WOW,, we see very few females with POIS, although we've heard of it.
What are the symptoms? Are they the same in both of you? When did it all start? Has it always been "as a couple" or have you each had it separately?
There are probably a million questions.
2 from Sri Lanka with POIS
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy
wanna get rid of this shit
not only rare to find a woman with pois but her partner also has it is super rare.
not to be outward,in additon to your symptoms.
do you get the symptoms when you orgasm by yourself. Does he get the symptoms when he orgasms by himself. just trying to rule out any relationship between your symptoms.
Sorry for late reply. Yeah I and my guy both have same symptoms. We are really fighting with this and fed up

. Our symptoms are extreme fatigue, muscle pain, back pain, neck pain, tiredness of heart, emptiness, dull sad feelings, memory difficulties, cannot concentrate (specially when it comes to studying), loss of appetite, burning eyes and pain in eyes, itching eyes, loss of hair, extreme headache, incoherent speech (cannot pronounce words correctly and feeling like memory is not working properly), depressed mood, vision problems, flabby legs and hands, joints pain, feeling very tired and lazy, skin gets sensitive and etc. All of these symptoms begin after ejaculation and last for about week or more. In the meantime if we ejaculation again, the symptoms are increasing. As long as we don?t ejaculate our symptoms are passing off little by little with the time. After ejaculating we can be happy only few hours, then we begin to feel symptoms and feeling upset of it and sick of life. These really affect us in a bad way.
And the special thing is did anyone notice your face is changing? We both have that thing too. Our mature look is reducing within a few hours after ejaculation. Our face is not clear like normal people till 4-5 days. Yes I get the symptoms when I orgasm by myself and he gets the symptoms when he orgasms by himself.
These symptoms started for my guy when he was 15 years old. But I don?t know when these really started for me. My guy was the one who found that I also have this thing. Before, we thought only he has this shit. (We called it ?Over?). Then we started to notice my symptoms too. We did search internet and I found you tube video about POIS and then I saw this forum link in the comments section.
I have lot of questions and really wanna get rid of POIS. And another thing is Sri Lankan doctors don?t know about POIS. My guy went to few doctors and they thought he has depression and gave medicine for depression. They don?t believe our symptoms. So no help from Sri Lankan doctors too.
We are afraid of our future. But since we both have this thing, we can share everything and it?s a big relief
Please tell if someone has that face changing effect. Please!