POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: Ccconfucius on April 26, 2011, 07:12:02 PM

Title: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on April 26, 2011, 07:12:02 PM
This where all the treatments tried will be listed so when forum gets much bigger new people can zone in to what helps.
Each successful treatment  will have a  short paragraph about it and also how many people and the names of the people that it was sucessfull with.
There will also be a list of treatments that werent successful so people can see what not to try. This list will also contain short paragraph and who tried it.
I will like this Topic to be permanently in one of the Top three so it will be easy to find.

These section is not for discussions it is just for adding treatments.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on April 28, 2011, 11:42:59 AM
Quote from: pyropeach
Something I wanted to bring up before is my somewhat effective use of Chinese medicine.  While in China, the Chinese doctor told me my kidneys are weak and recommended I drink a cup of the following medicine twice a day.  10g cinnamon bark, 10g dried ginger, 10g fresh ginger, and 8 dried dates boiled in a pot until half the water evaporates.  After drinking this for a few months now, I have noticed more mental and physical energy that help compensate for the brain fog, anxiety, and overall fatigue. 
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on May 10, 2011, 09:23:14 PM


Niacin is a B - Vitamin important to many functions in the body, but for poisers it is very powerful tool against pois. It was discovered by a group memeber and his doctor.  Those that have used niacin say it reduces their symptoms from within the range of 80% and 100%.  You can use niacin as a shot or as a pill. The pill form can be the flush type which is called nicotinic acid or the non flush type which is called niacinamide. You can look through the niacin discussion part of the forum to decide which form and is better for you. But most people have seen results with the flush type niacin.   As group we are not sure why niacin works but the two prevailing theories are associated with histamine.   Either niacin is using up the histamine need to create allergy reaction caused by orgasm or is a precursor for creating histamine because we are low on histamine.  Be careful while using niacin to frequent of use can damage your liver and the flush created from the flush type will be very intense if dosage to high.  As with any drugs make sure you consult with your doctor while using niacin.

victor.kon, observercenter, daveman, jivetalk, guthrie, vincentmarcus

injection; .1ml of 75mg xanithol nicotinate

Pills;   150mg xanithol nicotinate,  200mg nicotinic acid  flush type, 1000mg niancinamide.


Using niacin on a empty stomach/ 6 hours of  fasting
     -  use 100 - 200mg of niacin
     -  wait until the flush passes before orgasm, by this time the itching has stopped and skin redness is disappearing. ( this process takes about 30 mins to an hour or   more depending on you or how empty stomach is).
     -   Now you  can have orgasm.  By this time niacin has converted.
 Using niacin  a short time after eating (1-4 hrs preferably a light meal)
    - break pill open for the powder form.
    - put first half of powder under tongue and let it sit until it is absorbed (try not to swallow).
    - then put second half of powder under tongue and let it absorb ( try not to swallow).
    -  this flush should much faster, as previous example wait till flush disappears before orgasm.

Using niancimide
    - use pill and wait 1-2hrs before orgasm

* before doing this you must get consent and advise of your doctor.
       - inject .1ml of 75mg xanithol nicotinate before orgasm.
       -  flush kicks in right away so you don't have to wait as long.
       -  possible maximum wait time before orgasm 5hrs.

* You have to experiment to see if you can have multiple orgasms
 *  You also have to experiment to see what is the most time  you can wait after using niacin before orgasm and your most optimal time.

This link contains a list of others who have tried niacin.  


Fenugreek is popularly used as an herb and as a spice.  There is currently no scientific research that can directly link this compound to POIS as there is little active research on fenugreek.  Most research of the research focuses on using fenugreek to treat diabetes and has been found to enhance the uptake of plasma glucose in Type I diabetic patients.  Strangely, some have found symptomatic relief by taking fenugreek supplements. For more  information there is a discussion board under hormones about fenugreek.

Link for fenugreek experience:

Members: Cornelius, Hurray, Shahnameh(nsf),Porke(nsf),Guthrie(nsf) Longwalkhome(nsf), John21(nsf), Vincentmarcus,Observer,.
Dosage: Solaray – Fenugreek, 1240mg tablets, 15-20 seed perday soaked overnight and  used in the morning.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is another herb used in alternative medicine for multiple illnesses.  There is scientific evidence it helps with bph and could probably help with male baldness. Poisers that have used it have seen improvements in many of their symptoms.  Extra information can be found using the link below.



Some have found Relora, a herbal supplement, to immensely improve symptoms and, in one case, completely resolve POIS.  It seems most that benefit from this supplement is within the first category of sufferers described earlier.  It has been found to reduce brain fog, help restore concentration, reduce palpitations, and reduce anxiety.  The dosage varies according to the individual.  Some continuously take this supplement per the distributer’s instructions and others only take a dose before or after orgasm.
The mechanism of action is not known.  However, the manufacturers claim that Relora reduces cortisol and thereby relieves stress.  Based on the theoretical role of cortisol in POIS, the potential reduction of cortisol may be what leads to the relieving effects.

Tarkington, Limejuice,  Pyropeach, Pantaloon,goingcrazy, nTonic, John21,tazzy, ad75

Dosage: Varies


Phosphatidylserine (PS) is a phospholipid that naturally occurs in our cells.  It is advertised to possess cognitive-enhancing effects.  However, there are no significant scientific findings that support this claim.  In 2003, the FDA stated that “there is no significant scientific agreement among qualified experts that a relationship exists between PS and reduced risk of dementia or cognitive dysfunction.”  Interestingly, this supplement has relieved POIS symptoms to a small degree in terms of restoring concentration and clearing brain-fog in various sufferers.  As with Relora, the optimum dosage varies according to the individual.
Manufacturers of PS openly claim it enhances communication between brain cells by increasing the number of receptor sites.  They also make a number of other claims about the beneficial effects of PS on the brain, but they fail to present scientific evidence to back their claims. Brand used was  Source Naturals – Phophatidyl Serine Matrix, 500mg tablets.


Dosage: Varies


Some forum members have been been having good success with Garlic.  They chew gloves of garlic before or after orgasm. They feel an improvement in their symptoms immediately after chewing the garlic. Here is a quote from a pois sufferer who used garlic, "I began to take garlic cloves and the result was immediate... specially with the brain fog *AFTER* the orgasm. If you take them *BEFORE* you have less (-70,80%) POIS symptoms after O, at least in my case. And then, was Fenugreek´s time. Seriously, it´s amazing". Since garlic has such strong smell and taste some have tried to work around those properties by  trying odourless garlic forms with no good results.When trying garlic you want to go with supplements that provides the garlic in its full form.

Observer, Vincent Marcus, Horizon

Dosage; Cloves of Garlic, 5000mg of Holland and barrett's garlic oil capsule.


The popular add drug adderal is also one of the tool used in fighting pois. The drug is intended to help those with lack of attention focus but when normal people use it they get stimulant effect that helps them get their daily activities done much quicker. For those with pois, this drug is enticing because its stimulating and fatigue reducing effect.

Demografx, Nick_B_85(nsf)

Recommendation by doctor.

 Vitamin B12

Vitamins B's play several role in the body including being important  to brain functions and energy.  It has been tried by several members with good results. Some of the theories behind the success of vitamin Bs are they help replenish brain neurotransmitters, they replace something lost after ejaculation and they help reduce excess histamine produced by the body.

This link provides forum members' experience with vitamin b's  http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1059.msg9571#msg9571.

Bjim's NSF treatment summary, http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=6576.msg201517#msg201517
Google website treatment summary,  
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on September 10, 2011, 08:14:40 PM

It's an exciting time for POIS with several people reporting positive results from treatments like Niacin (many members) and desensitization (Vandemolen and myself), and some confirmed cases of testosterone (Demo), desensitization (2 cases in Waldinger's paper) and "male hysterectomy" (Animus) working.  There's hope!

Willem, terrific state-of-the-art summary of POIS treatment! Thank you.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on September 10, 2011, 08:19:40 PM







CC, excellent detailed reporting of some extensively tried items over several years!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on September 11, 2011, 06:47:35 AM

It's an exciting time for POIS with several people reporting positive results from treatments like Niacin (many members) and desensitization (Vandemolen and myself), and some confirmed cases of testosterone (Demo), desensitization (2 cases in Waldinger's paper) and "male hysterectomy" (Animus) working.  There's hope!

Willem, terrific state-of-the-art summary of POIS treatment! Thank you.

There's a silent member here in Chile too that has taken on a desesitization program in Santiago, through an allergist (controlled). He started maybe 2 or 3 months ago so so far not much to report. But I'm sure that in a bit we'll start to hear back.

Imagine even in Chile there's hope!!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on January 10, 2012, 01:59:04 PM
There´s a survey that was taken a while back with a lot of information. We are going to be digitizing this and providing access and editing available on site.
It will be better organized (that the original survey) so that it can be used in a relational manner.

It would be better to recompile all of the information that we have spent years in gathering than to start all over again on yet another platform.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Jon on January 11, 2012, 04:16:26 PM
Guys, As many of you know I have a constant, extremely debilitating POIS, on bad days I freeze with no thoughts like a dementia patient. Paranoia, fog, and physical symptoms..

I took Chlorella, Vitamin C, And ZMA afterwards to go with the niacin I had taken before the orgasm. I recovered much quicker than usual and within a few days I felt more alert and clear than I had felt in a while. I had a purpose in life again. I continued to cycle these products daily and this continued for over a week. My libido was back, Could smile, Got tons done. Have not had one orgasm since and int he past few days I have begun to feel the alertness leaving and as well as my energy. I was thinking maybe placebo but then again I was sustaining the good feelings for over a week. I believe that these medications effected some areas that are deficient and I'm just trying to figure out how to sustain the wellness. I fear that I'm slipping back.

Naked Scientists member, 'Kurtosis', actually was the one who suggested a few of the products to me as he has had consistent relief for a long period of time. I will be trying different herbs to try and sustain some sort of health. Hoping I can come up with a treatment regiment of some kind, the suffering is extensive as you all know first hand.


Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on January 11, 2012, 06:06:37 PM
I wonder if, rather than take the supplements, daily that you take them just around the "O"-

Experiment with timing. I think Vit C is good to take regularly, niacin ONLY before "O", taken after can actually make things worse for some. The rest of the stuff, I don't know.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: 0002ppdnuos on May 05, 2012, 09:05:03 PM
I've been taking 2g of Vitamin C (500mg), and drinking 4 glasses of high-calcium milk (high-calcium milk powder) daily during my POIS (caused by nocturnal emission). I actually feel the difference (my symptoms are mainly in my brain). I'll continue with this approach and see if it further improves my symptoms. I'm on abstinence too.

Besides, I found the following book contains lots of practical information on nutrition (from which we could gain inspiration on finding the cure for POIS): Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit. It's very helpful to me.

The following websites contains lots of information on cortisol and its effects on our body. I list them down in an order of their usefulness. I hope it saves your time in searching the cortisol-related information:

*Thanks warriors, you made me feel like I'm not fighting it all alone.*
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on May 06, 2012, 09:07:43 AM
Thanks 0002ppdnous,

Niacin wipes out the mental symptoms.

If niacin would work for you, you could have more sex during the day and perhaps avoid the Nocturnals.

See our niacin threads. Do a search on the site for niacin.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: 0002ppdnuos on May 19, 2012, 02:04:31 AM
Unfortunately, too much of Vit-C caused me diarrhea, and too much of high-calcium milk caused me sleepy all day long.
So, I now cut down on Vit-C, only take it when I feel the need. Also, I'll only drink one glass of milk at night before I go to bed.

Besides, I took two doses of Relora, and it made me really feel bad.
I felt a kind of pressure/uneasiness in the stomach.
I'd decided to stop using it, at least for now.

Thanks for the suggestion for niacin, I'll try one by one so that I know what is the cause of relief, if any.

Today, I started eating two cloves of crunched garlic in the morning, it helps as usual, not completely though. I chewed it in my mouth, and oh my god it's really hot. How does everyone bear with the heat? I'm not sure if I can handle another two cloves tomorrow.

I recalled when I was young, my mom cooked mushroom chicken with garlic, I felt much better after eating. Since then, garlic has become my favorite food. Then, I wasn't sure that it is the garlic.

I'll buy some fenugreek too, since many said it's better to pair fenugreek with garlic.
Way to go~ everybody.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: 0002ppdnuos on May 19, 2012, 04:20:36 PM
Today, I topped my toast with margarine and garlic minces, the garlic cloves work really well for me, I mean whole day long, especially on my stomach.
Weird enough, when I feel good in my abdomen, I feel better in my brain, and sleep better at night. They seems all interrelated. Again, the symptoms do not disappear completely.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: 0002ppdnuos on May 19, 2012, 05:35:36 PM
I'd like to share an experience here.

Every time POIS occurs, I could not sleep at the proper time. And I found out that this syndrome is recognized as the Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome. A number of website elaborates on this topic, one of which is listed below:

Out of a number of treatments suggested in the above-mentioned website, I found Chronotherapy works best for me. It meant sleep 3 hrs later than that at which you go to bed the previous night. When I sleep enough, the POIS symptoms is less severe/ more bearable.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Vincent M on May 20, 2012, 06:42:52 PM
Today, I started eating two cloves of crunched garlic in the morning, it helps as usual, not completely though. I chewed it in my mouth, and oh my god it's really hot. How does everyone bear with the heat? I'm not sure if I can handle another two cloves tomorrow.

I'll buy some fenugreek too, since many said it's better to pair fenugreek with garlic.

I usually chew only one clove of garlic and I wash down each bite with whole milk. Sometimes I add some cream to the milk to make it thicker. I take 2 fenugreek capsules right before I eat the garlic. Eating the garlic with another food such as bread or rice may work if you don't like milk.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on May 21, 2012, 08:03:26 AM
Today, I started eating two cloves of crunched garlic in the morning, it helps as usual, not completely though. I chewed it in my mouth, and oh my god it's really hot. How does everyone bear with the heat? I'm not sure if I can handle another two cloves tomorrow.

I'll buy some fenugreek too, since many said it's better to pair fenugreek with garlic.

I usually chew only one clove of garlic and I wash down each bite with whole milk. Sometimes I add some cream to the milk to make it thicker. I take 2 fenugreek capsules right before I eat the garlic. Eating the garlic with another food such as bread or rice may work if you don't like milk.

I've never done garlic because of the social stigma! I guess you just have to say "the hell with it" right?

I LOVE garlic. But when I have some great chip dip with a lot of garlic or something, I can hardly stand myself the next day, not to mention the rest of the world.
How do you manage that?

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Vincent M on May 21, 2012, 07:52:59 PM

I LOVE garlic. But when I have some great chip dip with a lot of garlic or something, I can hardly stand myself the next day, not to mention the rest of the world.
How do you manage that?

I only eat garlic when I know I won't have to be around anyone important the next day(s). Also I don't have much of a sense of smell so I can't smell it.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: vandam on June 17, 2012, 06:00:05 AM
Hi guys, I`m a new member here. I  almost read everything in this forum. I`ve pois since I was 12 and at this moment I`m 25.

There are many thing you guys already tried, like VitB`s, Vit C ...
I`ve been thinking about all the possible causes of POIS, like `what goes out has to go in` `allergy` `auto-immune`..
So I was thinking about the possible teatment; it sounds crazy, but I think we have to discuss it. Some members of my family and some other friends underwent the vasectomy as a permanent form of conception. I`m young and I want to have kids in the future, but for older people with POIS it may be a sollution. And there are many possibilities for this people to have children, like frozen sperm/undo the vasectomy, in case they decide to have children later.
Whats your opinion in this?
Thank you.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: vandam on June 17, 2012, 06:01:58 AM
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Starsky on June 17, 2012, 08:13:17 AM
There was one guy here and vasectomy did not help or POIS.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Hoping on June 17, 2012, 10:18:27 PM
Hi guys, I`m a new member here. I  almost read everything in this forum. I`ve pois since I was 12 and at this moment I`m 25.

There are many thing you guys already tried, like VitB`s, Vit C ...
I`ve been thinking about all the possible causes of POIS, like `what goes out has to go in` `allergy` `auto-immune`..
So I was thinking about the possible teatment; it sounds crazy, but I think we have to discuss it. Some members of my family and some other friends underwent the vasectomy as a permanent form of conception. I`m young and I want to have kids in the future, but for older people with POIS it may be a sollution. And there are many possibilities for this people to have children, like frozen sperm/undo the vasectomy, in case they decide to have children later.
Whats your opinion in this?
Thank you.
I'm also interested to see if this is effective.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on June 30, 2012, 09:33:12 PM


Please click H E R E now to donate  to The POIS Medical Research Fund (http://www.rarediseases.org/about/support/research-donations/fg_base_view_p3)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on July 01, 2012, 07:17:53 AM

What does "DONATE FUNDS" mean? Why should I donate? What is it all about???  
Please Click H E R E (http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=125.0http://www.poiscenter.com/forums/index.php)

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: simplethingsinlife on July 31, 2012, 11:40:29 AM
Hello all, just wanted to thank everyone here, I took niacin (B3) last night 20 minutes before having sex; I feel great today. Today was the first time in 8 years that I can work effectively after spending the night with my gf. Thank you for this discussion board, and if you havent already, please try niacin B3 vitamine.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on July 31, 2012, 01:15:40 PM
Love to hear these kinds of things, that's what we're here for.

Great for you!!

Now we just have to get it working for everybody!!  ;)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: vonstermommy on July 31, 2012, 01:31:12 PM
Simple Things,

I am SO happy for you!  Daveman, how else can we get the word out besides the forum? 

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: simplethingsinlife on July 31, 2012, 06:56:50 PM
Again, I dont know if this is a permanent fix, but as its been almost 24 hours with barely any symptoms, I still have a smile on my face. I am a grad student and was extremely inspired by the abc documentary featuring the Spanish student that started taking niacin and changed his life.


Please take a look at the video if you havent already. Although like all of you, Ive been suffering from this for sometime (as far back as I can remember) and hope one day soon we can have a cure to it. Ive seen 4 different doctors over the past 8 years about this and only recently did one shed some light on it and actually mentioned the name POIS to me. I dont know if Niacine is a temporary fix or not, or if it only works with specific cases. I hope future work can solve this mystery.

Keep the hope everyone, lets get the word out.

One more big thank you for this breathe of fresh air.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: vonstermommy on August 01, 2012, 12:30:22 AM
I believe this was the first newscast about POIS - 2011 This is the video Ive given to family give them more info about POIS. Most say, "I had no idea it was that bad!"  A must watch for POIS and others...

The Learning Channel's (TLC) feature TV presentation on POIS

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Observer on August 01, 2012, 05:08:16 AM
Again, I dont know if this is a permanent fix, but as its been almost 24 hours with barely any symptoms, I still have a smile on my face. I am a grad student and was extremely inspired by the abc documentary featuring the Spanish student that started taking niacin and changed his life.


Hi simplethingsinlife! I am the spanish student who appears in the video, i  am really glad that niacin has worked on you, too! I have another smile in my face due to your success  ;D
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 01, 2012, 08:26:09 AM
I believe this was the first newscast about POIS - 2011 This is the video Ive given to family give them more info about POIS. Most say, "I had no idea it was that bad!"  A must watch for POIS and others...

The Learning Channel's (TLC) feature TV presentation on POIS


Yep, that's our one and only "Animus", a member of our forums.

Animus graciously stepped forward, (Which is very hard for us to do) when they polled us to see if we had someone who would go public.

That show reached a LOT of sufferes. It's these kind of things that get the word out, help people to understand WHAT this really is.

THANK again Animus.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 01, 2012, 08:32:56 AM
Again, I dont know if this is a permanent fix, but as its been almost 24 hours with barely any symptoms, I still have a smile on my face. I am a grad student and was extremely inspired by the abc documentary featuring the Spanish student that started taking niacin and changed his life.


Hi simplethingsinlife! I am the spanish student who appears in the video, i  am really glad that niacin has worked on you, too! I have another smile in my face due to your success  ;D

Thanks Observer for all you do. Simplethings, Observer is another member who not only posts regularly, but works hard in the background to move and shake our POIS movement! The time required is WELL paid when we see a new member like yourself coming to join in on the relief and benefits that we together can provide.

We have an Indiegogo campaign just about ready to come out, probably this week! I would LOVE to see another $10,000 come in from that.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Going less Crazy on August 21, 2012, 10:34:49 PM
I was wondering if we can change something in the summary treatment of niacin.  Maybe we can add a general procedure on how people are taking it.  eg.  "have an O an hour after flushing"  or maybe a recommended amount to start with if you are first trying it.  I don't take niacin to ofter but I am going to start and I really need to know the general "niacin taking" procedure.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on August 22, 2012, 11:02:00 AM
I was wondering if we can change something in the summary treatment of niacin.  Maybe we can add a general procedure on how people are taking it.  eg.  "have an O an hour after flushing"  or maybe a recommended amount to start with if you are first trying it.  I don't take niacin to ofter but I am going to start and I really need to know the general "niacin taking" procedure.

good idea i will get on that.

for time being i believe you use it and wait untill all the flush is gone before orgasm. 
Using it on an empty stomach is the best. 
if you eat wait\ 4hrs before using it.
go on niacin thread it has lots of information
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on August 22, 2012, 11:37:43 AM
I was wondering if we can change something in the summary treatment of niacin.  Maybe we can add a general procedure on how people are taking it.  eg.  "have an O an hour after flushing"  or maybe a recommended amount to start with if you are first trying it.  I don't take niacin to ofter but I am going to start and I really need to know the general "niacin taking" procedure.

good idea i will get on that.

for time being i believe you use it and wait untill all the flush is gone before orgasm. 
Using it on an empty stomach is the best. 
if you eat wait\ 4hrs before using it.
go on niacin thread it has lots of information

Oddly enough the early orthomolecular psychiatry researchers (early to mid 70s) published some papers where they say the peak prostaglandin output from niacin consumption occurs after about 3-4 hours.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 22, 2012, 12:38:51 PM
I was wondering if we can change something in the summary treatment of niacin.  Maybe we can add a general procedure on how people are taking it.  eg.  "have an O an hour after flushing"  or maybe a recommended amount to start with if you are first trying it.  I don't take niacin to ofter but I am going to start and I really need to know the general "niacin taking" procedure.

good idea i will get on that.

for time being i believe you use it and wait untill all the flush is gone before orgasm. 
Using it on an empty stomach is the best. 
if you eat wait\ 4hrs before using it.
go on niacin thread it has lots of information

Oddly enough the early orthomolecular psychiatry researchers (early to mid 70s) published some papers where they say the peak prostaglandin output from niacin consumption occurs after about 3-4 hours.

Who's up for doing that experiment.... waiting those 3 or 4 hrs!!

I would, but I'd fear that it might not work. I don't want more POIS!!

But I assume by your comment that it is the prostaglandin output that is so involved in the process!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 22, 2012, 12:44:20 PM
BTW Kurtosis,

When I was younger and more foolish  ;D, I used to take B-Complex and vitamin C before going out to party. They had said that it reduces the hangover.

I would take one pill (fairly strong does, but don't remember the amount) and 1000mg vit C a few hours before going out, another during and another before going to bed.

But by "goodness" it worked. My hangovers were about 25% of what they should have been.

It felt sort of like magic, and it feels like the saem magic that happens with niacin.

What could be happening there?

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on August 22, 2012, 02:36:22 PM
BTW Kurtosis,

When I was younger and more foolish  ;D, I used to take B-Complex and vitamin C before going out to party. They had said that it reduces the hangover.

I would take one pill (fairly strong does, but don't remember the amount) and 1000mg vit C a few hours before going out, another during and another before going to bed.

But by "goodness" it worked. My hangovers were about 25% of what they should have been.

It felt sort of like magic, and it feels like the saem magic that happens with niacin.

What could be happening there?

Oddly enough, prostaglandin inhibition, getting some water to dilute the alcohol and b vitamins to replenish what's used up by the alcohol. Vitamin C stimulates and inhibits prostaglandin release depending on the source of the synthesis.
See http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1492101
It's why GoingCrazy got some relief from Vit C (I think :))

That was one of the reasons I got fixated a few years back on the idea this was all to do with candida producing alcohol in my gut. POIS and alcoholism appear to have similar symptoms but without the partying and waking up in strange places. With POIS, the strange and unfamiliar place you wake up in is probably your own bed. Doh!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on August 22, 2012, 02:48:49 PM
I was wondering if we can change something in the summary treatment of niacin.  Maybe we can add a general procedure on how people are taking it.  eg.  "have an O an hour after flushing"  or maybe a recommended amount to start with if you are first trying it.  I don't take niacin to ofter but I am going to start and I really need to know the general "niacin taking" procedure.

good idea i will get on that.

for time being i believe you use it and wait untill all the flush is gone before orgasm. 
Using it on an empty stomach is the best. 
if you eat wait\ 4hrs before using it.
go on niacin thread it has lots of information

Oddly enough the early orthomolecular psychiatry researchers (early to mid 70s) published some papers where they say the peak prostaglandin output from niacin consumption occurs after about 3-4 hours.

Who's up for doing that experiment.... waiting those 3 or 4 hrs!!

I would, but I'd fear that it might not work. I don't want more POIS!!

But I assume by your comment that it is the prostaglandin output that is so involved in the process!

Absolutely, that's my belief. Actually, I re-read the paper and in most inflammations (if the niacin flush is like that) the prostaglandin levels would continue to rise past those 3-4 hours. It's a worthwhile experiment for someone to do. I might have a go but I'd have to stop taking ginkgo, gotu kola, b vits and all the other groovy stuff that has me motoring around like I don't have POIS :)

The orthomolecular psychiatrists believed the following based on their test results.

Of great importance is the fact that prostaglandins not only mediate inflammation and immunity but also limit these processes as well; hence the conclusion: prostaglandins are modulators of in- flammation and immunity. Although the complexities of this operation are beyond our present comprehension, in general it appears that low concentrations are associated with inflammation and high concentrations with inhibition of in- flammatory and immune mechanisms.

So what I'm wondering is does the protective effect actually increase following waiting for a few hours?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 22, 2012, 03:22:06 PM
I was wondering if we can change something in the summary treatment of niacin.  Maybe we can add a general procedure on how people are taking it.  eg.  "have an O an hour after flushing"  or maybe a recommended amount to start with if you are first trying it.  I don't take niacin to ofter but I am going to start and I really need to know the general "niacin taking" procedure.

good idea i will get on that.

for time being i believe you use it and wait untill all the flush is gone before orgasm. 
Using it on an empty stomach is the best. 
if you eat wait\ 4hrs before using it.
go on niacin thread it has lots of information

Oddly enough the early orthomolecular psychiatry researchers (early to mid 70s) published some papers where they say the peak prostaglandin output from niacin consumption occurs after about 3-4 hours.

Who's up for doing that experiment.... waiting those 3 or 4 hrs!!

I would, but I'd fear that it might not work. I don't want more POIS!!

But I assume by your comment that it is the prostaglandin output that is so involved in the process!

Absolutely, that's my belief. Actually, I re-read the paper and in most inflammations (if the niacin flush is like that) the prostaglandin levels would continue to rise past those 3-4 hours. It's a worthwhile experiment for someone to do. I might have a go but I'd have to stop taking ginkgo, gotu kola, b vits and all the other groovy stuff that has me motoring around like I don't have POIS :)

The orthomolecular psychiatrists believed the following based on their test results.

Of great importance is the fact that prostaglandins not only mediate inflammation and immunity but also limit these processes as well; hence the conclusion: prostaglandins are modulators of in- flammation and immunity. Although the complexities of this operation are beyond our present comprehension, in general it appears that low concentrations are associated with inflammation and high concentrations with inhibition of in- flammatory and immune mechanisms.

So what I'm wondering is does the protective effect actually increase following waiting for a few hours?

Come on, who'll try it. maybe someone who has a mediocre response to niacin can see if waiting 3 or 4 hrs after taking the niacin helps relieve symptoms better.

If your present response is mediocre, you don't stand to loose as much if it doesn't work, and if positive, then better results!

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 22, 2012, 03:22:58 PM
It would also help us refine the theory!

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Going less Crazy on August 22, 2012, 10:38:26 PM
yes Kurtosis, sadly I don't take the "C" anymore.  I think after taking it for a while it did have a profound affect on my sleep.  Even though I felt pretty good, the sleep was catching up on me.  I think vitamin C stays in the system after taking it a few times in a row. 

I'm not sure if I want to try 3-4 hours after niacin.  It seems like the affects of niacin wouldn't be there, but who knows  ???

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Prancer on August 22, 2012, 11:24:47 PM
So what I'm wondering is does the protective effect actually increase following waiting for a few hours?

In the past I remember once waiting a very long time after the flush (like 2-3 hours), long enough where I didn't feel any remaining effects from the niacin at all. This seemed to give me much more relief than I have had when I only waited 20 minutes or so after the flush. I'm one of the people that doesn't usually get good results from niacin. It seems to help me in the very short term, but the next day is terrible. But it could also be the number of orgasms I have (I have about 4-7 within the span of about 15 minutes, but only around once a week), which absolutely screws up my cognitive functioning for a few days. So yes, in my case longer waiting is better, although I'm sure there is a time limit when the niacin would eventually wear off.

PS: I still take 1-2g vitamin C along with the other supplements and their doses every day, but don't know if the C has any effect on my POIS (I don't think it does).
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on August 23, 2012, 03:30:03 AM
So what I'm wondering is does the protective effect actually increase following waiting for a few hours?

In the past I remember once waiting a very long time after the flush (like 2-3 hours), long enough where I didn't feel any remaining effects from the niacin at all. This seemed to give me much more relief than I have had when I only waited 20 minutes or so after the flush. I'm one of the people that doesn't usually get good results from niacin. It seems to help me in the very short term, but the next day is terrible. But it could also be the number of orgasms I have (I have about 4-7 within the span of about 15 minutes, but only around once a week), which absolutely screws up my cognitive functioning for a few days. So yes, in my case longer waiting is better, although I'm sure there is a time limit when the niacin would eventually wear off.

PS: I still take 1-2g vitamin C along with the other supplements and their doses every day, but don't know if the C has any effect on my POIS (I don't think it does).

Fascinating result. It's a start but we probably need to repeat it and with more than one person. It could be a few days before I could do it because of the other stuff I have in my system. 

I'm not sure about the C either. it makes me feel quite energetic but the way I'm taking it now is different to how I started taking it.

It will have an inhibitory effect on prostaglandin release in some circumstances so one of the effects I noticed was that if I took it after an O was that it reduced my POIS symptoms.
This was when I first tried it ages ago. but Prostaglandin has one of those sort of U shaped inflammation effect graphs. If you're using niacin correctly I suspect that you'll have enough prostaglandins in your system that they have the inflammation management effect rather than the inflammation creating effect. In that case, lowering levels with vitamin C, even targeted, might not do much. If you're not using niacin then trying to lower it just after an O might be a good thing.

Anyway, interesting about the niacin.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 23, 2012, 12:21:57 PM
So what I'm wondering is does the protective effect actually increase following waiting for a few hours?

In the past I remember once waiting a very long time after the flush (like 2-3 hours), long enough where I didn't feel any remaining effects from the niacin at all. This seemed to give me much more relief than I have had when I only waited 20 minutes or so after the flush. I'm one of the people that doesn't usually get good results from niacin. It seems to help me in the very short term, but the next day is terrible. But it could also be the number of orgasms I have (I have about 4-7 within the span of about 15 minutes, but only around once a week), which absolutely screws up my cognitive functioning for a few days. So yes, in my case longer waiting is better, although I'm sure there is a time limit when the niacin would eventually wear off.

PS: I still take 1-2g vitamin C along with the other supplements and their doses every day, but don't know if the C has any effect on my POIS (I don't think it does).

II have noticed that, if for some reason, I have a hard time getting a flush and have to take more (I do this a bit at a time, so it takes longer to finish the niacin), that I get good results despite the lesser flush. So it could be that in those cases, I wait at least an hour after the taking the niacin, when it's usually 25 minutes.

The other is that it could be that it works even without flush because the flush mechanism is blocked (due to heavier digestion..not having fasted ) yet I have the required amount of niacin in my blood??

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on August 23, 2012, 07:23:09 PM
daveman and other successful niacin users what do you think of procedure i wrote any changes you recommend.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 24, 2012, 07:39:03 AM
daveman and other successful niacin users what do you think of procedure i wrote any changes you recommend.

Hi CC I saw this:

and was waiting for a formal definition, but can't seem to find it.

I have also written a couple of "recipes" for taking niacin, here and there, but can never find them. We should have one thread dedicated to just the formula and perhaps variations.

If you strated something can you indicate where it is?

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on August 24, 2012, 08:15:47 AM
So what I'm wondering is does the protective effect actually increase following waiting for a few hours?

In the past I remember once waiting a very long time after the flush (like 2-3 hours), long enough where I didn't feel any remaining effects from the niacin at all. This seemed to give me much more relief than I have had when I only waited 20 minutes or so after the flush. I'm one of the people that doesn't usually get good results from niacin. It seems to help me in the very short term, but the next day is terrible. But it could also be the number of orgasms I have (I have about 4-7 within the span of about 15 minutes, but only around once a week), which absolutely screws up my cognitive functioning for a few days. So yes, in my case longer waiting is better, although I'm sure there is a time limit when the niacin would eventually wear off.

PS: I still take 1-2g vitamin C along with the other supplements and their doses every day, but don't know if the C has any effect on my POIS (I don't think it does).

Does anyone else want to try this? Waiting 3-4 hours after taking niacin to have an O. I had a go and it does seem to work much better than taking niacin 30 minutes before an O, for me anyway. There might be a benefit to letting the prostaglandin synthesis continue for a few hours. It doesn't end with the flush as far as I'm aware and niacin consumption actually increases prostaglandin levels as part of a prostanoid "cascade".
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 24, 2012, 08:43:04 AM
I might try going to 1.5 hrs.... If that works, the next time I'll take it longer.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on August 24, 2012, 10:42:41 AM
daveman and other successful niacin users what do you think of procedure i wrote any changes you recommend.

Hi CC I saw this:

and was waiting for a formal definition, but can't seem to find it.

I have also written a couple of "recipes" for taking niacin, here and there, but can never find them. We should have one thread dedicated to just the formula and perhaps variations.

If you strated something can you indicate where it is?

am not sure what you mean by formal definiton,  i guess i dont know what i am defining

but at the begining of this thread i have summary for some successful methods including niacin

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on August 24, 2012, 04:02:57 PM
Sorry you're right!!

Actually I might try to find time to reorganize all this a little. This thread should be limited to summaries of treatments to help make them clearer.

I may have to move some of the conversations to more appropriate locations!!

Your description looks good. We may adapt it once we see if it works better waiting longer after taking the niacin.

We might be able to add some detail to the niacin process too.

Hope I get time this weekend!!

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Going less Crazy on August 24, 2012, 05:47:40 PM
Sorry you're right!!

Actually I might try to find time to reorganize all this a little. This thread should be limited to summaries of treatments to help make them clearer.

I may have to move some of the conversations to more appropriate locations!!

Your description looks good. We may adapt it once we see if it works better waiting longer after taking the niacin.

We might be able to add some detail to the niacin process too.

Hope I get time this weekend!!

I'd recommend maybe just taking certainlypois's third post and move that to the top post.  


I just took 50 mg of benadryl after a good niacin flush and had 2 "O's".  So far no symptoms, just a feeling of relaxation.  This may be my new combo.

p.s.  How many O's can you have after taking niacin?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Hoping on August 26, 2012, 10:45:02 PM
I just took 50 mg of benadryl after a good niacin flush and had 2 "O's".  So far no symptoms, just a feeling of relaxation.  This may be my new combo.

Interesting. How long before O did you take the niacin (and then the benadryl)? I experimented with benadryl in the "early days" of POIS without much luck. I've thought about giving it another shot though.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on September 13, 2012, 11:08:42 AM

   (http://www.poiscenter.com/newsletters/NL-6.jpg) (http://www.rarediseases.org/about/support/research-donations/fg_base_view_p3)
Title: Free of pois for a long time.
Post by: UnderstandingPois on October 05, 2012, 05:06:36 PM
so ive been free of pois for years? Anyway so long that i can have sex now with no consequ and that pois never crossed my mind for so long.    Ive been on adderall 20 mg two times daily.  And i found out supplements n vitamins actually make me feel very crappy and so ive stayed away from multivitamins and added vitamins in food. So adderall takes away that awfull pois feeling and symptoms and its like a nice ahh yeaaaa feeling.  So adderall and no multivitamins or vitamins supplements . I truely think that trying to make myself feel better from pois was making it so much worse by trying to be healthy and healthy . Herbs vitamins and more made me sicker. By the way i havent had that chalky stuff come out since i was pois free.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: UnderstandingPois on October 05, 2012, 05:22:02 PM
the effects i get from taking a multivitamin is. Irritablness , feel crappy cant think at all or use personality trait thoughts. Severe depression. Everythings looks duller and is so bright and bothers me. No emotion . No energy . I noticed while taking it waayy harder to control urge of orgasm. Cause of all the awfullness and depression. Basically feel like hell. And i cannot believe one multivitamin does all that to me without adderall. And so much more horrible stuff like no socializing at all. Will stay away from people. Crushes personality completely. In every way it makes me sick and dead.  Cant proccess or understand things at all really very hard. Have to reread and reread to understand. My pois started when i hit puberty. And around the same time i started taking multivitamins and vitamins. So if that long i was taking them for and how i feel crappy just taking one multivitamin. Im so sure for me that thats what that chalky white stuff was , build up. First time my condition improved was when i was taking supplements and prozac n others and i had a orgasm and pop i felt in my head and all this chalky stuff came out for a long time in a big matter.  I cant ever imagine going thrue pois ever again. Its the definition of hell.  Im so glad those days are over. Yearsn years. Hope maybe this will benefit someone?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Egordon on October 05, 2012, 11:15:40 PM
Yeah, I too have noticed that although B vitamins are really effective for getting my energy, blood flow and mental function up, after about a week they begin to cause an absolutely crushing fatigue. I don't know what to do about it. I'm thinking of just kind of scaling back how often i use them.

Has anyone else had this problem and, if so, how'd you fix it?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on October 06, 2012, 06:00:39 AM
Yeah, I too have noticed that although B vitamins are really effective for getting my energy, blood flow and mental function up, after about a week they begin to cause an absolutely crushing fatigue. I don't know what to do about it. I'm thinking of just kind of scaling back how often i use them.

Has anyone else had this problem and, if so, how'd you fix it?

I only take one of the b coenzymated complex once a day. The recommended daily dose from the producer is twice that but I've found taking less over a longer time is better.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on October 06, 2012, 06:04:38 AM
the effects i get from taking a multivitamin is. Irritablness , feel crappy cant think at all or use personality trait thoughts. Severe depression. Everythings looks duller and is so bright and bothers me. No emotion . No energy . I noticed while taking it waayy harder to control urge of orgasm. Cause of all the awfullness and depression. Basically feel like hell. And i cannot believe one multivitamin does all that to me without adderall. And so much more horrible stuff like no socializing at all. Will stay away from people. Crushes personality completely. In every way it makes me sick and dead.  Cant proccess or understand things at all really very hard. Have to reread and reread to understand. My pois started when i hit puberty. And around the same time i started taking multivitamins and vitamins. So if that long i was taking them for and how i feel crappy just taking one multivitamin. Im so sure for me that thats what that chalky white stuff was , build up. First time my condition improved was when i was taking supplements and prozac n others and i had a orgasm and pop i felt in my head and all this chalky stuff came out for a long time in a big matter.  I cant ever imagine going thrue pois ever again. Its the definition of hell.  Im so glad those days are over. Yearsn years. Hope maybe this will benefit someone?

Hey UnderstandingPois,

Long time!

Glad you're feeling better. I agree about the multi-vitamins. At one point I started taking multi-vits and they made things WAY worse. Like maybe 5 times worse. I guess that's why I was surprised that just niacin, and/or the B vitamins worked so well. With niacin, I'm like you, no POIS!

Kurtosis said it not too long ago, POIS is a little different for each person, yet the "broken system" is the same for everybody. It's just what part of it is broken and how that makes the difference.

It seems to me for instance that Adderall doesn't work for many, nor does niacin work for all. So it's still vital to get to the bottom of all of this.

The important is that you are POIS free, and "chalky stuff free" too!

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on October 06, 2012, 06:08:51 AM
Yeah, I too have noticed that although B vitamins are really effective for getting my energy, blood flow and mental function up, after about a week they begin to cause an absolutely crushing fatigue. I don't know what to do about it. I'm thinking of just kind of scaling back how often i use them.

Has anyone else had this problem and, if so, how'd you fix it?

I only take one of the b coenzymated complex once a day. The recommended daily dose from the producer is twice that but I've found taking less over a longer time is better.

In my case, the B-Complex doesn´t do much (for POIS). Perhaps, in lighter doses it makes me feel a little more "healthy". But the niacin is the key element.

Of course, I know this is not the case for everybody. The ideal is that the B-Complex works for those for whom the niacin does not!

It just may be a matter of finding the particular balance for each one. I guess that could be done by proper testing. What do you think?

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: sameer7777 on October 07, 2012, 05:48:36 PM
davemen the flush is the key of niacin
i mean after flush u get then u feel ok ???
witamin b complex is lying in my dustbin ..... it does not work
yes b1 is working a bit ..... i dont know i am feeling better , i am not sure ..........
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on October 07, 2012, 06:23:49 PM
Look for our latest mailout! If you haven't received it check you should check your SPAM folder

Time to blast POIS! Let's Go!

(http://poiscenter.com/newsletters/moneyBomb.jpg) (http://www.rarediseases.org/about/support/research-donations/fg_base_view_p3)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: UnderstandingPois on October 10, 2012, 04:00:39 AM
yea for me anyway.  I used to get extreme fatique from alot of vitamins herbs or 5htp . Fatique was a very major symptom i had to where i couldent get up from off my bed . Or stand up. For months and months.     Say there are two things that work for me that help me to not feel crappy and one is adderall another is high doses of vitamin d.    And if i dont haqve adderall ide take vitamin d or vise versa.   But true how alot of things that help some do not help others when it comes to pois. And same with symptoms people experience varies also from one another so.  But one thing that everyone agrees on is that pois is awfull.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: sameer7777 on October 13, 2012, 11:02:26 AM
Couldn't find the mail even in spam ???
Pls send again
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Alejo17 on October 15, 2012, 09:21:28 PM
I am 56 and had a vasectomy done a year ago. No change at all with symptoms.

Hi guys, I`m a new member here. I  almost read everything in this forum. I`ve pois since I was 12 and at this moment I`m 25.

There are many thing you guys already tried, like VitB`s, Vit C ...
I`ve been thinking about all the possible causes of POIS, like `what goes out has to go in` `allergy` `auto-immune`..
So I was thinking about the possible teatment; it sounds crazy, but I think we have to discuss it. Some members of my family and some other friends underwent the vasectomy as a permanent form of conception. I`m young and I want to have kids in the future, but for older people with POIS it may be a sollution. And there are many possibilities for this people to have children, like frozen sperm/undo the vasectomy, in case they decide to have children later.
Whats your opinion in this?
Thank you.
I'm also interested to see if this is effective.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on October 16, 2012, 05:57:46 AM
yea for me anyway.  I used to get extreme fatique from alot of vitamins herbs or 5htp . Fatique was a very major symptom i had to where i couldent get up from off my bed . Or stand up. For months and months.     Say there are two things that work for me that help me to not feel crappy and one is adderall another is high doses of vitamin d.    And if i dont haqve adderall ide take vitamin d or vise versa.   But true how alot of things that help some do not help others when it comes to pois. And same with symptoms people experience varies also from one another so.  But one thing that everyone agrees on is that pois is awfull.

5htp increases serotonin and will effectively reduce dopamine levels. When I take it I feel "spaced out" with no motivation. It makes me worse. Same with tryptophan. I wouldn't take either of them again.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: poisioq on October 16, 2012, 06:36:59 AM
Couldn't find the mail even in spam ???
Pls send again

me neither
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on October 16, 2012, 07:36:40 AM
yea for me anyway.  I used to get extreme fatique from alot of vitamins herbs or 5htp . Fatique was a very major symptom i had to where i couldent get up from off my bed . Or stand up. For months and months.     Say there are two things that work for me that help me to not feel crappy and one is adderall another is high doses of vitamin d.    And if i dont haqve adderall ide take vitamin d or vise versa.   But true how alot of things that help some do not help others when it comes to pois. And same with symptoms people experience varies also from one another so.  But one thing that everyone agrees on is that pois is awfull.

5htp increases serotonin and will effectively reduce dopamine levels. When I take it I feel "spaced out" with no motivation. It makes me worse. Same with tryptophan. I wouldn't take either of them again.

Actually, tryptophan sometimes makes me feel ok and sometimes not. I think this is because it can form niacin (in a quite inefficient way)
Title: Rethinking Herbal Medicine
Post by: Stef on October 16, 2012, 02:19:08 PM
Hi All!

I read this article and immediately thought of you forum members, since herbal remedies are frequently discussed here. http://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/32595/title/Rethinking-Herbal-Medicine/ 

It addresses the validity of studying herbal treatments (presents a positive look at "phylogenetic study," which is one way of describing the study of herbal medicine). The article only skims the surface, but I found it interesting.  It's based on a study by researchers from the University of Reading in the United Kingdom.

You're probably aware, but some of our most effective drugs are plant-derived (for example -- kava, l-dopa, digitalis, tamoxifen -- to name only a few).

(It's also ALWAYS important to keep reminding ourselves that herbal and/or "natural" remedies can have serious side-effects -- we all react differently.  As they say, "One man's food is another man's poison.")

This article is a positive one, and gives hope for discovery of new and possibly better medications based on phylogenetic study (and perhaps provides a new-found wonder for our natural world).

Turns out it's all in the "hot nodes."  (Gotta read the article to understand that!).


Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: kurtosis on October 16, 2012, 03:12:44 PM
Aspirin is a famous drug derived from a natural source. It was originally derived from the willow tree and its use dates back to ancient times.
See http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blaspirin.htm
It was the 19th century by the time people identified WHY it worked. Similar things could be said about ginkgo. It's only in recent years that the constituents chemicals of the extract were catalogued and scientists are finding remarkable properties of the various flavonoids, quercetin and bilobalides.
Pharmaceutical companies look to identify the active ingredients in these herbs and turn them into patented products but nature is a huge inspiration.

Something like NADH is something else again. Scientists looking at physiological processes and recognising they have be assisted by the strategic addition of vitamin, mineral or coenzyme. I believe medicine will move more in this direction as our biometric measurement capabilities become more advanced and hopefully we'll be much healthier, on average :)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Stef on October 16, 2012, 10:32:39 PM
Aspirin is a famous drug derived from a natural source. It was originally derived from the willow tree and its use dates back to ancient times.
See http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blaspirin.htm
It was the 19th century by the time people identified WHY it worked. Similar things could be said about ginkgo. It's only in recent years that the constituents chemicals of the extract were catalogued and scientists are finding remarkable properties of the various flavonoids, quercetin and bilobalides.
Pharmaceutical companies look to identify the active ingredients in these herbs and turn them into patented products but nature is a huge inspiration.

Something like NADH is something else again. Scientists looking at physiological processes and recognising they have be assisted by the strategic addition of vitamin, mineral or coenzyme. I believe medicine will move more in this direction as our biometric measurement capabilities become more advanced and hopefully we'll be much healthier, on average :)

Hi kurtosis.

Aspirin is probably the most well-known drug to be derived from a plant source.

And happily -- chocolate (Theobroma cacao) has an extremely high antioxidant polyphenol content, and provides cardio-protection. Even small amounts of cocoa can reduce cholesterol in the blood, and can lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate is the most healthy (70%) and there are brands that contain chile, giving it a spicy edge.  

How could I have omitted the mention of chocolate?

I'm going to go have some this very minute!


Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on November 06, 2012, 07:09:05 PM

Most may remember "Squiqqy" in Laverne and Shirley.. he has gone much of his life with a
complex disorder that makes living a pain! It's not POIS, but if you watch this video you'll see
that we have a lot in common.


He knows about us and offers us all of his wishes, that we push hard, as he has done in his life, to beat
this thing. Our solution and the solution for all the POIS sufferes of the world... even those who haven't
heard about our forum, is through RESEARCH


ONLY $9,000 more to go and POIS will *finally* begin SERIOUS MEDICAL RESEARCH towards our cure!

Please give generously. To yourself! NOW!

Click here to PLEASE donate:

 Please Click H E R E (http://www.rarediseases.org/about/support/research-donations/fg_base_view_p3)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Vincent M on December 27, 2012, 12:33:55 PM
CertainlyPOIS, could you add this link to your niacin summary? http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=235.msg2958#msg2958

It is mellivora's detailed description of each member's experience with niacin. Recorded here are 21 positive experiences and 6 negative.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ccconfucius on December 27, 2012, 06:45:16 PM
i have added it. It looks good.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Observer on December 27, 2012, 07:37:46 PM
i have added it. It looks good.

It's an excellent summary, I suggest the newbies to read mellivora's summary of our experiences with niacin!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: FornicationDENIED on April 19, 2013, 03:16:17 PM
While I was on Prednisone (for another disease) I noticed it also helped me ALOT with POIS. 75% relief in a matter of hours with low dose. On second day I was normal. And on high doses POIS was barely noticable  (but Prednisone side effects were noticable though, had to stop taking them because Prednisone is dangerous). If you look up adrenal fatigue it has similar symptoms to POIS.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Vincent M on May 25, 2013, 09:32:11 PM
This where all the treatments tried will be listed so when forum gets much bigger new people can zone in to what helps...These section is not for discussions it is just for adding treatments.

Hey CertainlyPOIS, I compiled some treatment data that I'd like you to add to your summary. If you could add the following links that would be great.

All members' experiences with fenugreek: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1057.msg9548#msg9548

All members' experiences with Vitamin B Complexes: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1059.msg9571#msg9571

All members' experiences with antihistamines: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1060.msg9574#msg9574

And lastly all members' experiences with saw palmetto: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1061.msg9577#msg9577

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: LAPOISSE on May 26, 2013, 04:20:56 AM
Very nice job, Vincent ; That's is definitely useful.

The only type of medecine that have an impact on me are NSAIDS ; I can see it because it has a direct (quick) effect. For all the rest, very difficult to say if improovments comes from the medecine or from POIS cycles.(without anything I go from 10% OK to 100% OK, so it's vey difficult to de-correlate the effect of a vit or a plant wich has usually pretty soft effect).
There is also external things to take into consideration like climate, food, stress in life....
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on May 26, 2013, 01:38:37 PM
This where all the treatments tried will be listed so when forum gets much bigger new people can zone in to what helps...These section is not for discussions it is just for adding treatments.

Hey CertainlyPOIS, I compiled some treatment data that I'd like you to add to your summary. If you could add the following links that would be great.

All members' experiences with fenugreek: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1057.msg9548#msg9548

All members' experiences with Vitamin B Complexes: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1059.msg9571#msg9571

All members' experiences with antihistamines: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1060.msg9574#msg9574

And lastly all members' experiences with saw palmetto: http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=1061.msg9577#msg9577

Excellent, Vincent M.!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Egordon on May 26, 2013, 07:14:57 PM
Very nice job, Vincent ; That's is definitely useful.

The only type of medecine that have an impact on me are NSAIDS ; I can see it because it has a direct (quick) effect. For all the rest, very difficult to say if improovments comes from the medecine or from POIS cycles.(without anything I go from 10% OK to 100% OK, so it's vey difficult to de-correlate the effect of a vit or a plant wich has usually pretty soft effect).
There is also external things to take into consideration like climate, food, stress in life....

Agreed Lapoisse! I know people on this board have tried to maintain a hearty skepticism of the autoimmune theory, but NSAIDS simply work. Every member that's tried them has confirmed their effectiveness....
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on June 01, 2013, 06:48:41 PM
I have one day POIS. On a day with full blown POIS, I ate etoricoxib 90 mg and within 30 minutes, all the symptoms especially muscle weakness , protrusion of eye ball, 90% cognitive impairment were gone.The symptoms abated till the action of the drug lasted. Only once i have eaten etoricoxib because it has life threatening side effects like congestive heart failure as a complication of drastically reduced urine volume. Etoricoxib is an antiinflammatory drug. Prednisolone is a corticosteroid and is a very potent anti inflammatory drug. I strongly support that allergy to reproductive secretions may be the cause for POIS.

Thanks for the warnings. Please be careful.

NSAIDs do help, but as you said, just for the duration of the medication, 4 to 6 hrs.

I took a strong albeit non-prescription NSAID, which helped the POIS, but effected my stomach terribly.

NSAIDs are good occasional and temporary relief. Taken regularly they do harm.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: LAPOISSE on June 02, 2013, 03:57:20 AM
What I would like to understand is why Nsaid's and complements with potent anti inflammatory properties help.I'm sure it would be a good start for understanding POIS.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Daveman on June 02, 2013, 06:18:52 AM
What ever POIS is, it is inflammatory!

For me I feel as though this inflammation affects joints AND parts of the nervous system.

So in that sense, NSAIDs would help to reduce the inflammation. And for the same reason, only works for the 4 to 6 hrs. that
the medicine is in your system.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: demografx on June 02, 2013, 11:38:05 PM
What ever POIS is, it is inflammatory!

Prolly explains some of my TRT success!

Anyone know if Levitra (I also use vs. POIS) affects inflammatory issues?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Egordon on June 02, 2013, 11:47:11 PM

Thanks for the warnings. Please be careful.

NSAIDs do help, but as you said, just for the duration of the medication, 4 to 6 hrs.

I took a strong albeit non-prescription NSAID, which helped the POIS, but effected my stomach terribly.

NSAIDs are good occasional and temporary relief. Taken regularly they do harm.



Thanks for bringing a bit more attention to NSAIDs, a powerful and potentially overlooked treatment.

I'd just like to add my two cents to this, as my experience with them has been very different. I've been taking (prescription) NSAIDs to treat my POIS for just over a year now, and although the dosage i've had to take to achieve results has varied depending upon how far along i was in my desensitization, they have always provided me with complete relief from my symptoms. And that relief has always lasted until my next orgasm (or next bout of arousal).

I'd suggest that anyone that's only obtained temporary relief should try using prescription NSAIDS and try having those drugs administered under the care of a doctor, as it's incredibly difficult to tell what drug/dose will provide effective treatment of a disorder without medical expertise.

When I first started desens, I agree, I needed a superdose of NSAIDs in order to make my symptoms go away. My immune system's response to orgams was SUPER excessive and, as a result, smaller doses of NSAIDs simply weren't enough to provide more than fleeting relief. My doctor, however, was able to identify a safe and effective drug that would allow me to take such a dose without suffering longterm negative effects. Under his instruction I began to take 200mg of Celebrex twice in the 18 hours after orgasm, and found that I was completely symptom-free after I did so. (And I still take Celebrex to eliminate my symptoms, but my dose is greatly reduced.)

I'd strongly recommend that we not dismiss the effectiveness of NSAIDs and instead encourage people to stay away from the over-the-counter drugs (which some have suggested are less potent and, thereby, more dangerous) and test the effectiveness of real and effective NSAIDS as prescribed by a doctor. Lots of potential treatments might seem ineffective if being administered by (otherwise incredibly intelligent) amateurs; there's no adequate substitute for medical expertise.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: sameer7777 on June 06, 2013, 04:43:36 PM
I was expecting it also to the anti inflamation thread i have started celebrex !!!!! Today so help me guys !!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Mr Raba on February 12, 2014, 09:28:58 PM

I am helped with imuplus. Start with one pack a day. Can go to  2 in divided dosages after a week.
One  half to full pack after o.  Helps with the Neurotransmitters.

Stops the dull, dead feeling. Concentration increases. Can take too much. You will feel it if that happens. Like too much allergies feeling.
Been using it since. 2000.  Best price I found at Vitaglo.com. No relation.
I also have. CFS.

Take on empty stomach. Do not eat for 30 min after.
I eat after 15 min because I get hungry for protein. So I cheat.  :)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Colm on June 29, 2014, 10:32:50 AM
Trying Gluten, Wheat & Dairy Free.

Just updating information here on a recent trial of food and nutrition over 3 months.

As I mentioned in a post back some weeks, a blood test showed that I had intolerances with Milk to a big level and with wheat also.

So, for 12 weeks, I avoided Milk, wheat and gluten. I did not eat any bad foods in this time, cut out most white sugars, but had a nutritionist advising on foods to eat, and good quality Vitamin supplements to take.

I also avoided O for nearly 4 months during this, as a good trial. I was also exercising - cycling and walking every day.  My health had felt a good deal better or at least I felt more healthy on this good diet.

Had my first O yesterday and sadly I report, from straight after the O, all the usual symptoms came straight back, sinus flaring, skin dermatitis, brain fog, depression, social phobia etc etc.

I will use Niacin next time...

Am very down and disappointed after putting so much effort into the nutrition approach. Three days to feel human again !!!

For my POIS, I can say definitely that Gluten or diet is NOT a factor. It may be helpful for your POIS or may be an absorbtion of nutrients may be a problem for some.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: sameer7777 on June 29, 2014, 10:38:22 AM
Which niacin you will use I will do same pls contact
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: moxit on August 24, 2014, 08:49:26 AM
i am suffering from POIS and ADHD. i m just 18yrs . what should i do ?
 plz help me. my parents dont know about it ? what should i do ?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Myers6609 on August 24, 2014, 09:47:25 AM
Hi Moxit,

I would first tell your parents. As awkward as it may seem, I find that it's much more difficult to deal with POIS when you feel you can't talk to anyone about it.

I also recommend that you completely avoid orgasm for awhile. For me, the major symptoms are gone after the first two weeks and thereafter I can start rebuilding good habits. You can and will get used to it:  it becomes much easier to manage your sex drive, and by the one-month mark life you'll find that you're doing much better.

 Additionally, I have been dealing with ADHD all my life, and I find that abstaining helps with that tremendously.

For what it's worth, abstaining from orgasm has helped me develop my self-discipline. I've also learned that the meaning of life is NOT the big O: when you decide that getting off isn't important, you discover everything else that life has to offer.

Like anyone else, I hope that there will one day be a cure, but until there is know that dealing with POIS can be a character building opportunity. If you can conquer POIS, then you can conquer anything. :)
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Pianist on August 24, 2014, 12:42:46 PM
Dear friends, please write in the POIS symptoms of blurred vision
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: sameer7777 on February 10, 2015, 09:25:32 AM
Yes I get blurred vision
Pls chat
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Going less Crazy on February 12, 2016, 11:38:15 PM
Not sure if this was brought up already, if so than disregard this.

I read the niacin flush was initially thought to be histamine, however it's been determined that histamine wasn't involved and that prostaglandins were to blame?  Remember reading that i think under niacin side effects in wiki.

It actually said pgd2 was to blame?

Wonder if we take anti pgd2 drugs if POIS would get better?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: radditz on March 28, 2016, 06:18:38 AM

i just want to report, that i started to take vitamin d, vitamin b12 and a vitamin b komplex. all three as separate capsule.

the day i started to take the vitamin b12 and vitamin b komplex pills i had an orgasm and felt refreshed and normal after it, no signs of POIS. only a little pain in the back, which i always get after an errection (with and without orgasm).
20 minutes later i was ready for another round, which is highly unusual for me, because of the pois syndroms.

yesterday, i had an orgasm again without any pois syndroms and without losing the sex drive after it.

iam taking the supplements for 4 days now. i take them in the morning together with breakfast.

i will continue to take them and see what happenes. very impressive results so far.

update (2 weeks later): unfortunately my last 2 orgasms were followed by pois syndroms, even with the above mentioned supplements. not as heavy as without, but they were still there. i stopped sexual activity again. not sure what caused the temporary cure that i initially described in this post.

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: vaarmen on March 29, 2016, 04:42:38 AM
Does taking Niacin when symptomatic have any benefits? I mean for example if one forgets to take it before orgasm and then takes it the next day?

Does taking Niacin daily, when not ejaculating, have any benefits?

Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Michael218 on June 06, 2017, 03:09:04 AM
Radditz, if you were totally POIS free initially, I would totally be all over that treatment... Perhaps something in your diet the neutralised the effects when it didn't work... or perhaps you built up an immunity to it - have you tried only taking the supplements on the day you orgasm - not every day?

I think I read through the threads somewhere that people had similar issues with the Vitamin B3 pills, they were taking them every day and it became less effective and then they stopped completely for a week, and started taking them again but only 1-2 hours before 'o', not daily.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: marrtintintin on February 05, 2020, 04:36:10 PM
Today, I topped my toast with margarine and garlic minces, the garlic cloves work really well for me, I mean whole day long, especially on my stomach.
Weird enough, when I feel good in my abdomen, I feel better in my brain, and sleep better at night. They seems all interrelated. Again, the symptoms do not disappear completely.

Hi man, I am currently very interested in the relation bt pois and the gut. Did you find any other treatments for the gut?
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: millstone on April 13, 2020, 02:34:47 PM
Radditz, if you were totally POIS free initially, I would totally be all over that treatment... Perhaps something in your diet the neutralised the effects when it didn't work... or perhaps you built up an immunity to it - have you tried only taking the supplements on the day you orgasm - not every day?

I think I read through the threads somewhere that people had similar issues with the Vitamin B3 pills, they were taking them every day and it became less effective and then they stopped completely for a week, and started taking them again but only 1-2 hours before 'o', not daily.

There's someone on the Reddit Forum who swears by methylated Vitamin B complex. He recommends  Jarrow B-Right:


Which by the looks of it, has a fair amount of Vitamin B3 (Niacin).

So it may either be 1) truly helpful in hormonal conversion to maintain his hormone balance after orgasm ("cure" not "treatment"), or 2) contain enough niacin to reduce the inflammatory response ("treatment" not "cure"). Since he takes it just before orgasm as a pre-pack, my thought is it's just treating symptoms.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: drop247 on April 15, 2020, 05:34:44 PM
Be careful with that person. If you Google his username I think you'll find he has "cured" his POIS about 5 times already.
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Ricardo Brasil on June 11, 2020, 08:32:23 PM


Some forum members have been been having good success with Garlic.  They chew gloves of garlic before or after orgasm. They feel an improvement in their symptoms immediately after chewing the garlic. Here is a quote from a pois sufferer who used garlic, "I began to take garlic cloves and the result was immediate... specially with the brain fog *AFTER* the orgasm. If you take them *BEFORE* you have less (-70,80%) POIS symptoms after O, at least in my case. And then, was Fenugreek´s time. Seriously, it´s amazing". Since garlic has such strong smell and taste some have tried to work around those properties by  trying odourless garlic forms with no good results.When trying garlic you want to go with supplements that provides the garlic in its full form.

Observer, Vincent Marcus, Horizon

Dosage; Cloves of Garlic, 5000mg of Holland and barrett's garlic oil capsule.

Hello! Garlic also eliminates about 70% of the brain fog that I experience during the POIS period, which is my worst symptom. (add my name here please). I swallow 1 chopped garlic clove with water, instantly feel the improvement!
Title: Re: Summary of Treatments
Post by: Unvers on July 31, 2020, 05:20:14 PM
I didn't know where to write it so I write it here, I tried choline alfoscerate against POIS, a bottle that seems to me to be 700mg, at the beginning it went well but after a few hours I started to feel nausea, headache and feeling of pressure in the skull and intraocular, bad experience, it must be said, however, that it is not the only molecule that I have taken although I am sure it is his fault since I was already taking the others, perhaps there was interaction even though it is more likely to be alone his fault and that's it, I don't know whether to try again at a reduced dosage at the next POIS attack.