astinenza? No ,non fa per me.. c'ho provato per anni ma non sono mai riuscito .
I translated with Google (Italian). You say,
"abstinence, no not for me, I've tried that for years and haven't been successful".
I agree.
Omen, you are lucky that you only suffer the one day when you have orgasm in the morning. I have tried, and it's worse for me.
I guess we are not all the same. When I do it at night, I sleep the worst hours, those first ones, and so it's like one day less of POIS
(well 8 hrs anyways). When I do it in the morning, I suffer those worst hours, but STILL have 5 days of POIS.
Until I found niacin. Now I can have sex in the morning and hardly suffer at all. The next day it's almost all gone.
And it's not like niacin is really a drug, it's a vitamin. Iboprofen or aspirin is worse for you, especially if you ONLY take it before orgasm and not regularly.
vetrofragile79, read up on niacin, for most, 100mg 30 minutes to 1 hr before orgasm and it protects you against a lot of the worst POIS symptoms
It doesn't work for everybody, but for most it's almost a miracle.
If you are lucky enough like Omen, to not to have to use anything, then all the better, but there are few of us in that boat.
I will try to help with translation vetro, or hopefully others here can. Thanks and welcome.