Author Topic: Suggestion: Please give the official website some maintenance. Looks abandoned  (Read 5279 times)


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Hello. This is my first message. Im kind of new at the forum but I've been trying nanna1's stack for more than 2 years now with mild results.
I want to report that the official website is almost completely abandoned (, almost all the activity and info and data is here in the forums. Also a lot of links in that website doesnt work or are broken. I also dont know where to start since the categories and the forum threads are quite disorganized. I recommend you to put a clear step by step guide for all the new users in the website and a better organization in the forum. There are so many threads and I dont know which ones are the most essential or important. There are also a lot of threads that are just speculations about possible cures. So please give me a detailed guideline/tutorial. Not just to me but to every POIS sufferer in here. Please.


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Derrington, welcome to the forum.
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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The poiscenter front page should be deleted in my opinion.

Pinned threads should be re-evaluated. For example why is the medical result thread not pinned?

A link to the introduction thread should be placed at the top as banner for newcomers.

The introduction page should include more useful threads.

A new forum category could be implemented where people report their own case. Dead forum categories should be deleted or replaced.


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Hello. This is my first message. Im kind of new at the forum but I've been trying nanna1's stack for more than 2 years now with mild results.
I want to report that the official website is almost completely abandoned (, almost all the activity and info and data is here in the forums. Also a lot of links in that website doesnt work or are broken. I also dont know where to start since the categories and the forum threads are quite disorganized. I recommend you to put a clear step by step guide for all the new users in the website and a better organization in the forum. There are so many threads and I dont know which ones are the most essential or important. There are also a lot of threads that are just speculations about possible cures. So please give me a detailed guideline/tutorial. Not just to me but to every POIS sufferer in here. Please.

Hi Derrington and welcome.

This post is the nearest to what you are looking for :

About the outdated site, you are right, the address "" should now lead directly to the forum home page, it would be much better.
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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The poiscenter front page should be deleted in my opinion.

Pinned threads should be re-evaluated. For example why is the medical result thread not pinned?

A link to the introduction thread should be placed at the top as banner for newcomers.

The introduction page should include more useful threads.

A new forum category could be implemented where people report their own case. Dead forum categories should be deleted or replaced.

I agree with you, Muon, the forum could use some cleansing, and a more fluid and structure. There are some discussions under way to that effect. 

About the medical results thread, thanks for your suggestion, it is done, it is pinned now, along with its related thread, the medical results discussion thread.

« Last Edit: June 19, 2020, 06:52:58 PM by Quantum »
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"" now leads directly to the forum homepage, so the old, outdated homepage with broken links and no update is not visible anymore.
From now on, anyone searching for, or clicking on a search result about, will land directly on the forum homepage, with direct view of all the forum boards, so instant access to where the real action is on the POISCenter website :)

P.S.  if the link does not lead you yet directly to the forum homepage, and still to the old website homepage, empty your browser cache, and then it will work.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2020, 07:33:05 PM by Quantum »
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Many thanks, Quantum!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Another update
The forum now has a "NEWCOMERS, START HERE!" thread, where they find he basic information needed to get them started and find their way around.
See at
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at