I create this topic to share my strategy to reduce Pois symptoms.
First, I strongly believe the auto-immune explanation is the good one to explain my Pois. Because my Pois looks like a flu, now. At the beggining my Pois symptoms was mainly mental confusion ("feel like sleeping"). Very strong symptom. My Pois started in the middle of 90's. And first real improvement since middle of 2008.
A french friend gave me the beggining of the solution. He wanted to lose some weight. So he started to have a good diet and it seems to reduce his Pois after some days or weeks ! He thinks the glycemia is linked to this....
I started to reduce white sugar with some succes. But the other carbs like white bread and white rice have the same effect. The key is to undertand the notion of glycemic index. The base of the anti-Pois diet is to reduce glycemic index.
But at the end of 2010, I made an improvement. After eating large amount of salmon, i had a zero Pois episode soI find the fats play a big role in my symptoms.
How does it work ?
I'm sure the diet 100% works but I'm not sure I can give a 100% sure theory.
I think Pois like this :
Orgasm=>auto-immune reaction => inflammation => "flu" symptoms + cognitiveI can't stop the auto-immune reaction.
But I really think the diet have an HUGE influence on second step, inflammation.
This is something I didn't have talked to dr Waldinger yet.
Ther is some scientific argument about the effects of glycemic index food and some inflammation markers like TNF-Alpha.
For fats, it seems the unbalance between omega-6 and omega-3 is a factor of inflamation. And probably saturated fats creates inflammation too.
To explain confusion, it's more harder. Maybe some cytokines block some neurotransmitters synthesis (explaining, in other way, why you have a bad mood during a normal flu).
So, to make a first sumary, if you have my Pois "type" (confusion, flu-like symptoms, diarheas, muscle/joint pains....) you could try :
- Eat low glycemic indec food or less carbohydrates.
- Eat good fats (fish, wallnuts, olive oil, colza margarine...) and less saturated or omega-6 rich food (sunflower, butter, ..... all junk food)
1/ balance fats :

2/ less/no fast sugar