Re-post from the 'old place'

I hope you dont mind...
I am fed up with the medical system!I have a valid theory what causes my particular symptoms and have proposed reasonable diagnostic procedures to test the validity of my theory.
Still, each and every doc at my local university hospital is trying to get rid of me by suggesting psychological remedies to obviously physical causes. Everything I present, facts, cause - effect relationships, correlations, references to everything you have collected in this forum so far, is generously waved away and ignored. Everybody I have met so far is too afraid to try anything new that might cause negative side effects or can be seen as a major intervention, even if I declare to bear any related costs and waving any doc/hospital liabilities. In the medical system my right to self-determination is taken away and I declared incompetent at the whim of the gods in white...
Lets start at the beginning... as I described in previous posts, my case is slightly different from the majority of the cases I read about so far, in that my POIS symptoms started together with pain in my right testicle, following what I believe was a physical trauma of my right testicle I sustained during a spinning class (indoor cycling, balls squeezed on a hard saddle). I did have surgery (based on a wrong diagnosis) and two day relief after the surgery... until my first post-surgery ejaculation (see previous posts). Since then I am in constant POIS with right testicle pain, severity of both depending on sexual activity (always on a scale between 'bad' and 'worse').
I learned about POIS but did not know what to do about it, educated myself, and suffered throughout the last year... Only at the beginning of 2012 did I have the courage to make an appointment at my local university hospital. I specifically asked to talk to an immunologist but had to see a hospital GP first. I presented all the research you collected (waldinger everything else I could find), had all the usual tests done, including a p r i c k test with my own semen and a spermiogram. Basically all without any real results (as expected), Vitamin D deficiency, no allergy to my semen, spermiogram not great but something still seems to be alive.
My theory:I have suffered a physical trauma to my right testicle through which immune cells gained access to the testicular microenvironment. Thus, the immune privilege might be broken and immune responses no longer suppressed. I came up with the suggestion to test this by pharmacological suppressing my immune system, just as it is for example done with transplant patients to prevent foreign tissue from being rejected. I dug up this seemingly unrelated info ( about a rare eye disease, the eye also being an immune privileged site. Interestingly the preferred treatment is immunosuppressive therapy... Digging around a bit in medical literature I downloaded some bits and pieces from Google books, which you can find at the following location: of the pages will not be relevant to you but have a look at diseases_1.jpg. The table is an excerpt from a 1993 paper of Rose/Bona, modifying something called "Witebsky's postulates". I did not get access to the 1993 paper (30USD) but the Witebsky criteria have to be met for a diseases to be classified as an autoimmune disease. I am not sure about the generally accepted status of POIS, is it actually classified as an autoimmune disease?! If so, on what basis? The evidence that has to be met according to the table is rather difficult to gather and it might not happen during our lifetime... BUT Level 3.6: RESPONSIVENESS TO IMMUNOSUPPRESSION !!! There it is again, and to me it is perfectly logical and just makes sense. I believe my symptoms to be autoimmune related, if this is indeed the case, symptoms should be diminished / vanish if the immune system is somehow suppressed.
Still I was not allowed an appointment with an immunologist before seeing a specialist for psychosomatic medicine / sexual therapy. The Prof completely ignored any facts I presented, alluded to my anxiety (very surprising after two years of continued POIS suffering) and proposed the usual psych therapy including SSRI's etc. I left after the second session. Being finally granted an appointment with the immunologist after five months, he also was very reluctant to pursue the immunosuppression route. I had to listen to numerous arguments why not to do it, how dangerous it is, sideffects etc (not that millions of transplant patients worldwide are living under immunosuppression, immunosuppression being indicated for several autoimmune diseases), that we would not gain anything from this exercise since I cant live my whole life with my immune system being knocked out (Knowledge gained?! Understanding of the POIS mechanism?), and the best one, that he could give me only 1/100th of the dose that would be indicated for eg the special eye case since I dont have anything SERIOUS!!!

In order to get rid of me, to postpone decisions, and not to take any risks on his side, he sent me to urology again to take a biopsy of my right testicle to look for the infiltration of any inflammatory cells, which would support my theory. Four weeks later I had the appointment, the evening before I had some ejaculations to be sure to be in worst POIS state when the procedure was performed. The doc (he did not see me before) arrived 15min late, that was the time it took him to read up on my file. You can be sure that he never heard of POIS before, did not read a single paper on the topic and my file was the first time he was confronted with any of this... still the first thing he could tell me for sure when he entered was that POIS does not exist. Usual procedure of ignoring my arguments, using my POIS state against me by telling me what a clear case for a psychologist I am ("dont worry, in the US everybody has a shrink!") and that I should just IGNORE my symptoms! He refused to do the biopsy (probably for the better, its quite an invasive procedure that I rather go without) and sent me home with a prescription for Voltaren

... what a joke, never met anybody as prejudiced and arrogant as this guy.
So here I am... tomorrow I have a call with the immunologist again, I will try to make an appointment to start a diagnostic immunosuppression but the answer I will get is pretty clear, he will refuse to do it...
My problem is I cant go on living like this, I am almost unable to work, the way I feel EVERY morning you would normally not even get out of bed and just call in sick... I would like confirmation or rejection of my autoimmune theory based on facts so I can make an informed decision on how to continue... but most likely I will even be denied my diagnostic proposal. Most likely I will be denied any further help in this developed medical system and might be forced to seek help outside... like animus did.
Any suggestions, feedback, options?
Just a quick follow-up, forgot to mention that there actually is something called 'autoimmune orchitis' which is an autoimmune inflammation of a testicle: directly relevant to you but I believe that this is the cause of / related to my POIS...
Interestingly one of the articles mentions 'testicular atrophy', a shrinking of the testicle. The urologist told me that mine are 'smaller than usual' but that doesnt mean anything... certainly not in connection with my autoimmune hypothesis *sarcasm* ... Autoimmune orchitis was never mentioned during the talk with the urologist, however he seemed to have a lot of knowledge in the psychological field *some more sarcasm* ...