Author Topic: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.  (Read 126686 times)


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #40 on: June 22, 2013, 12:06:01 PM »
it looks like me that i am writing we are so common in pois ..... very close ....
pls contact me on chat pls
pls don't expose me.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2013, 03:15:59 AM »
Poisitive, welcome to POIScenter!

Please visit our resource list page:
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2013, 09:25:19 PM »

Seems like this might be the place to put an introduction. I've been lurking for a year or more. I actually first searched for my malady as Post Ejaculatory Depression a number of years ago and discovered a rock band. You can still Google that string and see my post on TaoBums from back then. So, it's not new to me.

Even then the first diagnosis was guilt. And, that's what I thought it was for years and years until I started becoming more self-aware -- and enjoying my sexuality more.

So, what happens with me? My symptoms come purely from ejaculation -- not orgasm, not arousal, not porn, not fantasy. Thank God, because I enjoy them all. I enjoy intercourse with orgasm and no ejaculation. I also enjoy a lot of masturbation without ejaculation and occasional orgasm. I enjoy erotica and I write about sexuality.

When I ejaculate, though, in from 12-24 hours I'll drop into an ugly POIS state. I lose my absolutely winning social skills, have difficulty stringing coherent sentences together, recalling simple facts and focusing on a task. I want to do little but withdraw. I have little desire to do anything to help myself feel better. I experience irrational feelings and thoughts of paranoia.

It will last from 24-48 hours and end abruptly. Then in about two weeks I'll experience another, similar day.

The only thing that seems to work well for me is abstinence from ejaculation. I've tried fish oil, fenugreek, garlic, niacin, antidepressants, etc. with no noticeable improvement. I've had some success with masturbation within the 12-24 hour period before symptoms begin. That sometimes lessens the effect. I also once tried ejaculating every single day -- that was a cure I dreamed up with my psychiatrist. I lasted about three weeks -- couldn't sustain it.

I used to elaborately plan my ejaculations, considering what I may be responsible for 1-2 days following my thrill so as not to mess up my relationships too terribly or even worse, lose my job. And, since ejaculation is so rare, it's worthy of special consideration to be savored and remembered.

Now, I'll abstain from ejaculation anywhere from a couple weeks to over three months. That's how I manage for now.

Fortunately, my quest to feel better has led me to an absolutely enjoyable fascination with sexuality as a whole. I've discovered a lot of ways to express my sexuality in my life, alone and with my partner beyond genital expression. While I still often think about how nice a really messy ejaculation would be, I find pleasure in learning to play sexually in a multitude of other ways.

I am, however, considering another "ejaculate every day" test to just see how it goes. There may be a hefty price to pay My constants are: a diet low in grain, dairy and non-organic foods and high in veggies, fruits, great meat and healthy fats; outdoor exercise (I bike a lot); laughter; supplements (fish oil, magnesium, D, C, and B-complex) and artistic expression. I have some symptom-reducing ideas I'd like to try.

Thanks, everybody, for your great posts, openness, vulnerability and collaboration!



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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2013, 06:42:53 AM »
Hi Pony. Thanks for your input. Similar but different. If I ejaculated every day, I'd probably die, even WITH niacin. It's strange how MORE ejaculation makes it better.

Also orgasm without ejaculation is usually a retrograde ejaculation, going into the bladder instead out. Also this for me is worse.
So we come in different flavors, which certainly complicates the matter.

Still I feel there is a common etiology.

Thanks again for your report, and I'm glad you have found a way to reduce your POIS to some extent. Your supplements diet and exercise probably help a lot too.
Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2013, 09:51:07 PM »
We should all contribute info towards a standardized medical survey of symptoms.  That would develop easily visible patterns.
BEAT POIS after ~30yrs. 0-5day reactions, ALL hell-symptoms. Got healthy with Keto + Raw Primal diet = RAW meat, RAW dairy, RAW eggs. Natural chemical/metal detox, T-Level rebalance, hair recovery. 95% symptom-free. Multi-orgasmic & loads per day, at will. Life!


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2013, 01:41:24 PM »
I've given-up too, nothing works except to abstain from sex. I tried edging, thinking that if I didn't have an orgasm I'd be ok, but those experiences have only brought on more difficulties with trying to get to sleep. Basically, I am aware that if I have sex I will lose sleep for next night or two, it will affect my mood, and makes me anxious and irritable. So now that I know what I was experiencing for much of my life, I try to keep my sexual gratification on a need basis. Now I can generally go eight to ten days without sex, more if I consider the alternatives, although after ten days my mind becomes preoccupied with getting off. Last night I had another sleepless night and so decided to come to the site to see if anything new for me to consider. The forums don't look very optimistic, and so I am feeling hopeless, and resolute.
Gerard Sanchez

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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2013, 07:43:58 PM »
I've given-up too, nothing works except to abstain from sex. I tried edging, thinking that if I didn't have an orgasm I'd be ok, but those experiences have only brought on more difficulties with trying to get to sleep. Basically, I am aware that if I have sex I will lose sleep for next night or two, it will affect my mood, and makes me anxious and irritable. So now that I know what I was experiencing for much of my life, I try to keep my sexual gratification on a need basis. Now I can generally go eight to ten days without sex, more if I consider the alternatives, although after ten days my mind becomes preoccupied with getting off. Last night I had another sleepless night and so decided to come to the site to see if anything new for me to consider. The forums don't look very optimistic, and so I am feeling hopeless, and resolute.

You really need to find something safe that works for you.  I could have an orgasm every day if I chose to, the problem is that I would have to be on the herb that I am taking every single day, which I choose not to do because it makes me a "bit" tired, relaxed and unmotivated.  But this feeling is 100x better than POIS.  Don't give up, you will find something that works for you just as I had.

As for the abstinence thing... I cannot abstain for longer than two weeks or the sexual urge becomes so overwhelming that I have to ejaculate or else I will lose sleep.  The male body is meant to have these releases.
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2013, 10:06:33 PM »
Hi everyone.  Here's my POIS tale:

I'm 29 and married.  For me, the issue of sex always brings about a lot of tension.  Because of POIS, my wife and I don't have a regular sex life.  She is very patient and understanding, but the issue of POIS continues to be a big stress to both of us.  With POIS it seems there's always the dilemma between choosing to sacrificing sex and keeping your mental state together or to be intimate with your loved one and "lose yourself" mentally.

My POIS started right around puberty, looking back I spent all of my teen years in perpetual brain fog and confusion because of it.  Orgasm brings on a really bad brain fog, like a part of my brain shut off or stopped working, and in that time I'm unable to think or do anything beyond the simplest of tasks, no matter how hard I try.  The ability to focus, concentrate, and remember things is gone, I'm unable to visualize or piece together anything in my mind.  I'm unable to write clearly, to come up with words and thoughts.  Working memory is totally absent, I forget something right after I see it or listen to it, and I always forget to do something right after I think about it.  It also feels somewhat like a change in personality where my mood completely changes.  Physical fatigue is also a part of it, like a burned out feeling throughout the body from the mind on down.  These symptoms would regularly last for at least 3 days and I would start to recover on day 3 (orgasm on day 0) with a few more days to fully recover.

On top of POIS I also have chronic fatigue and brain fog that's constantly present, some days it's better and some days it's worse.  I wake up with the brain fog every morning, but I'm able to lift it somewhat by walking 30 minutes every morning.  It's the same routine every morning, I have to get out and go for a walk in order to get rid of the brain fog and feel like myself again.  I get burned out easily doing anything that requires lots of energy, whether it's vigorous exercise or tasks where I push myself or tasks that require handling stress.

The chronic fatigue and POIS have slightly improved in recent weeks with a combination of vitamins and supplementation.  Nowadays after orgasm, I can spend one day with bad POIS and start to recover on day 2.  To fully recover 100% still takes about a week.  The chronic fatigue is always present but it's somewhat better now than it was before.

I also have a genetic disorder that may or may not have something to do with POIS and all the other problems above.  I have a 45,X/46X,(idic)Y karyotype, I was born with an abnormal Y-chromosome which didn't replicate properly so there are some cells in my body with an abnormal Y-chromosome and some cells without a Y-chromosome.  As a result, I'm hypogonadal and infertile and I'm on TRT, which helps somewhat with the POIS but doesn't prevent it.  I also feel like I have some traits which resemble those of asperger's syndrome but I've never been officially diagnosed.

Hopefully future research will shed some light on all of this.  Thanks to all of you for your efforts to bring this out into the open.   


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #48 on: October 23, 2013, 06:41:27 AM »
Good to see you here Joe.

There could be a very tight relation between your abnormal Y-chromosome problem and your POIS, which at some point may help to shed light on reasons for our POIS.

Anyways, we are closing in on the begining of prefessional research on the condition. Late November or so the finalist for our research grant will be chosen.

Once the finalist is chosen, we will know more about the direction of their investigation, and if they will be needing anything from us as a group.

I am married as well, fortunately, niacin, and more recently viagra has all but eliminated my POIS. But I know what it is to "do one for the wifey". One would think that it would be easy. But  you know you have to bite the bullet and surrender.

As with all of us, we are faced regularly with the tradeoff between fighting the temptation and feeling normal, or giving in and facing "the monster"!


Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #49 on: January 18, 2014, 01:39:05 PM »
Took atomoxetine , an ADHD non stimultant drug . It takes almost tew weeks to show it's effects .HAd ejaculation , but had no pois symptoms.

No cognitive symptoms
No energy lack
No joint Pain

Feeling no POIS.

Have anyone Here tried atomoxetine ?


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #50 on: January 18, 2014, 01:42:15 PM »

Hi everyone.  Here's my POIS tale:

Welcome, joe! Please visit our Welcome Page if you haven't yet.

10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #51 on: January 18, 2014, 01:45:23 PM »

As with all of us, we are faced regularly with the tradeoff between fighting the temptation and feeling normal, or giving in and facing "the monster"!

I'm stealing this it's such an excellent statement! ;D


(Maybe after Rutgers? :) )

« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 01:55:23 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #52 on: January 18, 2014, 06:41:36 PM »

Seems like this might be the place to put an introduction. I've been lurking for a year or more. I actually first searched for my malady as Post Ejaculatory Depression a number of years ago and discovered a rock band. You can still Google that string and see my post on TaoBums from back then. So, it's not new to me.

Even then the first diagnosis was guilt. And, that's what I thought it was for years and years until I started becoming more self-aware -- and enjoying my sexuality more.

So, what happens with me? My symptoms come purely from ejaculation -- not orgasm, not arousal, not porn, not fantasy. Thank God, because I enjoy them all. I enjoy intercourse with orgasm and no ejaculation. I also enjoy a lot of masturbation without ejaculation and occasional orgasm. I enjoy erotica and I write about sexuality.

When I ejaculate, though, in from 12-24 hours I'll drop into an ugly POIS state. I lose my absolutely winning social skills, have difficulty stringing coherent sentences together, recalling simple facts and focusing on a task. I want to do little but withdraw. I have little desire to do anything to help myself feel better. I experience irrational feelings and thoughts of paranoia.

It will last from 24-48 hours and end abruptly. Then in about two weeks I'll experience another, similar day.

The only thing that seems to work well for me is abstinence from ejaculation. I've tried fish oil, fenugreek, garlic, niacin, antidepressants, etc. with no noticeable improvement. I've had some success with masturbation within the 12-24 hour period before symptoms begin. That sometimes lessens the effect. I also once tried ejaculating every single day -- that was a cure I dreamed up with my psychiatrist. I lasted about three weeks -- couldn't sustain it.

I used to elaborately plan my ejaculations, considering what I may be responsible for 1-2 days following my thrill so as not to mess up my relationships too terribly or even worse, lose my job. And, since ejaculation is so rare, it's worthy of special consideration to be savored and remembered.

Now, I'll abstain from ejaculation anywhere from a couple weeks to over three months. That's how I manage for now.

Fortunately, my quest to feel better has led me to an absolutely enjoyable fascination with sexuality as a whole. I've discovered a lot of ways to express my sexuality in my life, alone and with my partner beyond genital expression. While I still often think about how nice a really messy ejaculation would be, I find pleasure in learning to play sexually in a multitude of other ways.

I am, however, considering another "ejaculate every day" test to just see how it goes. There may be a hefty price to pay My constants are: a diet low in grain, dairy and non-organic foods and high in veggies, fruits, great meat and healthy fats; outdoor exercise (I bike a lot); laughter; supplements (fish oil, magnesium, D, C, and B-complex) and artistic expression. I have some symptom-reducing ideas I'd like to try.

Thanks, everybody, for your great posts, openness, vulnerability and collaboration!

You seem like a very well balanced person. I'm glad you lead a healthy lifestyle, that includes things like laughter :) 

Now, as far as orgasm without ejaculation... how? I have found that most explanations to be pseudo-mystical, with lots of people just saying you need to acheive a certain state of mind and body relationship. Is there a way this can be explained in a naturalistic, reduced, step by step fashion? I've talked with a few people, I was turned off when they were not able to tell me how they did it, just that they acheived it. Couldn't help but feel like they were bragging!

I'm encouraged though, as you definitely dont seem like you are bragging here. How did you learn it? Or do you not know how?
Turmeric and Rosemary 30-45 minutes before orgasm for anti-inflammatory and immune support has helped me a lot. Faster and easier than niacin approach.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #53 on: January 18, 2014, 06:50:03 PM »
I was wondering the exact same thing, so I asked him a while back and here was his response:

Prancer, you asked
how do you have an orgasm without ejaculating?
. It's pretty much how I enjoy sex (and sex is really important to me) and avoid POIS symptoms as much as possible. Of course, I ejaculate occasionally and suffer symptoms, but mostly I enjoy sex, and just don't ejaculate and avoid POIS symptoms.

First, Prancer, you need to separate the notions of orgasm and ejaculation in your head. They are not the same thing. They are not interchangeable terms. Neither is evil to us, they're just different experiences, that's all.

Separating the two helps you to reframe sexuality for yourself. Most people see sex as an event with a beginning and an end with orgasm with ejaculation being the end. If -- as for us POIS guys -- orgasm or ejaculation presents a problem, that thinking causes a serious problem for the entire event because it can't end.

So, you simply remove the obligatory end-piece and reframe sexuality as a continuous journey. No part of sex needs to be there at any given time. Orgasm or ejaculation or foreplay or kink or porn or erection or fantasy have to occur at any time and in any order. Just be sexual and enjoy it.

This lightening up about sex, has for me transformed my POIS. I still have symptoms from time to time, but way less obsessive about it. I just enjoy what comes and do what I want to do. If I wish to ejaculate, I just think ahead a little and do what I can to lessen a couple down days.

If you want to know practically how you can orgasm without ejaculating, I can write more about that. It's really not that hard and changes how you approach sex. Again, much much lighter -- less seriously, more just for fun.


I didn't find my answer in there, but he seems like a great person and I like the way he thinks.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 07:07:39 PM by Prancer »


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #54 on: January 22, 2014, 10:42:38 PM »
I'm sorry, but I just can't believe it works like that. The same kind of logic Pony is using is what the doctors and psychologists would say to me when they started to think my POIS was a psychosomatic (read: psychological) issue. They would say I need to relax and not worry so much, and my psychologists would try to find some kind of hidden block or trauma that was causing me to induce my POIS symptoms...

I am far from a doubter on holistic, alternative medicine in general. I have practiced mindfulness and meditation for years, and have spent much of my life deconstructing my preconceived notions about who I'm supposed to be or how things are supposed to feel. To become reality based, in short. And I just don't see any matchup with Pony's explanation and my abilty to realistically have an orgasm without ejaculation.

I fear that this is all a post-hoc explanation, something that was made after the fact. It doesn't sound, Pony, like this was a plan you followed that resulted in your separation of orgasm and ejaculation. And on those days that you do ejaculate, are you surprised and disappointed that it happened even though you were doing exactly what worked before?

I'm sorry if I come off as harsh or too critical here, but I really find it frustrating when someone posts about how they claim that, if we only convinced ourselves that ejaculation and orgasm don't need to happen at the same time, that we can achieve this separation. What's so different about you Pony that allowed you to achieve that? The fact that you offer some kind of explanation is polite I guess, but honestly I'm not really sure if you know how it happened in the first place? How do you know it isn't something different about you physically? And not in a place like the brain, were psychological approaches can in fact change our brains?

I just think it is very important to be careful here because it can make people feel disappointed. If you try and try and try, (or as many Eastern philosophies propose, stop striving or trying so much) and yet you ejaculate and orgasm together no matter what, then that is disappointing, a painful thing to feel. And I don't want anyone here to feel the pain of getting their hopes up and trying to achieve something that may be impossible for them.

I think you are a rare person, Pony. And I would do anything to be able to have the ability you have, even if it doesn't work all the time. It's hard to know that I am unable to orgasm without ejaculation. You know how much time we men spend playing around with things.......... =/
« Last Edit: January 23, 2014, 12:45:03 PM by Nightingale »
Turmeric and Rosemary 30-45 minutes before orgasm for anti-inflammatory and immune support has helped me a lot. Faster and easier than niacin approach.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #55 on: January 23, 2014, 05:35:49 AM »
I'm sorry, but I just can't believe it works like that. The same kind of logic Pony is using is what the doctors and psychologists would say to me when they started to think my POIS was a psychosomatic (read: psychological) issue. They would say I need to relax and not worry so much, and my psychologists would try to find some kind of hidden block or trauma that was causing me to induce my POIS symptoms...

I am far from a doubter on holistic, alternative medicine in general. I have practiced mindfulness and meditation for years, and have spent much of my life deconstructing my preconceived notions about who I'm supposed to be or how things are supposed to feel. To become reality based, in short. And I just don't see any matchup with Pony's explanation and my abilty to realistically have an orgasm without ejaculation.

I fear that this is all a post-hoc explanation, something that was made after the fact. It doesn't sound, Pony, like this was a plan you followed that resulted in your separate orgasm and ejaculation. And on those days that you do ejaculate, are you surprised and disappointed that it happened even though you were doing exactly what worked before?

I'm sorry if I come off as harsh or too critical here, but I really find it frustrating when someone posts about how they claim that, if we only convinced ourselves that ejaculation and orgasm don't need to happen at the same time, that we can achieve this separation. What's so different about you Pony that allowed you to achieve that? The fact that you offer some kind of explanation is polite I guess, but honestly I'm not really sure if you know how it happened in the first place? How do you know it isn't something different about you physically? And not in a place like the brain, were psychological approaches can in fact change our bodies?

I just think it is very important to be careful here because it can make people feel disappointed. If you try and try and try, (or as many Eastern philosophies propose, stop striving or trying so much) and yet you ejaculate and orgasam together no matter what, than that is disappointing, a painful thing to feel. And I don't want anyone here to feel the pain of getting their hopes up and trying to achieve something that may be impossible for them.

I think you are a rare person, Pony. And I would do anything to be able to have the ability you have, even if it doesn't work all the time. It's hard to know that I am unable to orgasm without ejaculation. You know how much time we men spend playing around with things.......... =/

On a physical note, and which is somewhat non-ralated to what Pony is saying, speaking to a doctor, he confirmed that there is no orgasm (technically) without ejaculation. Physically speaking. One may have an orgasm, therefore ejaculating, but retro-ejaculation, with control goes to the bladder. There's a lot to say about this, for some, retro is worse, and for others retro is better.

But Pony is talking about "conceptual orgasm" I think. That "termination" concept or lack of it.
There's a similar phenomenon with eating. You can put something delicious in your mouth and savor it, swish it around.... the SPIT it out. Uuuff. There's something
missing. I can't do that, I have to swallow.

But I suppose one can learn to deeply savor the moments prior to termination. Tantric sex is all about that. Once you complete, the energy dissipates and is gone.
I guess for the majority (??) of us, if we don't complete, we don't get POIS, or at least it's drastically reduced. So the point becomes how much can we enjoy the preceedings (the journey if you will). Most of us can't get to where we appreciate this.

It's the same in meditation etc. Many express interest, but when pressed to "excercise" and practice, they can't find the balance point where the effort is worth the return.

It's a long and difficult path. We are tuned to the immediate response.

It's not a long term solution for us either. It requires a "religious" effort, constant and unrelenting. A moment of stress and we break.

But it could be a temporary relief until we resolve this thing.

My 2c

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #56 on: January 23, 2014, 12:48:30 PM »
Thanks for the input Daveman. I thought lots of things after reading what you wrote, but I won't go into it right now. But ultimately I am happy Pony can get relief from POIS through this method, it's really amazing. Actually, I would love it if you, Pony, would get to be studied by Dr. Komisurak under fMRI to see if he can figure out what is going on when you don't ejaculate with an orgasm. Perhaps there is a novel treatment that can be found after looking at how your brain works???
Turmeric and Rosemary 30-45 minutes before orgasm for anti-inflammatory and immune support has helped me a lot. Faster and easier than niacin approach.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #57 on: January 24, 2014, 12:38:12 AM »
I wouldn't worry about it too much.

The main question is why do we POISers get symptoms, whether from orgasm, ejaculation or both, and other people don't. That's fantastic Pony has found a way to avoid symptoms by not ejaculating, but it still doesn't solve the main POIS mystery. Hopefully, our answer will come soon though, now that the research is about to begin.

Also, it says Pony hasn't been active since July so I doubt he's reading any of this right now.

Still interesting yes, and Pony seems like a very, very cool person, but the main question is why do we even get symptoms in the first place.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #58 on: January 24, 2014, 08:07:14 AM »
He might not get symptoms with orgasm (without ejaculation) but in my experience many POISers, including me, do get some slight symptoms if they masturbate but not ejaculate.Even though Pony doesn't ejaculate, he still masturbates, right ?
Well masturbation for me even without orgasm means symptoms (even slight).I can't ''play'' with my penis and don't feel a slight POIS attack afterwards.


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Re: Personal POIS Summaries and Histories.
« Reply #59 on: January 24, 2014, 12:41:54 PM »
I wouldn't worry about it too much.

The main question is why do we POISers get symptoms, whether from orgasm, ejaculation or both, and other people don't. That's fantastic Pony has found a way to avoid symptoms by not ejaculating, but it still doesn't solve the main POIS mystery. Hopefully, our answer will come soon though, now that the research is about to begin.

Also, it says Pony hasn't been active since July so I doubt he's reading any of this right now.

Still interesting yes, and Pony seems like a very, very cool person, but the main question is why do we even get symptoms in the first place.

Yes, it's THE question.

Sure hope we can find answers soon.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!