Author Topic: The Taurine laboratory  (Read 148006 times)


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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #100 on: January 24, 2018, 07:38:05 AM »
Vandemolen, To my knowledge, taurine is safe up to 2g a day.
I take only 1 cap before ejaculation (500mg).
I'm currently testing the combo :

5000 UI vitamin D  + 500mg of taurine (30min before ejaculation)

I suspect vitamin D working with taurine absorbtion and metabolism of sexual hormones.

Taurine Recovers Testicular Steroidogenesis and Spermatogenesis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.

Hi b_jim,

I will be interested in knowing if Vit D adds to the beneficial effect taurine has for you.

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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #101 on: January 25, 2018, 06:25:14 PM »
Vandemolen, To my knowledge, taurine is safe up to 2g a day.
I take only 1 cap before ejaculation (500mg).
I'm currently testing the combo :

5000 UI vitamin D  + 500mg of taurine (30min before ejaculation)

I suspect vitamin D working with taurine absorbtion and metabolism of sexual hormones.

Taurine Recovers Testicular Steroidogenesis and Spermatogenesis in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats.

I didn't have any side effects. Anyway I get an epididymitis, not linked with taurine according doctors. Anyway, epididyms is a strategic zone for taurine concentration in body....  :-\ Between 2014 and 2015 I took 500 mg a day.

Observer, this is a great news , thanks !
We are only 5 or 6 to have good improvement with taurine.
I can't explain how does it work.
Gaba effect ?  Supports sexual hormones ?
I don't know.

I have tyrosine (500mg caps) and iodine (225ug caps) to test.
Can you control the epididymitis? With what? Antibiotics?
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #102 on: January 26, 2018, 02:39:53 AM »
In theory I don't have epidimytis any more. I get antibiotics during 1 or 2 months (OFLOXACINE).

I will be interested in knowing if Vit D adds to the beneficial effect taurine has for you.

It might add positive effect but I'm not sure. Like a lot of Poisers I have the feeling to have more symptoms during winter.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 02:45:45 AM by b_jim »
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #103 on: February 01, 2018, 02:28:04 AM »
There is a strange I would tlak about : I'm very very sensible to alcohol.
I don't know if it's linked to Pois/Taurine maybe Gaba receptors.
Last week I drink a small glass of aperitive wine (7% alcohol, 15cl).
Very quickly I feel bad and my legs become weaks.
The symptoms are not really stong and quickly disappear. I'm not "drunk", just sensible to alcohol.
I drink few alcool (1 or 2 liters a year) and mainly red wine.

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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #104 on: February 01, 2018, 08:28:55 AM »
There is a strange I would tlak about : I'm very very sensible to alcohol.
I don't know if it's linked to Pois/Taurine maybe Gaba receptors.
Last week I drink a small glass of aperitive wine (7% alcohol, 15cl).
Very quickly I feel bad and my legs become weaks.
The symptoms are not really stong and quickly disappear. I'm not "drunk", just sensible to alcohol.
I drink few alcool (1 or 2 liters a year) and mainly red wine.

Hi b_jim,

As I already mentioned on the forum, I also have a high intolerance to alcohol.  My liver is sluggish, so a small amount of alcohol, which is eliminated by the liver, linger a long time in my blood, so equal to a larger intake for other persons. I really think that that my liver has to do with this reaction

If I take 25mg of thiamine ( vitamine B1) before taking half a glass of wine, I am far less affected by it, almost normal.  I often take another 25mg later, to be sure to recover well.

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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #105 on: February 02, 2018, 06:35:38 AM »
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #106 on: February 03, 2018, 03:23:45 PM »
I don't know if it is because I become older but my Pois changes. :-\
When I don't have ejaculation during a long time but only erections/excitation i get pelvic pain (normal). But it's enough to trigger cold symptoms and vasoconstriction. Inflammation ?

It happend several times. Strange.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 03:26:06 PM by b_jim »
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #107 on: February 03, 2018, 04:06:10 PM »
B.. the same hapening to me. On apstinate peridod after erections i get pois like simptoms , chest an muscule stiffnes, bumping heart ,  breathing difiicultis... etc

Those days i resarching why is the reason that small amount of cofee help me to realefe some symptoms like brainf fog and tirednes etc...  and that lead me to ADRENALINE. As I resraching Kurtosis and his teory about HISTAMINE role in pois and all histamine receptors, h1 , h2, h3 etc...from some reason "we" cant clear histamines from our bodys like normall people do, due to "genetics mutation or odher couses" and receptors and all body preceses (wich is so complicated, thats why we not all hawe the same saymptoms, because posible mutations are not the same in all ours bodys) not working properly.

From now on as reasarching Kutrosis teory i thing that some people hawe sussces from diet because they susces "lower " they histamine levels in body.

And I think that all this suplements - SAMe , b vitamines  , mast stabilizators ..wich some people hawe benefits are  in role of stoping histamine realese and from faster cleaning from body(due fasting metaylation from suplements).

I remeber that adrenaline is given to people who hawe severe alergy reaction to safe his lives, and adrenaline clear histamine from body.

That is why small amout of cofee help me a litle, because adrenals relese adrenaline, and that ewan help my stifed nouse open for hour or two.

If i hawe to much cofeine adrenals get exacusted and stop working properly and the get ewan worse symptomps.

Those days i will try with antihistamines test again(WARNING- from some i get bad reactions).

« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 08:47:22 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #108 on: February 03, 2018, 08:09:53 PM »
I don't know if it is because I become older but my Pois changes. :-\
When I don't have ejaculation during a long time but only erections/excitation i get pelvic pain (normal). But it's enough to trigger cold symptoms and vasoconstriction. Inflammation ?

It happend several times. Strange.
I don’t get POIS by an accidental, short time erection. But when I watch porn and I get excited, even with my clothes and I do nothing else then only watching my POIS gets very worse. For me it’s better to ejaculate then to stop.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 06:44:19 PM by Vandemolen »
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #109 on: February 04, 2018, 03:06:36 AM »
When my Pois started (about 14 years old) some symptoms was absent.
It's like if there are several pois forms.
Now, I don't have joint pains anymore for example.
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #110 on: February 04, 2018, 06:01:45 AM »
I don’t get POIS my an accidental, short time erection. But when I watch porn and I get excited, even with my clothes and I do nothing else then only watching my POIS gets very worse. For me it’s better to ejaculate then to stop.

This could be due to opioid receptors in brain are broken and overstimulated, and due to hyduge amount of dopamine and histamine. Pois cascade start in big after ejaculation , orgasam.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2018, 06:17:49 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #111 on: February 10, 2018, 03:10:43 AM »
Clearly, I think MAGNESIUM plays a role. It seems I'm more sensible to carbs after ejaculation when my mg is low. Hard to link the different elements.
Maybe magnesium is the central point between testosterone/semen, dopamine and insuline. And taurine/vitamin D super co-factor to improve magnesium homeostasis.
I will try to increase my mg supplementation to 600mg a day.
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #112 on: February 10, 2018, 10:08:19 AM »
Hi b_jim,

Magnesium has been the first thing I ever found that helps for my POIS symptoms, like 20 years ago, way before I have found this forum.   

I think it helps for me because it is a NMDA receptors blocker, so it calms down the anxiety and emotional symptoms, and it also helps regulate potassium level, which seems to help with the hypotension I have when in POIS.  Mg is also essential for the production of DAO, an enzyme that eliminates histamine ( ).  It is often suggested that many auto-immune diseases and metabolic disease are linked to too much histamine, so it could also be part of its a beneficial effect in POIS, at least for me.

I still take a tablet containing organic salts of Mg, equivalent to 100mg of elemental Mg, in my pre-pack ( Equivalent in elemental Mg is variable from one salt of Mg to another, like Mg citrate, Mg chloride, etc..) .  Before having more "weapons" against POIS, I would take 200mg , 3 times a day, during 2 days, to survive my POIS acute phase, but this was resulting in loose stools.

Maybe it has a benefit for carbs metabolism, I never thought of it that way.  However, I have changed my diet a lot since then, and there are far more few carbs in it, and I usually take them through whole fruits, which make their absorption far more natural, because the fibers lower the sugar spike by slowing down carbs absorption.

Through the year, I also have found that taking a bath with 2 cups of Epsom salts in it is a great way to get magnesium ( Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate salts).  It is very calming, indeed, and have no side effects on the guts, because it is then absorbed through skin.   A warm bath with candles and Epsom salts, along with some sodium bicarbonate and a few drops of bergamot essential oil was a life saver for me when I had very high level of anxiety !

At one point, I also had a spray bottle with some Epsom salts diluted in water, and would spray my back and legs with it, to get a similar effect to a bath, when I had no time for a bath.
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #113 on: February 10, 2018, 11:00:41 AM »
Thanks. Mg is present in semen but not enough to explain loss...

Mg is also essential for the production of DAO, an enzyme that eliminates histamine

I started to have fasciculation and premature ejaculation after I strated Pois...
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #114 on: March 14, 2018, 04:13:07 PM »
Today i drank ONLY 15 cl of red wine (13°) during meal, (15gr of pure alcohol then). And 20 min later I felt very very bad for 2 hours : muscle weakness, diziness, low concentration....
It's even not the half of the legal limit to drive and clearly it was not possible for me to drive.
I'm not joking.

Amazing how I can be so sensible to alcohol.
I can"t imagine there is no links with Pois, taurine and premature ejaculation. All is linked to gaba.

Another question is why coffee is supposed to help.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 04:27:03 PM by b_jim »
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #115 on: March 27, 2018, 01:49:22 PM »
hi all)
Taurine works well for me. (I also eat blueberries that seem to have a good effect on mood and memory). If I correctly understand nanna1, then taurine will not herpes? Can it be used daily to reduce the negative effects of sleeping herpes?
  During inflammation, taurine is converted into the anti-inflammatory molecule, Taurine chloramine (N-Chlorotaurine), inside of activated immune cells (neutrophil, macrophage, mast cells, etc ...) [D1]. Taurine chloramine then selectively inhibits inflammatory enzymes such as COX-2 [E] and 5-LOX [F]. Taurine has been shown to inhibit HSV in vitro in human cells [K4] and inhibit JNK activation in vivo [K1, K2, K3] in animals."


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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #116 on: March 27, 2018, 03:06:39 PM »
Hi, Rinat. I dont' understand very well what do you mean when you said
"then taurine will not herpes"
" reduce the negative effects of sleeping herpes"

I'm not convinced because I tried anti-inflammatory meds and diet without success (iboprofen, paracetamol...)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 03:08:58 PM by b_jim »
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #117 on: March 28, 2018, 10:25:20 AM »
Also, Rinat, could you elaborate a bit more about you success with taurine?

For how long have you been having relief with taurine?

What dose do you takem and at what interval?

What symptoms are less severe, and do not last as ong as before?

How good is the relief you get, in percentage?  70?

As I always say, we have to gather quality data about what works, and the more good data we have, the better it is.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #118 on: March 28, 2018, 06:05:34 PM »
Hi guys, I've just registered, but i have been reading as much as i can. I have POIS and after i knew about this forum, i started to doing my research based on my own symtoms and what i've read here.

Unfortunately for me, my POIS is 90% cognitive issues and 10% only physical symtom are exhaustion and fatigue. I've been taking taurine since I read this thread with mid success, but i'm not so sure if i'm taking the right amount of it, my daily intake is 500g. in the morning, and the only day i had an O, I took another 500g. after it, next day I felted tired and fatigued, but from the cognitive side, i' didn't get affected so bad as other times. I weight about 90 kg.

My english is not my native language, so, plz excuse me if i didn't expressed me well.


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Re: The Taurine laboratory
« Reply #119 on: March 28, 2018, 09:39:32 PM »
Hi , Quantum)
1) i have been taking Taurine about 1 week. A had been taking Taurine last year also.
2) I take 500 mg in a day. I plan don't take it in weekend to avoid overdose and side effects.Also I plan make break (3 weeks)after 3 month.
3) Taurine is not enoght to remove all simptoms after O. for me .  It help me to reduce everyday simptoms,like a brain fog, stress(
first of all),muscle weakness.
4) My symptoms: low weight, brain fog, depression,muscle weakness, acne.