Author Topic: My POIS Symptoms  (Read 4915 times)


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My POIS Symptoms
« on: December 16, 2020, 08:33:22 AM »
Here are all the symptoms that I have noticed to be due to POIS meaning after orgasm they appear and then with each day of abstinence they seem to lessen:

  • Brain fog - blurry, "filled up" feeling in brain everything cognitive related feels less clear in my brain as if there was some congestion
  • Vision changes-this is also worsened by bad sleep basically vision quality is the same but eyes feel sort of more bulged as if there was a pressure behind them and they sort of do not focus on things properly and the vision feels narrowed I do see things on the edges and in the background but my vision mostly seems to focus the best only on the exact spot where I am looking at where as when I don't have the POIS symptoms I seem to be able to simultaneously keep track of multiple object changes and movements in my vision field and the field of vision sort of feels as it has increased.
  • This also is worsened by bad sleep but POIS gives it too - motor clumsiness muscle stiffness - in POIS I feel like my muscles are less fluent they become stiffer for example when dancing the movements don't flow naturally but they feel very forced and robotic like this usually gets better at like 2 weeks of abstinence but that is not the only thing I also get clumsier and sort of feel as my vestibular orientation is kind of disrupted often when typing my fingers tend to slip on the nearby keys or I often tend to forget for example that next to me there are some objects and I bump into them or I seem to make too large limb movements e.g. I only wanna take a 20cm long step but I take a longer one and it gets very hard to feel the difference in miniature distances with longer distances there isn't that much of a problem and I also notice that playing ball type of sports in POIS is very hard because it feels harder to visualize how the ball will fly and how much pressure to apply when kicking or throwing a ball for example in football or basketball and my vestibular centers feel sort of dully and dizzy.
  • Hard to come up with quick witted jokes and responses - it is probably due to brain fog but I feel like in POIS it is very hard to spontaneously come up with quick witted jokes and responses like anything that involves with acutely coming up with ideas/jokes/thoughts/examples is alot harder however meanwhile creativity involving longer thinking time isn't that much affected and I eventually can come up with something but it is when having to think quick it feels like quick type of thoughts barely fire at all in POIS or they sort of are delayed except maybe quick thinking related to quickly dodging physical obstacles as that type of thinking is always fast but it is mainly the idea type of thinking that is disrupted.
  • Tenser neck and forehead and shoulder feeling I feel like in POIS my neck/shoulders/forehead/everything on that top area sort of gets tenser and maybe it plays part in some of those symptoms or is a result of them.
  • Getting startled easier for example when some unexpected noise or movement or such appears I get that jumpy startle reaction a lot more and faster and easier in a POIS state it could be maybe due to delayed mental processing speed to some extent.
  • Delayed mental processing speed in POIS basically every word/text/idea/explanation/occurrence sort of takes longer time to go through my mind and for me to fully comprehend it and sometimes in POIS I might not understanding something at all and then in a state of less POIS symptoms or a fully free POIS state when reading or watching that again I would suddenly understand it within seconds and it would feel easy however due to the next POIS symptom I will tell you about even if I do learn something in POIS state it becomes harder to remember that because of:
    • Short term and long term memory impairments - interestingly memory itself doesn't get affected but the ability to be able to recall it on your own individually for example if I see/read/hear/taste/smell something related to something e.g. a memory from the past or regarding some knowledge / information I recall for that moment a memory but the ability to recall memories without a specific association e.g. being told by somebody or taking a look at the photos related to that or reading something or smelling or tasting something related to that without those reminder triggers most of the things that aren't main and simple ones that I would need to remember they simply are very hard to recall.
    • Lower voice volume / harder to understand voice / needing to manually speak with more strength for my voice to become clear - when out of a POIS symptoms state I can engage my voice muscles with not much effort and my speech comes out clear and of high enough volume to be heard and fully understood however in POIS state my voice becomes slurry and I need to manually increase the effort I put into speaking by manually increasing my voice power for it to become clear enough and of high enough volume to be understood clearly and this symptom also seems to be worsened by bad sleep.
    • Worse stool quality I think in POIS my stool tends to become lighter and more yellowish in color whereas on an abstinence streak it has the normal brown type color this also seems to be worsened by stress, not good enough sleep quality and I suspect that grains and gluten products like bread and pasta and such might also worsen it but I have not tested that out yet properly.

    These are currently the main ones I can recall if I notice or remember other ones I might have ahd forgotten I will update everyone on that now the question is which specific underlying disorders and imbalances could produce such systems that seem to mainly affect the neuro-muscular-motor-vestibular-cognitive systems and the gut and digestion health systems?

    Anyone else has such type of POIS?

    What are your POIS symptoms?
« Last Edit: December 16, 2020, 08:35:18 AM by Journey »


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Re: The POIS Symptoms List
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2020, 10:25:58 AM »
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Re: The POIS Symptoms List
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2020, 02:41:03 PM »
Yep exactly the same as what you described, negative thoughts and anger its horrid. Depression I think.


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Re: The POIS Symptoms List
« Reply #3 on: December 27, 2020, 01:17:30 PM »
Yep exactly the same as what you described, negative thoughts and anger its horrid. Depression I think.
Do you remember when all those symptoms started and if you had any medicines or different diet or some infections or anything different than usual that might have caused that and have been related to that and has something ever had any kind of impact on it by directly decreasing the symptoms caused by their triggers?


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Re: The POIS Symptoms List
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2020, 04:07:09 PM »
Symptoms started early teens, face flushing first then I suppose it sort of spiraled from there, I suppose a miss wiring of the brain, I became lazy in my motions which I put down to pois. No major illneses.


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Re: The POIS Symptoms List
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2021, 10:37:02 AM »
I have had a very strong pressure or tension in my neck for a long time, but I have doubts if this is accompanied by cardiovascular symptoms. I did not know that POIS caused neck strain. Is there a list with more general symptoms? Thank you


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Just took 10mg Zyrtec and 500mg Bayers Aspirin
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2021, 06:16:37 AM »
Maybe breathing is and that lung tightness thing is slightly improved but no change in that weird disordered motor-time perception thing and the blurriness in head, might need to wait for longer


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Re: My POIS Symptoms
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2022, 06:44:03 AM »
"in POIS my stool tends to become lighter and more yellowish in color". I get the exacly the same symptom and it stays this way many days after the POIS period. I didnt have this the first decades, it arrived during the last 5 years. I strongly belive this symptom it is related to the pancreas or/and the liver, which both lowers there capacity during POIS inflammation. A CT-scan showed that my pancreas were smaller then normal and I will have a liver ultrasound check this spring. Consider this:

"The normal brown color of stool occurs due to the presence of bilirubin. Bilirubin is formed as a breakdown product of hemoglobin (from red blood cells) in the liver and is secreted into the bile, which enters the intestines"

"pale yellow, greasy, foul-smelling stool: malabsorption of fat due to pancreatic insufficiency"

This is just a explanation though, the sollution is still to minimize the POIS inflammation. But there might be a good idea to take pancreas enzymes to get the organ "going" though the POIS days. I've just got pancreas enzymes presciption from my doctor. Maybe you should check the state of your pancreas.

Do you share any of the symptoms of Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2022, 06:55:42 AM by BoneBroth »


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Re: My POIS Symptoms
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2022, 03:55:39 PM »
"in POIS my stool tends to become lighter and more yellowish in color". I get the exacly the same symptom and it stays this way many days after the POIS period. I didnt have this the first decades, it arrived during the last 5 years. I strongly belive this symptom it is related to the pancreas or/and the liver, which both lowers there capacity during POIS inflammation. A CT-scan showed that my pancreas were smaller then normal and I will have a liver ultrasound check this spring. Consider this:

"The normal brown color of stool occurs due to the presence of bilirubin. Bilirubin is formed as a breakdown product of hemoglobin (from red blood cells) in the liver and is secreted into the bile, which enters the intestines"

"pale yellow, greasy, foul-smelling stool: malabsorption of fat due to pancreatic insufficiency"

This is just a explanation though, the sollution is still to minimize the POIS inflammation. But there might be a good idea to take pancreas enzymes to get the organ "going" though the POIS days. I've just got pancreas enzymes presciption from my doctor. Maybe you should check the state of your pancreas.

Do you share any of the symptoms of Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)?
I have pancreatic enzyme mezym at home and have used it some times, coffee too makes the stool color and quality better and makes it more solid leaving less wipe


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Re: My POIS Symptoms
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2022, 03:59:54 PM »
"in POIS my stool tends to become lighter and more yellowish in color". I get the exacly the same symptom and it stays this way many days after the POIS period. I didnt have this the first decades, it arrived during the last 5 years. I strongly belive this symptom it is related to the pancreas or/and the liver, which both lowers there capacity during POIS inflammation. A CT-scan showed that my pancreas were smaller then normal and I will have a liver ultrasound check this spring. Consider this:

"The normal brown color of stool occurs due to the presence of bilirubin. Bilirubin is formed as a breakdown product of hemoglobin (from red blood cells) in the liver and is secreted into the bile, which enters the intestines"

"pale yellow, greasy, foul-smelling stool: malabsorption of fat due to pancreatic insufficiency"

This is just a explanation though, the sollution is still to minimize the POIS inflammation. But there might be a good idea to take pancreas enzymes to get the organ "going" though the POIS days. I've just got pancreas enzymes presciption from my doctor. Maybe you should check the state of your pancreas.

Do you share any of the symptoms of Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI)?
I lose weight when ejaculating, I ejaculated too much lately and lost most of the weight I gained by bulking up I went from 75kg to 66kg and before bulk I was 63kg

Have you tried immunotherapy? Ask an immunotherapist if they can do POIS immunotherapy, if autoimmunity is eliminated it won't lead to inflammation/cortisol release which will not shrink organs further and let your body to heal and the pancreas to regrow to their proper sizes


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Re: My POIS Symptoms
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2022, 05:20:19 AM »
Yes, I also loose weight 1-2 weeks after O and have a very hard time to regain it. I have to find a immunotherapist then. Do you use it? What is included? Btw, when I eat two cold pressed garlic cloves with milk my stommach burn for 5-10 minutes. Do you feel the same?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2022, 08:56:16 AM by BoneBroth »