Romies, thanks for your suggestions, I never tried DAO or NADH but both should help POIS sufferers. I have been taking SAM-e and methylfolate for a long time, I agree they are essential for someone with an MTHFR mutation (30-40% of people).
I wanted to let everyone know that I will be testing an antifungal drug against POIS in the next few days. I'm still in shock I got a doctor to let me try this, I haven't even gotten my urine culture back yet, and I didn't even have to go to the doctor to get him to agree to this. I cancelled my appointment because I was in the middle of POIS, he asked how I was and if there was anything he could do to help, so I sent him this message:
"Thanks for checking in with me! I'm alright, just having a flare up of a chronic condition, nothing I haven't dealt with before. If you would like to help I'd greatly appreciate your opinion on something. My condition (chronic prostatitis) is notoriously hard to treat, as it's a syndrome with many forms, and the first line of treatment is antibiotics even though this only helps a small portion of patients. It is also known that bacteria are not involved in its pathogenesis. This disease has a great number of systemic effects and lowers quality of life significantly, so I've been doing a lot of research on it. I heard many reports of low carb diets helping, and this is helping me, but I'm still having serious symptoms. Many people believe that low carb diets treat prostatitis by starving out fungal species, which are normally present in the body as commensal organisms, but can also lead to serious infection. There was a study that treated 1000 prostatitis patients with a low carb diet and a common anti fungal drug flucanazole, and there was a significant improvement in 80% of patients. It is a rather unorthodox treatment, but one I'd like to try, as I have been given many rounds of simultaneous antibiotics and corticosteroids for chronic bronchitis. This not only suppresses the antifungal immune response, but also eliminate the bacteria that compete with it. During flare ups of my condition my urine becomes cloudy, so I went to the doctor a few days ago to get a urine culture, but they said the lab ordinarily only tests for bacteria, and cultures for fungi are unreliable (they didn't even test for it in the study I mentioned). I'm starting a new semester of college soon and I really want to try this treatment, I missed more than a quarter of my classes last semester dealing with flare ups of this condition, do you know any doctors that might be open to me trying this?"
To my surprise he got back and said he had read about this, agreed with all that I had researched, and would be glad to write me a prescription for an anti fungal. The antifungal I mentioned, flucanazole, is a highly bio-available and effective anti fungal that is excreted through the urine. Some candida species are resistant to it however, so hopefully the lab is testing for this if my urine cultures grew candida.
I hope I can report positive results very soon, but in the meantime for everyone else I have done a few days of research into what I think the best natural treatments for candida induced POIS. My theory is that some candida has colonized some immune privileged or "sanctuary sites", a term that describes sites with a significant reduction or complete lack in immune system activity, such as the brain, spinal cord, eyes, testes, prostate, or epididymis. I believe POIS is simply the leaking of candida into the bloodstream, a very serious finding as candida can get into the brain and cause death pretty quickly in immune compromised patients (or in our case, with flawed but intact immune systems, it will just make you feel like you're dying). The barriers that prevent the immune system from reaching immune privileged sites can be passed by lipids that are small and nonpolar, properties that can be found in essential oils. After looking over a few dozen scientific papers regarding anti-candida essential oils, I believe the following are the most promising for the treatment of POIS in order of most effective. Do not take any of these without researching them yourself first, to make this easier I've put the active ingredient in parenthesis for most of these, which also helps with comparing them:
Sandalwood Oil
Lemongrass Oil (citral)
Coconut Oil (caprylic acid)
Winter Savory Oil/Oregano Oil (carvacrol)
Clove oil/Cinnamon Oil (eugenol)
Cinnamon Bark oil (trans-cinnamaldehyde)
Thyme oil/Black Cumin Seed Oil (thymol)
Black Walnut Oil (juglone)
Pau D'Arco Bark Oil (lapachol)
Olive Oil (hydroxytyrosol)
Eucalyptus Oil
Peppermint Oil
Tea Tree Oil
Garlic Oil (allicin)
Goldenseal Oil (berberine)
Ginger Oil (gingerol)
North American Ginseng Oil
Wormwood Oil
Grapefruit Seed Oil