Nanna, I received a message from yet another POISCenter Member having good results thus far with your method!
demografx, thanks for passing the info on!

codeguy, feel free to try the stack. Just remember to drink plenty of water with the water soluble supplements.

hi Nanna1, where are you now, we miss u much 
Sorry I have been very busy with work, so I don't have the time to post consistently. I currently have collaborations with 3 different research groups (3 separate/simultaneous projects). And I am trying to get my own research interest funded. Lots of work. Thanks for asking
fathom, Thanks for the question. I have had bad experiences with both DMEA and Centrophenoxine (DMEA-pCPA). They consistently caused me psychological depression at 500mg-600mg daily. Other people have also reported depression from these supplements as well. I know you are taking 100mg, but I'm not sure what effect this smaller dose would have. It could be that the 25 - 50mg range is a sweet spot of POIS benefit without depression, but I'm not sure.
When taking DMEA, consider the methyl group math There is a popular myth on the internet that DMEA (
Di-Methyl EthanolAmine, 2 methyl groups) increases choline production. I could not find any research articles to back this claim up. DMEA, which only has two methyl groups, cannot increase choline (3 methyl groups) without receiving a methyl group from TMG (
Tri-Methyl Glycine, 3 methyl groups).
(supplement name, #methyl groups, #phosphate groups)
- CDP-choline, 3, 2
- alphaGPC, 3, 1
- phosphatidylcholine, 3, 1
- TMG/betaine, 3, 0
- Centrophenoxine, 2, 0
- DMAE, 2, 0
- creatine, 1, 0
If you take large doses of DMEA the body will use your the natural reserves of TMG/betaine in the liver to donate a methyl group to DMEA. So, I do not consider DMEA a methyl donor. In fact, it could negate the effect of methyl donors like TMG. Moreover, the choline produced in the liver cannot cross the blood-brain-barrier.
The only benefit that I see from taking DMEA orally is that it is a structural part of the phospholipid bilayer (see original post). But then again, so are phosphatidylcholine and alphaGPC.