arm blood pressure+heart rate monitor. This brand is being used in the medical field, the cheap ones are good enough:

First lay down flat don't elevate your head 45 degrees on a pillow and be sure you are in a resting state. Stand up and measure your blood pressure and heart rate multiple times within and up to 10 minutes of standing. Make sure you don't use interval measurements of less than 2 minutes.

I don't know in which season you are right now but summer could aggrevate these symptoms big time. 


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #123 on: December 06, 2017, 01:34:55 PM »
Hi Nas,

  From my understanding, heart rate is controlled primarily by three neurotransmitters: epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) and histamine. These three molecules are fight-or-flight neurotransmitters that can cause short contractions of muscles, increased heart rate and twitching.

  • Epinephrine and norepinephrine increase heart rate through the beta1-adrenergic receptor and histamine increases heart rate through the H2 histamine receptor.
  • Epinephrine and norepinephrine cause constriction of blood vessels through the alpha1-adrenergic (a1) receptor and histamine constricts blood vessels through the H1 histamine (h1) receptor. Vasoconstriction can cause the heart to have to work harder to pump blood.
Histamine and the heart. Can J Physiol Pharmacol. (1984)

The beta1 and H2 receptors are not directly associated with inflammation or the the arachidonic acid cascade.
Alpha1 and H1 receptors are associated with inflammation and arachidonic acid (omega-6) release which I termed POIS Cascade in the original post.

I have not personally noticed an increase in heart rate from taking the supplements in the POIS Cascade stack. That doesn't mean everyone will respond the same way as I have. However, if you are taking prescription medications that affect epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine (noradrenaline) or histamine levels, I recommend making sure there are no drug interactions and/or consulting a physician. I know I over explain sometimes and you may already know most of this, but I hope something here was useful. :)
« Last Edit: December 06, 2017, 01:39:24 PM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
Find medical test:


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #124 on: December 07, 2017, 04:14:34 PM »
Hi nanna1,

My name is Juan Pablo Lewin, from Chile.
I wrote you a PM asking a few things on how to get the stack. Please take a look on your inbox.

Thanks a lot,



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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #125 on: December 07, 2017, 11:24:32 PM »
JP, I think that you and I first chatted 10 years ago!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #126 on: December 08, 2017, 02:26:53 PM »
Hey Nanna
So today I decided that my current method of one time a day is not showing the full potential that I hoped for, and it only seems like I'm always 50% ok. But it is still posing me a number of problems. That's why I'd like to aim higher. Yet the monetary issue is still problematic and the mailing comoany is overpricing anything that I order and I don't think that there are any other companies in my region. So given that, I want to get the full potential of the supplentation without getting myself bankrupt.
You previously mentioned that Sam-e, B6 and lecithin would give me the price's worth. But I still need D3, B1 and Omega 3 for their properties. So what do you suggest ? Something that'll do the trick but at the minimal cost of your original stack ?
Thank you.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #127 on: December 08, 2017, 02:37:56 PM »
Oh and yes Quantum, I had very low pressure apearently.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #128 on: December 09, 2017, 04:27:46 AM »

I've just started Nanna's stack yesterday. I will report the result here.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #129 on: December 09, 2017, 04:57:44 AM »
Awesome. I just ordered Nanna's stack as well.
Lately I've had very steady success with my own prepack but the problem remains NE's, and at a young age, because it is such a high risk, my sexual timetable requires really accurate planning... if I don't o after 4 days, the risk is quite high to have a NE, so there is the constant management and worry about this.

I've been taking high doses of fish oil, usually between 3 and 10 capsules a day depending on when I remember. I was wondering, for Nanna and anyone else who takes fish oil, do you eat much fish in your diet? I have basically none. Don't really eat it, except for an occassional side of salmon sushimi. Perhaps I should be taking more fish oil because of this?


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #130 on: December 10, 2017, 09:06:22 AM »
Oh and yes Quantum, I had very low pressure apearently.

Hi Nas, I used to have low pressure ( hypotension) as my main POIS symptom.  The most effective way for me to help with this, when I had to work, was to take rosemary and green tea extract, and also, as needed throughout the day, water with salt added to it ( salt causes fluid retention, which makes blood pressure to raise - that's why salt must be avoided by those who have hypertension).  Salted water is cheap and very effective.   For tolerance, you have to see what one's is able to take.  I can take 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of water with no problem.  It takes about 20 to 30 mins to show results on the blood monitor.  Once my diastolic ( the second, smaller figure) raises at 70 or higher, I feel ok.
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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #131 on: December 10, 2017, 04:36:42 PM »
Nanna, for Lecithin my gel cap is 1.2g, is that okay? You put 1.5g. Also, possible to take B1 instead of Benfotiamine?


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #132 on: December 15, 2017, 05:21:34 AM »
Recent treatment strategies with some evidence of efficacy include: alpha-blockers, anti-inflammatory agents, hormonal manipulation, phytotherapy (quercetin, bee pollen), physiotherapy and chronic pain therapy. A stepwise, multimodal approach can be successful for the majority of patients who present with this difficult condition."

I'm testing pollen (2-3 teaspoons 1 hour before orgasm) . I had a good feeling for a first try.
I can't understand why taurine works. There is a legend about taurine in energy drinks and bull semen. Taurine is present in semen too and pollen is semen of flowers.  ;D This is not science but somebody gave me pollen and royal gelee so why not try it :)

« Last Edit: December 15, 2017, 05:28:12 AM by b_jim »
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #133 on: December 16, 2017, 10:39:54 PM »
Hi all, I'm on day 9 of Nanna's stack and I feel very good, almost no tired after an O (never had this before  :o). I wake up with full of energy. My eye's still dry and burning a bit.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #134 on: December 17, 2017, 10:01:32 AM »
I am happy you found relief to your POIS symptoms, Codeguy.

Keep us informed of how it goes with Nanna's stack.

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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #135 on: December 17, 2017, 10:22:21 AM »
Awesome. I just ordered Nanna's stack as well.
Lately I've had very steady success with my own prepack but the problem remains NE's, and at a young age, because it is such a high risk, my sexual timetable requires really accurate planning... if I don't o after 4 days, the risk is quite high to have a NE, so there is the constant management and worry about this.

I've been taking high doses of fish oil, usually between 3 and 10 capsules a day depending on when I remember. I was wondering, for Nanna and anyone else who takes fish oil, do you eat much fish in your diet? I have basically none. Don't really eat it, except for an occassional side of salmon sushimi. Perhaps I should be taking more fish oil because of this?

Hi Michael,

Your comment about NE is a good point.   When comparing Nanna's stack to a pre-pack method, a daily dose like Nanna's stack is better when NE are frequent and hard to manage.  When NE are less frequent and rarely an issue and health is good when not in POIS, a pre-pack cost less and there is no daily supplementation to take.   

In your case, with possible NE every 5 to 7 days, and cause important POIS symptoms, you are better covered with Nanna's daily stack, as long as cost is not an issue on the long run. You are then covered all the time, and not in trouble if having a NE at a totally inappropriate time.

For those on a budget, or for whom NE are less frequent or cause less symptoms than "waking state release", and when releases are quite easy to plan, pre-pack method may be more appropriate ( and pre-pack taken just after NE is still effective to around 50-80%).   When I developed my pre-pack method, I had cost-effectiveness in mind, and minimal potential for side effects, and, being in my 50s, NE are not much of an issue now, as long as I have a planned release every 2 to 4 weeks.

What is great, all in all, is that there are more known options now for POIS sufferers to try and get relief for their POIS symptoms !  :)      Nanna's stack is a great addition to those potential ways to get relief  ( a new POIS sufferer consulting the POIS type chart and search in all forum posts can hope to find something effective for himself).
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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #136 on: December 24, 2017, 05:47:31 PM »
Nanna you talked about not being able to source your methylfolate but are you aware there is 200 mcg of folic acid in your NOW branded SAMe supplement?


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #137 on: December 26, 2017, 01:15:15 AM »
Took SAMe this morn, had lower back pain all day... be careful people.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #138 on: December 26, 2017, 10:53:57 PM »
Took SAMe this morn, had lower back pain all day... be careful people.

I din't experience that, As Nanna warned about Alpha GPC in first page post, may be you should try slowly increasing the dosage.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #139 on: December 31, 2017, 11:19:42 AM »
Hi Nanna,

I'm planning to start a trial using your stack ,  but I'm facing difficulties in finding the dosage you have stated.

Can you provide list the product brands you are using ?

ThanX in advance,
