Author Topic: Mindlesstree's Case  (Read 3598 times)


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Mindlesstree's Case
« on: September 05, 2021, 09:11:25 AM »
I do not know if there is any special format I have to follow on this forum when doing this so please if I'm doing this wrong let me now. Anyways I'm going to divide this up into sections.


I was born in 1992 after my mother had a miscarriage and I did not know about this until I was told a couple years ago. She was put on antibiotics and during the time out came me. She also in my life had very obvious issues too with memory, aggression, twitchy movement often, being ill more often than other people. I inherited this getting ill with whatever cold was going around myself. The house was constantly filled with sprays from cleaning supplies and beauty products like hairspray and such. I always had problems with my speech too, problems with motor control, and could not socially connect to others well due to undiagnosed but likely autism that will later in my story gain schizophrenic aspects which landed me with that diagnosis instead, so I was neurologically different from the very beginning and as you can see above a health disaster already hanging over me. My childhood had some good points but I was a victim of violent abuse from her all throughout it for any reason that could be found. This threw a lot of cptsd problems into the mix and I was mostly raised by my father who deeply cares about me but see's (now more than ever) what a neurological wreck I am and that alone weighs me down since I can't drive or do many things like normal people can because of my sensitivities whether it be food, RF-EMF, or situations my mind has a hard time coping with.

Teenage Years

The later time after my last year of middle school into the first few years of high school was probably the tamest years of my life trying like anyone else to discover myself, find love, and open the world of future opportunities in my life. I always had seemingly random bloating issues and as a result I covered it up with disordered eating since having too much food which I was growing increasingly sensitive too made me feel sick and out of it mentally which by the last year of high school was about to lead into the worst years of my life. But maybe this was normal, maybe I'm just too sensitive and not as strong as others. Despite my digestive issues I couldn't seem to actually put on much weight though and I had stopped growing if I had to guess middle of high school. I was kind of an outcast as it was but in general these high school years weren't all that different than any other time for anyone else. The last year however something was obviously getting worse. MY digestive issues were increasing and I noticed after I had an orgasm I would feel very ill with major fatigue, strange facial sensations, and a temperature but in the beginning this wouldn't last more than a day.

Adulthood (19 and older)

 2013 is when things really started to spiral downwards, every thing from my gut issues was getting worse and my POIS was getting more severe. I had gained more mental issues from paranoia to hallucinations. I had to start drinking coffee every morning as my fatigue worsened. One day I got food poisoning leading to a hospital visit where they found nothing in particular wrong and sent me on my way despite being deathly ill to the point of barely being able to walk much. The next couple years were full of depression and disconnection as my personal family life also got worse only putting more stress on me and threatening with homelessness. The house was falling apart, had mold problems, and was getting more empty by the month. I had been sent to a mental health clinic where I was given food stamps and therapy while trying to get my first job that due to my neurological and digestive chaos constantly being in the way was a challenge but eventually I got one and one led to another so I was able to finally eat healthier and go vegan which helped for a long time. Things were on the upswing besides my baseline neuological issues from cptsd and vocal control problems that weren't under my control. I thought I was on my way up to at least even disabled without the ability to drive a somewhat normal life. I was eating healthy and getting what my body needed. Until I got one job in a nasty gas station...

2016 to now (the real nightmare begins)

I had gotten a job a gat station where I was exposed to multiple toxic things every day from trash, gas fumes, tons of nasty coins a day, to cleaning supplies, to working in front of giant ovens every day, to late night shifts into early mornings, and a schedule I could build anything around. One day it began to take a turn for the worst, I felt different one day. It was like everything was a bit foggier, I had some odd skin sensations on my face, and my mental issues got a bit more out of whack. I first attributed this to the stress of the grind so I kept going. One late night I was on the register and it felt as if someone had poured acid all over my head. My face felt like it was on fire, my legs got weak and trembled, my anxiety despite no triggers shot through the roof, my motor control got worse and very twitchy, and pushing through to the next day did not entirely resolve it as much as it fluctuated a lot. When I was at home a new alarming symptom began. I noticed when I was on my computer at home my face would get the familiar burning feeling and I would mentally get worse leading to states where I would go blank, get filled with extreme anxiety, and lose the ability to use language properly with my vocal issues declining into severe dysfunction. When I was away this resolved and when I came back so did it. Apparently I had developed electro hyper sensitivity too for which I need a shield over my monitor and 2 thick anti-RF covers over my tower to control, and keeping any wifi routers at a distance or I could go into what feels like a seizure. I spent some years dealing with this and being as plain with myself as possible to keep it under control but this was just a bandaid.

2019 and forward

Through 2019 I began to try different ways of detoxing such as chlorella/spirulina tablets (helped a little at first for a month but quickly did nothing for me), food grade sodium bentonite clay orally consumed (which helped the most), and artemisinin treatment that got me far less cognitively, physically disabled, and less RF-EMF sensitive (which around a month I had stopped). I am not left at a baseline with many issues and sever PIOS I can't get over no matter what I do. In 2020 I had met my current girlfriend long distance in the most unexpected fashion and she helps support me through all of this even though my health sometimes puts a strain on things I feel terrible for that she can relate to herself with her own issues in a more indirect fashion often. We will meet later in the Fall for the first time and I want to be better by then but recently my neighbors installed another wifi router right behind a wall in my building and I've been more sickly since needing to wear one of those anti-RF shirts constantly to keep living here and as that got worse so did my POIS. Just this week I probably had one of the worst episodes of it I had in a while after over a month of abstinence. It lasted 4 days for the most part and is still letting me down to what I imagine might go on for a week. The temperature, burning face feelings, digestive distress, facial muscle dysfunction, and the motor problems, terrible mood, and more paranoia/aggression (that only snow balls with my ptsd). I am at a loss now on what to do besides introduce probiotics and hope for the best. I consume no gluten (which makes me far worse in excess), dairy, and little meat as I can't handle much of it.


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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2021, 01:12:24 PM »
What you wrote about your teenage years had happened exactly the same way for me. I was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, however I believe it was a false diagnosis in my case. It is true that I have a very special psychological problem, but from my perspective it is a perfectly reasonable theory and fear. Fortunately I am not often exposed to gas fumes, however last spring I had to paint a flat then ours. Several times I developed a kind of chest inflammation by the end of the day. Fortunately I recovered by sleeping, however it began again as I was inhaling the paint fumes. Toxic fumes probably put a further burden on the body when it is already under strain as I believe that POIS is a kind of self-poisoning or metabolic syndrome even though it seems practically undiagnosable by conventional means.
I can't relate much to electro hyper sensitivity though. It is true that gazing at a monitor can certainly increase bloodshot eyes and there were a few times when the router was off and I think I slept better at the time, but I don't believe merely being near electrical devices would increase my symptoms.
As for possible treatments I can say that Spirulina also helped me, but only a little. I also wanted to try bentonite clay a few years ago, however I could not find a place that sold food quality product. Charcoal capsules proved very effective though, but they had a very short effectiveness and major side-effects as well. Artemisinin was already on my list of things to try and I will report about it when I can. Testosterone boosters and medicinal mushrooms are the most effective for me so far. If you have cognitive problems I think saffron is another must try. Others had major success with fenugreek, garlic, niacin/niacinamide, matcha tea or mastic gum. Other good recommendations can be found on the site, but you can't avoid the trial and error method.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.

Bob Morane

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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2021, 01:27:25 PM »
2016 to now (the real nightmare begins)

I had gotten a job a gat station where I was exposed to multiple toxic things every day from trash, gas fumes, tons of nasty coins a day, to cleaning supplies, to working in front of giant ovens every day, to late night shifts into early mornings, and a schedule I could build anything around. One day it began to take a turn for the worst, I felt different one day. It was like everything was a bit foggier, I had some odd skin sensations on my face, and my mental issues got a bit more out of whack. I first attributed this to the stress of the grind so I kept going. One late night I was on the register and it felt as if someone had poured acid all over my head. My face felt like it was on fire, my legs got weak and trembled, my anxiety despite no triggers shot through the roof, my motor control got worse and very twitchy, and pushing through to the next day did not entirely resolve it as much as it fluctuated a lot. When I was at home a new alarming symptom began. I noticed when I was on my computer at home my face would get the familiar burning feeling and I would mentally get worse leading to states where I would go blank, get filled with extreme anxiety, and lose the ability to use language properly with my vocal issues declining into severe dysfunction. When I was away this resolved and when I came back so did it. Apparently I had developed electro hyper sensitivity too for which I need a shield over my monitor and 2 thick anti-RF covers over my tower to control, and keeping any wifi routers at a distance or I could go into what feels like a seizure. I spent some years dealing with this and being as plain with myself as possible to keep it under control but this was just a bandaid.
I did develop MCS (multiple Chemical Sensitivity) as well as EMF sensitivity. Those issues are quite difficult since the triggers are everywhere. It lasted for several years to some degree. I was able to get rid of both sensitivities at 100% using DNRS, a neuroplasticity self administered program. It took 4 to 6 months of doing the program daily. I was hoping it would help with POIS but it did not. It did not help with Ulcerative colitis either but I was able to find a solution for that too. Only POIS remains. What a bizarre foggy disease!


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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2021, 04:49:15 AM »
2016 to now (the real nightmare begins)

I had gotten a job a gat station where I was exposed to multiple toxic things every day from trash, gas fumes, tons of nasty coins a day, to cleaning supplies, to working in front of giant ovens every day, to late night shifts into early mornings, and a schedule I could build anything around. One day it began to take a turn for the worst, I felt different one day. It was like everything was a bit foggier, I had some odd skin sensations on my face, and my mental issues got a bit more out of whack. I first attributed this to the stress of the grind so I kept going. One late night I was on the register and it felt as if someone had poured acid all over my head. My face felt like it was on fire, my legs got weak and trembled, my anxiety despite no triggers shot through the roof, my motor control got worse and very twitchy, and pushing through to the next day did not entirely resolve it as much as it fluctuated a lot. When I was at home a new alarming symptom began. I noticed when I was on my computer at home my face would get the familiar burning feeling and I would mentally get worse leading to states where I would go blank, get filled with extreme anxiety, and lose the ability to use language properly with my vocal issues declining into severe dysfunction. When I was away this resolved and when I came back so did it. Apparently I had developed electro hyper sensitivity too for which I need a shield over my monitor and 2 thick anti-RF covers over my tower to control, and keeping any wifi routers at a distance or I could go into what feels like a seizure. I spent some years dealing with this and being as plain with myself as possible to keep it under control but this was just a bandaid.
I did develop MCS (multiple Chemical Sensitivity) as well as EMF sensitivity. Those issues are quite difficult since the triggers are everywhere. It lasted for several years to some degree. I was able to get rid of both sensitivities at 100% using DNRS, a neuroplasticity self administered program. It took 4 to 6 months of doing the program daily. I was hoping it would help with POIS but it did not. It did not help with Ulcerative colitis either but I was able to find a solution for that too. Only POIS remains. What a bizarre foggy disease!

Do you have a link to this DNRS thing, how does that work in general? And yes POIS seems to be connected in some distant way to it and has symptoms that cross over but also is its own thing. There was a chat in the discord where someone mentioned getting less symptoms from a nocturnal and I actually did have one in my case and only one ever actually when I was having withdrawals from kratom after needing to quit for a while when they were at the worst but then again I'm not sure how much the actual withdrawals with the disconnect from some bodily functions I lost control of there played a role in barely triggering it. Right now I'm completely abstaining from O's altogether. But I also ended up relapsing back into kratom because in the current toxic environment I'm in my body can't handle the stress on itself even though I'm doing all I could. I also did pick up a bottle of probiotics last night which will last 30 days and see if that improves anything in general though but would it be better to take them every day for longer than that? I never used probiotics before so I don't really know how long you're supposed to use them for.


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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2021, 05:02:06 AM »
What you wrote about your teenage years had happened exactly the same way for me. I was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, however I believe it was a false diagnosis in my case. It is true that I have a very special psychological problem, but from my perspective it is a perfectly reasonable theory and fear. Fortunately I am not often exposed to gas fumes, however last spring I had to paint a flat then ours. Several times I developed a kind of chest inflammation by the end of the day. Fortunately I recovered by sleeping, however it began again as I was inhaling the paint fumes. Toxic fumes probably put a further burden on the body when it is already under strain as I believe that POIS is a kind of self-poisoning or metabolic syndrome even though it seems practically undiagnosable by conventional means.
I can't relate much to electro hyper sensitivity though. It is true that gazing at a monitor can certainly increase bloodshot eyes and there were a few times when the router was off and I think I slept better at the time, but I don't believe merely being near electrical devices would increase my symptoms.
As for possible treatments I can say that Spirulina also helped me, but only a little. I also wanted to try bentonite clay a few years ago, however I could not find a place that sold food quality product. Charcoal capsules proved very effective though, but they had a very short effectiveness and major side-effects as well. Artemisinin was already on my list of things to try and I will report about it when I can. Testosterone boosters and medicinal mushrooms are the most effective for me so far. If you have cognitive problems I think saffron is another must try. Others had major success with fenugreek, garlic, niacin/niacinamide, matcha tea or mastic gum. Other good recommendations can be found on the site, but you can't avoid the trial and error method.
I have red eyes very often because I can't avoid the allergens sprayed into the air constantly by the people who live here that won't stop and don't take my health issues seriously., so I've brought myself an air purifier to fight back. POIS also feels like a self poisoning my worst episodes of it always brought with the O a feeling like something in the center of my abdomen just got backed up then the severe fatigue sets in and from there I get sicker till I hit the peak and the meat of it lasts for 4-5 days and then quickly tapers off. I'm also a medicinal mushroom user, I use a tincture of Lions Mane every day and it improves my life drastically. I've tried all other available to me and reishi is good for calming down my system a bit but I don't use it right now. I have used to saffron for a little while but I didn't notice it do anything much for me up front but make all my food I made taste better and drain too much money for what its worth.

Yesterday I had some success though when I tried the Wim Hof breathing method which I'm not doing every day that really does somehow keep my inflammation way down. Yeah it's no cure but it keeps away some of the mental aspects which also involve not having full control of my voice. Also means that immune system is always going completely nuts 24/7 even when nothing is going on.


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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2021, 11:49:04 AM »
What you wrote about your teenage years had happened exactly the same way for me. I was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, however I believe it was a false diagnosis in my case. It is true that I have a very special psychological problem, but from my perspective it is a perfectly reasonable theory and fear. Fortunately I am not often exposed to gas fumes, however last spring I had to paint a flat then ours. Several times I developed a kind of chest inflammation by the end of the day. Fortunately I recovered by sleeping, however it began again as I was inhaling the paint fumes. Toxic fumes probably put a further burden on the body when it is already under strain as I believe that POIS is a kind of self-poisoning or metabolic syndrome even though it seems practically undiagnosable by conventional means.
I can't relate much to electro hyper sensitivity though. It is true that gazing at a monitor can certainly increase bloodshot eyes and there were a few times when the router was off and I think I slept better at the time, but I don't believe merely being near electrical devices would increase my symptoms.
As for possible treatments I can say that Spirulina also helped me, but only a little. I also wanted to try bentonite clay a few years ago, however I could not find a place that sold food quality product. Charcoal capsules proved very effective though, but they had a very short effectiveness and major side-effects as well. Artemisinin was already on my list of things to try and I will report about it when I can. Testosterone boosters and medicinal mushrooms are the most effective for me so far. If you have cognitive problems I think saffron is another must try. Others had major success with fenugreek, garlic, niacin/niacinamide, matcha tea or mastic gum. Other good recommendations can be found on the site, but you can't avoid the trial and error method.
I have red eyes very often because I can't avoid the allergens sprayed into the air constantly by the people who live here that won't stop and don't take my health issues seriously., so I've brought myself an air purifier to fight back. POIS also feels like a self poisoning my worst episodes of it always brought with the O a feeling like something in the center of my abdomen just got backed up then the severe fatigue sets in and from there I get sicker till I hit the peak and the meat of it lasts for 4-5 days and then quickly tapers off. I'm also a medicinal mushroom user, I use a tincture of Lions Mane every day and it improves my life drastically. I've tried all other available to me and reishi is good for calming down my system a bit but I don't use it right now. I have used to saffron for a little while but I didn't notice it do anything much for me up front but make all my food I made taste better and drain too much money for what its worth.

Yesterday I had some success though when I tried the Wim Hof breathing method which I'm not doing every day that really does somehow keep my inflammation way down. Yeah it's no cure but it keeps away some of the mental aspects which also involve not having full control of my voice. Also means that immune system is always going completely nuts 24/7 even when nothing is going on.

I have recently tested both lion's mane and reishi with positive results, so I updated my thread about them. Also thanks for your report about saffron even if it didn't prove beneficial. By the way have you also not noticed any reduction in bloodshot eyes while taking saffron? For me this and berberine were possibly the best for this symptom. 5a-reductase and aromatase inhibitors work for me, but only weakly. You may still want to try some testosterone boosters (e.g. maca, tribulus, ecdysterone, tongkat ali) as they were great additions to medicinal mushrooms. It is true though that even I haven't managed to completely suppress POIS so far.
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.

Bob Morane

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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2021, 12:34:02 PM »
Do you have a link to this DNRS thing, how does that work in general? And yes POIS seems to be connected in some distant way to it and has symptoms that cross over but also is its own thing. There was a chat in the discord where someone mentioned getting less symptoms from a nocturnal and I actually did have one in my case and only one ever actually when I was having withdrawals from kratom after needing to quit for a while when they were at the worst but then again I'm not sure how much the actual withdrawals with the disconnect from some bodily functions I lost control of there played a role in barely triggering it. Right now I'm completely abstaining from O's altogether. But I also ended up relapsing back into kratom because in the current toxic environment I'm in my body can't handle the stress on itself even though I'm doing all I could. I also did pick up a bottle of probiotics last night which will last 30 days and see if that improves anything in general though but would it be better to take them every day for longer than that? I never used probiotics before so I don't really know how long you're supposed to use them for.

DNRS:  It worked very well for me for MCS / EMF sensitivity but unfortunately not for POIS - even though I was hoping it would!


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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2021, 02:06:09 PM »
What you wrote about your teenage years had happened exactly the same way for me. I was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, however I believe it was a false diagnosis in my case. It is true that I have a very special psychological problem, but from my perspective it is a perfectly reasonable theory and fear. Fortunately I am not often exposed to gas fumes, however last spring I had to paint a flat then ours. Several times I developed a kind of chest inflammation by the end of the day. Fortunately I recovered by sleeping, however it began again as I was inhaling the paint fumes. Toxic fumes probably put a further burden on the body when it is already under strain as I believe that POIS is a kind of self-poisoning or metabolic syndrome even though it seems practically undiagnosable by conventional means.
I can't relate much to electro hyper sensitivity though. It is true that gazing at a monitor can certainly increase bloodshot eyes and there were a few times when the router was off and I think I slept better at the time, but I don't believe merely being near electrical devices would increase my symptoms.
As for possible treatments I can say that Spirulina also helped me, but only a little. I also wanted to try bentonite clay a few years ago, however I could not find a place that sold food quality product. Charcoal capsules proved very effective though, but they had a very short effectiveness and major side-effects as well. Artemisinin was already on my list of things to try and I will report about it when I can. Testosterone boosters and medicinal mushrooms are the most effective for me so far. If you have cognitive problems I think saffron is another must try. Others had major success with fenugreek, garlic, niacin/niacinamide, matcha tea or mastic gum. Other good recommendations can be found on the site, but you can't avoid the trial and error method.
I have red eyes very often because I can't avoid the allergens sprayed into the air constantly by the people who live here that won't stop and don't take my health issues seriously., so I've brought myself an air purifier to fight back. POIS also feels like a self poisoning my worst episodes of it always brought with the O a feeling like something in the center of my abdomen just got backed up then the severe fatigue sets in and from there I get sicker till I hit the peak and the meat of it lasts for 4-5 days and then quickly tapers off. I'm also a medicinal mushroom user, I use a tincture of Lions Mane every day and it improves my life drastically. I've tried all other available to me and reishi is good for calming down my system a bit but I don't use it right now. I have used to saffron for a little while but I didn't notice it do anything much for me up front but make all my food I made taste better and drain too much money for what its worth.

Yesterday I had some success though when I tried the Wim Hof breathing method which I'm not doing every day that really does somehow keep my inflammation way down. Yeah it's no cure but it keeps away some of the mental aspects which also involve not having full control of my voice. Also means that immune system is always going completely nuts 24/7 even when nothing is going on.

I have recently tested both lion's mane and reishi with positive results, so I updated my thread about them. Also thanks for your report about saffron even if it didn't prove beneficial. By the way have you also not noticed any reduction in bloodshot eyes while taking saffron? For me this and berberine were possibly the best for this symptom. 5a-reductase and aromatase inhibitors work for me, but only weakly. You may still want to try some testosterone boosters (e.g. maca, tribulus, ecdysterone, tongkat ali) as they were great additions to medicinal mushrooms. It is true though that even I haven't managed to completely suppress POIS so far.

Lions Mane is definitely in my life to stay, I for some reason can't handle the capsules but the non-alcohol tincture is great, I use Goldzen brand. I wasn't paying attention to my eyes during it so I'm not sure, I tried it a while back not for the medicinal value but just because I wanted to make some food with it on my own. I've never had any testosterone boosters but I have heard about tongkat so I'll look into though, though I'm not sure if I have a lack of it. I go grow body hair like my body wants to turn into a gorilla,


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Re: Mindlesstree's Case
« Reply #8 on: September 06, 2021, 03:03:52 PM »
What you wrote about your teenage years had happened exactly the same way for me. I was also diagnosed with schizophrenia, however I believe it was a false diagnosis in my case. It is true that I have a very special psychological problem, but from my perspective it is a perfectly reasonable theory and fear. Fortunately I am not often exposed to gas fumes, however last spring I had to paint a flat then ours. Several times I developed a kind of chest inflammation by the end of the day. Fortunately I recovered by sleeping, however it began again as I was inhaling the paint fumes. Toxic fumes probably put a further burden on the body when it is already under strain as I believe that POIS is a kind of self-poisoning or metabolic syndrome even though it seems practically undiagnosable by conventional means.
I can't relate much to electro hyper sensitivity though. It is true that gazing at a monitor can certainly increase bloodshot eyes and there were a few times when the router was off and I think I slept better at the time, but I don't believe merely being near electrical devices would increase my symptoms.
As for possible treatments I can say that Spirulina also helped me, but only a little. I also wanted to try bentonite clay a few years ago, however I could not find a place that sold food quality product. Charcoal capsules proved very effective though, but they had a very short effectiveness and major side-effects as well. Artemisinin was already on my list of things to try and I will report about it when I can. Testosterone boosters and medicinal mushrooms are the most effective for me so far. If you have cognitive problems I think saffron is another must try. Others had major success with fenugreek, garlic, niacin/niacinamide, matcha tea or mastic gum. Other good recommendations can be found on the site, but you can't avoid the trial and error method.
I have red eyes very often because I can't avoid the allergens sprayed into the air constantly by the people who live here that won't stop and don't take my health issues seriously., so I've brought myself an air purifier to fight back. POIS also feels like a self poisoning my worst episodes of it always brought with the O a feeling like something in the center of my abdomen just got backed up then the severe fatigue sets in and from there I get sicker till I hit the peak and the meat of it lasts for 4-5 days and then quickly tapers off. I'm also a medicinal mushroom user, I use a tincture of Lions Mane every day and it improves my life drastically. I've tried all other available to me and reishi is good for calming down my system a bit but I don't use it right now. I have used to saffron for a little while but I didn't notice it do anything much for me up front but make all my food I made taste better and drain too much money for what its worth.

Yesterday I had some success though when I tried the Wim Hof breathing method which I'm not doing every day that really does somehow keep my inflammation way down. Yeah it's no cure but it keeps away some of the mental aspects which also involve not having full control of my voice. Also means that immune system is always going completely nuts 24/7 even when nothing is going on.

I have recently tested both lion's mane and reishi with positive results, so I updated my thread about them. Also thanks for your report about saffron even if it didn't prove beneficial. By the way have you also not noticed any reduction in bloodshot eyes while taking saffron? For me this and berberine were possibly the best for this symptom. 5a-reductase and aromatase inhibitors work for me, but only weakly. You may still want to try some testosterone boosters (e.g. maca, tribulus, ecdysterone, tongkat ali) as they were great additions to medicinal mushrooms. It is true though that even I haven't managed to completely suppress POIS so far.

Lions Mane is definitely in my life to stay, I for some reason can't handle the capsules but the non-alcohol tincture is great, I use Goldzen brand. I wasn't paying attention to my eyes during it so I'm not sure, I tried it a while back not for the medicinal value but just because I wanted to make some food with it on my own. I've never had any testosterone boosters but I have heard about tongkat so I'll look into though, though I'm not sure if I have a lack of it. I go grow body hair like my body wants to turn into a gorilla,

I also don't have any indication for a lack of testosterone and there were others who reported normal testosterone levels and yet a testosterone supplementation still helped them. The problem is probably not with the low level itself. Testosterone possibly helps due to some effect it exerts on the body (e.g. PPARG suppression) and a higher level enhances such an effect. Beta glucan found in medicinal mushrooms also antagonizes PPARG, however several PPARG agonists also help me, while some PPARG antagonists don't, so a straightforward solution still eludes me.
Also thanks for the tip about the lion's mane tincture, I will surely give it a try!
The cause is probably a combination of autoimmunity and SASP leading to excessive oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Antioxidants, testosterone, NO and norepinephrine boosters, ERbeta, sigma-1, SIRT-1 and dopamine agonists, PDE4, PDE5 inhibitors and CD36 antagonists are effective.