I think Quantum summed up my background very well. Very accurately and scientifically.
I apologize, but won't be able to take part on this thread on a daily basis, as my business is very busy right now.
But briefly, Yes,
The surgeries removed both Testicles. Removed the Seminal Vesicles. Surgically reduced the Prostate, but left it in. Cowper's gland was also left in on recommendation of my Doctor. Because the amount of semen the Cowper's produces is very fractional, small.. and he felt it would be also good just to have some lubrication of the urethra.
I started on a weekly dose of Testosterone replacement. Because of many things, but mainly because one can get depressed, lose muscle mass, etc. when you are low T... And I also still wanted to have sex every now and then.
Other than that- I take Avodart to further reduce my Prostate.
I think I did a "pie-chart" once for the group, showing the different components of Semen
(which includes Sperm from the Testicles, and other ejaculatory fluids from the Seminal Vesicles, Prostate, Cowper's...
Now, this is a Pie chart that I made through my own research at the time... so please don't cite it as any official chart.!