Hmm. I read again slowly the study.
1/ Dr Jiang says the treatment (desensitization) efficacy is UNCERTAIN.
2/ Dr Jiang think the level of IgE is too low in the 45 Poisers study of dr Waldinger.
3/ The chinese Poiser in the study has medium to high symptoms.
Important point : he has higher FSH and LH hypophisis hormones but MRI shows nothing on the hypophisis.
4/ The analysis of IgE, if I don't make mistakes :
Total IgE is high but specific IgE to seminal fluid seems NORMAL.
But the patient seems to have high IgE specific to other things (Mold). !!!
5/ Analysis of proteins (I dont understand)
6/ Elisa test. Negative.
7/ Skin tests. The work of dr Jiang is very nice. I hope I will not make mistakes :
- The intracutaneous test shows no real difference between Pois and non-Pois patients.
(semen causes an "allergy" to everybody )
- Prick test shows a difference between Pois and non-Pois patients.
- Dr Jiang thinks the differences are not really significative.
8/ Dr Jiang seems to think semen of each man (Pois and non-Pois) contains potential allergic/inflammatory molecules like cytokines, chemokines...etc. To say it quickly and basically, SEMEN IS NATURALLY IRRITATING.
9/ Allergy to sperm exists, but according to dr Jiang the cases of allergic women are rare and show REAL AND CLEAR IgE values, unlike this patient.
10/ So, if I don't make mistake, Dr Jiang refutes partially or completely dr Waldinger's theory at least for the patient he studied. And he proposed another hypothesis : a form of opiate whidrawal syndrome.
So semen injection could be a low dose opiate injection not desensitization?
You mean, injection as a cure. Why not, I don't know. But how many patients are 100% cured by densitization ? 100% sure, not placebo ?
As I said, if dr Jiang is right, it"s not really a good new for Poisers. Because we can't rebalance endorphins without taking exogenous opioids causing another unbalance.
For my personnal case I have big improvement with taurine/fish and low sugar diet.
I'm intolerant to alcohol and codeine
The "post-coital hangover" as lot of poisers call it, finds here a strong explanation.