I understand your point of view.
You believe that bad posture is a consequence of POIS.
As a Physical Therapist, I believe POIS is a consequence of bad posture.
Bad posture causes much more problems than people think.
We still can not be sure which theory is the right one.
What you mention about the exercises is correct. Men with POIS can not exercise.
I was able to improve my POIS with exercises, but I was without masturbation for 4 months and this way I was able to decrease the inflammations in my body and thus to start light exercises. Postural correction and pilates. I still can not stand gym exercises with weights.
I'm still in the search for some supplement that makes me feel better after orgasm (when done by masturbation, because normal sex do not cause me POIS). Something other than analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs. I think something about choline (Acetylcholine) might help. In the present day when I have an orgasm coming from masturbation I do not have any allergic or depressive symptoms anymore, I do not have muscle pain. But I still feel an increase in the sensitivity of muscles and nerves, as if they are very relaxed or weaker, so I believe that a supplement that improves the acetylcholine issue can be helpful. I think vitamins used for peripheral nerve pain help, such as B12, B1 and B6.
To summarize: with postural work, I have much less symptoms and these symptoms stay for a maximum of 2 days.
Yeah, i agre with you about posture in some points( i mean i undrerstend you),
but after eyculation, i can barly stand on my feat, so cns is hited by something,
something exces or lack of something(posible histamine ,acetylcholine),
Those nerwes hipersenzibilityi you mention is key, why cns is so hipersenzitive
after O!
Fernard-what i you think why you dont get pois from intercurse?
Mcas is closest thing i can find that match with pois, and mybe it is
posible that in sex with lady trusting of sex organs is key?
I mean lubrication work more naturaly, not must cels degranulation,
and no newrwes owerexibitory in us? (me to hawe 20-30% les pois
with lady).