The Netherlands.
Another member of NSF already made a list where the members are from:
The Netherlands.
Another member of NSF already made a list where the members are from:
2 from Sri Lanka with POISnot only rare to find a woman with pois but her partner also has it is super rare.
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy :( wanna get rid of this shit
2 from Sri Lanka with POIS
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy :( wanna get rid of this shit
WOW,, we see very few females with POIS, although we've heard of it.
What are the symptoms? Are they the same in both of you? When did it all start? Has it always been "as a couple" or have you each had it separately?
There are probably a million questions.
2 from Sri Lanka with POISnot only rare to find a woman with pois but her partner also has it is super rare.
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy :( wanna get rid of this shit
not to be outward,in additon to your symptoms.
do you get the symptoms when you orgasm by yourself. Does he get the symptoms when he orgasms by himself. just trying to rule out any relationship between your symptoms.
Yes, I was noticing just the other day, that I get all puffy around the eyes and the skin get's, like thicker, as though it is slightly swollen.
That goes with my watery eyes, and I even have it a little when niacin removes the rest of my symptoms.
Wow Shanillyl - those are alot of aches and pains! Have you tried Niacin? If not, run, not walk to your local vitamin place or order online - not sure what is in your country! You may have doubt and think how could this random vitamin help us? I pass this advice onto both of you as it was in this forum that we found out about niacin.
Its also a common theme that doctors give POIS sufferers an antidepressnt for your "mood." The only thing our doctor prescribed that helped was maxalt - drug for migraines or bad headaches. As usual, this helps the symptoms and not a cure. Urologist, Sex therapist, Neurologist...nothing.
Im so sorry. Hang in there!
V from California
my face is not as smooth, clear or soft in pois as it is outside of pois. Been noticing that for a while now.
Yes, I was noticing just the other day, that I get all puffy around the eyes and the skin get's, like thicker, as though it is slightly swollen.
That goes with my watery eyes, and I even have it a little when niacin removes the rest of my symptoms.
We will try Niacin. Did u take 300mg per day? Plz give some instructions.
We have sleeping problems too. if we ejaculate few days continuously, we have to spend some sleepless horrible nights it it recover. It is really painful... Need to sleep but cannot. Burning eyes and pain in eyes with tears. Headache... did u have that too?
I have another problem. I'm a Restrictive Cardiomyopathy patient.. still in early stage. It's also a rare disease which is no cure yet. So there are some medicine which are not good for me. I don't know what are they. So first of all i have to check whether Niacin is okey for me or not. however my guy can take them, he has no such problems.
We wish to provide a one stop orderly summary of POIS for both outside researcher as well as new and potential future members.Daveman, I'm currently undergoing an experimental treatment for POIS. I would be happy to share information, history and do surverys as long as I clear it w/ my Doc. I am currently working with two informed doctors on the east coast US. I have learned more in the last year about POIS than in the previous 14 of suffering from it. I have so much to share. I will be on to chat between 6-8 PM eastern time. I would love to contribute in any way possible. Please contact me, I am hopeful that I am moving in the right direction with this illness for the first time in my life.
We wish to compile information from all our diverse sources, which have been developed over the last 5 years. As you know the NSF forum was organized as a one thread forum, so some information is deeply buried, and most of it not very organized, however there exists a treasure chest of highly detailed and relevant information there.
There are other sources like the POIS Compendium, surveys that have been developed over a large period with excellent demographic profiles, a collaborator data base, vsarious lists of user symptoms and medication attempted with corresponding results.
The first attempt will be to compile and summarize our experience. A second pass will produce formated relational databases which will allow us to find and compare characteristic.
This thread is to receive and process suggestions and solicit help in the processing and organization of this information.
A parallel thread will be created for a formal documentation and summary of the information.
The goal is to provide to you, the opportunity to help assure that the future of POIS will be resolved with the best of possible available information on the subject.
The actual generation of the format and documentation of the Summary thread will be undertaken by a committee of hopefully 3 volunteers plus Demo and I, to help assure that no decision is seen to be "personal". We will accept any volunteer applications by PM. The accepted volunteers will have moderator access to this category.
Thank you
niacin a vitamin or what? how to take it? any name of medice itself?
are you the same person on thenakedscientist looking for someone in montreal.
If not there is a poiser that wants to talk to another poiser in montreal.
fidalgo, when we Cure POIS maybe we can have a POIS Forum Convention in Brasil!
fidalgo, when we Cure POIS maybe we can have a POIS Forum Convention in Brasil!
I only see this now. If you want, I can show Brasil to you when you want....
i might take u up on that for world cup.fidalgo, when we Cure POIS maybe we can have a POIS Forum Convention in Brasil!
I only see this now. If you want, I can show Brasil to you when you want....
i might take u up on that for world cup.fidalgo, when we Cure POIS maybe we can have a POIS Forum Convention in Brasil!
I only see this now. If you want, I can show Brasil to you when you want....
I don't think what is going on here is a good moderation.
The moderator has recently admitted that THIS SITE DOES NOT SUPPORT DESENS in another thread. So he is going to stop that thread as well.
At the same time he is supporting the use of niacin. Which I think could be a good thing, I also used it and has helped me a lot. But nobody knows really what are the effects of the flush on the long run.
Me for example, since I started using it, I got many eczema on different parts of my body.
No problem at all, I'll move to NSF.
But you know how the NSF works, you post something and it gets lost in space and time. Not the better place to share information.
You have created this site that Right now is the biggest pois community in the world. It is very well done I have to say and the arguments are well categorized. Me and many others in this forum have expressed many times our gratitude for your efforts.
The moderation has been good until few days ago, then you have lost the control over it because you are quite busy, you and Demografx are the only 2 moderators here.
I actually understand you, you are doing what you can.
But you cannot say to people that they are not suffering of pois nor you can ban them because you cannot control the forum anymore.
This site is your powerful creature, but at this point there is no way back. People is coming here looking for some hope.
This is big responsibility as well.
I think you just need to let some other users help you in your role. we need more moderators, maybe one for each section, and give them the keys.
Just my suggestion.
Hi All,
I don't see the point of this conversation ; it should be no restrictions in express our point of views ; For me in medecine, and especially with new disease, nobody should be 100% sure of anything ; I don't support desens because it does not fit to my experience but it could be helpfull as long as it done by a profesionnal...I dont think POIS is 100% somatic, but I believe that is involved is the POIS Loop and working on it surely help to have a better life..I'm strongly against any form of sensor and i really dont' understand why you closed trader post.
If somebody can help himself with a concentration method to the point to not fell POIS symtoms, it means it works somehow..and he his not the first one. Maybe POIS in a physical disease that need to ingredient to be triggered ; stress and orgasm ;
We should stay open to any possibility until we know more about POIS ; So far we have no any kind of certitude
There are two goals of the forum: to move forward with professional research, and provide responsible relief where possible to the members. If threads and posts and arguments complicate such, and members cannot respect the rules of the forum or push to dominate a theory they just won't be allowed.
The options for argument and conjecture are still wide open at other forums.
I think it would be a good time to share the rules of the forum. Reason I suggest this is because I have never seen these rules. I'm assuming that Daveman is not referring to some sort of generic forum rules but something more specific to POIS and the forum.
I recently have felt that this forum wants to stop detailed conversations on Desensitisation. Perhaps that's the point where we are now but looking at the history of the desensitisation topic which has the most posts compared to other subjects. I guess for some, especially POISers that don't look like they fall into the allergy/autoimmune POIS category this must be a big distraction. We can't have "free speech", its an illusion but we can't be censored inconsiderately. The middle ground must be hard to find when the job of moderating has to be done. The moderators will make mistakes. It would be impossible not to in my view. They are human. They must feel the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. Worst case scenarios could be that someone from this forum dies by taking action from advice given on this forum.
Going back to the desensitisation topic for a moment; from what I have read about the risks of desensitisation it looks to be linked to the laws of a country. For example, in UK 29 people died from anaphylaxis over a time period I do not know. At this point the UK government changed the laws on how it should be carried out. The change meant that all desensitisation now has to be done in a clinic and the patient should stay in the clinic for a certain amount of time after the jab. Some special equipment has to be on hand to tackle anaphylaxis as well.
I think it would be responsible to rank the risk countries for desensitisation considering there are many POISers from different countries on this forum. I don't mean to scare anyone but it may be a sobering point of reference.
Hey Guys,
I realize I started this controversy and I believe maybe I should clarify my point. I must say that I actually understand Daveman's point of view, the main reason for this forum is PRIMARILY to collect information relevant to this disorder for research purposes. Although I believe the Matrix method is a theory that we should all apply in our lives (to a certain extent) in order to let go of a bit of control and live more happy and balanced lives, that Matrix discussion also has potential to trigger scepticism on POIS being a "hypochondriac" disorder and we definitely do not want to go down that road. However, the only reason I thought it was unfair that the Matrix discussion was mutted is the fact that I was happy to see a fellow POISER with so much passion and enthusiasm. I believe a lot of us feel hopeless with this disease and that discussion gave some of us optimism and hope.
Hey Guys,
Have anyone ever looked in to auto-immune encephalitis ? This is a fancy name of an auto-immune disorder that causes inflammation in the brain. Some effects of this inflammation include the following:
I have a feeling that Encephalitis and POIS are somehow related... I am interested to hear your thoughts
Some very fine researchers have applied for your forum's POIS grant -- autoimmunity studies are in that mix.
POIS is still a big mystery -- but you are all on the way to finding answers through solid research.
Hey guys, does anyone know any ways to prevent nocturnal emissions?
Hey guys, does anyone know any ways to prevent nocturnal emissions?
As far as i know there is not a certain way that will prevent 100% nocturnal emissions..But there are some small tips that you can follow if you search in google.
I have a question for you.Do nocturnal emissions cause you symptoms ? If yes, are there in the same intensity as orgasm ?
Hey guys, does anyone know any ways to prevent nocturnal emissions?
As far as i know there is not a certain way that will prevent 100% nocturnal emissions..But there are some small tips that you can follow if you search in google.
I have a question for you.Do nocturnal emissions cause you symptoms ? If yes, are there in the same intensity as orgasm ?
Hey guys,
I just want to note to every fellow POIS sufferer out there; if you guys really want to find a cure to this, we will get nothing done by sitting in this forum and just sharing our personal experiences. We live in a time where getting in touch with someone thousands of miles away has become extremely easy; what I?m suggesting here is that we need to get out there, raise awareness, e-mail, phone, and do whatever it takes to get in touch with doctors, naturopaths and whoever might be able to help. The reason there?s very little progress with POIS is because no one knows about it! And I know what many of you are probably thinking, and that is that well probably waste our time contacting doctors since they won?t bother with a disorder that is considered fairly new and under-researched; but at least by getting in touch with people we might find that one doctor out of 100 that might be willing to help and that will be a breakthrough moment for all of us. In addition to finding this one motivated doctor, we will also raise some awareness, get people talking about this and so maybe more people will come out and say that they are POIS-sufferers as well. Lastly, maybe I am living in an imaginary fantasy, but I DO know that pharmaceutical companies want to make money, bringing awarness to people might catch the pharmaceutical companies? eyes and believe me, if that happens that will be the biggest breakthrough moment for us ever. There can be nothing better for us than to have a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company spending a ton of money on Research and Development for the sole purpose of making a profit out of us; which Im sure none of you will mind because I know for a fact that I would give my left nut for a drug that cure POIS. If we get them on our side we are essentially laughing at POIS, I pray to see this one day....
Before I close, I just want to say that so far I have made my way in to getting in touch with a Neuopsychologist and McGill University who is also a professor; in addition I just e-mailed Dr. Hyman about the POIS situation; he seems to believe in autimmune disorders and so I?m hoping that POIS might interest him. Take care guys, good luck to all of you, and by the way I?m in Day 2 of the cycle so I apologize in advance if some of my writing is unclear.
Hi drmmeha,
I not sure if you are aware but there are doctors in Egypt who wrote a medical paper on PIOS. I would recommend reading all the POIS medical papers anyhow. You can obtain them from the forum administrators Daveman or Demogrfx.
I am curious; does your forum name indicate you are a Doctor?
All the best - FloppyB
drmmeha, I sent you via your EMAIL 5 papers. Let me know if any problems opening.
Welcome to POISCenter!
Also, please visit our Welcome Page:
Hey Guys,
Sorry I haven?t posted in a while, been very busy with school exams, POIS and life; to start off I want to mention that I am closely working with a doctor and professor that specializes in rare sexual disorder and who also teacher at one of the top med schools in the world (McGill University). Him and his associates thought it would be a good idea to test by cortisol level throughout my cycles, so now I am currently doing saliva tests all day long for a period of 9 days (3 pre-O, 1 on day of O, and 5 post-O). Once I get results I?d be more than glad to share them with you guys.
I also want to add that I am going on a student exchange for 5 months, and I?m debating whether it would be better to get an apartment on my own or share one with other students. If anyone has experience on this topic or would like to share their thoughts please feel free to do so. Thanks!
Hey Guys,
Is there a slight possibility that POIS can be causing damage to the brain every time we enter in a cycle? Does anyone have information about this?
Hey Guys,
Is there a slight possibility that POIS can be causing damage to the brain every time we enter in a cycle? Does anyone have information about this?
Hey Guys,
Just a heads up, my doctor tested my cortisol levels before and after O for a 10 day period, with 6 tests a day at very specific times, and 14 tests on day of O. Results showed that cortisol levels do have an irregular change after O; for me this is good news because I finally have reliable and reputable proof that the condition is there and "it's not all in my head". Would love to hear your thoughts!
Hey guys, does anyone know any ways to prevent nocturnal emissions?
As far as i know there is not a certain way that will prevent 100% nocturnal emissions..But there are some small tips that you can follow if you search in google.
I have a question for you.Do nocturnal emissions cause you symptoms ? If yes, are there in the same intensity as orgasm ?
Hey guys,
I just want to note to every fellow POIS sufferer out there; if you guys really want to find a cure to this, we will get nothing done by sitting in this forum and just sharing our personal experiences. We live in a time where getting in touch with someone thousands of miles away has become extremely easy; what I?m suggesting here is that we need to get out there, raise awareness, e-mail, phone, and do whatever it takes to get in touch with doctors, naturopaths and whoever might be able to help. The reason there?s very little progress with POIS is because no one knows about it! And I know what many of you are probably thinking, and that is that well probably waste our time contacting doctors since they won?t bother with a disorder that is considered fairly new and under-researched; but at least by getting in touch with people we might find that one doctor out of 100 that might be willing to help and that will be a breakthrough moment for all of us. In addition to finding this one motivated doctor, we will also raise some awareness, get people talking about this and so maybe more people will come out and say that they are POIS-sufferers as well. Lastly, maybe I am living in an imaginary fantasy, but I DO know that pharmaceutical companies want to make money, bringing awarness to people might catch the pharmaceutical companies? eyes and believe me, if that happens that will be the biggest breakthrough moment for us ever. There can be nothing better for us than to have a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical company spending a ton of money on Research and Development for the sole purpose of making a profit out of us; which Im sure none of you will mind because I know for a fact that I would give my left nut for a drug that cure POIS. If we get them on our side we are essentially laughing at POIS, I pray to see this one day....
Before I close, I just want to say that so far I have made my way in to getting in touch with a Neuopsychologist and McGill University who is also a professor; in addition I just e-mailed Dr. Hyman about the POIS situation; he seems to believe in autimmune disorders and so I?m hoping that POIS might interest him. Take care guys, good luck to all of you, and by the way I?m in Day 2 of the cycle so I apologize in advance if some of my writing is unclear.
Hello everyone..
I just want to say that i have found the answer and solution to our problem.. I know this is a big statement to say, but this is real, legitimate, no bs speculative under-researched doctor practices? I?m cured and I don?t remember the last time I felt this good in my life.. I was postponing this in order to write a massive post of why and how this treatment works but instead ill keep it short and simple, for those of you who don?t believe that it might be this simple its fine you don?t need to try it, I?m not here to convince anyone; however being a member of this community I feel like i have the obligation to share my success in the hope that other will benefit from it as well
Straight up? this is an AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER, people with autoimmune disorder are A LOT more likely to develop more autoimmune disorders as well as cancer later on in their lives. This is why WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT SYMPTOMS, some of us have multiple autoimmune illnesses? The disorder is real and its there, theres no doubt about that however IT IS REVERSABLE..
I felt like crying when I first saw my first bouts of improvement because I couldn?t believe how simple this was?? I have my life again!!!!
The answer to the autoimmune problem is REDUCE INFLAMMATION, do ANYTHING possible to reduce inflammation.. I don?t understand the mechanics of inflammation and autoimmune so I won?t start throwing medical terms around just to show you that I?m an expert in the field but it comes down to basics. We are not alone, you might think that POIS is very rare, however the TYPE of disease (autoimmune) is extremely common especially in the last couple decades for XY reasons that I won?t get in to right now; my point being is that there is a lot of research out there and I will leave it up to each one of you to do on your own. Whats important to know and understand is that 80% of the immune system is IN THE GUT, which means if your GUT is not healthy, your immune system is not healthy. From my understanding of the little medical knowledge that I have, when there is intestinal permeability (leaky gut), theres are UNDIGESTED FOOD PARTICLES that enter the bloodstream and the immune system gets in the habit of fighting them off and eventually leads to IMMUNE ANOMALIES (Ex. Arthiritis, Diabetes, MS, POIS)? So what am I saying here?
-Heal the gut and stop intestinal permeability, (intestinal permeability: "holes" in the lining of your intestine for the not english native speakers.
-REDUCE INFLAMMATION?. Inflammation is the number ONE cause of brain fog? Read up about this, there are tons of research out there proving this.. (BTW: Inflammation in the brain effects the Amygdala, the part responsible for emotional reasoning, hence the behavioural emotional side effects of a POIS attack)
By doing these two things, first you?ll reduce symptoms as you will reduce inflammation, second you will heal the gut so the permeability no longer occurs, and eventually with time the immune system will go back to normal where it won?t be triggered by anything non-threatening anymore.
GUYS, all I?m gonna say is that people with food intolerance's can go through a whole life-time without diagnosis and without knowing they have them; you have to let go of the idea that food intolerances are follow by extreme body reactions such as rashes etcs? symptoms can be as subtle such as low energy, unclear thinking, behavioural problems, etc. And this is why for a lot of people symptoms continue to come back even after a week of O given that your body is STILL FIGHTING SOMETHING (Sign of multiple autoimmune disorders, very common). This is also the reasons why POIS gets worst with the years, autoimmune problems LEAD TO MORE AUTOIMMUNE problems. Solve it and deal with it as soon as possible before its too late! Its not a neurotransmitter issue nor endocrinological, Im not a doctor, perhaps there is a change in these hormones however you have to understand THESE ARE SECONDARY EFFECTS, NOT THE CAUSATIVE?You have TWO options to dealing with POIS (And any condition), Either you treat the symptoms OR you treat the cause once and for all? Im not willing to put up with POIS all my life so I decided to put an end to this?
Now the part you?re all probably waiting for.. I have dedicated my life to this, I have read TONS of researches? tr ial and error, it took me 5 years of suffering with POIS to come to the bottom of this.. I have also seeked spiritual therapy and I feel like someone up there has finally given me the chance to live again.. Because lets be real, a person with POIS is dead, and i feel like i have come back to life again?
The answer is DIET, it cannot get simpler than this!!! Individual supplements and vitamins DO NOT WORK, ARE INEFFECTIVE, WASTE OF MONEY. It is the interconnections and combinations of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants that work together to make the body work effectively. The human body is a superb, highly sophisticated and complex mechanism that has high nutritional needs of the best kind!
A simple vitamin C supplement will not work as each vitamin is INEFFECTIVE without the other? It tools me YEARS to realize this.. Ive wasted tons of money on supplements. A balanced Diet is the most important thing us POISERS need to do right given that our body is suffering and the more you let it suffer the more it will break down.. This disease is REVERSABLE TRUST ME..
What is this Magic diet?
Avoid every possible stomach irritant + replace inflammation causing foods with ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS.
The foods you eat must posses two qualities: must be easy on the stomach and reduce or not cause inflammation.
The most common Stomach Irritants with people having autoimmune disorders and food intolerances in the world are the following (Foods to AVOID):
All grain products as well Gluten (Of course) So forget about bread and pasta
No nuts & seeds (This includes coffee and chocolate)
Animal milk Products
Corn (So forget about gluten free products because most of them are made of corn)
Peppers (Including all specs derived from pepper such as: paprika, cayenne, etc)
Beans (Not as common but recommended to be avoided)
Alcohol (Sorry guys)
Cut out all proceed foods COMPLETELY, the trick: Avoid any food that has an ingredient that you don?t know in the ingredient list.. Essentially eat WHOLE foods!
Avoid over intake of Omega 6 (As it causes inflammation)
Avoid fried foods, fried oil causes inflammation
Note: It has been found that people have healed psychiatic conditions such as Aspergers and Autism by eliminating triggers from their diet! Just putting it out there.
So what should you eat?
Pretty much all fruits and vegetables, meats and fish.
They say in order for your body to absorb the maximum potential nutrients and have the fastest and most effective healing action, try to eat vegetables raw or cook them as little as possible.
Another thing recommended is to eat 9 cups of fruits and vegetables a day.. and eat a lot of greens! Spinach, kale (Superfood), etc
Take Omega-3?s with an EPA count of at least 1000-2000mg per day! Highly effective in inflammation reduction
Another powerful anti-inflammatory is Curcumin!! Very powerful stuff, I dont recommend supplements but our body needs to relax and reduce the inflammatory response ASAP, also for curcumin try to find one with ground pepper, research has shown that ground pepper helps its absorption.
Eat a lot of anti-oxidants!! Berries are very rich in them, they reduce inflammation as well, but be careful you need a variety of anti-oxidants given that when anti-oxidants neutralize cancer-causing free-radicals, themselves (the antioxidants) become free radicals which then again get neutralized by different antioxidants. AGAIN this is why you need VARIETY
ALSO: This is how behind medicine can be sometimes, Doctors treat autoimmune disorders with cortisol steroids that suppress the immune system so that it doesn?t attack itself. Again, besides the fact that your killing your body even more that way, this only treats the symptoms not the cause.. YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NEEDS TO BE PUT TO REST BY not letting it get activated by commong food triggers anymore; at the same time you should do everything possible to make it as strong as possible because it is weak now, overworked and overstressed, this means make sure you get your Vitamin C and Ds from FOODs as they are extremely essential for the immune system!
A study has also found that people with autoimmune disorders are a lot more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D so this is another supplements I would HIGHLY recommend you take along with Omega 3s and Curcumin (Optional)
Ginger (Another anti-inflammatory)
Exercise (The most powerful anti inflammatory of all)
Also note that when the stomach is not functioning well there is also mal-absorption, which means you dont get all the nutrition you need to heal, so work on healing the stomach by not eating stomach irritating, inflammation causing foods.
So summary, VARIETY + LOTS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! I cant stress this enough..
Now for all the skeptics and controversy, Im not posting this to argue and attack any other treatment/therapies/theories, Im just here to pass on a message and help anyone I can from this miserable illness. I would be more than glad to answer specific question feel free to send me a message? I haven?t kept a record of all the researches I have read, however dont be fooled, Im not the mastermind of this healing diet, theres actually a name to it and it is called Autoimmune Protocol Diet (AIP) and I can give you guys some links to find out more about this diet of how and why it works, what you can/cant eat. Many people have reversed more serious automate illnesses than POIS with this diet such as Multiple Sclerosis.. Many Many success stories.. regardless, this shouldn?t be only for healing.. this is a lifestyle change, it will take some time, but remember that your body is YOUR TEMPLE, its with you for the rest of your life so treat it well, illness or not! Have some faith, believe and it will happen, there is hope!!
Here are some links that pretty much summarize everything Ive said, feel free to check them out for yourself, because the trick to this is to understand why this works and not just here this from some nobody that just told you it works. Im not here to convince anyone just to help...
Terry Wahls M.D. PhD, Suffered from Multiple Sclerosis (VIDEO)
What is Autoimmune Protocol Diet?
4) <<<Great Website for Autoimmune Disorders and the Autoimmune Diet
Autoimmune Protocol Grocery List:
Everything about Brain Fog and Inflammation (Research Studies)
So much for my short post! I tried to keep it as short and sweet as possible..I can write a book about this believe me, please message me I would be more than glad to answer any questions:)
Last but not least, In order for this to work you must follow this diet 100%, NO CHEATING, a small trace of a common trigger can produce an immune response.. You need to teach your immune system to RELAX! Goodluck! stay strong you can do it, take care and love your body, you need to feed it rocket fuel and get it to run like a Ferrari again!!
Hello everyone..
I just want to say that i have found the answer and solution to our problem.. I know this is a big statement to say, but this is real, legitimate, no bs speculative under-researched doctor practices? I?m cured and I don?t remember the last time I felt this good in my life.. I was postponing this in order to write a massive post of why and how this treatment works but instead ill keep it short and simple, for those of you who don?t believe that it might be this simple its fine you don?t need to try it, I?m not here to convince anyone; however being a member of this community I feel like i have the obligation to share my success in the hope that other will benefit from it as well
Straight up? this is an AUTOIMMUNE DISORDER, people with autoimmune disorder are A LOT more likely to develop more autoimmune disorders as well as cancer later on in their lives. This is why WE ALL HAVE DIFFERENT SYMPTOMS, some of us have multiple autoimmune illnesses? The disorder is real and its there, theres no doubt about that however IT IS REVERSABLE..
I felt like crying when I first saw my first bouts of improvement because I couldn?t believe how simple this was?? I have my life again!!!!
The answer to the autoimmune problem is REDUCE INFLAMMATION, do ANYTHING possible to reduce inflammation.. I don?t understand the mechanics of inflammation and autoimmune so I won?t start throwing medical terms around just to show you that I?m an expert in the field but it comes down to basics. We are not alone, you might think that POIS is very rare, however the TYPE of disease (autoimmune) is extremely common especially in the last couple decades for XY reasons that I won?t get in to right now; my point being is that there is a lot of research out there and I will leave it up to each one of you to do on your own. Whats important to know and understand is that 80% of the immune system is IN THE GUT, which means if your GUT is not healthy, your immune system is not healthy. From my understanding of the little medical knowledge that I have, when there is intestinal permeability (leaky gut), theres are UNDIGESTED FOOD PARTICLES that enter the bloodstream and the immune system gets in the habit of fighting them off and eventually leads to IMMUNE ANOMALIES (Ex. Arthiritis, Diabetes, MS, POIS)? So what am I saying here?
-Heal the gut and stop intestinal permeability, (intestinal permeability: "holes" in the lining of your intestine for the not english native speakers.
-REDUCE INFLAMMATION?. Inflammation is the number ONE cause of brain fog? Read up about this, there are tons of research out there proving this.. (BTW: Inflammation in the brain effects the Amygdala, the part responsible for emotional reasoning, hence the behavioural emotional side effects of a POIS attack)
By doing these two things, first you?ll reduce symptoms as you will reduce inflammation, second you will heal the gut so the permeability no longer occurs, and eventually with time the immune system will go back to normal where it won?t be triggered by anything non-threatening anymore.
GUYS, all I?m gonna say is that people with food intolerance's can go through a whole life-time without diagnosis and without knowing they have them; you have to let go of the idea that food intolerances are follow by extreme body reactions such as rashes etcs? symptoms can be as subtle such as low energy, unclear thinking, behavioural problems, etc. And this is why for a lot of people symptoms continue to come back even after a week of O given that your body is STILL FIGHTING SOMETHING (Sign of multiple autoimmune disorders, very common). This is also the reasons why POIS gets worst with the years, autoimmune problems LEAD TO MORE AUTOIMMUNE problems. Solve it and deal with it as soon as possible before its too late! Its not a neurotransmitter issue nor endocrinological, Im not a doctor, perhaps there is a change in these hormones however you have to understand THESE ARE SECONDARY EFFECTS, NOT THE CAUSATIVE?You have TWO options to dealing with POIS (And any condition), Either you treat the symptoms OR you treat the cause once and for all? Im not willing to put up with POIS all my life so I decided to put an end to this?
Now the part you?re all probably waiting for.. I have dedicated my life to this, I have read TONS of researches? tr ial and error, it took me 5 years of suffering with POIS to come to the bottom of this.. I have also seeked spiritual therapy and I feel like someone up there has finally given me the chance to live again.. Because lets be real, a person with POIS is dead, and i feel like i have come back to life again?
The answer is DIET, it cannot get simpler than this!!! Individual supplements and vitamins DO NOT WORK, ARE INEFFECTIVE, WASTE OF MONEY. It is the interconnections and combinations of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants that work together to make the body work effectively. The human body is a superb, highly sophisticated and complex mechanism that has high nutritional needs of the best kind!
A simple vitamin C supplement will not work as each vitamin is INEFFECTIVE without the other? It tools me YEARS to realize this.. Ive wasted tons of money on supplements. A balanced Diet is the most important thing us POISERS need to do right given that our body is suffering and the more you let it suffer the more it will break down.. This disease is REVERSABLE TRUST ME..
What is this Magic diet?
Avoid every possible stomach irritant + replace inflammation causing foods with ANTI-INFLAMMATORY FOODS.
The foods you eat must posses two qualities: must be easy on the stomach and reduce or not cause inflammation.
The most common Stomach Irritants with people having autoimmune disorders and food intolerances in the world are the following (Foods to AVOID):
All grain products as well Gluten (Of course) So forget about bread and pasta
No nuts & seeds (This includes coffee and chocolate)
Animal milk Products
Corn (So forget about gluten free products because most of them are made of corn)
Peppers (Including all specs derived from pepper such as: paprika, cayenne, etc)
Beans (Not as common but recommended to be avoided)
Alcohol (Sorry guys)
Cut out all proceed foods COMPLETELY, the trick: Avoid any food that has an ingredient that you don?t know in the ingredient list.. Essentially eat WHOLE foods!
Avoid over intake of Omega 6 (As it causes inflammation)
Avoid fried foods, fried oil causes inflammation
Note: It has been found that people have healed psychiatic conditions such as Aspergers and Autism by eliminating triggers from their diet! Just putting it out there.
So what should you eat?
Pretty much all fruits and vegetables, meats and fish.
They say in order for your body to absorb the maximum potential nutrients and have the fastest and most effective healing action, try to eat vegetables raw or cook them as little as possible.
Another thing recommended is to eat 9 cups of fruits and vegetables a day.. and eat a lot of greens! Spinach, kale (Superfood), etc
Take Omega-3?s with an EPA count of at least 1000-2000mg per day! Highly effective in inflammation reduction
Another powerful anti-inflammatory is Curcumin!! Very powerful stuff, I dont recommend supplements but our body needs to relax and reduce the inflammatory response ASAP, also for curcumin try to find one with ground pepper, research has shown that ground pepper helps its absorption.
Eat a lot of anti-oxidants!! Berries are very rich in them, they reduce inflammation as well, but be careful you need a variety of anti-oxidants given that when anti-oxidants neutralize cancer-causing free-radicals, themselves (the antioxidants) become free radicals which then again get neutralized by different antioxidants. AGAIN this is why you need VARIETY
ALSO: This is how behind medicine can be sometimes, Doctors treat autoimmune disorders with cortisol steroids that suppress the immune system so that it doesn?t attack itself. Again, besides the fact that your killing your body even more that way, this only treats the symptoms not the cause.. YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM NEEDS TO BE PUT TO REST BY not letting it get activated by commong food triggers anymore; at the same time you should do everything possible to make it as strong as possible because it is weak now, overworked and overstressed, this means make sure you get your Vitamin C and Ds from FOODs as they are extremely essential for the immune system!
A study has also found that people with autoimmune disorders are a lot more likely to be deficient in Vitamin D so this is another supplements I would HIGHLY recommend you take along with Omega 3s and Curcumin (Optional)
Ginger (Another anti-inflammatory)
Exercise (The most powerful anti inflammatory of all)
Also note that when the stomach is not functioning well there is also mal-absorption, which means you dont get all the nutrition you need to heal, so work on healing the stomach by not eating stomach irritating, inflammation causing foods.
So summary, VARIETY + LOTS FRUITS AND VEGETABLES! I cant stress this enough..
Now for all the skeptics and controversy, Im not posting this to argue and attack any other treatment/therapies/theories, Im just here to pass on a message and help anyone I can from this miserable illness. I would be more than glad to answer specific question feel free to send me a message? I haven?t kept a record of all the researches I have read, however dont be fooled, Im not the mastermind of this healing diet, theres actually a name to it and it is called Autoimmune Protocol Diet (AIP) and I can give you guys some links to find out more about this diet of how and why it works, what you can/cant eat. Many people have reversed more serious automate illnesses than POIS with this diet such as Multiple Sclerosis.. Many Many success stories.. regardless, this shouldn?t be only for healing.. this is a lifestyle change, it will take some time, but remember that your body is YOUR TEMPLE, its with you for the rest of your life so treat it well, illness or not! Have some faith, believe and it will happen, there is hope!!
Here are some links that pretty much summarize everything Ive said, feel free to check them out for yourself, because the trick to this is to understand why this works and not just here this from some nobody that just told you it works. Im not here to convince anyone just to help...
Terry Wahls M.D. PhD, Suffered from Multiple Sclerosis (VIDEO)
What is Autoimmune Protocol Diet?
4) <<<Great Website for Autoimmune Disorders and the Autoimmune Diet
Autoimmune Protocol Grocery List:
Everything about Brain Fog and Inflammation (Research Studies)
So much for my short post! I tried to keep it as short and sweet as possible..I can write a book about this believe me, please message me I would be more than glad to answer any questions:)
Last but not least, In order for this to work you must follow this diet 100%, NO CHEATING, a small trace of a common trigger can produce an immune response.. You need to teach your immune system to RELAX! Goodluck! stay strong you can do it, take care and love your body, you need to feed it rocket fuel and get it to run like a Ferrari again!!
Has anyone had any results from following this AUtoimmune diet??
That's really great to know. And How long exactly have you been on this diet??
I have started this diet last week and I?ve already seen such amazing results. I play football in high school which involves intensive workouts and practices. Usually I would feel exhausted/depressed after every practice but prior to changing my diet I have been lethargic, energetic and felt really good after practices. This is such great news for me. I have one last question though. When did you start to O freely without symptoms? And would you say you still strictly follow this diet or have you been able to start eating foods from your past diet?
WOW,, we see very few females with POIS, although we've heard of it.
What are the symptoms? Are they the same in both of you? When did it all start? Has it always been "as a couple" or have you each had it separately?
There are probably a million questions.2 from Sri Lanka with POISnot only rare to find a woman with pois but her partner also has it is super rare.
i'm female and i have pois and other one is my guy :( wanna get rid of this shit
not to be outward,in additon to your symptoms.
do you get the symptoms when you orgasm by yourself. Does he get the symptoms when he orgasms by himself. just trying to rule out any relationship between your symptoms.
Sorry for late reply. Yeah I and my guy both have same symptoms. We are really fighting with this and fed up :(. Our symptoms are extreme fatigue, muscle pain, back pain, neck pain, tiredness of heart, emptiness, dull sad feelings, memory difficulties, cannot concentrate (specially when it comes to studying), loss of appetite, burning eyes and pain in eyes, itching eyes, loss of hair, extreme headache, incoherent speech (cannot pronounce words correctly and feeling like memory is not working properly), depressed mood, vision problems, flabby legs and hands, joints pain, feeling very tired and lazy, skin gets sensitive and etc. All of these symptoms begin after ejaculation and last for about week or more. In the meantime if we ejaculation again, the symptoms are increasing. As long as we don?t ejaculate our symptoms are passing off little by little with the time. After ejaculating we can be happy only few hours, then we begin to feel symptoms and feeling upset of it and sick of life. These really affect us in a bad way.
And the special thing is did anyone notice your face is changing? We both have that thing too. Our mature look is reducing within a few hours after ejaculation. Our face is not clear like normal people till 4-5 days. Yes I get the symptoms when I orgasm by myself and he gets the symptoms when he orgasms by himself.
These symptoms started for my guy when he was 15 years old. But I don?t know when these really started for me. My guy was the one who found that I also have this thing. Before, we thought only he has this shit. (We called it ?Over?). Then we started to notice my symptoms too. We did search internet and I found you tube video about POIS and then I saw this forum link in the comments section.
I have lot of questions and really wanna get rid of POIS. And another thing is Sri Lankan doctors don?t know about POIS. My guy went to few doctors and they thought he has depression and gave medicine for depression. They don?t believe our symptoms. So no help from Sri Lankan doctors too.
We are afraid of our future. But since we both have this thing, we can share everything and it?s a big relief :)
Please tell if someone has that face changing effect. Please!