No, I'm not POIS free. I had a great improve in my symptons in the first year of the threatment but, I dont know why, the symptons come back.
Reminds me of MCAD patients who lose their response to their previous successful therapy.
I think there is something in imunotherapy related with POIS and must be studied.
I agree. Very difficult to find out, there are tons of immunomodulators in seminal fluid.
For aleviate my POIS I use Nasonex and I make gargle with Water and Salt. I only have cold showers, dont drink coffee, and I avoid things that makes my POIS worst.
It contains mometasone
Fidalgo, did you ever had moments where you felt great shortly after a subcutaneous injection for a short time window but the effect didn't persist?
"Fidalgo, did you ever had moments where you felt great shortly after a subcutaneous injection for a short time window but the effect didn't persist?"
I don't understand your question. I have a progressive improvement in my symptons until one year of the threatment. After that, my symptons start a progressively come back. Bu the subcutaneous injections of diluted semen never make me felt great,,, In reality, after the injections I have POIS symptoms an get tired for about five days, The improvement are progressively, not imediataly after the injections.... Is this answer your question?