Author Topic: Is just thinking enough?  (Read 16002 times)


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Is just thinking enough?
« on: November 13, 2017, 12:03:45 AM »
Hi all,

I get that ejaculation obviously causes POIS, but I know for me, and I've seen for others as well, that merely the thought of it is enough to impact my mind and my feelings.  Even just thinking about dating is enough to bring discomfort and disorientation to my mind and I feel a tightness in my chest.  This tightness makes it nearly impossible to exercise and to focus until I can let go of it and start to think about something else.

I have had to seek chastity and abstinence because Niacin does seem to help with POIS directly, it doesn't seem to help with this.

Is this the start of the o pathway and so it's all become inflamed?  Is this just mental?  (I'm not sure that I believe that this is)


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2017, 07:55:19 AM »
Hi Daysleeper,

POIS is very complicated, and as I have already suggested, I think that at some point, we develop secondary emotional problems from long term POIS.  Some develop a chronic depression secondary to POIS, some get facilitated anxiety, and so on.  It is a vicious circle, because POIS in itself triggers those psychological symptoms, but the whole life situation created by POIS just make these psychic symptoms chronic, and present even out of POIS acute phase.

I believe that what you describe may be anxiety crisis, because you know where this will all lead - to POIS.  Just anticipating POIS is enough to get anxious, because it's a living nightmare.   It is just my hypothesis, here, but just the fear of having an upcoming POIS attack is enough to get anxious, and even make a anxiety attack.   In the past, when I had no real control over my anxiety, there have been times I would make a full blown anixety crisis just by thinking about the idea of death.... so I know how powerful our thoughts may be over our body.  So, for me, it is totally possible to have a anxiety attack, complete with physical symptoms, only by thinking about having a POIS attack. 

I think the key is to discern between symptoms of anxiety alone vs anxiety symptoms during a complete POIS attack.  Look for symptoms you don't have when thinking about dating, and that are always present in actual POIS, after an ejaculation.
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2017, 12:20:55 PM »
Hi Quantam,

I think you are correct, I'm actually going through and assessing all of my anxities and social hang-ups now.  I think that there is a lot of secondary psychological effects that are currently impacting me. For instance I don't like making plans, I fear to plan things because I didn't know what caused POIS so there were days where I just wasn't able to think or emotionally connect, I get anxious at social events for the same reason.  I have beliefs that people don't like me because I'm awkward, but really I don't think I am but my body so desperately wants to avoid POIS that it is easier to just simply avoid people and plans that will so often fall through.

I just heard about this a few days ago, but I've started to do affirmations and visualizations to help me to improve these issues.   I feel that new brain synapsis are being formed when I do this.  I feel the anxiety resisting as I go after it, but usually when I focus my mind and my heart I am able to overcome.  If you pray, please pray!  These secondary symptoms, I believe have really given me a failure to launch so to speak. 

Mr Raba

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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2017, 09:27:01 PM »
Try guided meditation 2 x day. Better at waking up and sunset. Before eating.

My anxiety is fully managed with that.

Also by chanting OM 3 times. And by alternate nostril breathing.

I believe all of the above work brcause they have an effect on the vagus nerve. Mm

A good website to find all of the above is


Simultaneous onset of CFS and POIS since Feb 1993. Married since 1989.

Helped by Immunocal (I explained how to take in previous posts).  Some relief on day one and day two.  It affects neurotransmitters.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2017, 04:44:05 PM »
Hi Raba,

Thank you.  I had one more question though.  When I lust, not just thinking I feel a burning in my urethra below the balls and it seems like it radiates out, it feels like it is some sort of liquid moving.  I don't know if this is seamen or not, but if it is could that possibly cause POIS as well?



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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2018, 03:15:12 AM »
This is a very good answer.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2018, 01:10:57 PM »
Hi All,

In my case, It's not necessary to continue until eyaculation occurs for feeling symtoms. Just pre-cum drops are enough to begin feeling sometida feeling that stay between stinging and a soft pain... After this stinging and pain, if i continue to drop some precum, i begin to feel strong palpitations and a very uncomfortable feeling when breathing, and tachycardia like's not easy to describe...

If course, with eyaculation, symtoms are stronger and last for more time....


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2018, 10:03:45 PM »
Hi fernab you just described my pois type to a t. I've tried a lot of things, I mean a lot and at most my symptoms just reduce a bit. I'm just 20 in uni and Im at my ends, my pois is cumulative (mainly neurological), meaning each ejaculation feels like continuous permanent brain damage. It's more frustrating because my dad is a gp here in Australia and I'm in my first year of med school. My dad has prescribed all sorts of ssris, corticosteroidss, I've done Hbot(15 dives), travelled to the US to see various specialists. I used to be extremely smart till its started around 15 and it's been downhill from there. Even though I've done thyroid, lyme etc tests. I've tried to get my hands on t3. I feel like its my last hope, my dad won't prescribe it as he fears that that won't be skipping protocol. I have so much school things to do. My friends and family know something is seriously wrong and they want to help but there is a limit to which another human can save you. Suicide is on my mind all the time , I still have a good girlfriend but she doesn't understand why I avoid intimacy for a long time. Ive though of castration but haven't told my dad yet. I think mine is allergy related because during precum I get this slightly tingly, painful, burning feeling around my penis. My brain is constantly extremely, fogged my vision blurry, I'm demented all the time, my joints are painful and I've been on steroids for temporal arteritis recently which my dad was baffled by as it only happens to people over 65 exclusively. I've dropped religion and all that and realised the scam in it. There was really no big man looking out for me.I def know suicide is just a permanent solution to a temp problem. I've been on nofap for almost 3months, but me keeps me drowning. I'm considering dropping out of med school even though I've manage to pass various tests. Can anyone at least relate to thislevel of severity. My pois doesn't clear in a weeks time like most guys, it's like it just calculated with the previous one an becomes permanent Theron sorry for Just dropping this long post but I'm restless, I haven't felt calm in a long time do t even know what a normal intellect feels like anymore, each day brings a new symptom. Ghastly things happen to people every day but because we don't know them we aren't too bothered. Why should I be any special, should I hit end it or is there a possible light at the end of the tunnel. Even lower animals have ejaculations and are able to carry on. Isnt this one of the worst fates that can befall an adult man?


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2018, 07:15:57 AM »
Hello Concussion98, I am sorry to hear about the severity of your case. Have you tried niacin before? I think you could be able to kill your fogginess with it.

You should let know your doctor (or your own father, which also happens to be a doctor!) about this option, it might be an interesting alternative. Then I guess we would be able to suggest you more things to try (B-Vitamins, special diet, etc)

« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 05:45:41 PM by Observer »


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2018, 06:08:56 PM »
Sound advice, Observer! His doctor will hopefully guide the way!

« Last Edit: April 13, 2018, 06:55:30 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2018, 04:13:24 PM »
Sorry Concussion98 to answer you so late.... I haven't saw your post till now.

I agree we have some POIS symtoms the same manner. Exactlly as you, I feel this stinging and pain on the urethra. And also like you. Have POIS symtoms lasting a lot of time. Much more than a week. Don't know yet, how much time of abstinence should I have till I see symtoms go away.

But, I am aware since only two months this illness is POIS. I began with it about 4 years and a half ago. At the beginning symtoms were much more soft. And went away in only 2 or 3 days. But now is much much worse.

I also had very bad moments. And thoughts. But now something such simple as knowing this illness has a name and the most important is you are not alone. I see it in a very different way....

In this forum we have a lot of valuable information. We can share. I think Observer is right when telling you to search help on your doctor (as well as your own father knowing he is also a doctor). And searching any relief method such niacine or maybe other.

In my case, right know, I am taking under the control of a doctor (always under the control of a doctor) a very low dose of prednisone (corticoids). And for the moment seems it is helping me. I also plan to try niacine some day.

We need to find any relief, until a cure is found.

lean on others, you are not alone.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #11 on: November 11, 2018, 02:26:21 PM »
Well I get very obvious POIS symptoms only by "thinking". Just the smallest thought could ruin hours or a day. I remember a time when I could not even hold my GF's hand while walking in the park. Intrestingly when that happened I used to get a tense feeling in the testes that lasted for hours if not a day. That does not happen now. The sensitivity comes and go. But the symptoms are diffrent then on O. If ranking them in order of severity this would be the list:

Worst (1) to mildest (5):

1. NE: 7 days of headache-hell and tonnes of other symptoms.
2. MB: About the same symptoms but maybe 20% milder. I dont remember really, long time ago, but quite serious.
3. Sex with O. Varying severness. If hight stimulation/arousal and long duration, it gets worse. If much body contact and little stimulation/arousal and shorter duration it gets less. Often 7 days of hell, but occationally just a day. The degree of severness varies greatly.
4. Sex without O. I read somewhare that this would be the sollution. Maybe 40% better than nr 3 on the list. This POIS involve more hot flashes then the O ones. In a best case scenario the symptom is gone the next evening.
5. Erotic thoughts. Headache and hot flash. Duration depends on the length of the thought. An easy though triggered by something seened on TV/magazine (for just a second) could results in 10 minutes symtoms. Deeper toughts could ruin a whole night, mainly because the hot flashes and nightmares that comes with it. That night a NE is more likely to happen.

Does anyone else experience it in the same way? I believe the diffrence in severity between O with or witout body-contact has to do with the release of the antiinflammatory hormone oxytocin that balances the inflammatories. The diffrence with O and non-O has to do with the quantity of hormones beeing released. On O, there is a tsunami of hormones beeing released that takes a giant effort to clean up from the blood stream. Why this has such an evil impact is the million dollar question. Maybe poor blood circulation, maybe bad liver detox function, maybe bad blood vessels, maybe receptors that are beeing over-stimulated, maybe too many receptors, maybe to much release of hormones.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2018, 12:04:19 AM »
NE’s were the worst for me.

I finally escaped NE’s by...aging :)
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #13 on: November 22, 2018, 03:41:48 PM »

Does anyone else experience it in the same way? I believe the diffrence in severity between O with or witout body-contact has to do with the release of the antiinflammatory hormone oxytocin that balances the inflammatories. The diffrence with O and non-O has to do with the quantity of hormones beeing released. On O, there is a tsunami of hormones beeing released that takes a giant effort to clean up from the blood stream. Why this has such an evil impact is the million dollar question. Maybe poor blood circulation, maybe bad liver detox function, maybe bad blood vessels, maybe receptors that are beeing over-stimulated, maybe too many receptors, maybe to much release of hormones.

It's interesting that you mention oxytocin. I was trying to find a way to boost my oxytocin levels when I first tried taking fenugreek for POIS. Fenugreek worked very well for me, and I have been taking it for several years now.

Other forum members have found it useful too:


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #14 on: November 22, 2018, 03:49:53 PM »
Hi Quantam,

I think you are correct, I'm actually going through and assessing all of my anxities and social hang-ups now.  I think that there is a lot of secondary psychological effects that are currently impacting me. For instance I don't like making plans, I fear to plan things because I didn't know what caused POIS so there were days where I just wasn't able to think or emotionally connect, I get anxious at social events for the same reason.  I have beliefs that people don't like me because I'm awkward, but really I don't think I am but my body so desperately wants to avoid POIS that it is easier to just simply avoid people and plans that will so often fall through.

I just heard about this a few days ago, but I've started to do affirmations and visualizations to help me to improve these issues.   I feel that new brain synapsis are being formed when I do this.  I feel the anxiety resisting as I go after it, but usually when I focus my mind and my heart I am able to overcome.  If you pray, please pray!  These secondary symptoms, I believe have really given me a failure to launch so to speak.

Very interesting. I have often thought that there is a connection between POIS and anxiety. When I am calm and relaxed before O, the POIS symptoms are gentler. Of course, it isn't always easy to ensure calm and relaxation at the crucial moment.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #15 on: December 15, 2018, 03:14:54 PM »

Does anyone else experience it in the same way? I believe the diffrence in severity between O with or witout body-contact has to do with the release of the antiinflammatory hormone oxytocin that balances the inflammatories. The diffrence with O and non-O has to do with the quantity of hormones beeing released. On O, there is a tsunami of hormones beeing released that takes a giant effort to clean up from the blood stream. Why this has such an evil impact is the million dollar question. Maybe poor blood circulation, maybe bad liver detox function, maybe bad blood vessels, maybe receptors that are beeing over-stimulated, maybe too many receptors, maybe to much release of hormones.

It's interesting that you mention oxytocin. I was trying to find a way to boost my oxytocin levels when I first tried taking fenugreek for POIS. Fenugreek worked very well for me, and I have been taking it for several years now.

Other forum members have found it useful too:

Very interesting! I’ve always been fascinated with oxytocin. (But it can have serious harmful side effects).

« Last Edit: December 15, 2018, 04:46:48 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2019, 03:14:15 AM »
Hi. I really don?t know if I have POIS, but receltly I had a flu like symtoms that go away after 2-5 days. I feel so tired after ejaculation. But this has been hapening recently. I noticed because my ejaculations have reduced to 2 o 3 in a month and I became more sensitive. I think Im gonna be more aware about symtomps because this is a new concept for me. Im not worried about POIS since I practice tantric sex, where ejaculation is not the point. I have usualy prolonged sex without ejaculation...2 o 3 times in a week, and I ejaculate one time each 8 or 10 days. Sometimes 15 to 21 days. I had 3 ejaculations en the last week because Im on vacations...and the weakness and flu symptoms appeared. Maybe this is a coincidendence....maybe not.
Thing can try tantric sex guys. It is very pleasurable...for you and your partner. Sex without ejaculation better than abstinence or drugs. long Dry orgasms (energetics) instead ejaculatory instant pleasure.
I feel curious about POIS....yes. But my practice  makes me feel calm and happy. Because I stopped basing my pleasure on ejaculation long ago. Even my wife enjoys a lot. Sure, I ejaculate even, but less and less and that does not relate the symptoms or that are more mild.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2019, 09:47:41 AM »
Hi. I really don?t know if I have POIS, but receltly I had a flu like symtoms that go away after 2-5 days. I feel so tired after ejaculation. But this has been hapening recently. I noticed because my ejaculations have reduced to 2 o 3 in a month and I became more sensitive. I think Im gonna be more aware about symtomps because this is a new concept for me. Im not worried about POIS since I practice tantric sex, where ejaculation is not the point. I have usualy prolonged sex without ejaculation...2 o 3 times in a week, and I ejaculate one time each 8 or 10 days. Sometimes 15 to 21 days. I had 3 ejaculations en the last week because Im on vacations...and the weakness and flu symptoms appeared. Maybe this is a coincidendence....maybe not.
Thing can try tantric sex guys. It is very pleasurable...for you and your partner. Sex without ejaculation better than abstinence or drugs. long Dry orgasms (energetics) instead ejaculatory instant pleasure.
I feel curious about POIS....yes. But my practice  makes me feel calm and happy. Because I stopped basing my pleasure on ejaculation long ago. Even my wife enjoys a lot. Sure, I ejaculate even, but less and less and that does not relate the symptoms or that are more mild.
If I am having sex for me it is better to ejaculate. Otherwise my symptoms will be 50% worse. Post orgasmic is a wrong term. When there is precum there is POIS. I thought there are members who have this. But there are POIS-patients who only get sick after tge ejaculation.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2019, 10:53:03 AM »
Not for me. If no ejaculation, no symptoms too.
Taurine = Anti-Pois


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Re: Is just thinking enough?
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2019, 01:58:57 PM »
A drop of pre-ejaculate is sufficient to trigger symptoms for me.