questions CertainlyPois answers Tantalus ....we agreed to bring them in the open for discussion
>My desensitization is going, am not sure if it is helping or not.
well, mines is going too, And I despair sometimes too. Shall we sit together on the rivers of Babylon and cry?

I could indeed sometimes cry and I did a lot....but let us keep making jokes about our torture too being here together could bring us energy to go on .
see my (temporally adhoc) answer on naked scientist to .....FIDALGO 30/6/00.04 hours.
> I get dreams about sex that keeps my pois going.
Well, dear chap, the Oracle of Delphi could not said this much more vague, or?

do you mean : you dream the cure is never going to work?
do you mean : the cure makes you dream intenser about sex?
But sorry, this is interesting: I did experience something just like that . As side effect of my desenti...sessions I got each time verry strong sexual fantasies and arousals. I hated that, because shooting would or could? make me longer recoffering from the injection, or falsify the stimulus given to the body by the injection the day before. But, there was no escape .The day after the injection I had more energy as other days. But , because n I had an high ( no pois but in contrary much more energy as normally ) my dreams and day fantasies became also more sexual loaded as normally. This again made me masturbating at night to get rid of this temptation thoughts or dreams. The regained energy we get from the effect of the cure-reaction itself , brings our suppressed lust back!!
This brings another difficulty we have to face during the cure. The process of balancing how often we ejaculate between the injection and the one that comes next. I supposed Our body will need a rest to re coffer. Get stable again. But then we like to know all ( I suppose) how good the body can deal with the next ejaculate. Nobody knows yet , the amount of ejaculates is wise to have. I had to experiment myself too. If I did it to often , I had to much pois to know the difference of having pois as result of the injection only .So, it seemed my not wise to masturbate to often in between the injections.
Others say ......its ok to masturbate during the re-coffer phase after injection. Find your own way in that , I tried to resist during recoffery . but maybe I have been too 'holy''
* If the cure is done more fast as in your case , with only 1 or 2 weeks between the sessions, it even brings more question marks, how we should behave. There is in that case, less time to see how the body reacts in comparing the pois before .
This means me have to masturbate by system not by 'lust of the moment'. DIFFICULT!
I hated the moments I did masturbated without SYSTEM!.......because of the dreams/night fantasies when I was awake still.
you wil get more lust during treatment if you like or not. This is a paradox of the cure itself . You suffer from the injections, need to acclimatise but unwillingly trigger your pois because you must fill the next bottle with sperm for next treatment.......and must try not to shoot inbetween the 4 weeks or otherwise you can not monitor the difference of living without pois!!
This whole circle of try about s to get the hang of a system that gives us an idea of our progress is to much without an masturbation plan how absurd this even may sound. I did have one and was so able to see the progress. This did force me to get unwillingly a 'controlfreak' of my own lust. you wonder why I choose TANTALUSS as nickname?
......I have been in purgatory state l 4 years. Its up en down and back and forth and ......gradually you find out the pois is less worse as the time before. This is why we need a 4 weeks in between the sessions. so we can experiment and re-coffer from it to be strong enough to face the next session.
BOYS....please get it ....a diary is essential to compare results with other poisers.
>Am overweight and vitamind D is low like yours and i dont know if that is keeping me from fully getting healed or not.
getting to a normal vit D 'stage'is essential!!! do this first to treatment. It will cooperate with the cure.
>I have been doing desensitization for about 10months should i be expecting big improvements yet or should i wait to second year. I went from 1;40000 to 1;5 in about 9 months.
tell me first what happened when you did get 800 to 1 .
most people feel something around that status .......but I will not tell here to not prejudge your memory.
so be first more specific time is not essential. the dillution is!
you are to vague. Did you have setbacks? and did they inject you always with the same dilution, or did they step back sometimes?
Seems you did not do a diary ( dont hit me

).....whithout that its impossible to predict the next step to aspect.. Please document your process from now on dear readers , who get treated next. Whithout diary no objective results to compare for next generation.
>My semen is not fresh when i get shot, it is refegirated.
I did the same ...IT is told to me that refrigerated it would led to stronger effect.
BUTT....I did read here [where?
**] the opposite claim.....this is very annoying not to say irritating.
I will check this for you.. I choose for the strongest effect , if it might be opposite wonder
it did not the job 100%. Especially because I did go so extremely slow. In your case it matters not so much if it would tend to be the soft approach, because it would be sublimated by the speed of going to 1 to 1 .
I check this with Waldinger c.s. its essential we speak here not in 2 tongues.
* to 'holy' and as result maybe not cured enough, because the body did not get bad enough stimuluses.....shit ...nobody knows til now.
** ...I check it out