It's good to see responses, thanks.
This weekend, I'll be taking a buzz around NSF, rather than just look at the last posts, and I'll try to come back with a sort of outline of a summary, which I'll post here.
But keeping in mind that this is a place where newbies and researchers alike will be coming for something clear and concise, this thread will just be the work area. We throw around ideas a bit, suggest important things to be included in the summaries, maybe special high lights etc.
From all that, our committee will start to summarize. As we see the summary being completed, we'll probably do a clean up of this work area, for instance, as we have complete data of country of origin, we'll resume it all in a separate thread and remove it from the work area.
What we leave and remove from the work area will depend. Sometimes it's good to see the development of a concept or discussion, and so those can be left, but pure data would be best to be cleaned up.
Hopefully it will become clearer as we progress.