Author Topic: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary  (Read 114970 times)


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2012, 12:42:45 PM »
2 from Sri Lanka with POIS
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy :( wanna get rid of this shit
not only rare to find a woman with pois but her partner also has it is super rare.
not to be outward,in additon to your symptoms.
do you get the symptoms when you orgasm by yourself. Does he get the symptoms when he orgasms by himself.  just trying to rule out any relationship between your symptoms.


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2012, 04:27:33 PM »
2 from Sri Lanka with POIS
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy :( wanna get rid of this shit

When did you get the POIS symptoms? At the same time? Do you suspect that something external is involved ? Your case is very interesting. We´ll help you.


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #42 on: July 29, 2012, 01:58:38 AM »
San Francisco CA
Im the wife of a man suffering from POIS. 300 Niacin. Feel free to give your wife my email address!


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #43 on: July 29, 2012, 08:24:35 AM »


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #44 on: July 29, 2012, 05:22:50 PM »


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #45 on: July 31, 2012, 10:53:59 AM »
WOW,, we see very few females with POIS, although we've heard of it.

What are the symptoms? Are they the same in both of you? When did it all start? Has it always been "as a couple" or have you each had it separately?

There are probably a million questions.

2 from Sri Lanka with POIS
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy :( wanna get rid of this shit
not only rare to find a woman with pois but her partner also has it is super rare.
not to be outward,in additon to your symptoms.
do you get the symptoms when you orgasm by yourself. Does he get the symptoms when he orgasms by himself.  just trying to rule out any relationship between your symptoms.

Sorry for late reply. Yeah I and my guy both have same symptoms. We are really fighting with this and fed up :(. Our symptoms are extreme fatigue, muscle pain, back pain, neck pain, tiredness of heart, emptiness, dull sad feelings, memory difficulties, cannot concentrate (specially when it comes to studying), loss of appetite, burning eyes and pain in eyes, itching eyes, loss of hair, extreme headache, incoherent speech (cannot pronounce words correctly and feeling like memory is not working properly), depressed mood, vision problems, flabby legs and hands, joints pain, feeling very tired and lazy, skin gets sensitive and etc. All of these symptoms begin after ejaculation and last for about week or more. In the meantime if we ejaculation again, the symptoms are increasing. As long as we don?t ejaculate our symptoms are passing off little by little with the time. After ejaculating we can be happy only few hours, then we begin to feel symptoms and feeling upset of it and sick of life. These really affect us in a bad way.
And the special thing is did anyone notice your face is changing? We both have that thing too. Our mature look is reducing within a few hours after ejaculation. Our face is not clear like normal people till 4-5 days. Yes I get the symptoms when I orgasm by myself and he gets the symptoms when he orgasms by himself.
These symptoms started for my guy when he was 15 years old. But I don?t know when these really started for me. My guy was the one who found that I also have this thing. Before, we thought only he has this shit. (We called it ?Over?). Then we started to notice my symptoms too. We did search internet and I found you tube video about POIS and then I saw this forum link in the comments section.
I have lot of questions and really wanna get rid of POIS. And another thing is Sri Lankan doctors don?t know about POIS. My guy went to few doctors and they thought he has depression and gave medicine for depression. They don?t believe our symptoms. So no help from Sri Lankan doctors too.

We are afraid of our future. But since we both have this thing, we can share everything and it?s a big relief  :)

Please tell if someone has that face changing effect. Please!
« Last Edit: July 31, 2012, 11:00:49 AM by Shaniliyl »


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #46 on: July 31, 2012, 01:12:31 PM »
Yes, I was noticing just the other day, that I get all puffy around the eyes and the skin get's, like thicker, as though it is slightly swollen.

That goes with my watery eyes, and I even have it a little when niacin removes the rest of my symptoms.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #47 on: July 31, 2012, 01:28:05 PM »
Wow  Shanillyl - those are alot of aches and pains! Have you tried Niacin?  If not, run, not walk to your local vitamin place or order online - not sure what is in your country! You may have doubt and think how could this random vitamin help us?  I pass this advice onto both of you as it was in this forum that we found out about niacin.

Its also a common theme that doctors give POIS sufferers an antidepressnt for your "mood."  The only thing our doctor prescribed that helped was maxalt - drug for migraines or bad headaches.  As usual, this helps the symptoms and not a cure. Urologist, Sex therapist, Neurologist...nothing.

Im so sorry.  Hang in there!

V from California
Im the wife of a man suffering from POIS. 300 Niacin. Feel free to give your wife my email address!


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #48 on: July 31, 2012, 04:00:01 PM »
my face is not as smooth, clear or soft in pois as it is outside of pois. Been noticing that for a while now.


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #49 on: August 01, 2012, 12:26:27 AM »
Yes, I was noticing just the other day, that I get all puffy around the eyes and the skin get's, like thicker, as though it is slightly swollen.

That goes with my watery eyes, and I even have it a little when niacin removes the rest of my symptoms.

We will try Niacin. Did u take 300mg per day? Plz give some instructions.

We have sleeping problems too. if we ejaculate few days continuously, we have to spend some sleepless horrible nights it it recover. It is really painful... Need to sleep but cannot. Burning eyes and pain in eyes with tears. Headache... did u have that too?

I have another problem. I'm a Restrictive Cardiomyopathy patient.. still in early stage. It's also a rare disease which is no cure yet. So there are some medicine which are not good for me. I don't know what are they. So first of all i have to check whether Niacin is okey for me or not. however my guy can take them, he has no such problems.   


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #50 on: August 01, 2012, 12:56:28 AM »
Wow  Shanillyl - those are alot of aches and pains! Have you tried Niacin?  If not, run, not walk to your local vitamin place or order online - not sure what is in your country! You may have doubt and think how could this random vitamin help us?  I pass this advice onto both of you as it was in this forum that we found out about niacin.

Its also a common theme that doctors give POIS sufferers an antidepressnt for your "mood."  The only thing our doctor prescribed that helped was maxalt - drug for migraines or bad headaches.  As usual, this helps the symptoms and not a cure. Urologist, Sex therapist, Neurologist...nothing.

Im so sorry.  Hang in there!

V from California

Hey V,

Yeah V :( these symptoms make our lives so hard. not i didn't try Niacin. plz refer to my reply for daveman. My guy going to try them and then if also expecting to try if it's ok for my heart case. I also have a discharge infection... took medicine 4 times and still didn't heal. I think it didn't cure because of pois. as i think, the medicines don't work for infection because of pois.  I'm really depressed with that too. so can u imagine how hard time I'm spending with all of these. Luckily I found my true love. whatever happens he is with me. :)
How is your case(pois)? , thanks for reply, Will keep in touch V :)

Shani from Sri Lanka.


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #51 on: August 01, 2012, 01:01:31 AM »
my face is not as smooth, clear or soft in pois as it is outside of pois. Been noticing that for a while now.

oh is it, I have got pimples too and itching face. those will last for about 2,3 days. not pimples but itching face.
Thanks for your reply. :)
Hope we can find some cure soon...  ???


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #52 on: August 01, 2012, 08:21:47 AM »
Yes, I was noticing just the other day, that I get all puffy around the eyes and the skin get's, like thicker, as though it is slightly swollen.

That goes with my watery eyes, and I even have it a little when niacin removes the rest of my symptoms.

We will try Niacin. Did u take 300mg per day? Plz give some instructions.

We have sleeping problems too. if we ejaculate few days continuously, we have to spend some sleepless horrible nights it it recover. It is really painful... Need to sleep but cannot. Burning eyes and pain in eyes with tears. Headache... did u have that too?

I have another problem. I'm a Restrictive Cardiomyopathy patient.. still in early stage. It's also a rare disease which is no cure yet. So there are some medicine which are not good for me. I don't know what are they. So first of all i have to check whether Niacin is okey for me or not. however my guy can take them, he has no such problems.   

Here's a link to the basic procedure:

If you eat a big meal before (with heavy meats etc) you might have to wait longer than the 3 HRS. If you take it in the morning after 8 hrs or more of fasting, 100mg should be plenty. After 3 hrs fasting you might need 200mg or so.

The flush is the best indicator. If you get a good flush and wait for it to pass the peak, you'll have best results.

Also take a look at the B-Complex regime. Has very good promise and doesn't have such strict guidelines, but we are realtively new in the testing department on that regime.

Sessions 5 to 9 days, mostly Flu-like, joints, digestion problems, light cognitive.
Niacin has changed my lif though, now 1 day MAX.
Somewhere in this interaction with Niacin is the answer!


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #53 on: August 03, 2012, 11:28:07 AM »


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #54 on: August 08, 2012, 07:45:49 AM »


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #55 on: October 14, 2012, 08:15:59 PM »


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #56 on: October 18, 2012, 02:15:15 AM »
We wish to provide a one stop orderly summary of POIS for both outside researcher as well as new and potential future members.

We wish to compile information from all our diverse sources, which have been developed over the last 5 years. As you know the NSF forum was organized as a one thread forum, so some information is deeply buried, and most of it not very organized, however there exists a treasure chest of highly detailed and relevant information there.

There are other sources like the POIS Compendium, surveys that have been developed over a large period with excellent demographic profiles, a collaborator data base, vsarious lists of user symptoms and medication attempted with corresponding results.

The first attempt will be to compile and summarize our experience. A second pass will produce formated relational databases which will allow us to find and compare characteristic.

This thread is to receive and process suggestions and solicit help in the processing and organization of this information.

A parallel thread will be created for a formal documentation and summary of the information.

The goal is to provide to you, the opportunity to help assure that the future of POIS will be resolved with the best of possible available information on the subject.

The actual generation of the format and documentation of the Summary thread will be undertaken by a committee of hopefully 3 volunteers plus Demo and I, to help assure that no decision is seen to be "personal". We will accept any volunteer applications by PM. The accepted volunteers will have moderator access to this category.

Thank you

Daveman, I'm currently undergoing an experimenta​l treatment for POIS. I would be happy to share information​, history and do surverys as long as I clear it w/ my Doc. I am currently working with two informed doctors on the east coast US.  I have learned more in the last year about POIS than in the previous 14 of suffering from it. I have so much to share. I will be on to chat between 6-8 PM eastern time. I would love to contribute in any way possible. Please contact me, I am hopeful that I am moving in the right direction with this illness for the first time in my life.
37 yo M- POIS for 25yrs (since age 12). Chronic POIS- always there

Tried desensitization for 1.5yrs & was unsuccessful (POIS worse at 1/1000)

 Exercising- (running/weights/situps) Low sugar diet. Supplements- limited success.Meds- Oxcarbazepine/Buspar (past-Depakote10yrs)


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« Reply #57 on: November 23, 2012, 11:35:27 AM »



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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #58 on: November 25, 2012, 01:40:30 PM »
Welcome, rakeshbaasu, and gondal4!

Please visit here so that you can avail yourself of some great POIS resources:

Best wishes,
demo and Daveman
Your Forum Moderators
« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 01:44:02 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Members' Compilation and Suggestions for POIS Summary
« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2012, 10:52:50 AM »
niacin a vitamin or what? how to take it? any name of medice itself?