This is all posted long time ago on the nakedscient... this is all normall proceses in
response to sexual stimuly, arosaul.
Those days i try to resarch and test on perpes why my body react hipersenzibile on sex
and film induced(ewan abstinence for years from film arosaul) nothing change.
So i try to resarch whot cemicals in exes couse all this reaction in my body, and cant
figureout yet.
Cofee help after pois hit me, my body is like shutted dow all
endocrine functions properly(cofee help because supose cortisol lift and help fight inflamation)
and probbly adrenaline raise help to when body is shutedd down.
But what intriguted me that when i recower, i cant drink cofe because make me sick,
i crashed from small amount of cofee when i recowered from pois.
That lead me to thik that in recowered fase, contsant and enormes amount of cronic
stress, play big part in pois, always in inflamatory state.
So,when i look in edocrine , for exemple adrenals , also doesnt lead me enywhere
by symptomes, nigdher adison cant fit in me here odher side, nidher cushing disiese cant fit here(bisase my resarches that big
mayority of poisers hawe hi cortisol), my resarching lead me to adiction part and witdrawls symptomes and i
wonder is my brain loook like this again it doesnt fit in my case, because i hawe strong will power, i can cut eny
adictive behawior in "shor"t periods of time.
For exemple, film(porn) abstinence for seweral years dosnt get rid of me from pois,
and in my testing on masturbation, if i masturbate i can watch pornography but i
radher masturbate on my natural womans who i know or meet in real life
(you know, naturall in 100%).
So, adiction part dosnt fit also....