Author Topic: Seasonal POIS?  (Read 1010 times)


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Seasonal POIS?
« on: September 06, 2024, 12:18:57 PM »

Around the beginning of April we had a big heat wave, thats when I started researching more about POIS because I felt it affecting me a lot more than usual, I knew about it for years and what it stood for before, but I thought it only affected people physically, that it just made them tired and worned out. So this whole summer I tried my best to abstain as much as possible, and it was definitely beneficial. The times I Od during the warmer months made me really feel like death, on top of that my PE was at it worst and my sperm was completely transparent and watery, like you could let it dry on a piece of cloth and there would be no marks left after it dried. After an O, I'd get the worse of the worse IBS ever, a few times I had to just fast because of how bloated I was ,mentally it made me feel completely confused, ungrounded, sad and felt like a total failure, I wasn't even watching porn thats the worst part.

I Live in the UK, and its been around a week we've had a big wave of cold come in, people are wearing jumpers and coats outside. The first day the cold arrived, I felt this euphoria upon waking up, just happiness for no reason. I've had a few Os this past week, and I have to say my POIS is nowhere near as bad, the IBS after an O is 10% of what it was when it was boiling hot, Im really not that tired, I wake up and go out in town and don't have to spend multiple days in bed, my PE is a loooot better, my sperm has gone back to back to a normal color and texture, I feel a bit off for a couple of hours and then Im back to normal, but its nowhere near as bad as it was previous months. Also this summer I went to visit family abroad, I abstained most of it, but on the nights where the temperatures dropped I had way deeper sleep, I always felt completely refreshed the next mornings. Also my scrotum looks way healthier atm, like its more firm and also my testicles feels like they are bigger, despite having nearly daily Os. In Summer, I can abstain for weeks or months and its nowhere near as firm or big. Actually years ago I went to Costa Rica to volunteer on a farm, I was abstaining for 3 months and despite that I remember at some point feeling my scrotum and it was still kind of soft (I have varicocele so I keep an eye on it), it wasn't hanging as low but it was still soft to the touch.

I know from research, that testosterone levels are higher in cold months than warm months, same as sperm count actually, also cold exposure increases serotonin so all these might be a factor.. I'm into alternative medicines, and I know some sources of Ayurveda say that its best to reproduce in winter and to avoid ejaculating in summer, that the body is stronger in colder months and so is fertility (that matches with the sperm count studies). I also read a couple of months ago that some ancient greek savant was saying that the body can handle daily ejaculations in winter but a man should not ejaculate at all during warmer months (unfortunately I tried refinding that source but couldn't find it).

Looking back, growing up we had summer holidays and most summers I'd have to abstain because I was abroad on holidays either in someone else's house or sharing a room with someone, it wouldn't bother me to much to abstain and was pretty easy.

Despite that, I still think I could benefit from abstaining, but its nice to know that if I release during this period Im not going to be bed-bound for 3 days.

Anyone have a similar experience?


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2024, 01:42:46 PM »


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2024, 01:16:34 AM »

Right so I want to update about my situation and give a theory that I have in mind.

When temperatures dropped last month, I had a big surge of energy and also sexual energy. I guess the temperatures fluctuate a lot here, but right now you could consider it quite cold but my POIS is still very bad despite temperatures being low.

I noticed back in 2021 that during the beginning of the year, especially around february to april, that my libido was so strong, and that whenever I released I never had the 'post-nut regret/depression' but an incrdible post nut clarity and well-being. I noticed it this year too, usually I always have thoughts along the line of 'damn I need to go on nofap' or just have a lot of regret in general. But during that time of the year I have 0 regrets, my POIS is very minimal, I recover in 1 day, my cognitive health is incredible despite releasing nearly daily, and this year my mother even commented how healthy my hair looked, despite PMOing nearly everyday, doing barely any activities and eating a lot of junk food. She made this comment when my sexual energy was at its highest.

So my theory is that as humans, we also have a 'reproductive period', for now I've theorised it is between 21 december (winter solstice) to 21st march (spring equinox) for those in the northern hemisphere, give or take a few weeks. I know for myself the longer I abstain, the less the POIS symptoms are upon release and the better it feels. Now Imagine if you abstain 9 months per year, then you can enjoy the 3 month period way more.

From an Ayurvedic perspective (im interested in that so sorry if this doesn't make too much sense), they say the period between Late winter and early spring is the 'Kapha season'. Kapha represents stability, and usually promotes fertility. I believe this is why we see huge fluctuations in libido throughout the year, and why abstaining during different periods of the year will yield different results. I noticed when I abstained this summer for 2 months I didn't get that many benefits, right now in autumn it feels a bit better already to abstain, I believe if you abstain in winter you get way more benefits, you get those superpowers that these young kinds on nofap forums talk about. Also I noticed, when your goal is to abstain, in summer and autumn when you release, it feels like your counter goes back to day 0, but in winter and spring when you release, after a few days you're right back to were you left off even if you had been abstaining for a relatively long time.

I've had a few friends without POIS tell me they have 'periods' when they have more libido too.

Anyways, thats my 2 cents, let me know your thoughts.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2024, 02:31:13 AM »

Right so I want to update about my situation and give a theory that I have in mind.

When temperatures dropped last month, I had a big surge of energy and also sexual energy. I guess the temperatures fluctuate a lot here, but right now you could consider it quite cold but my POIS is still very bad despite temperatures being low.

I noticed back in 2021 that during the beginning of the year, especially around february to april, that my libido was so strong, and that whenever I released I never had the 'post-nut regret/depression' but an incrdible post nut clarity and well-being. I noticed it this year too, usually I always have thoughts along the line of 'damn I need to go on nofap' or just have a lot of regret in general. But during that time of the year I have 0 regrets, my POIS is very minimal, I recover in 1 day, my cognitive health is incredible despite releasing nearly daily, and this year my mother even commented how healthy my hair looked, despite PMOing nearly everyday, doing barely any activities and eating a lot of junk food. She made this comment when my sexual energy was at its highest.

So my theory is that as humans, we also have a 'reproductive period', for now I've theorised it is between 21 december (winter solstice) to 21st march (spring equinox) for those in the northern hemisphere, give or take a few weeks. I know for myself the longer I abstain, the less the POIS symptoms are upon release and the better it feels. Now Imagine if you abstain 9 months per year, then you can enjoy the 3 month period way more.

From an Ayurvedic perspective (im interested in that so sorry if this doesn't make too much sense), they say the period between Late winter and early spring is the 'Kapha season'. Kapha represents stability, and usually promotes fertility. I believe this is why we see huge fluctuations in libido throughout the year, and why abstaining during different periods of the year will yield different results. I noticed when I abstained this summer for 2 months I didn't get that many benefits, right now in autumn it feels a bit better already to abstain, I believe if you abstain in winter you get way more benefits, you get those superpowers that these young kinds on nofap forums talk about. Also I noticed, when your goal is to abstain, in summer and autumn when you release, it feels like your counter goes back to day 0, but in winter and spring when you release, after a few days you're right back to were you left off even if you had been abstaining for a relatively long time.

I've had a few friends without POIS tell me they have 'periods' when they have more libido too.

Anyways, thats my 2 cents, let me know your thoughts.

You sure this isn't your vitamin D3 levels fluctuating depending on how much sun exposure you get (which would vary according to the seasons)?

Or maybe it has to do with the cold exposure? Look into Wim Hof or cold water therapy, and you might be able to get those benefits all year round? I've done quite a bit of freezer/fridge warehouse work and do notice I feel better afterwards but obviously not sure if that is from work and concentrating on something in general.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2024, 02:33:15 AM by Warrior »
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2024, 02:57:05 AM »
Click on my thread below and type 'temperature' in the search bar at the top of the website:


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2024, 12:10:18 PM »
I geniunely think its the cold, I know it makes my POIS symptoms less severe.
I also know abstaining during cold weather gives rise to all those 'superpowers' that the nofap community talk about, whereas in summer I don't feel as good even if I abstain for longer.

You know I just need to find a way to diminish my sex drive. I know that when Im in a shit mood I have the urge to look at porn, which isn't real libido. And other times when I feel good, rested and well fed I get real sexual urges, which is real libido. I've noticed beef makes me really horny the next day, which is a good thing, and probably why I love to eat meat and red meat, and why I was really interested in Warrior's protocol, but I'm thinking I should just eat it once or twice a week now.
I also know theres been studies showcasing that the less a person is active, the more libido they have, so maybe I should just do more sports, but its quite difficult with the meds im on atm which really sedate you. I know sports and activity increase serotonin, and low serotonin has been linked to hypersexuality. Actually I've had my friend in the army told me when he was on his course to become an officer and they were being active all the time, him and his collegues all mentioned how they had way lower libido when they went back home for their time off.

Its kind of annoying, I've realised theres no way around POIS and Its probably my body asking for a break, and like everyone on this forum things improve a lot when we abstain, both mentally and physically, I really struggle to control my urges. Sometimes when my body is completely depleted its easy to abstain, because thats the only thing I can do, but other times like right now Im feeling good enough, the POIS symptoms aren't that severe and I just can't control my urges, and I know if I was able to Id benefit from all the 'superpowers' and life would be blissful.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2024, 12:58:06 AM »
I geniunely think its the cold, I know it makes my POIS symptoms less severe.
I also know abstaining during cold weather gives rise to all those 'superpowers' that the nofap community talk about, whereas in summer I don't feel as good even if I abstain for longer.

You know I just need to find a way to diminish my sex drive. I know that when Im in a shit mood I have the urge to look at porn, which isn't real libido. And other times when I feel good, rested and well fed I get real sexual urges, which is real libido. I've noticed beef makes me really horny the next day, which is a good thing, and probably why I love to eat meat and red meat, and why I was really interested in Warrior's protocol, but I'm thinking I should just eat it once or twice a week now.
I also know theres been studies showcasing that the less a person is active, the more libido they have, so maybe I should just do more sports, but its quite difficult with the meds im on atm which really sedate you. I know sports and activity increase serotonin, and low serotonin has been linked to hypersexuality. Actually I've had my friend in the army told me when he was on his course to become an officer and they were being active all the time, him and his collegues all mentioned how they had way lower libido when they went back home for their time off.

Its kind of annoying, I've realised theres no way around POIS and Its probably my body asking for a break, and like everyone on this forum things improve a lot when we abstain, both mentally and physically, I really struggle to control my urges. Sometimes when my body is completely depleted its easy to abstain, because thats the only thing I can do, but other times like right now Im feeling good enough, the POIS symptoms aren't that severe and I just can't control my urges, and I know if I was able to Id benefit from all the 'superpowers' and life would be blissful.

Yeah red meat, eggs, cheese, oysters, animal products in generally really are all known to boost libido. You could try a vegetarian diet maybe. Or you could try fasting more and put yourself in a mild caloric deficit. Both of those should knock your libido out.
Nothing I say is medical advice. Always do your own research. Follow anything I say at your own discretion.
My POIS Protocol | My YouTube Channel


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2024, 12:07:56 AM »


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2024, 06:23:00 PM »
Thanks for the link Muon that sounds interesting!

I've been abstaining for a little while now, and it seems the scrotum pain isn't fully going away,it used to go away after a couple of days. The other day I was about to wake up from my night's sleep, and idk if others get this or not but the couple of minutes before I wake up im in a sort of half-awake half-asleep state and I could start feeling the pain in my scrotum and I start dreaming of fenugreek seeds. I went to eat some and it did relieve a bit of pain.

Today, I had some more, usually I eat a small teaspoon's worth but today I decided to megadose and it relieved a lot of pain.

I have varicocele and it seems to help. This is what I found online from an indian medicine website

'It breaks up stuck energies and cools inflammation. It is useful in dysmennorhea and all gynacological problems sulting from pelvic blood stagnation' ( so that might be why fenugreek specifically helps with my pain.

I was reading on the POIS subreddit that POIS is just a huge spike of DHT which leads to a huge decrease in estrogen. Back in 2015 when I had my psychosis I had a delusion related to masturbation and I started believing my masturbation habits was the cause of my hair loss , I think thats when my family started to think I was becoming mentally ill because my delusion had me believe everyone else had the ability and knowledge to orgasm without ejaculation and thats why I was the only one balding so young lmao its funny to think about it now. Anyway it was partly true, because this summer I abstained for a month 3 times and after a few weeks I do not experience a single hair dropping, like really not a single hair shedding, and the next day after I release I noticed hair falling, and when I released multiple times in a short time frame I see way more hair fall.

I also know fenugreek increases estrogen so maybe the dude who posted that theory was onto something, it was in a 6 year old post.

Otherwise Im still struggling with feeling too hot, I will try a big dose of fenugreek tomorrow again and see how if it helps with that, I kinda feel like my stomach is completely inflamed which is causing a lot of problems for my physical health. But at least now I have the energy to go out a couple of times a day and also Im able to stand longer on my feet, this summer I was completely drained after more than 3 minutes standing on my feet.

I have some more theories that I would like to share, but putting my thoughts into text can be quite difficult theres a lot of distractions and also its insanely hard to think clearly where I live theres constant noise all day long I just yearn to live somewhere quiet and peaceful.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #9 on: November 02, 2024, 06:35:16 PM »
Have you tried applying ice to your scrotum? Here are some dynamics in case you are interested (POIS trigger does not resolve in 24 hours, the focus of the post below is the heat trigger):
I have read enough about Uhthoff's phenomenon to conclude that it is involved in my case excluding vision disturbances (Summer of 2013: heat triggered pain running from eyes into head without optical disturbances, probably inflamed optical nerve). I can imagine having a hard time maintaining posture under warm ambient conditions if it slows down nerve conduction.

It is reversible, and I'm sensitive to this trigger almost 100% of the time just like POIS attacks. Getting stiff muscles by heat is difficult for people to grasp since it is completely the reverse compared to healthy individuals. Saying that I might have MS is a step too far though.

To clarify personal experience:

Heat triggers:
Hot Weather
Hot showers
Radiators: Doing dishes, cooking, room heating radiator, Sun
Hot Baths (had an intolerance to it as a kid)
Infrared sauna (worst heat trigger, felt dangerous)
Hot foods/drinks (depends on the amount though)

Systemic/whole body weakness
Posture difficulties
Decreased Concentration

Actually more:
Breathing dysregulation
Decreased digestion

Symptoms are resolved within 24 hours
Best time of the day: Morning and night.

The paper I posted mentions that Aspirin is used as a cooling treatment. Aspirin works for my POIS...
« Last Edit: November 02, 2024, 06:37:54 PM by Muon »


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #10 on: November 02, 2024, 10:38:55 PM »

…I also know fenugreek increases estrogen so maybe the dude who posted that theory was onto something, it was in a 6 year old post…

Fenugreek posts were seen even in 2007-2008, at the very beginnings of our predecessor forum,
The Naked Scientists Forum/POIS thread!
« Last Edit: November 03, 2024, 11:16:18 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2024, 05:19:43 PM »
Have you tried applying ice to your scrotum? Here are some dynamics in case you are interested (POIS trigger does not resolve in 24 hours, the focus of the post below is the heat trigger):
I have read enough about Uhthoff's phenomenon to conclude that it is involved in my case excluding vision disturbances (Summer of 2013: heat triggered pain running from eyes into head without optical disturbances, probably inflamed optical nerve). I can imagine having a hard time maintaining posture under warm ambient conditions if it slows down nerve conduction.

It is reversible, and I'm sensitive to this trigger almost 100% of the time just like POIS attacks. Getting stiff muscles by heat is difficult for people to grasp since it is completely the reverse compared to healthy individuals. Saying that I might have MS is a step too far though.

To clarify personal experience:

Heat triggers:
Hot Weather
Hot showers
Radiators: Doing dishes, cooking, room heating radiator, Sun
Hot Baths (had an intolerance to it as a kid)
Infrared sauna (worst heat trigger, felt dangerous)
Hot foods/drinks (depends on the amount though)

Systemic/whole body weakness
Posture difficulties
Decreased Concentration

Actually more:
Breathing dysregulation
Decreased digestion

Symptoms are resolved within 24 hours
Best time of the day: Morning and night.

The paper I posted mentions that Aspirin is used as a cooling treatment. Aspirin works for my POIS...

Yes It helps soothe a bit of pain and gives a lot of energy. I usually take cold showers and I will target my scrotum and let the water flow on it. Cold water on the feet seems to help a lot too.

But it might be the meds I take which is just causing a lot of internal inflammation, I've found some articles saying certain meds can cause or make POTS worse. Im not sure what to do about it I have a meeting scheduled with a GP soonish.
The rest of my body feels normal temperature maybe even a bit cool but my stomach and the surroundings feel extremely hot. And then when Im being active my entire chest feels burning hot, although I do tend to walk fast.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #12 on: November 04, 2024, 07:39:18 AM »
Right... where do I begin

6 years ago I had this feeling of a hole in my stomach, no amount of food I was eating was getting rid of it, actually milk was one of the few things that helped get rid of the sensation.
I went to my GP who prescribed me anti-acids which I did not take because I was stupid and also I didn't want to be on a ton of meds since I already take one for my mental health.

Anyway I suffered for years, and was medicating myself with either cola or milk.

Then last october I went to New York for 10 days to visit my bro, and the day after I arrive I complain that I have stomach pain and he says 'take this meds, its from America its even stronger than what they have in europe' so I take an alka seltzer. The whole following week all I can think of is finding a gf to start a family and lifting weights, doing some lat pulldowns. I took the med another time before I flew back home. When I came back home, I started feeling ultra motivated, had tons of energy, was lifting weights, cleaning the house and was seeing a career advisor. The hot feeling in my stomach was completely gone for a whole month, if anything my somtach felt a bit cool but I could tell it was giving me energy. I abstained for the whole month and it was surprisingly easy to abstain, and my balls felt and looked normal, it was a great relief, when I woke up from the night's sleep my scrotum was a bit warm and looked veiny but as soon as I got up it looked normal within 5 minutes. I made TOOOONS of progress at the gym for the first time in my life, I went from 52kg latpulldown sets to doing 79kg sets in 1 month.
This whole time I thought it mustve been the cold weather or the fact I was walking all day long visiting New York.

So I did some research last night about aspirin because it helped Muon, I took some this morning and holy crap my stomach felt cool again, I have a sudden surge of energy and I even walked for 20 mins around the park wearing my vest and usually Id feel boiling hot but this time I was just feeling hot, not boiling, I did not have to take off my vest or go topless when I got home.
When I was out I didn't feel like checking out every single girl or stare at attractive ones, a bit like last october when it was easy to abstain. I did some research about alka seltzer and to my surprise the main inrgredient is Aspirin.

Heres some info I found about Aspirin:

I will keep experimenting and keep you guys updated, but holy crap the burning sensation in the stomach was gone within 20 minutes, it feels great!
(Also just want to note this treatment is only proably useful for those who are inflamed or feel too hot most of the time)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2024, 09:19:04 AM by SchizoPIOS »


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2024, 05:01:45 PM »
Hey guys, small update:

So first of all, I would advise people to avoid aspirin, it seems to help short term but causes more damage long term on the gastrointestinal system. I tried the natural form of aspirin willow bark and pine bark, they seem to cause less damage to the stomach, except one day I mixed both the natural and synthetic forms and now I am suffering from weird problems with my stomach, like it feels too cold after I eat and also feels like theres a lot of air in my stomach, although I have been eating a lot of bread these past 10 days which might be a partial cause, I have been avoiding bread at all costs for the past 4 years, I think it might be the yeast inside the bread thats causing damage, because if I eat a cereal bar without yeast in the ingredients I do not get bloated. Before I had the sensation of a burning stomach now its the opposite lol, although I will point out that now it feels like its affecting me mentally too, whereas before when it was burning I could function 'normally' mentally. So please, listen to all the websites online do not abuse aspirin because it really does cause stomach issues.
Bread bloats the sh*t out of me, my older brother who does not have POIS and is in good health also finds that bread bloats him tons too, this is weird considering we technically have the genetics of people that sustained themselves from bread (arabs/middle eastern/north african). I will buy some flat bread without yeast and see how I feel. But I've put on 2kgs in the past 10 days and my belly has gotten massive recently.

Secondly, I noticed releasing in the morning works way better (for me). I have to point out that I take antipsychotics before bed, and the effects are strongest in the morning, but even a few years ago when I lived at my uncle's and wasn't on meds I could release regularly in the mornings and function normally. I am usually not horny at all in the evenings, in the morning I have the strongest urges and actually back in April thats when I started masturbating at night for privacy issues etc... Obviously just listen to your body, but for me my libido peaks in the morning as soon as I wake up.

Thirdly, I feel like I don't exercise enough. I've set up an alarm tomorrow to go for a short run in the early evening. It feels like vigorous movement helps especially considering I barely move, even just jumping a couple of times seems to make me feel good, I will add that in summer that was the opposite, but now I always feel good after a long walk or some jumps or a run, in summer a short walk would make me feel completely exhausted, even just standing for more than 5 minutes.

Thats it for me, I might consider releasing regularly in the mornings again (what Ive been doing for the past 6 years), just so sex isn't on my mind all day and to ensure I don't release at night, I still get a bit of fatigue and muscle weakness but none of the extreme mental and congnitive effects. Idk where this thing of sex at night comes from, probably from as a kid when its the only time you can do it, but one of my favourite feelings Ive had in my life was waking up in the morning next to my ex-gf with morning wood and having morning sex. If I release in the mornings, I do not get the extreme light sensitivity and the need to be all alone and avoidant towards family and others, it just feels a lot more bareable.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #14 on: December 05, 2024, 10:59:08 AM »

…I would advise people to avoid aspirin…

I follow my (major university health system’s) cardiologist advice and have been taking 50mg aspirin daily - - for many years.

To quote Administrator Quantum’s profile signature:
“Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 11:05:27 AM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #15 on: December 05, 2024, 03:39:21 PM »
Hmm yeh thats a reasonable dose, I was taking bigger dose (300mg), it was mostly fine until I mixed both willow bark and aspirin one day thats when I felt really bad.
But if it works for you keep doing it!


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2024, 08:39:06 PM »

…But if it works for you keep doing it!

Please refrain from giving medical advice at the forum.

As I said in my previous reply to you:
To quote Administrator Quantum’s profile signature:
“Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #17 on: February 11, 2025, 06:05:02 PM »
Sorry I won't demografx, I learnt my lesson!

Quick update.
We are in the middle of winter, I was still suffering from heat intolerance and quite harsh POIS symptoms that lasted 2-3 days after release, mostly not wanting to socialize at all and a big one that stayed was light intolerance, and ofc this feeling of heat.

I noticed a couple weeks ago that food was always on my mind, and that I was never satiated after a meal. So I decided to just give up on eating healthy and just eat as much as I can no matter what food it was. I went to popeyes a couple times in a row, thankfully they  cook in beef tallow so It wasnt that bad, had a wrap meal, extra side and finished it with a milkshake.
I gained weight, went back to my original weight and even over that since I lost weight in my manic state last april, and suddenly the heat intolerance went from 10/10 to a 2/10.
My POIS went from 2-3 days of pain to 1h max, a couple times I completely forgot I had released the same day. These past months when in POIS I had to eat very healthy to not disturb my digestive stomach too much when in POIS now I can eat anything as long as its not too spicy or if the food isn't old/stale. Before I was basically eating fish or japanese food now I had this experience where I released, started heading to the japanese store and walked past a kebab shop, and the smell tempted me so much I managed to digest all of it smoothly.
But the heat tolerance is the biggest benefit, I started using the heating, taking hot showers and walking from a cold to hot temperature doesn't affect me as much. The light intolerance went from a couple days to 30min-2hours max.

If you look at female cases a lot of them state that they have POTS alongside POIS. Heat intolerance is a symptom of POTS, and I've been browsing the POTS subreddit regularly and this notion of 'low blood volume' being a cause for POTS came back up many times. So I acknowledge that and told myself maybe I need to add weight to increase my blood volume.

Finally, I'll add another thing. I used to browse fitness/gym/bodybuilding forums a lot. You can ask any bodybuilder how they feel on a cut and on a bulk. A cut means they are trying to achieve a lean look and in a calorie deficit, they all say their mood is horrible and that their penis doesn't get as hard and they have 0 sexual desire, and on a bulk, when they are in calorie surplus, its the complete opposite , they even have a term for it: 'diamond dick', they have tons of libido and strong erections.

I vastly overestimate my calorie intake, especially when I eat home cooked meals. Considering my mom cooks with very little fat and always adds tons of vegetables, Im pretty sure when I only eat at home I barely scratch 2k calories, and probably much lower than that since I skip breakfast.

Im sure you'll hear from me again and this isn't the end of it, but it also might explain why I had initial progress as temperatures got colder, my appetite is a lot stronger in cold weather, and usually in summer I don't eat much.


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Re: Seasonal POIS?
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2025, 06:41:02 PM »

Sorry I won't demografx, I learnt my lesson!…

Thank you, SchizoPIOS! :)
« Last Edit: February 12, 2025, 06:43:25 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.