Author Topic: Warrior's Health Journal & POIS Protocol  (Read 63864 times)


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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #40 on: July 20, 2022, 09:15:41 PM »
You can hawe refratcory [sic] period that last my" two" centuries  :)  if you ask me, (not sure for your lady) but you cant [sic] be sick from it.

bold empasis mine - - Demo

”The refractory period can have both mental and physiological effects.”

From Medical News Today
Opening/headline paragraph

My contention - -
For the average person: refractory period effects are not too bad
For a POISer:          refractory period effects can be much worse
« Last Edit: July 21, 2022, 12:08:51 AM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #41 on: July 23, 2022, 07:17:38 PM »
Can confirm the gluten-free & non-active B complex made a world of difference to my POIS solution. Garlic and fenugreek alone are not enough (for me!).

I E'd 6 times over 3 days a couple weeks ago and was definitely experiencing POIS when taking the fenugreek & garlic alone (although still not as chronic when I take nothing at all, they still improve my symptoms). I know because I went to see one of my favourite bands IRL and I was relatively miserable -- low energy (fatigue) and a pretty all round crappy mood, very clear to me it was because I ejaculated. If I took nothing (no fenugreek, no garlic) then my POIS would be undeniably intense -- pretty anxious, extreme fatigue, etc.

Went gluten-free for 3 days & took non-active B complex after ejaculating.

E'd 6 times over 3 days. Completely symptom free, apart from my back being inflamed for a day or two. Zero mental symptoms though.

You might think E'ing 6 times over 3 days is a lot, but this is after 2 weeks of abstaining and I am 21 years old haha. Builds up like a water tank.

So my current POIS solution is:
* Gluten-free diet
* 2g fenugreek before and after E
* Raw minced garlic, let it sit 5-10 minutes, before and after E
* Nature's Own Ultra B 150 Forte (has mostly non-active form of B vitamins) taken only afterwards
* Methyl B12 sublingual under the tongue, taken only afterwards 10 minutes after the B complex

I have an active B complex "Life Extension BioActive Complete B-Complex" which actually contains higher quality forms of the B vitamins but it doesn't seem as effective for my POIS interestingly enough. This still cured afternoon brainfog symptoms I used to experience. So I kind of swap between both brands, taking a B complex once every few days (give my body a break as they are pretty high dosage) or on ejaculation days I take the non-active B complex.

I still don't 100% know which variable of my POIS solution is responsible for what. I also thought in the past gluten-free was not necessary for me. All I know is that fenugreek, garlic, a "normal diet", and the active B complex (which is usually seen as a higher quality B complex then the non-active one I take), is not enough to remove my POIS. The 2 extra elements of gluten-free AND non-active B complex fixed my symptoms by pretty much 99%. Maybe 1 of those 2 changes are responsible, only time and testing will tell.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2022, 07:39:59 PM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #42 on: August 03, 2022, 07:48:24 PM »
Ran a few more tests. Began eating a significant amount of food with gluten (bread, wraps, etc), tested the POIS solution along with the Nature's Own 150 B Forte, and symptoms were definitely not as bad. They have definitely been improved with Nature's Own 150 B Forte.

* Fenugreek
* Raw minced garlic
* Nature's Own 150 B Forte

These 3 are unnegotiable when it comes to my POIS solution. Other B Complexes DO NOT work at all compared to this specific one.

Still testing gluten-free aspect, not 100% sure if it is absolutely necessary although it does seem that the POIS solution and my state of mind is better overall when I'm on a gluten-free diet. Gluten seems to give me this subtle mental noise. Gluten does not seem reliable.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2022, 07:52:04 PM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #43 on: August 14, 2022, 08:01:22 PM »
Had a medical appointment with Dr. Michael Lowy at Sydney Men's Health Clinic in Double Bay ( He was pleasantly surprised about the fenugreek, garlic, gluten-free diet, and B-complex effectiveness of solving my POIS. Said that cases like this should be studied for science, unfortunately it is difficult to get funding given that POIS effects such a tiny group of the population.

He's seen an influx of POIS cases recently. (I believe there are lots of undiagnosed cases in the semen retention and nofap communities (r/semenretention r/nofap on reddit. We agreed that it is however difficult to discern between psychological guilt resulting from ejaculation and belief systems, and then actual physiological POIS types).

He said that the best/latest theory on POIS is that it is some kind of autoimmune condition.
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #44 on: August 15, 2022, 11:22:46 PM »
My updated POIS solution, where I have individually tested each item & can confidently conclude they are 100% necessary for my POIS solution to work effectively:

* Fenugreek (2g 40 minutes before & immediately after)
* Raw minced garlic (1/4 clove minced, let it sit for 10 minutes, 40 minutes before & immediately after)
* Gluten-free diet
* Nature's Own 150 B Forte (taken daily, ideally some time after ejaculating)

Without the gluten-free component, my POIS solution works at about 70% effectiveness. I have also tested and tried other B complex's, but they do not seem to work as well as this specific one. I also eat a diet high in nutrient dense food including meat, eggs, bananas, fruit, rice, etc.
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #45 on: August 21, 2022, 02:46:56 AM »
Going to play around with a grain-free / lectin free diet and see how it effects my POIS. Gonna have a few simple staples for my carbs: lots of sweet potato and mostly fruit

Sometimes I notice my POIS "come up" symptoms vary, even though I'm gluten-free. I think it may be because I am also intolerant to other grains and am continuously eating these at random times. Gluten certainly is the worst one for my POIS, and cutting it out was a great improvement.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2022, 03:46:52 AM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #46 on: August 29, 2022, 04:11:05 AM »
Retrograde ejaculations are sneaky buggers. They can occur anytime with strong arousal and can sneak under the radar by giving you a very light POIS. Has happened to me a few times now. Manifests as maybe 10-30% of normal POIS intensity of symptoms, without the fatigue. Mild brain fog, feeling lazy and unmotivated, feeling a tad more anxious than usual, but nowhere near as anxious as a full blown POIS episode.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2022, 04:20:02 AM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #47 on: August 29, 2022, 11:09:27 PM »
Experimenting with an animal based diet for 1 week beginning today. Only grass fed beef and organs, sardines, raw goats milk, and organic fruit and honey where possible. No vegetables, nuts, grains, seeds, tubers, or other oils, etc. Motivation for this is Paul Saladino MD's work.

The logic is that if I see improvement with gluten-free, it makes me think I've got some kind of sensitivity of autoimmune reaction to lectins. Will be interesting to see if this has any effect on my POIS. Lots of people have seen autoimmune diseases go into remission through carnivore diets.
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #48 on: August 30, 2022, 07:01:51 AM »
Nice coincidence. I had ordered Desiccated Liver Tablets (beef) last week, they should arrive tomorrow.
Let's see if they make a difference in my general health and energy levels. (and POIS of course).


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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #49 on: August 30, 2022, 06:30:50 PM »
Nice coincidence. I had ordered Desiccated Liver Tablets (beef) last week, they should arrive tomorrow.
Let's see if they make a difference in my general health and energy levels. (and POIS of course).

I recommend having actual grass fed grass finished liver from a butcher you trust. Have like 2-4oz at least once in your life just to see how it goes! I know it?s unpalatable, but I just swallow it while holding my nose lol. You?ll feel a buzz afterwards, feels like natures B complex. I?ve had desiccated liver supplements before and I just can?t see how such a small portion of dried liver is going to give the same health benefits. Although they are certainly better than nothing, I have two tubs: one is desiccated liver, other is desiccated heart, liver and kidney.

I found too, if you soak the liver in full cream milk for an hour it removes some of the bad flavour. Some people have it raw, apparently it tastes worst when cooked (which makes sense to me) but I would only have it raw if you were certain of the source haha. Make sure you try the other offal meats as well including heart, kidney, and bone marrow. They all have unique nutrient profiles, very different to the basic muscle meat. I?m trying to have all of them to see if there is any synergistic  effects or nutrients that I may be deficient in as I never really have these offal meats
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #50 on: September 02, 2022, 05:48:44 PM »
5 day animal based diet experiment

While on animal based diet eating only grass fed grass finished beef, beef organs, raw goat milk, pasture-raised eggs, sardines with extra virgin olive oil, fruit, and honey:

Ejaculated twice. Mild POIS reaction like usual, but apart from that, 98% symptom free. No fenugreek and raw garlic were taken, it's hard for me to believe. Sounds like the root of my POIS is grains/lectin/food sensitivity/leaky gut related. Am going to eliminate dairy and eggs next to see if I can get complete 100% remission. Then will focus on reintroducing foods to see which ones I can tolerate.

From the small amount of research I've done, it sounds like leaky gut, but more research is needed. If it is leaky gut, I will go on a specialised diet for the next year in the pursuit of healing my gut. This would also probably justify why I had a B vitamin complex deficiency despite eating a very whole food diet. The fenugreek and raw minced garlic sound like to me potent anti inflammatory's. If I fix the root cause (removing the foods triggering autoimmunity), there won't be any or little inflammation to fix (just like in this instance where the garlic and fenugreek was not necessary). These are just my pet theories, I'm not a doctor lol
« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 06:50:33 AM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2022, 08:01:06 AM »
Did a 2 week (ish) experiment of AIP diet.
Going to be doing a complete elimination protocol for 5 days. Eating only grass-fed grass-finished beef & organs, avocadoes, fruit and honey, sweet potato, and Dr. Gundry-approved vegetables. No grains (including corn), dairy, eggs, processed food, coffee, alcohol, beans, legumes (including soy and cashews), nuts, seeds (including chocolate and coffee), and nightshades for 2 weeks. Then slowly reintroduce Dr. Gundry-approved foods 1 at a time, testing to see if they impact my autoimmunity: dairy, eggs, tahini (seed), pistachios (nut), etc.

The goal is to achieve complete 100% POIS remission through diet alone. Eggs are a food group that I have overlooked in my diet as a potential trigger for autoimmunity. I would also like to incorporate vegetables this time: cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, etc.

Did eat probably a more fruit than AIP calls for*

** Begun 12th September 2022**
** Added raw dairy on the 14th September as I've tested dairy before & 90% sure I do not react to it. Helps to add variety. **
** Went back to dairy-free on the 20th for sake of experiment. **
** Accidentally still ingested pepper through these organic sausages

Edit: Completed on the 25th September. 90-95% ish rate of remission without garlic or fenugreek.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2022, 01:45:56 AM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #52 on: September 17, 2022, 06:08:25 PM »
Latest update & overview on my POIS:

Raw minced garlic & fenugreek dry seed extract seem to be natural anti-inflammatories for my specific condition. They are a band-aid fix, however, which do not address the root cause.

The root cause of my condition, I hypothesize, is a leaky gut, where ingesting inflammatory & sensitive foods pass through the leaky gut creating autoimmunity in the body. The result is severe fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, aches, and physical tensions, etc., whenever I ejaculate (autoimmunity, known as my POIS).

Why do I think it's a leaky gut?

Gluten is the worst food for my condition and made the most impact on my POIS overall when I cut it out. In fact, if I eat a large amount of gluten, the raw garlic and fenugreek are simply overpowered by the chronic inflammation created by gluten. It literally renders the garlic and fenugreek useless. Ingestion of large amounts of gluten causes my POIS to become extremely chronic.

There is a strong link between gluten and autoimmunity, and many experts suggest that a leaky gut is a prerequisite to autoimmunity. When I was younger, I did not have all of these food sensitivities. A leaky gut is known to create weird food sensitivities. When my POIS began, the lifestyle I was living and the food I was eating would make me a perfect candidate for developing a leaky gut. Eating lots of shit food to build muscle (foods high in gluten, grains, preservatives, vegetable oils, etc), eating pretty much all the time (I was/am a hard gainer, so I would need to flog food all day long to put on weight, terrible for my gut health as it probably got zero rest, no opportunities to naturally heal). I also got a back injury during a time period right before my POIS began, which probably created a lot of stress on my body. Stress is another known factor to cause a leaky gut. A leaky gut would also justify why I had a vitamin B deficiency despite eating a very whole food diet, which included plenty of meat, vegetables, mushrooms, fruit, etc.

There are actually 140 autoimmune diseases that weve identified, and the only scientifically agreed-upon cause for autoimmune conditions is gluten sensitivity. Gluten tends to be the central core hub thats always present.
- Peter Osborne, PhD, expert in orthomolecular and functional medicine

Gluten is not the only food that creates inflammation and contributes to my POIS. Other grains, nuts, and seeds also seem to worsen my condition. These are known to be cross-reactive foods (foods the immune system can mistake for gluten), so it isn't surprising given that I am sensitive to gluten, I am also sensitive to other grains, nuts, and seeds. For the most part, garlic and fenugreek are strong enough to reduce inflammation created by these food groups (an interesting fact). Not ideal, but better than nothing, and am eternally grateful. However, to heal a leaky gut, which would theoretically cure my POIS and associated food sensitivities permanently, you need to cut out all inflammatory foods for an extended period of time. For me, this would include grains, nuts, seeds, and any other food sensitivities I have not identified yet. This would give the body a chance to recover, for the immune system to completely relax, and for my gut to properly heal. Bone broth, L-glutamine, zinc, etc are supplements that can help heal a leaky gut.

I've tested multiple times now that when I go on a strict elimination diet, my symptoms are reduced so significantly that I hardly need to take the fenugreek and garlic. I have not yet identified all specific foods/food groups that cause my symptoms. I've just cut out all the known inflammatory agents for autoimmune, which include grains, seeds, nuts, nightshades, eggs, SAD/processed foods, etc.

My goal is to identify ALL trigger foods. Remove them for a long period of time and heal my gut.
Here is an excellent resource that covers leaky gut, autoimmunity, inflammatory agents, elimination protocol, and healing a leaky gut:

« Last Edit: September 17, 2022, 06:22:48 PM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #53 on: September 29, 2022, 03:54:10 AM »
Did a 4 day carnivore experiment from 26th - 29th
4 days of eating meat
100% grass fed beef rump, scotch fillet, bone marrow, rendered fat, and ground beef

3 releases on day 4 (29th)

Very subtle reaction still going on.
Very minor aches and tensions throughout the body.
Very slight murkiness.
These symptoms only last for about 40 minutes to 2 hours (ish), depending on frequency (3rd release took a bit longer to recover + I didn't eat another meal afterwards for a few hours.)
Tiring on the body, but nothing you can't shake off after a meal and a 15 minute nap.
Symptoms that did come up were extremely mild nonetheless.
Releases were done over span of the day before 1pm.

Full recovery on all 3 releases. The last release was difficult to determine as it was 4pm when I was assessing and a muggy day, which is quite common for me to feel a bit off in general at that time.
I took a garlic & fenugreek dose (removing all inflammation). There was not really any difference in how I felt before or after the dose, which would reflect a full recovery of the 3rd release.

Felt very grounded and calm throughout the entire process.
Mood was not negatively effected.

I will now reintroduce fruit & honey, retesting in 2-4 days.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 03:56:14 AM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #54 on: October 03, 2022, 04:40:34 AM »
Did another 4-5 day experiment, this time eating meat + fruit

3 releases all before 1 pm

Few subtle aches and tensions like in meat experiment.
Light murkiness during POIS period.
Not as tired as I was in the meat experiment, probably because I am full of carbohydrates (fruit).
All symptoms have been minor / subtle.
Exactly the same as meat experiment, except maybe less aches. Hard to tell.
Recovery period after each subsequent release seems to increase beginning at 40 mins, 1hr 40, then approx 3hrs. Then after that, absolutely zero POIS. Clear as anything. No fenugreek or garlic necessary ? may still be useful as an insurance policy but the symptoms are completely gone nonetheless.
Potentially faster recovery time than meat experiment. Most likely because I have more energy from carb consumption & didn?t eat many calories when doing the meat experiment, or possibly due to the extra nutrition like vitamin C from oranges that I had.

I would say the meat experiment & meat + fruit experiment results are virtually the same, except fruit provides extra energy and perhaps clarity.
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Re: Warrior's Diary (POIS solution & general info)
« Reply #55 on: October 08, 2022, 09:57:09 PM »
4 days of eating meat + fruit + veg (AIP), some notes:
3rd Oct ~ 7th Oct

*Some minor food cross contaminations that possibly effected results, although very unlikely

One interesting symptom I noticed popped up during experiment is that I noticed much more ringing in the ears. Not sure if I experienced that on fruit + meat, dont think I did.
Took about 2hrs 10 mins or so to fully recover from first release.
Overall, AIP does not seem as effective as fruit + meat but is still nonetheless extremely effective overall, and probably more realistic to follow long-term.
Its also not a sunny day, whereas it was a very sunny day on the fruit+ meat experiment. Important note as sunshine in general makes me feel a lot better especially when basking in it.
Full remission after 2-3 hrs of each release. Symptoms felt slightly more intense then fruit + meat experiment, although it was an overcast day which is known to effect my mood generally speaking, whereas the day we tested meat + fruit was very sunny. Also a good chance the sun will boost your mood / improve POIS on top of diet.
Also keep in mind for this experiment: only really ate a medium sized sweet potato in the morning with lots of cooked onion/garlic in beef mince, and sweet potato yesterday morning. There wasn?t a tonne of AIP foods in and around the releases. Would be good to do another test where we flog the system with a lot of veggies for 2-3 days and do multiple releases across that timespan.
Full remission of all 3 releases. All took 2-3hrs each.
Ate a big AIP meal at night (lots of brocolli/cauliflower, carrot, and sweet potato). Woke up feeling pretty murky and slight 5-10% POIS. Felt better after having some bone broth (protein).
Did another test release following morning, to see potency of AIP when having high amounts of AIP foods in and around release (broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, sweet potato, etc) and was same level of effectiveness ✅
Then experimented by taking fenugreek + garlic, and released again to see if POIS come up was reduced. Didnt seem as intense but difficult to know.
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #56 on: October 13, 2022, 02:49:31 AM »
Been eating mostly animal-based with a few AIP dishes here and there lately.
You technically cannot eat fenugreek on an AIP diet as it is considered a seed, so I wanted to retest and see how important fenugreek is for my POIS.

Did a release last night and a release this morning, just taking raw garlic. The benefits of raw garlic are very clear (took it beforehand, immediately after, and 6 hours post-release & felt an immediate boost in mood, clarity, and energy). Then took 2 fenugreek pills about an hour or so after the last dose of garlic, and felt another immediate boost in clarity, soberness, and energy. It was like a shift going from 10% POIS to zero/complete recovery.

It just blows my mind that these two very distinct and arbitrary plant medicines (fenugreek & garlic) have such an incredible medicinal effect on my POIS.

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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2022, 08:08:09 PM »
Currently following a diet that's basically split autoimmune protocol (AIP) and animal-based (AB).

Even on this, I sometimes experience spontaneous POIS from either an unknown retrograde release or sexual stimulation. It catches you off guard. I haven't released in days, and then out of nowhere I'm feeling POISY but I don't put it down to POIS because I haven't released in over a few days at least. It's not until I take some fenugreek and garlic that I realize it was POIS. Mind you it's no where near as intense as what my old POIS was, but it's still annoying enough to take a dose of fenugreek and garlic.

It's for these reasons that I am interested in healing/reversing the condition at the root cause. Animal-based is the most effective diet for me.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 03:42:49 AM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #58 on: October 22, 2022, 03:56:42 AM »
My results of animal-based diet effect on POIS versus auto-immune protocol diet effect on POIS:

Animal-based diet (meat & fruit only) ~ 97% natural remission level (when no garlic or fenugreek is taken), with the remaining 3% being murkiness/fogginess for 30 minutes - 3 hours
  • Diet consisted of 100% grass fed & finished beef. Also fruit covered in skin (ie., oranges, bananas, papaya, etc).
  • Natural inclination towards this diet anyway (convenient and tasty to eat fruit as the main carbohydrate source, I also love a nice simple steak)
  • Would be useful to test next animal-based diet foods with ?medium toxicity? foods including avocado and coconut oil, sardines, sweet potatoes, grain-fed beef, etc.

Auto-immune protocol diet (meat, fruit & veg) ~ 90-95% natural remission level (when no garlic or fenugreek is taken), with the remaining 10-5% being murkiness/fogginess and a slightly more ?off? mood, for a slightly longer duration when compared to animal-based, 2-3 hours. Very mild POIS symptoms can last longer than 3+ hours
  • Note: These results were tested under conditions where I ate a moderate amount of AIP vegetables (sweet potato, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, garlic, and carrot) in addition to fruit and meat, so keep that in mind. If you begin eating an enormous amount of AIP vegetables, then this may impact POIS effectiveness. More than likely, the food sensitivities you are experiencing on AIP correspond to very specific vegetables, and thus there are probably other vegetables out there that you don?t eat frequently that you are sensitive to. If you begin eating a higher quantity of AIP vegetables, or you begin introducing new ones, always pay attention to how your POIS responds. With all this being said, I am not my body likes vegetables. There is a strong chance I will undertake a strict animal-based diet anyway.
  • Fenugreek & raw minced garlic are an absolute must while following the AIP diet. I?ve tested the importance of both plant medicines multiple times, and they both have incredible medicinal effects on my POIS even while following an AIP diet.

I have also cleaned up & updated my main post to reflect my most up-to-date protocol. I hope all of this information can help fellow/future POISers.  ;D
« Last Edit: October 22, 2022, 07:30:51 PM by warrioronthetrot »
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Re: Warrior's Journal (My POIS Solution, Experiments, & Theories)
« Reply #59 on: October 23, 2022, 11:56:16 AM »
animal-based diet effect on POIS

So far, I also think Paul Saladino's recent diet (meat+organ meat+fruit+A2 (raw?)dairy+honey) sounds very good.
I bought the dessicated organ pills mentioned somewhere above and I'm very happy with the energy they give me.