I am curious. POIS comes with serious digestive weakness for me. So I was looking on the internet for products to support my digestive system. I stumbled on a page describing the following homeopathic remedy.
Cinchona (China) : abdomen feels heavy, gas, indigestion, digestion is weak and slow. Worse from fish, tea, beer, fruit, and milk.
Since I particularly have an issue with digesting fish when in POIS it got my attention. So I looked at what the homeopathic masters say for indications about China. I was very surprised and intrigued...
In general (first sentence): Debility from exhausting discharges, from loss of vital fluids
Lippe says: "Bad effects from the loss of animal fluids. (Masturbation)".
Hering says : :Debilitated, broken down, from exhausting discharges".
Nash Says: "Debility and other complaints after excessive loss of fluids"
Kent says: "Genitals - Of the male genital organs the most striking feature is weakness"
The old school prescribes it for all cases of debility.
Hahnemann (1825) expresses it: Debility and other complaints after loss of blood or other fluids, particularly by nursing or salivation, bleeding, cupping, etc., or whites, seminal emissions, etc. It is always well when a patient comes to us in a very debilitated condition to think of China.
I don't really *believe* in homeopathy but I am certainly open to a different perspective.