I did a second experiment with my stack, not quite under the same conditions, but still significant.
Just after O : B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) + magnesium, nsaid, fenugreek
D+1, D+2, D+3, D+4 : Daily dose of B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9, B12) + magnesium, nsaid, fenugreek . Global pois reduction of 60-70%.
D+5: Back from vacation, I was able to add black radish concentrate and cetirizine to my stack. This helped me get rid of the last effects, which were mainly sinus pressure and headache.
POIS reduction on D+5 : 95%
I'm also just back from my 1st functional medicine appointment. I have a whole list of medical tests that I'll be doing next week.
Some interesting information came out of this appointment:
- I don't eat enough protein because of my almost vegetarian diet. It would seem that you need protein every day, even in moderate doses, to better digest sugar and provide energy to the mitochondria. I'm going to incorporate skyr-type fromage into my breakfast.
- Eating little meat leads to a coenzyme Q10 deficiency. So I got a prescription for a supplement
- I eat too fast. I swallow my food with little chewing, which means that many of the nutrients in the food do not pass into my body.
- Coffee and tea intolerance may be due to a liver problem. That's why black radish concentrate seems to have a positive effect on me, although it's apparently not the best solution for this problem.
All in all, it was a very positive appointment with a very knowledgeable and caring person. I now have to stop taking all my supplements for 1 week for medical analysis.