Author Topic: POIS treatment: theory & supplement stack  (Read 364369 times)


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #380 on: October 09, 2018, 06:07:14 PM »
The lowest vitamin B6 I could find is 50mg. So I bought pyridoxal-5-phosphate pills with 20mg of vitamin B6.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #381 on: October 10, 2018, 06:29:45 PM »
We're looking forward to your results, Vandemolen!


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #382 on: October 11, 2018, 11:17:34 PM »
Hi All,

  I know I'm behind on the conversation, but I just wanted to contribute anything I can. If you are trying the POIS Cascade stack, I would give it about 1 month to assess if it is working for you.
Note: Many of these supplements have slow diffusion across the blood/brain barrier and/or slow incorporation into the phospholipid bilayer. So it may take 3 to 4 weeks of consistent supplementation before you are able to assess the full benefit. I continue daily maintenance of supplementation with the POIS Cascade Stack even after seeing my symptoms disappear.
  Both D3 and EPA are fat soluble, so it may take a month of consistent supplementation to see their full effects. B6 is water soluble and should kick-in within a couple of days. Many of the supplements in the POIS Cascade Stack have slow diffusion across the blood/brain barrier and/or slow incorporation into the phospholipid bilayer. So it could take 3 to 4 weeks of consistent supplementation before the effects can be assessed.

I've been wondering, however: Is there any indication outside of climaxing that the stack is working for me?
  One of the ways I could tell when the POIS Cascade stack is working for me (apart from having an orgasm) is that my exercise induced sickness goes away. I used to get flu-like symptoms (sneezing) with CFS, IBS, diarrhea from heavy exercise that would last for 5 to 7 days.
Exercise: Exercise caused sneezing and runny nose in my left nostril. I also had exercise induced IBS with diarrhea, unusually long DOMS/recovery and chronic fatigue (5-8 days). I still can get fasciculation shortly after resistance exercise.
Now I do not get sick from exercise anymore! Also, the DOMS from exercise have almost completely gone away and I recover faster.

Just want to report back that I came across my first side effect with the supplement. I would wake up after several hours after going to sleep.
  Methyl-donors can shorten your sleep cycle. To prevent problems with sleep, I would avoid taking SAMe before bedtime. SAMe does not cause sleep problems for everyone, but sleep disturbance is a known side-effect of SAMe for some due to increased neurotransmitter production.
Do not take SAM-e within 5 hours of your typical bedtime or you may experience trouble going to sleep.
It may be wise to also avoid choline/lecithin right before bed. TMG (betaine) is fine to take before bed.

  I would agree that those who are undermethylated can benefit from methyl-donors, but I do not think that I personally have a problem with methylation. My methylation levels are normal even when I am not taking the stack. So for me, this stack does not correct any methylation problems, but it maybe possible that those who are undermethylated can receive additional benefits from methyl-donors and certain B vitamins.
12. Methylation/homocysteine blood test:
  I stopped taking the majority of my supplement stack (choline/B-vitamins/omega-3/CLA) more than a week prior to getting the blood test. No creatine loading. No creatine more than 3 days prior to the blood test. Avoided other supplemental sources of B-vitamins like sport drinks. The only supplement I took the day of the test was vitamin D3. My homocysteine levels are normal (test).

   In terms of the Betaherpesvirinae stack, I am sorry if I confused anybody about Indomethacin. Ibuprofen is not the same drug as Indomethacin. Indomethacin is about 50 times more potent (effective) COX-2 inhibitor than Ibuprofen, and it is about 430 times more effective COX-1 inhibitor than Ibuprofen. Indomethacin is a prescription-only drug.
An explaination of what the potency measure IC50 means can be found here. Smaller IC50 values result in a stronger effect (stronger COX inhibition). For example, indomethacin is a stronger COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitor than aspirin.
Ibuprofen is not an anti-inflammatory drug because it has extremely low potency. According to the above chart, Ibuprofen is the least effective COX inhibitor there is, because it does not inhibit COX-1 or COX-2 efficiently. I explain this in more details here.
   One more thing to consider is the pharmacokinetics. Taking indomethacin 30 minutes before orgasm will likely not be as effective since it requires more than an 2 hours to reach peak blood levels (post).

Please forgive me if there were any question directed toward me that I missed.  :)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2018, 12:57:35 AM by nanna1 »
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #383 on: October 15, 2018, 01:33:44 AM »
Now I do not get sick from exercise anymore! Also, the DOMS from exercise have almost completely gone away and I recover faster.
  I just wanted to add that I also no longer experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). I'm not sure exactly why it went away. I used to experience it all of the time (even without orgasm and POIS). I started experiencing relief from my stack-diet last year, but it wasn't until this year that I noticed my IBS slowly started to disappear. Even if I break my diet for a week or two, I still do not experience IBS. So this is still a mystery.

  But I can say that, I have experienced more improvements over this past year than I have over the previous decade. I do think that the lifestyle changes I made last year through my diet and supplements (and occasional fasting) has improved my overall health and reduced inflammation in general.
POIS clusters: 1,3,4,5,7
POIS criteria: 1,2,3,4,5
2 stacks that give me complete relief of POIS symptoms are listed here: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #384 on: October 16, 2018, 06:25:49 AM »
Since I take Nanna’s stack I have to urinate almost 10 times a day. Al that water with those pills...

I also had IBS because of POIS. The last years I don’t have IBS. Maybe because I use a lot of antibiotics for my UTI/prostatatitis.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #385 on: October 18, 2018, 06:17:53 AM »
hi nanna1, first of all, I want to thank your contributions to the forum. I believe that your profession (if I remember correctly, biomedical engineer) and your dedication are of great help. I am in a very difficult situation since the end of February. Despite that, I decided to try your set of supplements and vitamins. but unfortunately, on the second day I had to leave them. I started to feel worse. people close to me just told me that I may also suffer from pudendal nerve neuralgia. I have been tested for the pudendal nerve. and the result is that apparently it is completely normal. yes it is true that the symptoms that I suffer especially since I rode a sleigh at the end of February last suggests that it could be a pudendal nerve neuralgia. but there are certain symptoms that I can not explain with the pudendal nerve neuralgia. since I have clearly worsened since the last release. and other symptoms are more associable to POIS. In fact they are the same as I had before that time I rode in a sleigh. Do you think POIS could have a neurological component?


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #386 on: October 20, 2018, 10:00:17 AM »
I want to report that Nanna’s stack didn’t work for me. But I only use it for 10 days. Nanna said that you have to use it for 3 or 4 weeks. So I will try about 2 or 3 weeks again. I was also already a bit sick because of my allergy of Cefuroxim. I finished the cure on Thursday. So why did I try yesterday? That’s because Wednesday I have an appointment with my POIS doctor. I thought if it worked I could try it Monday again to be sure it works for me. And then I could tell my POIS doctor. When it’s sure that it worked for me he would take it more serious.

I will report when I tried it again. Now my fingers, feet and skull are very dry. My troath, mouth, tongue and nose are dry. Niacin didn’t work for me but at least it helped a bit against a dry mouth and nose. There is also another thing. I also over masturbated. For more than 4 hours. Maybe it doesn’t work that long? Doing it for this period is also unhealthy for a man without POIS.
« Last Edit: October 20, 2018, 10:02:11 AM by Vandemolen »
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #387 on: October 20, 2018, 02:10:42 PM »
I want to report that Nanna’s stack didn’t work for me. But I only use it for 10 days. Nanna said that you have to use it for 3 or 4 weeks. So I will try about 2 or 3 weeks again. I was also already a bit sick because of my allergy of Cefuroxim.

Yes, you are right. I remember I read It. But I am on a very delicate situation. I can get out of this difficult situation. and I find myself in a more stable situation I could try again 3 or 4 weeks. but now I can not risk getting worse. I need to be more stable first.... Thanks Vandemolen.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #388 on: October 20, 2018, 04:06:18 PM »
Yes.  For some, its a very big component.  I think as nanna1 postulates that POIS is an inflammatory response, so if your nerves are in the slightest compromised state (though still normal) however after POIS, with that increased inflammation, they will now will get significantly (clinically) pinched, disrupting nerve transmission and causing the symptoms - pain / paresis etc. 

Do you think POIS could have a neurological component?
POIS Free, 2+ yrs (occasional/predictive lapses)
Pois symptoms: Peripheral (Skin: Urticaria, dryness, pale blotchy skin), Exasperation of: [Nerve weakness, Muscle weakness + Mental (CNS: Brain Fog, Irritation, Isolation, Speech lethargy, Anxiety)].
Other conditions: ASD, ADD, GA


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #389 on: October 21, 2018, 02:52:08 AM »
Alrighty, so I just tried climaxing after about a week and a half of taking Nanna's POIS Cascade Stack, while following a strict vegan diet, while also having taken 250mg flushing Niacin two hours ago. Let's see how this goes.

Bear in mind, I'm also taking a low dose of Adderall due to my recently-diagnosed ADHD. However, I'm confident that these writings reflect the "default" state of my mind.

Five minutes after: Nothing too-too interesting. I have a strange, almost tension-like feeling in the front of my cranium (forehead to just before the parietal lobe), but I can still talk and type rather eloquently.

Ten minutes: Ugh. Tension headache is getting worse. Still, my symptoms usually don't start till about half an hour later.

Fifteen minutes: Yeah, I get the feeling I'm in the midst of a pretty typical POIS episode now. Constant headache, mild cognitive impairment, mostly whilst trying to talk to people. Hopefully the niacin helps.

Thirty to fifty minutes: Ughh, this blows. Now my eyes are starting to defocus, my headache stretches all around my head above the ears. Cognitive impairment comes and goes, with stretches of mild symptoms interspersed with short bursts of extreme difficulty.

Overall I'm currently having a very typical POIS episode. On the bright side, climaxes seem to take away my neuropathic pain, to the point where orgasms could substitute medication if it weren't for these cognitive issues. I will keep supplementing regardless.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #390 on: October 21, 2018, 05:11:13 AM »
Did enyone get beter from this stuck?


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #391 on: October 21, 2018, 08:18:05 AM »
I want to report that Nanna’s stack didn’t work for me. But I only use it for 10 days. Nanna said that you have to use it for 3 or 4 weeks. So I will try about 2 or 3 weeks again. I was also already a bit sick because of my allergy of Cefuroxim. I finished the cure on Thursday. So why did I try yesterday? That’s because Wednesday I have an appointment with my POIS doctor. I thought if it worked I could try it Monday again to be sure it works for me. And then I could tell my POIS doctor. When it’s sure that it worked for me he would take it more serious.

I will report when I tried it again. Now my fingers, feet and skull are very dry. My troath, mouth, tongue and nose are dry. Niacin didn’t work for me but at least it helped a bit against a dry mouth and nose. There is also another thing. I also over masturbated. For more than 4 hours. Maybe it doesn’t work that long? Doing it for this period is also unhealthy for a man without POIS.
When I googled folate I got vitamine b11 (b9 in the US), acid folic. That’s what I use. I saw that there is a difference between acid folic and folate. Maybe that’s a reason why it didn’t work?

So I just bought Vitals Folate 5-MTHF 800mcg. I see you have to take only 200mcg. So I will open the pill and divide it.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2018, 10:20:13 AM by Vandemolen »
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #392 on: October 21, 2018, 08:24:10 AM »
Alrighty, so I just tried climaxing after about a week and a half of taking Nanna's POIS Cascade Stack, while following a strict vegan diet, while also having taken 250mg flushing Niacin two hours ago. Let's see how this goes.

Bear in mind, I'm also taking a low dose of Adderall due to my recently-diagnosed ADHD. However, I'm confident that these writings reflect the "default" state of my mind.

Five minutes after: Nothing too-too interesting. I have a strange, almost tension-like feeling in the front of my cranium (forehead to just before the parietal lobe), but I can still talk and type rather eloquently.

Ten minutes: Ugh. Tension headache is getting worse. Still, my symptoms usually don't start till about half an hour later.

Fifteen minutes: Yeah, I get the feeling I'm in the midst of a pretty typical POIS episode now. Constant headache, mild cognitive impairment, mostly whilst trying to talk to people. Hopefully the niacin helps.

Thirty to fifty minutes: Ughh, this blows. Now my eyes are starting to defocus, my headache stretches all around my head above the ears. Cognitive impairment comes and goes, with stretches of mild symptoms interspersed with short bursts of extreme difficulty.

Overall I'm currently having a very typical POIS episode. On the bright side, climaxes seem to take away my neuropathic pain, to the point where orgasms could substitute medication if it weren't for these cognitive issues. I will keep supplementing regardless.
Too bad it didn’t work. You have to use the stack for af least 1 month and then you are sure it worked or not. Some vitamins from the stack I have 60. So that’s for 30 days. Other things like vit b12 and fish oil are good for the health. So even when after 30 days the stack doesn’t work for me I will use those vitamins.

I also use other medicins. Like cefuroxim, fexofenadine and amitriptyline. Also magnesium and Zinc.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #393 on: October 22, 2018, 09:24:55 AM »
@ Nanna is there an alternative for folate? I am allergic to cefuroxim, so I am going to use another antibiotic. Maybe co-trimoxazole for my UTI. But you can’t use folate.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #394 on: October 23, 2018, 01:08:42 PM »
Yes.  For some, its a very big component.  I think as nanna1 postulates that POIS is an inflammatory response, so if your nerves are in the slightest compromised state (though still normal) however after POIS, with that increased inflammation, they will now will get significantly (clinically) pinched, disrupting nerve transmission and causing the symptoms - pain / paresis etc. 

Do you think POIS could have a neurological component?
Ok, swell. Thank you for your answer.

In fact, I think there are several people in this forum who suffer from chronic pelvic pain. I have seen that there is also a disease classified as rare called pudendal neuralgia ... the pudendal nerve is apparently responsible for the perceptions of the pelvic, genital area, etc ...

This is why I was asking about posible relationship with neurological problems.... Maybe there is any relationship with pudendal neuralgia and POIS when having chronic pelvic pain....


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #395 on: October 24, 2018, 01:04:52 PM »
I want to report that Nanna’s stack didn’t work for me. But I only use it for 10 days. Nanna said that you have to use it for 3 or 4 weeks. So I will try about 2 or 3 weeks again. I was also already a bit sick because of my allergy of Cefuroxim. I finished the cure on Thursday. So why did I try yesterday? That’s because Wednesday I have an appointment with my POIS doctor. I thought if it worked I could try it Monday again to be sure it works for me. And then I could tell my POIS doctor. When it’s sure that it worked for me he would take it more serious.

I will report when I tried it again. Now my fingers, feet and skull are very dry. Myr troath, mouth, tongue and nose are dry. Niacin didn’t work for me but at least it helped a bit against a dry mouth and nose. There is also another thing. I also over masturbated. For more than 4 hours. Maybe it doesn’t work that long? Doing it for this period is also unhealthy for a man without POIS.
I just stopped with Nanna’s stack. I got new antibiotics. I can’t take folate. My
POIS doctor was interested in the stack. He took a picture. So maybe when I will change antibiotics
I will give it another try.
POIS since 2000. Very bad since 2008. I knew that I have POIS since June 2010. Desensitization since March 2011. I stopped with desens in July 2016. I have 50% less POIS. And only 1 day of POIS. Purified CBD works for me, but I am allergic for CBD.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #396 on: October 25, 2018, 10:25:05 AM »
I think vegan diet is good for me.My brain fog disappear , and mood became better.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #397 on: October 25, 2018, 01:27:01 PM »
I want to report that Nanna’s stack didn’t work for me. But I only use it for 10 days. Nanna said that you have to use it for 3 or 4 weeks. So I will try about 2 or 3 weeks again. I was also already a bit sick because of my allergy of Cefuroxim. I finished the cure on Thursday. So why did I try yesterday? That’s because Wednesday I have an appointment with my POIS doctor. I thought if it worked I could try it Monday again to be sure it works for me. And then I could tell my POIS doctor. When it’s sure that it worked for me he would take it more serious.

I will report when I tried it again. Now my fingers, feet and skull are very dry. Myr troath, mouth, tongue and nose are dry. Niacin didn’t work for me but at least it helped a bit against a dry mouth and nose. There is also another thing. I also over masturbated. For more than 4 hours. Maybe it doesn’t work that long? Doing it for this period is also unhealthy for a man without POIS.
I just stopped with Nanna’s stack. I got new antibiotics. I can’t take folate. My
POIS doctor was interested in the stack. He took a picture. So maybe when I will change antibiotics
I will give it another try.

Sorry, Van, to use your post, forum IM is now working.
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 03:57:31 PM by demografx »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #398 on: October 25, 2018, 02:20:44 PM »
Have you tried to isolate the treatment (for example, just following only the vegan diet)?

I think we have seen here various mixing and conflicting reports about the influence of a vegan/vegetarian diet, so I wouldn't get a definite conclussion. I think it could help because -in principle- you are removing sugary foods from your diets (especially if you don't consume food with additives). But if you eat carbs, that could prove counterproductive as well.


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Re: POIS cure: theory & supplement stack
« Reply #399 on: October 25, 2018, 04:35:30 PM »
Yeah, i agree here with you Observer, it is something metabolic related to
glucose,  or lower sugar-carbs = no inflamation.

Me personaly tested vegan diet-done nothing for pois and owerall helth.
But in thouse wegan diet it was a lot of carbs -grains etc.

Then i tested hi protein and fat low carbs paleo diet, because
etleast 10 people repordet that they get rid of theirs pois complitly.
On this diet, after 20 days, my body started losing weight , and i feel
wery bad on it(enormes calory intake but losing weight deadly).

My personal answer on this is that i hawe low acid and my digestive
enzayms for fat not working ok, and if no acid then cant breake down

So it didnt helped my pois, and i recovering from loseing weight,
by eating chokolate kinder smorfs.

« Last Edit: October 27, 2018, 04:42:59 PM by Hopeoneday »