Thanks for the insight Fidalgo.
Can you update us on your condition? Are you POIS free at the moment? What regiment are you still taking to alleviate POIS?
No, I'm not POIS free. I had a great improve in my symptons in the first year of the threatment but, I dont know why, the symptons come back.
The imunothetapy is the best improve I ever had with Pois, but was temporary. I think there is something in imunotherapy related with POIS and must be studied.
For aleviate my POIS I use Nasonex and I make gargle with Water and Salt. I only have cold showers, dont drink coffee, and I avoid things that makes my POIS worst.
One thing that is not writen in that study is that my imunotherapy was made years ago. I dont remind the exact year, but, in the study say that was 25, and Iam now with 33, s? it must be 8 years...
So, I dont indicate for anybody, but, what I've done in this years was imunotherapy by my self. I have the same results of the research: it works for some time, and then the symptons come back.... what I do is immunotheapy for an year, more and less, when symptons turn back I stop the threatment. When the symptons turn back equal in the beginning of the threatment, in 2 years, more less, I start the imunotherapy again...
This, what I do, it's too risky and I dont indicate for anybody. I only do it because I already know how my body answer the first threatment and, even so, is risky.