Author Topic: My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex doesnt generate POIS symptoms  (Read 29300 times)


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I understand your point of view.
You believe that bad posture is a consequence of POIS.
As a Physical Therapist, I believe POIS is a consequence of bad posture.
Bad posture causes much more problems than people think.
We still can not be sure which theory is the right one.
What you mention about the exercises is correct. Men with POIS can not exercise.
I was able to improve my POIS with exercises, but I was without masturbation for 4 months and this way I was able to decrease the inflammations in my body and thus to start light exercises. Postural correction and pilates. I still can not stand gym exercises with weights.
I'm still in the search for some supplement that makes me feel better after orgasm (when done by masturbation, because normal sex do not cause me POIS). Something other than analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs. I think something about choline (Acetylcholine) might help. In the present day when I have an orgasm coming from masturbation I do not have any allergic or depressive symptoms anymore, I do not have muscle pain. But I still feel an increase in the sensitivity of muscles and nerves, as if they are very relaxed or weaker, so I believe that a supplement that improves the acetylcholine issue can be helpful. I think vitamins used for peripheral nerve pain help, such as B12, B1 and B6.
To summarize: with postural work, I have much less symptoms and these symptoms stay for a maximum of 2 days.

Yeah, i agre with you about posture in some points( i mean i undrerstend you),
but after eyculation, i can barly stand on my feat, so cns is hited by something,
something exces or lack of something(posible histamine ,acetylcholine),

Those nerwes hipersenzibilityi you mention is key, why cns is so hipersenzitive
after O!

Fernard-what i you think why you dont get pois from intercurse?
Mcas is closest thing i can find that match with pois, and mybe it is
posible that in sex with lady trusting of sex organs is key?
I mean lubrication work more naturaly, not must cels degranulation,
and no newrwes owerexibitory in us? (me to hawe 20-30% les pois
with lady).


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  • 40 year old. POIS Since I was 28. Dopamine heals.
I believe that the condition of mcas is a type of thing that the body is in constant struggle. It's like chronic inflammation. This is the same problem as any other person who has chronic inflammation. You need to treat the mcas every day. The fact that normal sex does not lead to pois I have described at the beginning of this topic. But it's my theory. It's a theory that I believe and makes sense. During sex there is increased blood pressure, body movement, blood flow to large muscles, deep breathing leading to activation of vagus nerve activity and consequent relaxation of this nerve ....
My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex does not generate POIS symptoms. My POIS is related to me mood and the health of my cervical spine. Dopamine/Inflammation/Body constitution (genetics) are factors that contribute to POIS.


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  • 40 year old. POIS Since I was 28. Dopamine heals.
The cobra pose is very good to improve posture.
I do this trying to force only the back muscles. My arms just help a little. This way I strengthen these muscles. Yoga says that if we have these muscles of the upper lombar spine strong than we have more energy. That is the solar plexus and it is connected with kidneys and the hormones that are produced there like adrenaline that make ours muscles stronger.
My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex does not generate POIS symptoms. My POIS is related to me mood and the health of my cervical spine. Dopamine/Inflammation/Body constitution (genetics) are factors that contribute to POIS.


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I tested excercise mimicing before and during masturbation long time ago,
not working in me against pois, braething could be inwolwed, some
poisers reported breathing excercise help them.


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I believe that the condition of mcas is a type of thing that the body is in constant struggle. It's like chronic inflammation. This is the same problem as any other person who has chronic inflammation. You need to treat the mcas every day. The fact that normal sex does not lead to pois I have described at the beginning of this topic. But it's my theory. It's a theory that I believe and makes sense. During sex there is increased blood pressure, body movement, blood flow to large muscles, deep breathing leading to activation of vagus nerve activity and consequent relaxation of this nerve ....
There is also the release of Oxytocin which occurs in sex but not masturbation. Oxytocin is a anti-inflammatory hormone and potentially a Mast Cell Stabilizer.


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During sex there is increased blood pressure, body movement, blood flow to large muscles, deep breathing leading to activation of vagus nerve activity and consequent relaxation of this nerve ....
I believe there is a blood volume redistribution present as a response to POIS in conjunction with vasoconstriction, that's also a reason why I think you will get a pale skin. I'm not exactly sure whether it goes to skeletal muscles, organs or large muscles. It's possible my exercise intolerance stems from this phenomena besides inflammation. The vagus nerve could be involved.


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I believe there is a blood volume redistribution present as a response to POIS in conjunction with vasoconstriction, that's also a reason why I think you will get a pale skin. I'm not exactly sure whether it goes to skeletal muscles, organs or large muscles. It's possible my exercise intolerance stems from this phenomena besides inflammation. The vagus nerve could be involved.

Yes, I also believe that.

I have Gilbert's syndrome, and elevated bilirubin causes tight muscles and vasoconstriction [1]. I use a blacklight or blue light for a few hours every other day, to break down the bilirubin and feel a bit better, and I believe it also helps somewhat with POIS.

Also, vinpocetine (known for its cerebral vasodilating action) helps me.

« Last Edit: January 15, 2019, 04:52:45 PM by dizzy »
Male, INTJ. POIS symptoms: red eyes, ear-pain, anxiety, speech problems, pale/ugly skin, stiff neck, double chin, tinnitus, light sensitivity. POIS even after stimulation without O.


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  • 40 year old. POIS Since I was 28. Dopamine heals.
I have Gilbert's syndrome.
But the exams shows like:
Total = 2,4
Indirect = 1,7
Direct = 0,7

I submit blood tests each 6 months and show always the same numbers. My skin and eyes are normal.
Many years ago I did bodybuilding and started to take creatine and I got very yellow, mainly in the corneas and in the face, so I stopped taking creatine and a few weeks later my skin returned to normal. I'm very white and the face is a little pink. This feature I noticed in several members of Facebook, but some of darker skin we do not see this, of course (as for example the men suffering from POIS who live in Asia and Africa)
My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex does not generate POIS symptoms. My POIS is related to me mood and the health of my cervical spine. Dopamine/Inflammation/Body constitution (genetics) are factors that contribute to POIS.


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I too only have pois after masturbate but not sex
I read it somewhere that masturbate with condom on can reduce pois, have any of you tried it?


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I too only have pois after masturbate but not sex
I read it somewhere that masturbate with condom on can reduce pois, have any of you tried it?
What are your symptoms?


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I have skipped POIS on few occasions when trying various body positions during ejaculation (mbate).  But I could not replicate it.  Wearing condom has has no effect at all.

I too only have pois after masturbate but not sex
I read it somewhere that masturbate with condom on can reduce pois, have any of you tried it?
POIS Free, 2+ yrs (occasional/predictive lapses)
Pois symptoms: Peripheral (Skin: Urticaria, dryness, pale blotchy skin), Exasperation of: [Nerve weakness, Muscle weakness + Mental (CNS: Brain Fog, Irritation, Isolation, Speech lethargy, Anxiety)].
Other conditions: ASD, ADD, GA


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I too only have pois after masturbate but not sex
I read it somewhere that masturbate with condom on can reduce pois, have any of you tried it?
What are your symptoms?
Thinned and sagging face which can take 3 months to recover


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I also don?t have POIS with sex . At least in my case it cuts a lot of hypothesis and gives emphasis to a neurotransmitter dysfunction . To be more precise  , one night i had 2 orgasms with pmo and in the morning when I woke up I was completely lost ! Then in the afternoon I had sex and it gave me something very good! I was like very ?high? , feeling pretty great both physically and emotionally... I had sex more times and it was good every time( before and in the act I had always very low pois symptoms), but sometimes I kept thinking about the sex and the pois came back . Also one time i masturbasted without porn and relaxed and the pois was very weak. I know that psychiatrisc issues are very difficult to understand and to treat . I blame a trauma I had in my childhood. I think I also have ADHD and some sleep disorder . I?m always having nightmares. Maybe it?s all connected . To you I have a few words , we must keep fighting against this condition . Thank you all . I have to add that alcohol followed by forced sleep helps me a lot and because of that I?ve been drinking more than I should?ve. I?m gonna stop with that . I praise my health .


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  • 40 year old. POIS Since I was 28. Dopamine heals.
Hey everyone
I decided to comment on my own topic to remind everyone of the Forum about my condition.
For about 2 years now I have not felt the symptoms of POIS after masturbation, but I do not consider myself cured.
My POIS comes back every time my spine and muscles are inflamed. The way I can stay without POIS is to keep inflammation away from my body with exercises and alliances based on the scientific principles of physiotherapy / kinesiology / biomechanics. I would like to point out that the upper body at the junction between trunk and neck should be in good working order with the trapezius muscles, spine erectors, etc. performing their functions in a coordinated and stress free manner. Other parts of the body should also be in good working order, but the main focus will always be the thoracic and cervical spine.
My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex does not generate POIS symptoms. My POIS is related to me mood and the health of my cervical spine. Dopamine/Inflammation/Body constitution (genetics) are factors that contribute to POIS.


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Could you detail your therapy please?


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  • 40 year old. POIS Since I was 28. Dopamine heals.
Could you detail your therapy please?

Read my first post I made on this topic on page 1.
My POIS only happens with masturbation. Normal sex does not generate POIS symptoms. My POIS is related to me mood and the health of my cervical spine. Dopamine/Inflammation/Body constitution (genetics) are factors that contribute to POIS.


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  • All of us working together to defeat POIS!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Could you detail your therapy please?

Read my first post I made on this topic on page 1.

I found that sex and masturbate affect me differently, after masturbate I noticed fat/volume loss in my face, Skin looks dry and aged, swelling mouth and nose,depression and Decreased cognitive and sometime joint pain.

After sex I will not have joint pain and fat loss in face, but I will still get all other symptoms tho symptoms are a lot lighter, and POIS from both masturbate and sex take weeks to start recover.

I did some research I noticed that most of my symptoms are signs of dehydration, so maybe POIS somehow prevent our body to hold water?


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Along these lines, I notice that different positions for masturbation cause POIS of different severity. If I am lying on my back, the symptoms are worse than if I am on my knees (as if in a doggy). Has anyone else noticed that?

Maybe the transfer of weight presses different parts of the body to release whatever they are not supposed to release in different quantities.


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Could you detail your therapy please?

Read my first post I made on this topic on page 1.

Aβ2R agonism inhibits mast cells. When I take a look at the stack I see treatment for mast cell activation.