Author Topic: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results  (Read 154595 times)


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #40 on: January 21, 2019, 08:29:38 AM »
I haven't done enough research to know what most of this means, but here are my methylation results:

    MTHFR A1298C - heterozygous
    VDR bsm - homozygous
    COMT V158M - heterozygous
    COMT H62H - heterozygous
    MTRR A66G - heterozygous

Curioscharacter genetics tests results.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2019, 08:38:34 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2019, 09:46:12 PM »
Published Case Study (2016)
  "Here we present a 45 year old Egyptian engineer who had been in a stable marriage for 10 years and had 3 children. Shortly post-orgasm (within 4?5 seconds), he feels severe fatigue, tiredness and exhaustion with severe muscular, bone and joint pains so that opening his hands becomes very painful. The condition is accompanied by headache, a pale face, eye irritation, low concentration, anxiety and dizziness with severe itching. The patient reported that these manifestations started early with puberty and increased in severity with age and occur with all orgasms whatever the type of sexual activity; night emission, masturbation or vaginal ejaculation. These manifestations are so severe that during the first 2 days post-orgasm he can't go to work, though they gradually fade and disappear by the 5th day. The patient abstains from sexual activity, although he has a strong desire and rigid erections. He has no history of chronic diseases, operations or drug intake except for life-long atopic manifestations of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and neurodermatitis and occasionally uses symptomatic treatment to treat these manifestations.

  On examination the patient had fair general health, was well built and had complete secondary sex characters. His weight was 97 kg, height was 177 cm and blood pressure was 125/85 mm/Hg."

From Post-orgasmic illness syndrome: a case report (AM Attia, 2016)

keywords: testosterone, prolactin, cortisol, DHEA, thyroid stimulating hormone, alanine transanimase, aspartate transanimase
« Last Edit: March 23, 2019, 02:17:08 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #42 on: February 04, 2019, 05:57:18 PM »
From Naked Science Forum: POIS thread - -

Hey guys. Just want to post my story to add more to the database. (I wrote the first part of this post in November I believe)

I have been dealing with POIS since I was 17 years old, getting worse every year, and now I am 23. I have tried many medications with limited success.

-Brain fog
-Anxiety, social anxiety
-Eyes hurt
-Loss of motivation, mild depression
-Loss of appetite

I have a history of moderate drug use. First was marijuana when I was 15-18 years old on and off. I had my first panic attack from it and got anxiety for the first time in my life which got better but never went away to how it was before.

I used adderal on and off as well, sometimes using high doses very occasionally. I have since not used any alcohol or drugs in 4+ years besides marijuana which I also quit 6 months ago after using for a short period again. In this period it seemed marijuana used before orgasm would help the POIS.

I have done a lot of blood tests, as well as a mineral hair analysis. I will post them all below.

I have two sets of thyroid labs. The first - 3 months ago, the second - a few weeks ago after taking 75 mcg T4 for a month. Iron, ferritin and ceruloplasmin about 10 months ago. I'll check it all again in a month or two. I take zinc picolinate 45 mg, sodium-copper-chlorophyllin 12 mg, 100 mcg tocotrienols, lithium orotate 5 mg, vitamin K2 mk7 100 mcg.

Ceruloplasmin 20 (18-36 mg / dL)
Ferritin 46 (20-345ng / mL)
Iron 80 (50-195mcg / dL)
TSH 13.94 (0.40-4.50mIu / L)
Free T4 0.8 (0.77-1.50ng / dL)

TSH 1.652 (0.360- 5.490microInter.Units / mL)
Free T4 1.12 (0.77-1.50ng / dL)

SODIUM 139 135-146 mmol / L
POTASSIUM 4.4 3.5-5.3 mmol / L
CALCIUM 9.7 8.6-10.3 mg / dL
CHLORIDE 103 98-110 mmol / L
Magnesium 2.1 (1.5-2.5mg / dL)

Vitamin B12 845 (211-911pg / mL)
Folate 6 (0.9-15.6ng / mL)
Vitamin D 35 (30-100ng / mL)

Testosterone 542 (300-1080ng / dL )
Zinc 85 (60-120mcg / dL)
Copper 67 (70-140mcg / dL)
WBC 3.8 (4.5-11.0x10'3 / microL)
RBC 5.52 (4.20-6.10x10'3 / microL)
HGB 16.4 (11.6-17.6g / dL)
Platelet 143 (125-400x10'3 / microL)
MPV 12.6 (9.3-12.0fL)
Glucose 93 (65-99mg / dL)

These tests from 5 months ago
Estrone 31 (
Prolactin 11 (2-18ng / mL)
Estradiol 20 <OR = 39pg / mL)
Progesterone 0.5 (<1.4ng / mL)
Ferritin 46 (20-345ng / mL)
Iron 80 (50-195mcg / dL)
TIBC 330 (250-425mcg / dL)
% Saturation 24 (15-80%)
Selenium 112 (63-160 mcg / L)
RBC Magnesium 5.6 (4.0-6.4 mg / dL)

Ca / Mg ratio- 9.16, NA / K- 1.73, Zn / Cu 20.9, Ca / K 25.82, Na / Mg 0.61, Fe / Cu 0.52.

Hypothyroidism, low cortisol, low testosterone (fixed, taking zinc picolinate 45 mg per month. Low zinc levels (fixed with zinc) Low copper levels, low ceruloplasmin, very high levels of arsenic on HTMA, iron levels are quite good.

A few things to note. I have a very strong libido, even when my testosterone was very low. I also have a very difficult time refraining from porn. POIS worse from porn + masturbation vs. sex. It seems that I have a dopamine problem, because I am always craving things like junk food, sugar, porn, etc. When I watch porn even without orgasm, my body starts to shiver and I get cold and shaky. Which would lead me to think an adrenal problem.

I have not eaten corn gluten corn or soy for 4 years, as a result of which my antibodies to Hashimoto reached normal levels.

I refrained from porn / masturbation for 4 months of this year, in which I felt much better, but not 100%. I was still having sex during that time.

I am going to do more blood tests in about a month and later on a mineral hair analysis.

Update as of December-
I got a blood test again and here are the results. Aldosterone was EXTREMELY low. And the reverse t3 is high. Based on these results, I'm going to reduce sodium intake and raise potassium, and also take licorice root to raise aldosterone. Also try DHEA. This is after taking 75 mcg T4 and 15 mcg T3 during the month. Also chlorophyll for copper (6-8 mg per day). I will work up to 25mcg to T3. I'm going to stop the t4 for a bit and use only t3 lower reverse t3, and then try to add in a small dose of t4 again.

Aldosterone <1 ng / dL
of ACTH 18 (6-50pg / mL)
of Cortisol 10.9 (4.0-22.0mcg / dL)
the Free t3 4.3 (2.3-4.2pg / mL)
the Free t4 1.4 (0.8-1.8 ng / dL)
Reverse t3 22 (8-25ng / dL)
Ferritin 127 (20-345ng / mL)
Prolactin 7.9 (2-18ng / mL)
Testosterone 500 (250-827ng / dL)
TSH 0.05 (0.4-4.5mIU / L)
Estradiol 16 (<OR = 39pg / mL)
Vitamin D, 25-OH 53 (30-100ng / mL)
Vitamin D, 1.25 (OH) 2 36 (18-72pg / mL)

My theory for why I have POIS is a mix of the following:
-Adrenal fatigue
-Low dopamine and serotonin (Low serotonin= high sex drive) from drug use

Hopefully this post helps someone else with similar issues. I will keep updating
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #43 on: February 05, 2019, 07:19:14 PM »
Blood pressure 5 minutes after orgasm: 111-65
Heart rate: 79


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #44 on: February 13, 2019, 07:13:14 PM »
Dizzy genetics test results:

That said, I have a homozygous SNPs in
And heterozygous SNPs in MTHFR, BHMT and CBS (to name a few).
« Last Edit: February 13, 2019, 07:20:29 PM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #45 on: March 01, 2019, 11:58:13 AM »
Member  poisioq - elevated prolactin(elevated prolactin could be the couse of
hypogonadism in poisers),
Hi ige , igf1....-(indicate posible parasitic infection, alergic reactions....
Intresting, member reporting that in fasting periods he get rid of pois...
That olso lead me to xoliar indicated to alergic asthma and mcas patients...


Since my last update I had 2 blood test. In both of them prolactin resulted into the limits.
But for my last blood test my doctor requested also 2 unusal things: IGF-1 and IgE, that both came up above their normal ranges:

IgE   562,00 UI/mL   (<120,00)
IGF-1   279,80 ng/mL   (96,40 - 227,80)

Update #2

After 2 months on Cabergoline I had another blood test. Now prolactine is in the range: 13 ng/mL [3.5 - 19.4].
In my last 2 analysis it was 55.9  and 41.5 ng/mL.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2019, 04:31:47 AM by Hopeoneday »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #46 on: March 01, 2019, 02:12:48 PM »
These are my test results for some hormones.

This test is from may 2018. I had not had any kind of emition before this test. I think I was in abstinence like right now:

FSH: 4.53 mUI/ml
LH: 2.97 mUI/ml
Progesterone: 0.19 ng/ml (LOW in men should be between 0.28 and 1.22
Prolactine: 13.70 ng/ml (in my test 13.2 is the upper limit, so seems to be a bit HIGH)
Testosterone: 4.18 ng/ml
Free testosterone: 9.7 pg/ml
Cortisol: 10.74 ug/dl

I found those results. Prolactine included. But all are normal. Except for progesterone that was LOW.

Could that be linked to POIS in any way?
« Last Edit: March 01, 2019, 02:25:57 PM by fernab »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #47 on: March 01, 2019, 04:08:15 PM »
Meber David. Low t hi prolactin....

My test was 330 ng/dl ref(250-836),
without cabergoline my prolactin was was 275 mkME/ml  ref(86-324)
with cabergoline 0.25/0.125 mg per week it dropped down to 56my E2(estradiol) was 12.5pg/ml ref(11.26-43.25)
cabergoline and clomid gave me strong relief for upto 50% i was able to restore my enegry and mood two times faster after big O, two days instead of 4 days (its like a base after which i feel my self much better but still experience some fatigue full restoration usually took 7 days)


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2019, 09:54:21 AM »
jakov from the Russian "POIScenter .net" site:

Here is a partial list of results:
  • cytomegalovirus (CMV, human-herpes 5, HHV-5) IgG: positive
  • cytomegalovirus (CMV, human-herpes 5, HHV-5) PCR: negative
  • Mycoplasma Pneumoniae: negative
  • Chlamydia Pneumoniae: negative
  • Helicobacter pylori (H pylori): negative
  • Giardia lamblia: negative
  • C-reactive protein: normal
  • Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR): normal
  • tryptase: normal
  • total IgE: normal
  • homocysteine: normal
  • vitamin B12: normal
  • testosterone: low
  • cortisol: high
  • progesterone: normal
  • vitamin D: low
  • prolactin: high
  • diamine oxidase (DAO): low
  • bilirubin: high
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 12:36:10 PM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #49 on: March 04, 2019, 09:43:48 PM »
Thanks, nanna1!
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #50 on: March 11, 2019, 07:56:28 AM »
Cmv test results are same as for me : IgG positive but PCR test negative. 
also for me HIV, HBSAg, Hep C, HSV, H.Pylori are all negative.
Have not checked for EBV.

Other blood results:
Complete blood count parameters are all in normal range
ESR is normal
Total IgG and IgE are in normal range.
CRP is normal
Vitamin D is in normal range
Vitamin B12 is in normal range
Liver function tests are normal.
Electrolytes are all normal. (Na, K, Ca)
« Last Edit: March 15, 2019, 01:59:04 PM by kingfisher »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #51 on: March 11, 2019, 10:53:21 AM »
Here is my Natural Killer test results:

Lymphocyte populations (May 2018):

T4 (CD3/CD4) : 53.65% (Normal range: 33 - 58)

T8 (CD3/CD8): 18.67% (Normal range: 13 - 40)

Quotient CD4/CD8: 2.87 (Normal range: 1 - 2)

Total lymphocytes: 1190 /mmc

CD16+CD13- (natural killer cells): 12%

CD56 (natural killer activity cells): 14%

CD3-CD56+CD16+: 11%
CD3-CD56+CD16+: 131 /mmc

CD3-CD56+CD16-: 1%
CD3-CD56+CD16-: 12 /mmc

CD3-CD56-CD16+: 1%
CD3-CD56-CD16+: 12 /mmc

Natural Killer T lymphocytes (NK-T): 2%
(NKT Cells) CD3+CD56+: 24 /mmc


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2019, 05:47:55 AM »
My serology:

  HBs Ag: Negative
  Total HBc : Negative
  HBs Ac: Negative

HAV: Negative

HCV: Negative

HIV 1 / 2: Negative

Toxoplasma Gondii:
  IgM:  Negative
  IgG:. Positive (Past infection)

Syphilis: Negative

Epstein-Barr Virus:
  IgM: Negative
  IgG: Positive (Past infection)

Citomegalovirus (August 2015, I had already POIS):
  IgM: Negative
  IgG: Negative

 (November 2017):
  IgM: Negative
  IgG: Positive (Past infection. Having POIS before contracted)

Adenovirus: Negative

HSV-1: IgG Positive (Since childhood)
HSV-2: IgG Negative

Varicella zoster: IgG Positive (Since childhood)

VHH-8 : Negative

Parvovirus: IgG Positive (Past infection)

Borrelia Burgdorferi (Lyme desease):
  IgG: Negative
  IgM: Negative.


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« Last Edit: April 02, 2019, 12:54:46 PM by Nas »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #54 on: April 24, 2019, 04:14:36 AM »
My serum uric acid values are:

-7,6 mg/ dL [3,5 - 7,2]          June 2018
-8,0 mg/ dL [3,5 - 7,2]          February 2019

These checks were done the day after orgasm, I don't know if they are different without POIS symptoms...
Does anybody know if there is a link with POIS?


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #55 on: July 24, 2019, 01:20:23 PM »
Hopeoneday wbc count test results.

Eosinophil gran : 0.1       ref( 0-7)
Neutrophils gran : 43,0L   ref (44-72)
Basophils  gran: 0.5         ref(0-1) 
lymphocytes        52         ref(20-40)

I did found my WBC count test results done 12 years before, they are complitly the same.

So my observation of imunocompromised poisers is continued.


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #56 on: August 08, 2019, 05:13:04 PM »

"Case 1
  The first case is that of a 57-year-old male... Over the 6 years preceding presentation, he had noticed a gradual onset of symptoms following orgasm. The patient describes experiencing severe physical and mental tiredness and lethargy soon after orgasm. He also complained of flu-like symptoms with myalgia, especially in his legs, excessive sweating, and poor concentration with mental dullness. These symptoms were at times associated with right-sided headache. The collection of symptoms lasts up to 3 days, during which the patient feels that his ability to perform his normal physical and mental activity is impaired.

...After engaging in sexual activity without having orgasm, he does not experience any symptoms. He is a physically active and fit man who exercises regularly, and is able to ride a bike for several hours a week. He does not report any similar symptoms while exercising. The only other situation in which he has experienced similar symptoms is following excessive alcohol ingestion.

...The patient denies any sexual or genital pain. There is no history or clinical features of psychiatric illness, and specifically he has never been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or psychosis.
...His past medical history includes irritable bowel syndrome and mild hypercholesterolemia.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2019, 05:17:34 PM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #57 on: October 08, 2019, 11:07:41 AM »

Lab tests showed:

Total IgE  =  12  UI/L, normal(<100 UI/L) in adults
Seminal-fluid specific IgE  =  45kUI/L (normal  range  <  0.35  kUI/L)

CIC  (Circulating Immune Complexes)  =  45 UI/ml
CIC reference value:
Negative                       <20 UI/mL
Borderline/Equivocal     20  -  25 UI/mL
Positive                        >25 UI/mL
1 EU = 1 UI = 1 IU = 1 IE

Serum complement  =  570  UI, normal>900 UI. Dr. Stafie: "Its value, decreased, is proof that it was consumed in the immune process."
(++)presence of cryoglobulins
Abbreviation: + / ++ / +++ Present or Noted / Present Significantly / Present in Excess
"The cryoglobulins test is negative (no cryoglobulins found) in most healthy people and is not routinely ordered for those without symptoms. When the test is positive, it means that cryoglobulins are present and have the potential to precipitate upon exposure to cold." Ref

Skin prick test with his own semen resulted in a 14 mm wheal and erythema (+1).

Endoscopically diagnosed gastric ulcer.
History of recurrent low urinary tract infections.
Very  demanding  job
High  blood  pressure  (145/90  mm  Hg)
One  of  his  children  was diagnosed  with  atopic  dermatitis.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2020, 08:22:32 AM by Muon »


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #58 on: October 09, 2019, 12:37:07 PM »
Very nice.
Seminal-fluid specific IgE  => The test  we need !
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Gather and Post Here Your Medical Tests Results
« Reply #59 on: October 26, 2019, 07:46:47 AM »
My vitamin b12 and vitamin D levels taken during a acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis.  Many other blood tests are done I will post them once I get the entire reports.     Please click on the post to get the image of the file attached.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2019, 07:51:11 AM by aswinpras06 »