POIS Cause/Treatment Discussions => General Alternative Causes and Treatments of POIS => Topic started by: COLM_2 on March 25, 2019, 01:38:22 PM
Subject; Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS). Uses & experiences at 24/03/2019.
Using a VNS device (twice daily) for 28 Months, 2 Years and 4 Months.
Hi All,
I am posting a long overdue update, apologies for the delay.
It is focused on my own medium/long term VNS experiment. I wanted to post this, being based on a meaningful if not scientific experimentation.
Below this immediate update also are my prior (2017) notes on using Vagus Nerve stimulation habits (bridged with other tactics I use daily) to reduce symptoms associated with POIS. My own symptoms were extreme for over 40 years. I have lived the life of a chronic POISer since 15 Y.O. or so, but now, through finding miscellaneous non-drug and more complementary approaches, I have experienced a lot of (specifically) POST orgasm symptom reduction.
I am now better able to live a normal life, and have much reduced impact from an orgasm or an ejaculation, to be precise.
Use of a 10 Point Scale.
I am not as science-oriented as other long term forum contributors. SO, in summary below, I continue to use, as I had previously through 2017, a 10 Point Scale to track previous symptoms reduction.
What I post is NOT science nor validated, it is just my own experience. It is posted that it MAY help other POISers (interested in VNS) and so I can give an honest personal account to the forum, of how my health has improved this last 2 ½ years. This improvement has been achieved in spite of a lot of life and work stressors being present.
A 3 – 4 point overall improvement.
In general, I have sustained the health improvements of a 3-4 point improvements (on the scale of symptom reduction), as described in prior posts below. This improvement is related to symptom escalation experiences, post O/POIS.
I am very grateful for all improvements and the stability of health now experienced through the approaches I have learned, specifically this last 8+ years. Having spent 35 years before that trying crazy things, remedies of all types, I am pleased to see positive impacts now, albeit later in life. It was however worth NOT giving up, (so please don’t do that). I had felt like giving up many times along the journey of POIS.
This GREAT POIS Forum & Service Given.
I discovered this wonderful forum 6 years back, I’d never heard of POIS before it, I’d assumed I was just the unlucky one in the world. A belief for decades that I was actually the only person with this condition on the planet and of course not being able to share it with anyone. Trying to disappear from life for 3 days beyond O was a norm for decades). It was quite a lonely place to be as you all know. Google had not advanced so much until aftter 2010, to be able to (despite many searches online) find others who had this experience or who shared anything like we do here. As I lack that scientific nature, my experiments and there were many, were not hitting the mark, just causing a deep hopelessness.
I had never heard of a Vagus Nerve until Dr. Komisaruk’s & the Rurger’s study!
The Vagus Nerve.
The Vagus Nerve element of this previous research attracted me, and I decided to experiment in a meaningful way with adding Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) as an important element to what I was already trying to do, as described below and in some prior (user Colm & Colm_2 posts).
VNS & my Ultra Violet UV (Sunshine) Allergy.
While my life was always negatively dominated (post O + POIS) by an array of physical, cognitive, mental & emotional impact for 3 days post O, I specifically want to mention one stand-out symptom of POIS for me.
Post O, for 40 years since my teen years (I am now a 60 YO), I had a severe Ultra Violet UV allergy to sun and strong light. I suffered with this since the onset of POIS in my teens, with (what became a clinically diagnosed “Photo Aggravated Seborrheic Dermatitis”). This dermatitis and also the related experience of feeling my whole system was under attack in sunlight. It was particularly heightened during POIS. I say an although this was likely automimmue it was like an ‘allergy’, not a sensitivity, because for 40 years plus, I could not be exposed to direct sunlight on my face or scalp without severely worsening POIS symptoms and having a skin flare up.
It was an autoimmune reaction, I believe, that has now been dampened by Vagus Nerve Stimulation. This I sense has lowered inflammatory markers in my system, lessened their effects over time, reducing the autoimmune reactions to sunlight and indeed strong lighting.
Based on adding Vagus Nerve stimulation added to my existing regime, I was in the Summer 2018 (quite incredibly for me) able to sit or lie in the sun, and take sunshine on my face for the first time since this became a chronic reaction at 18 years of age. Ironically too much sunshine is not something recommended now. Summer 2018 was however a novelty for me. Thankfully, I do not now need to go around wearing hats all the time from May to September. I am extremely grateful for the knowledge of VNS and understanding autoimmune and gut health approaches. There is much to gain here from the prior research, like Gut Microbiome researches and I also thank Quantum and others for their Pre and post O supplementation suggestions, which I believe have helped me also.
My experience may not be the same for others.
After 28 Months, I can say, VNS is in my opinion NOT a cure for POIS itself. It has helped a lot however in a long term strategy. There is something interesting that it has positively affected the immune system of Sun reaction, when NO thing else ever did, exception being a UV desens machine used in a hospital for me 20 years back. However it didn't solve that issue, as VNS did.
Important Note. Others have their own versions of POIS, and I know one approach wont’t work for everyone, and for me anyway, drug therapy hasn’t been effective, hence my focus on committing to complementary approaches. With a very chronic decade(s) long version of POIS, this is worth considering alongside or without any drug approach.
SO, that is my positive update at March 2019, to be added to previous posts that I have re-listed below, if any person wants to read through. I know this is all a bit long, but perhaps a couple of guys on this path, could find it useful. This post is all just my own experimental approaches to better POIS symptom management.
If I have anything else to list of relevance to this in the future I will do so and post again.
Many thanks as ever to Demo, Quantum, Daveman, Stef, the new Mods Observer, CP2 and others who have much science to share & also the many other people who post far better data and their own experiences than I am able to.
NOTE, I am NOT recommending for everyone either VNS or an expensive VNS device, as it may not do anything for you and something else likely could work better for you at your stage in the POIS curve. However, everything is worth evaluating including VNS with other strategies. Building a habit with anything is key, and I was easily able to incorporate some techniques into my life and lifestyle. I believe that the merits of something like a commitment to VNS, is the gradual impact it has on lowering of DISease in our physiology, positively affecting immune system markers and helping our psychological states, thus promoting inner healing.
Work is ongoing in the world of Biosciences to research, validate & use Nerve stimulation rather than pure drug treatments for previously intractable and chronic conditions.
PS. Some updates on Autoimmune developments. Programme from 2017, Feinstein Institute www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0479jyy/player (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0479jyy/player)
Example of new discoveries www.feinsteininstitute.org/2019/01/newly-discovered-phagocyte-plays-role-autoimmune-disease/ (http://www.feinsteininstitute.org/2019/01/newly-discovered-phagocyte-plays-role-autoimmune-disease/)
I have continued with the use of the Nervana Vagus Nerve Stimulation device on a daily basis, for my wellbeing and POIS symptom reduction. This is a slightly delayed Nov 2017 update.
My usage of the device now spans one full year (@ Nov 2017) on a daily basis.
Below I am also going to re-share my six months previously published update, which for some reason fell off the forum posts shortly after its posting.
Vagus Nerve background.
The Vagus Nerve, as research is now proving, has an influence over potential healing in some autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. Possible characteristics that are also present with POIS as a syndrome.
Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) benefits have been known about in medical circles for a long time. Specifically known in credible medical circles is the positive impact of using a targeted form of stimulation through an operative procedure where a neck implanted device is inserted, for treating epilepsy.
Other VNS implantable neck devices are currently being manufactured for research and selective treatment of other conditions like Arthritis, and with apparent success. Some information on these is at my prior posts in this thread.
This interesting documentary about Autoimmune conditions and their treatment you may find interesting. It may run in Firefox https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0479jyy/player
What am I noticing overall? It still has NOT fully cured my POIS however…
1. My overall mood has remained very stable, generally and also within my 3 day POIS cascade of symptoms.
2. I am much calmer and would assess that on a 10 point scale, my (NOV 2017) POIS related depression and other symptoms continues to be maintained at a low level. It can go from a 5 out of 10 (in POIS) up to a wellness now of 8 out of 10 on some days, outside of POIS. This is a further improvement, which I am happy with. Overall I am looking at a 3/4 points (on a 10 points scale) of improvements in most symptoms over this one year extended period of use (along with my other methods). This has all been during some quite stressful life and work times. I notice I also deal with work stress a whole lot better this last 6 months in particular.
3. Perhaps the effect of the VNS stimulation is over time, and also that it is a reduction in dis-ease within our system and related to the way serotonin is re-up taken or perhaps the release of dopamine or endorphins through VNS. The blood brain axis may be impacted in a positive way also. Improvements for me has undoubtedly been assisted with a healthier gut approach also & with Buteyko breathing.
Honestly I can’t say for certain if without adopting the Gut healing & Buteyko approaches would I have had this level of improvement, I honestly don’t know, but I think I could. Being late 50's also means I have naturally less time in POIS as I can also refrain from O if I need to. It MAY have helped wit healing, but I don't think it was the main contributor.
4. I sustain my weight, and while eating less food. I don’t comfort eat now at all.
5. My friends and family notice that that I am in good form most days.
6. I don't need now any more than six hour night time, sleep. I wake early ready for the day. Four years back, I felt awful most mornings.
Report On My Six Month Trial with VNS, Oct 2017 to April 2017.
I believe the introduction for us to the world of the Vagus Nerve in our study has a legacy with some potential.
I for one had never heard of the Vagus Nerve 3 years ago, but am pleased that I did (as a result of our study)!
The original research study theory of (some of our) POIS symptomology as having its roots as a case of “Vagal Dystonia”, may have been somewhat on track I believe, and may have credibility as one key aspect (for some people and for the cognitive, mental and emotional aspects) of our healing from POIS.
As some know here, I share an almost lifelong POIS 40 year challenge with Quantum, Demo and others.
Been there, done that over decades with all the tried this/tried that, the false hopes and the pipe dreams and delusions around what could help stop the negative effects from sex. Spent thousands, wasted thousands of hours trying to solve this absolutely horrible syndrome, and doing this in silence made it worse, until I found this great forum and the great people involved, that was about four years back. Like many of you, I found that knowing you aren't the only one with this condition is helpful. Spent decades believing no one else had this, which is very isolating.
Reading the information at the site also allowed me, with a non-researchers mind, to try different things. In particular, as I personally value a more holistic approach to symptom reduction, rather than drug therapy approach, I initially zoned in on (with good effect) to a gut-healing approach along with keeping fit. Having met and worked with a great nutritionist almost 4 years back was a good start, as I had gut issues that were contributing to the terrible cascading effects after an O. Formal gut analysis showed issues in my report from a gut analysis clinic.
Information here helped, specifically the supplements discussions, like Quantum's pre and post O supplements. Matcha high quality green tea also a great addition in recovery for me.
My main POIS symptoms outlined below had included for a long time up to 3 years ago, and many below were severe, specifically within POIS.
Physical: Headaches, Seborrheic dermatitis, severe allergy to direct sunlight/UVA and sensitivity to bright light, chronic sinusitis & histamine issues, difficulty with handwriting. Also had a test that showed food allergy to milk and a microbial imbalance.
Cognitive & Mental: Brain fog, lack of clarity, stressful thinking.
Emotional: Depression, social phobia, irritability & panic attacks.
SO, to the Vagus approach & my VNS six month trial.
With some evolving knowledge of the Vagus nerve and the potential for using it in a positive manner as an anti-dote to above and to this possible Autoimmune/ Inflammatory syndrome, I have trialled this system.
Please note in the last 3 years, that a gut healing approach and also daily practice of the Buteyko Nasal breathing process, along with exercise are extra pieces in my own healing jigsaw. I recommend you evaluate Buteyko, specifically for sports enthusiasts or those with respirator issues. The book www.oxygenadvantage.com is cool for ports people to evaluate Buteyko as a potential tool kit. It (the nasal breathing volume & sleep techniques of buteyko) helped me reduce my dependency on cortisone nasal sprays by 75% and has given me fitness on long cycling spins and running, well beyond my age expectations. Am now fit well beyond my years.
This however (@ April 2017) is a review of my experience thus far with Vagus Nerve Stimulation, which I have experimented with in a disciplined manner since six months back (Oct 2016), after I received what is called the Nervana Vagus Nerve Stimulator, as mentioned also at POIS forum.
I have used this VNS on a daily basis and for at least 2 daily sessions, and sometimes 3 * 30/45 minute sessions per day.
My own personal experiences are positive, but I am not advocating that anyone else purchases this product. It is expensive and may or may not help others. I don’t know. I do recommend it worth evaluating as part of your healing approach however, if you think you have chronic symptoms that are caused by dis-ease in your physiology and brain from POIS.
If you decide to invest in a Nervana VNS, please be careful and start slowly with usage and give it at least six months of commitment & efforts, to properly evaluate its impact on your POIS symptoms.
As this is a product that can be used while sitting, relaxing, just listening to music or indeed "on the go" carrying on with day to day tasks - excluding operating anything mechanical - it isn't very difficult to use or test it consistently.
Something like practicing a consistent form of meditation in my opinion requires more discipline than using this method of relaxation.
What is the Nervana Vagus Nerve Stimulator?
It is a 2016 product launched, commercially available device that emits a Vagus Nerve signal via a specially designed ear piece, making a stimulatory connection to the nerve, through the left ear canal.
It is intended to generally stimulate the Vagus Nerve, which is a Nerve that interfaces with parasympathetic control of the heart, lungs and somewhat controlling and influencing the digestive tract in a positive manner.
My impressions pre-usage.
I had seen a lot of hype and over-the-top-marketing & hype of this Nervana system, including a slot on the Doctors TV which was laughable. The founders and designers however seemed credible. I was however VERY sceptical about the product initially, but with the usual ‘will try anything’, I ploughed ahead and invested. The various claims about its supposed immediate positive impacts were not experience by myself, but longer term I will say that they have been.
My own overall usage experience.
On receiving the device, it took me some time in online research of various vendor videos and reading the accompanying instructions to be certain of how to use it. It is a little cumbersome at first to use correctly. I was however motivated to do so and continue to try it. It helped that I enjoy music, and the VNS works best while listening to up-tempo music with a beat and indeed soft rock music, the left earpiece faithfully doing its business. There are also additional suggestions available on the best type of music to use it with.
If music isn’t your thing, it also has a setting for what is called an "Ambient mode" which enables you to receive the signal while going about activity in your own environment, without using music, still getting the signal.
Note, there are various ear bud sizes that come with the system, and it takes a bit of time to find the best fit, as without the correct fit, you don’t get the tingle.
Additionally you need to add some saline or salt water spray (dispenser provided) to the earbud to ensure it makes a proper connection into the ear canal entry so it provides the appropriate stimulation.
In the first few weeks I went with a very low "calibration" of the VNS signal, as with POIS type depression at the time, I was not going to take any risk in making my symptoms worse. There is a calibration dial on the front of the device to set from 1 – 25 in strength.
I always wanted to ensure I was using the device correctly and safely.
During this time, curiously as I googled more about it and the reviews, I had seen online that quite a few people were sending their device back after only a couple of weeks. Am not surprised as the marketing hype had originally alluded to euphoria after a few listens. That’s BS and not realistic. Initially I found some minor adverse effect in using the VNS, so took it very easy, but am happy that I persisted with its use. I also would have sent it back after a few weeks but I knew my situation was chronic and multi-faceted, so I was interested to proceed and give a fair trial of VNS alongside my other regime.
Many people complained that the music quality when docking the system through their phone / music device was very poor. It's ok not that bad. However, there is a way around to full sound and bass quality that is gained by buying better quality large headphones that fit over your ears, while keeping the same left VNS signal earbud in place with the headphones over them. There’s extra things you can buy to enhance the music experience.
After 3/4 months of use, in particular I was noticing the positive impact on my parasympathetic nervous system and lowering of stress levels. I have found the tool initially had a slower but impactful build to definitely lowering my POIS Symptoms of decades standing.
Over the six months (to April 20-7), I had increased the intensity of the signal I used, to where I am comfortably able to use it at full throttle now 2/3 times a day now and will continue to do so.
I used meditate for many years which didn’t really help. For me however, I find this VNS is having a much better effect for me than meditation.
@ 6 MONTHS, APRIL 2017: What am I noticing overall? It has NOT cured my POIS however…
1. My overall mood has stabilised, generally and also within the 3 day POIS symptoms.
2. I am calmer and would assess that on a 10 point scale, my POIS related depression, which 6 months ago could go as low as a 2 in the POIS three day cycle and up to a max of 4.5 outside of pois, is now I am happy to report consistently at a lowest
score of 4 within POIS phase and up to a 7/10 on some days, outside of POIS. This is a good improvement, which I am happy with. Overall am looking at a 2/3 point (on a 10 points scale) improvement in most symptoms, over this six month period.
3. Perhaps the effect of the VNS is that it is related to the way serotonin is re-up taken or perhaps the release of dopamine or endorphins through VNS, allied with a healthier gut approach & Buteyko breathing, I can now even tolerate a couple of alcoholic drinks, without a depressive adverse effect which I always had with alcohol for decades. Honestly I can’t say if without the Gut healing & Buteyko would I have had this improvement, I honestly don’t know, but I think I could.
4. I have started to put on weight for the first time in decades, while eating less food. I don’t comfort east as much.
5. My family members and friends have been remarking on occasion that I look fit/well, something I haven't heard said in decades, because in truth I know that I didn't look healthy.
6. I can sleep through a 7 hour night time, whereas before I would always wake in the middle of the night.
7. I feel quite well in the morning when I awake, had gradually improved over the last 2 years. I used feel like I had been run over by a bus on awaking firth thing, for decades. As if a lot of normal functioning just wasn’t working. I was like many of you, depleted.
All of this improvement above btw, when I am very busy workwise, but seem not to be getting over-stressed in the manner I would have done in the past, and with much less work pressure.
Note, I recently explained about this item and the use of the device to my GP, and the positive experiences I was having. He was very interested, and encouraged me to keep using it.
In closing, I hope this hasn’t been too long a ‘story’. I just want to emphasise again that I am recounting my own personal experience and belief that the device has contributed to a significant reduction in my symptoms. It may or may not for others. As I say, I don’t know if it is a combination of things I am doing.
Anyway, I am going to keep doing what I am doing, and can report back at ONE YEAR (OCT/NOV 2017) if I keep finding progress. I will also keep reading all the great inputs on our support forum and learning more.
Wishing you all good health in the future and in support of the next steps in fighting the good fight against the beast of POIS.
Best regards,
That is great Colm. So now you have 30 to 40 percent less symptoms? When I read VNS I thought you had a surgery. People with epilepsy get an internal device like a pacemaker. In The Netherlands there is a hospital which is specialised in the vagus nervus. Maybe such an internal device will help you even more. On the other hand the Nervana Vagus Nerve Stimulator is easy to use and easy to buy.
Do you have side effects? People who use the implant VNS get throat problems.
Hi Colm, which device do you use and how long do you use it?
With deep appreciation
for everything you
do for POISCenter,
All the best,
Colm, someone just PM’d me & asked, how do I get one.
This is what I replied. Is it the right place?
Colm, someone just PM’d me & asked, how do I get one.
This is what I replied. Is it the right place?
Hi Demo,
That is correct. Note, as this is an expensive device, I am not suggesting that;
- it will work for others, it may not
- it (this device anyway) being a cure for POIS, it is not the cure in my opinion. It is possible a VNS that targets specific bio markers could do better
Note it is 3 years since this product launched. I don’t know if they actively support it any more. It is somewhat difficult to operate and many complained about it being primitive. It was “hyped” marketing wise and of course it didn’t make people euphoric overnight. I never experienced a Nervana or a real high using it for the 28 Months, just more calming and centering effects. My work life specifically has flowed much better when I use before start of the day, and later in the day.
As they (the medical people involved) didn’t launch a more modern version of the Nervana, and there are primitive ways of using it, some may not like it. The battery also is expensive (running costs high, unless you get proper rechargeable ones). I found a specific long life and smaller rechargeable battery that I recommend/can share, as it fits in perfectly, others did not fit in easily when replaced. The makers had complaints about this from people expecting too much from a generation one model. The makers had a lot of complaints about the battery and music quality. You also have to add a saline spray to the earbud, and so there is a commitment needed.
In summary, I did commit as I was experiencing it as helpful. The plus side was I was able to use it on the move or while working at the laptop. Sometimes listening to music, mainly without (Ambient mode) this last year. The earbuds are not great sound with the music. As I am busy trying to financially make up now for many bad years, so that was all an advantage, using it while working or walking. Not for use while driving obviously.
If anyone wants to know anything more on evaluating, I can answer here.
Please do your own research, don’t jump in if your budget is challenged and take into account anything requires commitment.
This is a wearable device and am sure others may follow or ones implanted may become available targeting bio markers, for other conditions.
That is great Colm. So now you have 30 to 40 percent less symptoms? When I read VNS I thought you had a surgery. People with epilepsy get an internal device like a pacemaker. In The Netherlands there is a hospital which is specialised in the vagus nervus. Maybe such an internal device will help you even more. On the other hand the Nervana Vagus Nerve Stimulator is easy to use and easy to buy.
Do you have side effects? People who use the implant VNS get throat problems.
Hi Vandemolen,
Thanks for reply. Yes, a 30/40% improvement of symptoms that developed from one year of the 28 months. Thanks for clarifying. Also, over this last 18 months that improvement has sustained but I think been best experienced post O, when no supplements are taken before.
It also has to be taken into account that I don’t have the challenges of my teens, 20’s and 30’s in regard to the need for an O. However, that could be offset for someone in their 20’s/30’s that their POIS is not as chronic as someone with my years.
This below if you can run it refers to that Dutch epilepsy trial using the implanted VNS.
Best wishes,
Congrats Colm.
Do you think one can save some money, and stimulate vagus nerve free of cost at youtube.
Congrats Colm.
Do you think one can save some money, and stimulate vagus nerve free of cost at youtube.
Thanks Swell,
Perhaps so, but not for me. I tried binaural beats and CP Holosync and Hemosync for a couple of years also, many moons back, to try positively affect POIS. I also meditated for many years and all of them never had a positive influence on my own version of POIS symptoms.
Maybe this technique you suggest (in your YouTube clip) or other free VNS self-hacked stimulating methods could help others just as well, and thereby save them money, as I think you were suggesting in a helpful manner. I was not ever proposing here that anyone spends money or risks wasting hard earned cash. I don’t even know if this device is sold and supported anymore. Was instead a share from my side and an overall positive experience, a share encouraged by the moderator.
I think VNS, whether it’s done manually for free or else with a device, is a potentially useful tool in the POIS toolkit. Not a quick fix or a cure.
Just all here is my personal log and results gained (during a time of using VNS) and there is a variety of other factors which could mean that VNS plus something else worked in helping with symptom reduction. I make no claim to a POIS cure nor would I have a remote interest or motivation in selling a solution or a product here. It could be the placebo effect for all I know, although after 40 years of POIS, I don’t think it is placebo. Empathy for guys here would not be something I lack.
All is up for play in the so far unravelled mystery of a cure for POIS unfortunately.
Colm: ...this [Nervana]is an expensive device...
Demo: Dr. Komisaruk’s is $5,000!
Hi Demo,
I think the reason for a Dr. K $5K VNS price point would as you know, just like the Feinstein institute device for arthritis, be related to those devices actually targeting specific Immune bio markers.
A General VNS stimulating device possibly just influences the nervous system and the parasympathetic nerves, in so as far as I can gather and understand.
Am open to correction as I’m not an expert.
Colm, do you think it could be eventually worthwhile for POISCenter to raise $5,000 to experiment with a more targeted device, perhaps in tandem with what the new research team might find in the way of autonomic, endocrine and immune mediators of POIS?
Dr Komisaruk’s
NEMOS tVNS device
Now sold by
tVNS Technologies GmbH
(They took over Cerbomed last year and are continuing Cerbomed’s research and scientific development of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation).
299,00 € one-time payment, then 79,00 € / month
incl. 19% VAT
12 month minimum contract term, cancel anytime after
Thanks Colm, for the time you have taken to write this update :)
This is very valuable information for the POIS community :)
Thank you much Colm for the explanation and sharing that experience, it makes total sense. My paresis I believe is connected to vagus nerve as well. While vagus nerve is ubiquitous but it plays a critical role innervating/modulating the Thyroid gland.
Congrats Colm.
Do you think one can save some money, and stimulate vagus nerve free of cost at youtube.
Thanks Swell,
Perhaps so, but not for me. I tried binaural beats and CP Holosync and Hemosync for a couple of years also, many moons back, to try positively affect POIS. I also meditated for many years and all of them never had a positive influence on my own version of POIS symptoms.
Maybe this technique you suggest (in your YouTube clip) or other free VNS self-hacked stimulating methods could help others just as well, and thereby save them money, as I think you were suggesting in a helpful manner. I was not ever proposing here that anyone spends money or risks wasting hard earned cash. I don’t even know if this device is sold and supported anymore. Was instead a share from my side and an overall positive experience, a share encouraged by the moderator.
I think VNS, whether it’s done manually for free or else with a device, is a potentially useful tool in the POIS toolkit. Not a quick fix or a cure.
Just all here is my personal log and results gained (during a time of using VNS) and there is a variety of other factors which could mean that VNS plus something else worked in helping with symptom reduction. I make no claim to a POIS cure nor would I have a remote interest or motivation in selling a solution or a product here. It could be the placebo effect for all I know, although after 40 years of POIS, I don’t think it is placebo. Empathy for guys here would not be something I lack.
All is up for play in the so far unravelled mystery of a cure for POIS unfortunately.
I think we should all keep in mind that the Vagus Nerve/POIS theory was developed by
Dr Barry Komisaruk, one of the brightest minds anywhere in the science of Orgasm Research.
Why not keep pursuing it along with other research?
I think we should all keep in mind that the Vagus Nerve/POIS theory was developed by
Dr Barry Komisaruk, one of the brightest minds anywhere in the science of Orgasm Research.
Why not keep pursuing it along with other research?
I would like to see his reasoning for it first, what is the role of vague nerve in POIS from him to pursue a treatment for it?
Sadly, we didn’t get far enough to find out or ask :(
Sadly, we didn’t get far enough to find out or ask :(
Can you contact him? Since the research was canceled we didn't at least get updated on what's progressing or any findings if there were any. Maybe if we can hear out his logic, POISers would pursue vagus nerve treatment for themselvs like what COLM did.
Anyway, regardless of premise, I and several others will continue to explore tVNS. If it came from “the man in the street”, sure, I wouldn’t bother. But it came from someone I consider a world-class-knowledgeable orgasm researcher with whom I met. And we developed a relationship.
Sadly, we didn’t get far enough to find out or ask :(
Can you contact him? Since the research was canceled we didn't at least get updated on what's progressing or any findings if there were any. Maybe if we can hear out his logic, POISers would pursue vagus nerve treatment for themselves like what COLM did.
Keep in mind that ours was an extremely turbulent environment. I just heard back from him, but extremely briefly. It will take time to get over the incident. Any more discussion let’s please keep it private.
Keep in mind that ours was an extremely turbulent environment. I just heard back from him, but extremely briefly. It will take time to get over the incident. Any more discussion let’s please keep it private.
I don't see what's the harm in asking him about the involvement of the vagus nerve in POIS. Because honestly I don't even know how to tack the vagus nerve issue. I have no idea how it connects to POIS.
Nas, you asked a good question about his premise. I ran a research company, but I’m not a researcher myself, so I trusted these people to approve his logic:
Nas, I sent you a private message.
Nas, you asked a good question about his premise. I ran a research company, but I’m not a researcher myself, so I trusted these people to approve his logic:
Well, then I want to know the logic they trusted him for? We need to understand the premise before jumping straight into therapy!
Nas, I explained that in my private message, which includes re-contacting our medical advisors, which we cannot do directly. I’m hoping that, in time, as the negativity subsides with time, we can get you some more answers! :)
Nas, I explained that in my private message, which includes re-contacting our medical advisors, which we cannot do directly. I’m hoping that, in time, as the negativity subsides with time, we can get you some more answers! :)
Hello Gents,
Please allow me to post further here on this topic as soon as I get to do a short update here. There are too many variables at play In POIS syndrome to become over enthuastic about tVNS being a cure.
Please let me write more later on the topic in recent discussion here.
Colm: ...this [Nervana] is an expensive device...
Demo: Dr. Komisaruk’s is $5,000!
Hi Demo,
I think the reason for a Dr. K $5K VNS price point would as you know, just like the Feinstein institute device for arthritis, be related to those devices actually targeting specific Immune bio markers.
A General VNS stimulating device possibly just influences the nervous system and the parasympathetic nerves, in so as far as I can gather and understand.
Am open to correction as I’m not an expert.
Colm, do you think it could be eventually worthwhile for POISCenter to raise $5,000 to experiment with a more targeted device, perhaps in tandem with what the new research team might find in the way of autonomic, endocrine and immune mediators of POIS?
Hi Demo,
Sorry for taking time to get back to this.
I think that further VNS testing with a more targeted VNS device is worth experimenting with. If an extra $5K was being raised, there is potential benefits in seeing where that is best spent, be it building upon the new NORD funded study, or else as a separate sub study. Several studies need to be evaluated and this could be one of them.
It makes most sense IMHO to be patient and see what the focus of the new study is entitled and what proposition is being focused on.
If I recall correctly, the original study that did not run its course was entitled “Is POIS a case of Vagal Dystonia”. Based on his evaluation of the forums RFP and forum outline content back then he felt Vagus nerve could be implicated.
As Dr. K was an orgasm expert and had zeroed in on the Vagus Nerve influences in POIS, it certainly makes sense not to forget the possibilities. Dystonia however can’t easily be seen as part of all the POIS types.
One of the suggested treatments for dystonia is electrical stimulation of the auricular branch of the vagus nerve, in studies seen as being potentially effective.
Using (in a committed manner), an appropriate VNS device as a minimally invasive treatment for dystonia, could obviously help a person with Dystonia. This download here speaks about the technical aspects in using an Auricular approach to Vagus Nerve stimulation, with the condition of dystonia.
All the best,
Hi Colm,
Teriffic reply! I never considered that the $5,000 might possibly be better spent elsewhere.
I hope you saw my recent note about our investigators’ willingness to take the next step in obtaining *outside* funding for the next study! If that happens, raising $5,000 amongst ourselves will be more justifiable.
We could even raise tVNS fund$ from the *outside* world - - once we’ve established ourselves credibly with a scientific article in a well-known peer reviewed journal. What we’re doing now is the painful first step of a
self-funded study for a rare, unknown disorder such as ours in order to attain that outside funding credibility.
Once again, Colm, thank you greatly for continuing with a theory formulated by one of the brightest minds in scientific orgasm research!
Hi, Colm,
Are you continuing to work with VNS?
Hi, Colm,
Are you continuing to work with VNS?
Hi Demo,
Sorry for delayed reply here. Yes, I am still continuing the use of VNS,
as a key part of my POIS preventive and recovery strategy.
I will update on the thread here if anything else meaningful is worth another short update over the coming 6 months.
Thank you, COLM, for everything you’ve done here to help the POIS-eradication effort!
You’re #1 in my book.
Orgasm and the vagus nerve
Cross-posted from my Testosterone thread
joelawerence, thank you very much! I really appreciate that confirmation.
The extra sleep has been induced by Benadryl plus NSAIDS (Aleve), and they have side effects, too.
Plus, even if I forced extra sleep without drugs, the added grogginess is still not worth it.
So, I’m gonna try to live-with-a-little-more-POIS!
This is one reason I’m personally in favor of trying COLM_2’s non-drug Vagus Nerve Stimulation approach. After all, this POIS treatment approach was hypothesized by one of the world’s leading authorities in Orgasm Research, Dr Barry Komisaruk.
Also, COLM: I wouldn’t worry about Nervana going out of business. I still think we should consider raising $5,000 to get Dr K’s machine, and MAYBE you can use the machine and guide us to some extra POIS relief! Also, our Anonymous Donor is interested. Both for using it and for helping the fundraising effort on our behalf!
Important: The NORD Study still has top priority.
I am not suggesting in any way to divert from that. Only to possibly augment it with a continuing look into VNS. I see no harm in doing that
I began this therapy last night and I feel a lot better.... ok, I have to say I am on a 13 week of abstinence, but I can tell you that's think is going to better my life up!! ;-)
I had 3 doctor dates in Paris, many tests and they gave me this info and prescribed me all this.
I have to test it 3 to 6 months and then we'll see if my problems are gone or maybe better livable.
But here my question: do you know what me I have to use for best results? I tested 13,5 but I don't know if this is ok.
Many thanks to all of you, I am a poser since nearly 30 years, I am 44 now...
A bientot. ;-)
Bonjour pharayema :) ( I am also French speaking)
The doctors you saw were aware of what POIS is ? Where they from Dr Amarenco clinic at La Sorbonne ?
pharayema, welcome to our group :)
Dr Komisaruk’s
NEMOS tVNS device
Now sold by
tVNS Technologies GmbH
(They took over Cerbomed last year and are continuing Cerbomed’s research and scientific development of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation).
299,00 € one-time payment, then 79,00 € / month
incl. 19% VAT
12 month minimum contract term, cancel anytime after
COLM, I just realized that this $5,000 device is now available for RENTAL. I will ask POISCenter’s Anonymous Donor if he would like to split the monthly charge to try it out on our POIS!
You’re welcome to join us!
ps - does anyone know what the € (Euro) charges above are in USD ($) ? Thanks!
pps - Found it!
$334.21 one-time rental charge
$88.09 monthly
As I mentioned to our Anonymous Donor, maybe we can work a deal: will they give us a PRICE BEAK? Or even a free trial? In exchange, we can promise to promote this (if it works) to our 800 members!
Any thoughts?
Bonjour pharayema :) ( I am also French speaking)
The doctors you saw were aware of what POIS is ? Where they from Dr Amarenco clinic at La Sorbonne ?
Hello monsieur,
yes, they were not only aware, they know several patients that have POIS. I met Professor Amarenco twice and i'll see him again in the next months.
@Colm: can you please tell me something about the mA you use?
Merci beaucoup a vous tous. :-)
pharayema, welcome to our group :)
many thanks to all your infos and patience for all of us poiser. 8) ;)
My pleasure! :)
Bonjour pharayema :) ( I am also French speaking)
The doctors you saw were aware of what POIS is ? Where they from Dr Amarenco clinic at La Sorbonne ?
Hello monsieur,
yes, they were not only aware, they know several patients that have POIS. I met Professor Amarenco twice and i'll see him again in the next months.
@Colm: can you please tell me something about the mA you use?
Merci beaucoup a vous tous. :-)
Very interesting development!
Bonjour pharayema :) ( I am also French speaking)
The doctors you saw were aware of what POIS is ? Where they from Dr Amarenco clinic at La Sorbonne ?
Hello monsieur,
yes, they were not only aware, they know several patients that have POIS. I met Professor Amarenco twice and i'll see him again in the next months.
@Colm: can you please tell me something about the mA you use?
Merci beaucoup a vous tous. :-)
Hello Bonjour Pharayema,
In late 2016, I purchased (then new) Nervana tVNS (ear canal) Vagus nerve stimulator. Have used at least twice per day since. I purchased an updated version in early 2018. I don’t think they make / sell it or if they do, it is not updated and they are not manufacturing any more. It is/was a general, not specific tens type machine. I have not tried a tens machine.
I have written to Demo and the mods directly, on other Cerbomed idea.
Regards, Au revoir,
Bonjour pharayema :) ( I am also French speaking)
The doctors you saw were aware of what POIS is ? Where they from Dr Amarenco clinic at La Sorbonne ?
Hello monsieur,
yes, they were not only aware, they know several patients that have POIS. I met Professor Amarenco twice and i'll see him again in the next months.
@Colm: can you please tell me something about the mA you use?
Merci beaucoup a vous tous. :-)
Hello Bonjour Pharayema,
In late 2016, I purchased (then new) Nervana tVNS (ear canal) Vagus nerve stimulator. Have used at least twice per day since. I purchased an updated version in early 2018. I don’t think they make / sell it or if they do, it is not updated and they are not manufacturing any more. It is/was a general, not specific tens type machine. I have not tried a tens machine.
I have written to Demo and the mods directly, on other Cerbomed idea.
Regards, Au revoir,
Bonsoir monsieur,
I understand, i use my tens eco2 only once a day for 60 minutes with 25Hz 50us at 25mA like Professor Amarenco told me.
And you? I am only on day 3 but i think i feel a lot better. I also have to Say i am on claritin 10mg once a day since september 2017, and toviaz 4mg every second day since Summer 2018.
I've tried a lot of drugs and Supplements, Made hundred of tests over more than 2 decades with no positiv Results, but i think i am on the right way yet. I discover my pois relatively late on my way early 2015 with your superbe informativ forum and it took me 3 years to meet Dr. Bignami, an Assistent of the Professor Amarenco on the Sorbonne, in Paris and i Can Say they understand and know everything about pois and how about to treat some Patients like me with tvns for exemple.
Feel free to contact me on Skype or wa, je suis pr?t a discuter avec vous si vous ?tes int?ress? !?
Many thanks. ;-)
Bonjour pharayema :) ( I am also French speaking)
The doctors you saw were aware of what POIS is ? Where they from Dr Amarenco clinic at La Sorbonne ?
Hello monsieur,
yes, they were not only aware, they know several patients that have POIS. I met Professor Amarenco twice and i'll see him again in the next months.
@Colm: can you please tell me something about the mA you use?
Merci beaucoup a vous tous. :-)
Hello Bonjour Pharayema,
In late 2016, I purchased (then new) Nervana tVNS (ear canal) Vagus nerve stimulator. Have used at least twice per day since. I purchased an updated version in early 2018. I don’t think they make / sell it or if they do, it is not updated and they are not manufacturing any more. It is/was a general, not specific tens type machine. I have not tried a tens machine.
I have written to Demo and the mods directly, on other Cerbomed idea.
Regards, Au revoir,
Bonsoir monsieur,
I understand, i use my tens eco2 only once a day for 60 minutes with 25Hz 50us at 25mA like Professor Amarenco told me.
And you? I am only on day 3 but i think i feel a lot better. I also have to Say i am on claritin 10mg once a day since september 2017, and toviaz 4mg every second day since Summer 2018.
I've tried a lot of drugs and Supplements, Made hundred of tests over more than 2 decades with no positiv Results, but i think i am on the right way yet. I discover my pois relatively late on my way early 2015 with your superbe informativ forum and it took me 3 years to meet Dr. Bignami, an Assistent of the Professor Amarenco on the Sorbonne, in Paris and i Can Say they understand and know everything about pois and how about to treat some Patients like me with tvns for exemple.
Feel free to contact me on Skype or wa, je suis pr?t a discuter avec vous si vous ?tes int?ress? !?
Many thanks. ;-)
Bonjour Pharayema,
I was quite sure your doctor was from La Sorbonne neuro-urology research team, because I pretty much had contacted all medical teams that know about POIS . Dr Amarenco is already on my POIS Doctors list, too ( http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2575.msg22338#msg22338 )
For the benefit of the members here, I would have a few questions for you:
- Does the tens you are using have 2 or 4 pads ?
- where do you, exaclty, place the pads ? Did Dr Amarenco tell you where to place the pads ?
Merci, and keep us updated on your progress :)
Bonjour pharayema :) ( I am also French speaking)
The doctors you saw were aware of what POIS is ? Where they from Dr Amarenco clinic at La Sorbonne ?
Hello monsieur,
yes, they were not only aware, they know several patients that have POIS. I met Professor Amarenco twice and i'll see him again in the next months.
@Colm: can you please tell me something about the mA you use?
Merci beaucoup a vous tous. :-)
Hello Bonjour Pharayema,
In late 2016, I purchased (then new) Nervana tVNS (ear canal) Vagus nerve stimulator. Have used at least twice per day since. I purchased an updated version in early 2018. I don’t think they make / sell it or if they do, it is not updated and they are not manufacturing any more. It is/was a general, not specific tens type machine. I have not tried a tens machine.
I have written to Demo and the mods directly, on other Cerbomed idea.
Regards, Au revoir,
Bonsoir monsieur,
I understand, i use my tens eco2 only once a day for 60 minutes with 25Hz 50us at 25mA like Professor Amarenco told me.
And you? I am only on day 3 but i think i feel a lot better. I also have to Say i am on claritin 10mg once a day since september 2017, and toviaz 4mg every second day since Summer 2018.
I've tried a lot of drugs and Supplements, Made hundred of tests over more than 2 decades with no positiv Results, but i think i am on the right way yet. I discover my pois relatively late on my way early 2015 with your superbe informativ forum and it took me 3 years to meet Dr. Bignami, an Assistent of the Professor Amarenco on the Sorbonne, in Paris and i Can Say they understand and know everything about pois and how about to treat some Patients like me with tvns for exemple.
Feel free to contact me on Skype or wa, je suis pr?t a discuter avec vous si vous ?tes int?ress? !?
Many thanks. ;-)
Bonjour Pharayema,
I was quite sure your doctor was from La Sorbonne neuro-urology research team, because I pretty much had contacted all medical teams that know about POIS . Dr Amarenco is already on my POIS Doctors list, too ( http://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2575.msg22338#msg22338 )
For the benefit of the members here, I would have a few questions for you:
- Does the tens you are using have 2 or 4 pads ?
- where do you, exaclty, place the pads ? Did Dr Amarenco tell you where to place the pads ?
Merci, and keep us updated on your progress :)
Bonjour Quantum,
- the tens eco 2 has 2 pads
- i already use an ear electrode for vaginal stimulation in the cymbal Concha in my left ear Yes, i met him on 26/04/19 and he tell me to use it like this
But he advised me to test what the best for me with the mA i use and i started the first time at 13 mA and yesterday i was testing 24 mA and it was all ok for me, that's because i ask colm about his feeling and number he uses for his therapy!?
Many thanks and a bientot. :-)
Dr Komisaruk’s
NEMOS tVNS device
Now sold by
tVNS Technologies GmbH
(They took over Cerbomed last year and are continuing Cerbomed’s research and scientific development of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation
COLM, I just realized that this $5,000 device is now available for RENTAL. I will ask POISCenter’s Anonymous Donor if he would like to split the monthly charge to try it out on our POIS!
You’re welcome to join us!
pps - Found it!
$334.21 one-time rental charge
$88.09 monthly
CORRECTION: Colm thankfully pointed out my error: the above tVNS ***rental***
device is for epilepsy settings only. We can explore the $3,000 device to test for POIS settings.
Thanks, Colm!
Dr Komisaruk’s
NEMOS tVNS device
Now sold by
tVNS Technologies GmbH
(They took over Cerbomed last year and are continuing Cerbomed’s research and scientific development of transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation
COLM, I just realized that this $5,000 device is now available for RENTAL. I will ask POISCenter’s Anonymous Donor if he would like to split the monthly charge to try it out on our POIS!
You’re welcome to join us!
pps - Found it!
$334.21 one-time rental charge
$88.09 monthly
CORRECTION: Colm thankfully pointed out my error: the above tVNS ***rental***
device is for epilepsy settings only. We can explore the $3,000 device to test for POIS settings.
Thanks, Colm!
Why do you need this device? I have one and it really worked well and cost nearly 1/10 from it.
I am also advised how to use it like I described before, feel free to ask me what you need to know exactly. I have met Professor Amarenco, I think he understands it very good and know what to do :-)
Many thanks,
RM, thank you! You’re right, we don’t have to use this device (I edited “need” to “can explore”). Some of us are exploring several different devices, recommended and/or used by different researchers. Wonderful to know your experience!
Just like everything else at this forum, tVNS is not a “proven” methodology for POIS.
We are all exploring POIS therapy, often in very different and seemingly contradictory ways.
Unfortunately, POIS is still in a “primitive” stage of medical understanding.
Until our POIS research efforts definitively mature, my best wishes to everyone for finding something that works...for YOU!
I think I've reached a conclusion that we shouldn't even try to make sense of POIS out side of academic research efforts. I think what we need to do is explore as much treatments ans tests as possible and see where that leads us. Otherwise nothing in this forum throughout it's history seems concrete or consistent, but there are commonalities. Yet I don't feel we have what it takes to formulate a POIS theory that is applicable to all.
Why do you need this device? I have one and it really worked well and cost nearly 1/10 from it.
I am also advised how to use it like I described before, feel free to ask me what you need to know exactly. I have met Professor Amarenco, I think he understands it very good and know what to do :-)
Many thanks,
Hi RM,
I have read the explanation of the device that you use and I have to confess that it has impressed me ...
And besides that, are you noticing improvement?
RM, how much this device cost?
Do you know if it's for sale throughout Europe?
The explanation given on how the device works, makes a lot of sense for me, to think what could be the relationship between the hormonal, nervous and immune system!!
Regardless of that, the result is the most important and you are telling us it's working for you!....
For me it's great news!!! Even if for the moment we are not sure that this device could work for every Poiser.....
Thanks, fernab. Interesting post!
Why do you need this device? I have one and it really worked well and cost nearly 1/10 from it.
I am also advised how to use it like I described before, feel free to ask me what you need to know exactly. I have met Professor Amarenco, I think he understands it very good and know what to do :-)
Many thanks,
Hi RM,
I have read the explanation of the device that you use and I have to confess that it has impressed me ...
And besides that, are you noticing improvement?
RM, how much this device cost?
Do you know if it's for sale throughout Europe?
The explanation given on how the device works, makes a lot of sense for me, to think what could be the relationship between the hormonal, nervous and immune system!!
Regardless of that, the result is the most important and you are telling us it's working for you!....
For me it's great news!!! Even if for the moment we are not sure that this device could work for every Poiser.....
Hi Fernab,
like I told it these days I can tell you that I have a mild effect of my first sessions. I feel relaxed, my brain fog is lower, but I took also claritin since nearly 21 months and it also helped me a lot to manage my global situation.
I ask my store where they can send it, the costs for the tens eco2 + ear kit are nearly 380$ without any shipping costs.
Once I have the answers I came back to you.
But feel free to contact me for further information. :-)
Thank you Quantum for that information!
Hope Pharayema is able to see It!
I second fernab’s thanks, Quantum!
Thank you Quantum for that information!
Hope Pharayema is able to see It!
Ive Read this and will try it next monday ! :)
I deleted my cookies all and also tried it with the google chrome browser, unfortunately with the same result. :-/
Another ideas?
Many thanks,
I deleted my cookies all and also tried it with the google chrome browser, unfortunately with the same result. :-/
Another ideas?
Many thanks,
Hi Pharayema,
Then, send me in PM the IP of the device on which you receive the ban message, and I will check if this IP is in the ban list, from a previous ban ( this forum, because of the recurring presence of word like orgasm, ejaculation, semen, and the like, has a massive history of spamming). I am about to leave for work for the day, but will check this tonight.
The IP of the device from which you wrote your latest message is not, of course, on the ban list.
I deleted my cookies all and also tried it with the google chrome browser, unfortunately with the same result. :-/
Another ideas?
Many thanks,
Also, be sure you have also empty the cache of your browsers (not only deleting the cookies)
...an interesting question would be: "Could we have these ‘Good’ O’s [such as with Observer’s and others’ good niacin results - Demo] if we control our vagus nerve?"
COLM? Can anyone else venture a guess?
COLM, the question has come up: why raise $3,000 when there are tVNS devices available at 1/10th the cost? My impression is that the higher price might help us zero in better on more accurate ***POIS-specific settings***. If that is true in your opinion, can you please help elaborate? (I don’t understand at all how “settings” work).
Thank you,
ps - I do understand that we would need to hire a technician to help us find the ideal tVNS “POIS settings”. That would be part of the funding to explore.
Just to explain my tVNS thinking a little more, I am not even remotely considering that we rush into this therapy exploration. This forum already committed our own hard-earned, significant funds ($30,000 was subsequently refunded) to explore this, with inconclusive results. But the tVNS-for-POIS hypothesis was formulated by one of the most brilliant minds in Orgasm Science, and vetted favorably by NORD’s large & stellar MAC (Scientific & Medical Advisory Committee):
so I would hate to see it entirely abandoned without some further exploration. And we have seen some possibly positive signs, albeit anecdotally and not scientifically. I see absolutely no harm. Extensive trial to date shows only “minor side effects”. But caution suggests that perhaps we need medical supervision? e.g., Professor Amarenco, (or an experienced tVNS therapist) plus our own MD primary care provider.
ps - I do understand that we would need to hire a technician to help us find the ideal tVNS “POIS settings”. That would be part of the funding to explore.
i've been instructed by Professor Amarenco in Paris how to use the Tens Eco 2 to therapy my POIS.
what other information do you need for?
Merci bien,
Professor Amarenco’s assistance is WONDERFUL!
Perhaps he can also help with the NEMOS device, which has even more settings than the TENS machine?
pharayema, please note I made an edit/addition of Professor Amarenco’s potential further involvement to my post from yesterday (above).
Thank you to all who are interested and have continued this path of exploration!
I think that this dual path (UNL/NORD Research + possible NEMOS trial continuation) is exciting!
I also encourage all other carefully MD-supervised potentially beneficial exploratory tests: niacin, TRT, fenugreek,
Animus-solution-related-implications, etc. !
NEMOS tVNS device
Professor Pierre Amarenco, MD
Paris, France
I can confirm you IT IS the venerable Professor Amarenco ;-)
Professor Amarenco’s assistance is WONDERFUL!
Perhaps he can also help with the NEMOS device, which has even more settings than the TENS machine?
pharayema, please note I made an edit/addition of Professor Amarenco’s potential further involvement to my post from yesterday (above).
Thank you to all who are interested and have continued this path of exploration!
I think that this dual path (UNL/NORD Research + possible NEMOS trial continuation) is exciting!
I also encourage all other carefully MD-supervised potentially beneficial exploratory tests: niacin, TRT, fenugreek,
Animus-solution-related-implications, etc. !
Why do you think the nemos device ist better than the tens eco2?
Thx. ;-)
You are correct.
We *don’t* know if it is better. Yet.
But I would like our forum to find out!
At this time, I only know that it has many fine-tuned possible settings. Since POIS is such an *unknown* in relation to tVNS, I would like us to see as many device choices as is reasonably possible within our time & budget constraints.
NEMOS is the unit of choice of laboratories which are at the forefront of scientifically dedicated research on orgasm and other medical disorders worldwide.
If it is *not* better, we will find out. At one time it would have cost us $30,000 in sophisticated lab studies. Now, $3,000 will tell us if it is “the best”. In a slower and less sophisticated manner.
But you’re right, pharayema, we do not know yet if it is better.
Thanks, pharayema, to you and COLM for your “leadership role” in continuing this line of tVNS exploration! We do not yet have the $3,000 to spend, so your TENS eco2, and COLM’s Nervana devices, and other similar tVNS units, are what we can afford. Today.
I can confirm to you that IT IS the venerable Professor Amarenco ;-)
Thank you, pharayema, for confirming the photograph!
Vagus nerve is connected to IBS.
Please, read this.
I have started gargling/gagging routine and I'm noticing changes already.
Yes, it's connected to IBS... and to inmune system inflammatory moduation..... And of course, hormonal system....
Interesting, lw. Dr K. who hypothesized a tVNS-for-POIS solution, based much of his theory on how much the “gut” is involved in POIS.
Yes, it's connected to IBS... and to inmune system inflammatory moduation..... And of course, hormonal system....
I agree. That leaves IBS correlation as only a partial POIS explanation.
...an interesting question would be: "Could we have these ‘Good’ O’s [such as with Observer’s and others’ good niacin results - Demo] if we control our vagus nerve?"
COLM? Can anyone else venture a guess?
Hi Demo,
In answer to observer's thoughtful question, and your request for me to respond, I am not an expert on all tVNS devices, nor do I know the potential for what a specifically tailored tVNS device could potentially do. That is if it was addressing post O cascading symptoms, or targeting the markers for various POIS types.
It is a big question. For me, using the general tVNS device for a long time has certainly helped in the symptoms I experienced previously, post orgasm, as well as with the other benefits seen. It has not prevented those symptoms completely. Also, this for me was a cumulative effect of working on my general health and as I keep calling it the DISease / homeostasis effect, that in my experience is a component of some chronic conditions/syndromes like POIS.
Other individuals like Pharayema seem to be having some (tVNS) positive effect, but his use of a specific tVNS targeted tens product under his knowledgeable french doctor's care, may not be long enough in duration for us to jump to specific conclusions on a targeted tVNS yet, but it is interesting.
We have nothing scientifically proven to work on here, but of course we do have much that some good people have done here, and also the hope that Dr. K saw it (Vagal dystonia theory) worth investigating.
I will write some further thoughts on the tVNS possibility to the mods soon.
I've received following information for the tens eco2: Following your request, we inform you that we deliver anywhere in the world (delivery times are increased depending on the destination + shipping).
In order to answer your question regarding a quotation, please tell us the details of the order and the country of destination.
Is someone interested in this device?
Please tell me if you want further information or directly acquire the tens.
I can tell you that in my case after 8 weeks of use I feel a clear improvement of my symptoms including brain fog and nervousness in general.
I hope also you understand my poor english. ;-)
Many thanks,
Pharayema :-)
pharayema, very interesting. Thank you for posting.
Nas, this tVNS thread is another reason (main reason?) my curiosity was re-awakened. Recently, as you correctly indicated.
I've received following information for the tens eco2: Following your request, we inform you that we deliver anywhere in the world (delivery times are increased depending on the destination + shipping).
In order to answer your question regarding a quotation, please tell us the details of the order and the country of destination.
Is someone interested in this device?
Please tell me if you want further information or directly acquire the tens.
I can tell you that in my case after 8 weeks of use I feel a clear improvement of my symptoms including brain fog and nervousness in general.
I hope also you understand my poor english. ;-)
Many thanks,
Pharayema :-)
Thanks for updating Pharayema,
Great to hear of your improvements.
Was there also a price on this tens unit?
PS. Your English was fine.
Kind regards,
Thanks, COLM_2!
Hello Colm, Vagus Nerve seems very critical. I am convinced now that 'Growth factor' deficiency is at the heart of POIS. Vagus nerve is critical to stimulate Growth factors and Thyroid which have systemic implications from digestive tracks, vocal and speech organs, and the Brain. Our principal problem is energy production/storage impairment. And this produces cascade of issues for us, one that our epithelium across the body is thin - which predisposes us to allergans like 'semen', to the fact that our body's ability to rapidly replenish following ejaculation is impaired.
While this tens unit is great, the 1000 dollar question, "how to in a clinically significant ways stimulate Vagus Nerve". Would you or someone know where these electrodes exactly are placed at??? When I research, I dont see effective ways, other than to implant a stimulator inside your neck (which I dont want to).
...our body's ability to rapidly replenish following ejaculation is impaired.
This had been my main POIS theory for a number of years. I lost interest because I couldn’t back it up. But today not totally denying that it remains a possibility.
I've received following information for the tens eco2: Following your request, we inform you that we deliver anywhere in the world (delivery times are increased depending on the destination + shipping).
In order to answer your question regarding a quotation, please tell us the details of the order and the country of destination.
Is someone interested in this device?
Please tell me if you want further information or directly acquire the tens.
I can tell you that in my case after 8 weeks of use I feel a clear improvement of my symptoms including brain fog and nervousness in general.
I hope also you understand my poor english. ;-)
Many thanks,
Pharayema :-)
Thanks for updating Pharayema,
Great to hear of your improvements.
Was there also a price on this tens unit?
PS. Your English was fine.
Kind regards,
you have to count 249? for the tens + 89? for Kit nerf vague tVNS (auricular electrode).
Please feel free to contact me for more information.
Kind regards,
Hello Colm, Vagus Nerve seems very critical. I am convinced now that 'Growth factor' deficiency is at the heart of POIS. Vagus nerve is critical to stimulate Growth factors and Thyroid which have systemic implications from digestive tracks, vocal and speech organs, and the Brain. Our principal problem is energy production/storage impairment. And this produces cascade of issues for us, one that our epithelium across the body is thin - which predisposes us to allergans like 'semen', to the fact that our body's ability to rapidly replenish following ejaculation is impaired.
While this tens unit is great, the 1000 dollar question, "how to in a clinically significant ways stimulate Vagus Nerve". Would you or someone know where these electrodes exactly are placed at??? When I research, I dont see effective ways, other than to implant a stimulator inside your neck (which I dont want to).
i have, with advice from professor Amarenco, to place the electrode in my cymba conchae (left ear).
Hope this help?
You are right Demografx, and there is a bit more to it. I will create a new thread and post this theory in depth I can. Folks solution is here, we have suffered enough (at least I have a lot).
...our body's ability to rapidly replenish following ejaculation is impaired.
This had been my main POIS theory for a number of years. I lost interest because I couldn’t back it up. But today not totally denying that it remains a possibility.
Thanks. The ear electrode is intriguing, I have a Tens unit at home (in pictures it looks identical with pads you place on skin), wonder if these ear electrodes would fit into it.
Hello Colm, Vagus Nerve seems very critical. I am convinced now that 'Growth factor' deficiency is at the heart of POIS. Vagus nerve is critical to stimulate Growth factors and Thyroid which have systemic implications from digestive tracks, vocal and speech organs, and the Brain. Our principal problem is energy production/storage impairment. And this produces cascade of issues for us, one that our epithelium across the body is thin - which predisposes us to allergans like 'semen', to the fact that our body's ability to rapidly replenish following ejaculation is impaired.
While this tens unit is great, the 1000 dollar question, "how to in a clinically significant ways stimulate Vagus Nerve". Would you or someone know where these electrodes exactly are placed at??? When I research, I dont see effective ways, other than to implant a stimulator inside your neck (which I dont want to).
i have, with advice from professor Amarenco, to place the electrode in my cymba conchae (left ear).
Hope this help?
swell, maybe pharayema can find out from Prof Amarenco? I think the ear electrode could be important for POIS.
Everyone: please keep in mind this is all VERY experimental.
I am feeling better and better, i can tell you after nearly 11 weeks of therapy i think the tVNS with the tens Eco2 is a good solution for me.
I am also on week 6 with no O so i think it's correlated with the general good results, what do you think?
I'll receive a second tens device early next week for tests only, if someone is interested, please mp.
Many thanks,
I am feeling better and better, i can tell you after nearly 11 weeks of therapy i think the tVNS with the tens Eco2 is a good solution for me.
I am also on week 6 with no O so i think it's correlated with the general good results, what do you think?
I'll receive a second tens device early next week for tests only, if someone is interested, please mp.
Many thanks,
Great to hear. Thanks for reporting!
I would like to remind you that it may not be necessary to stimulate the vagus nerve. It may be that just releasing a possible nerve compression in its path or acting to lengthen the nerve is effective. To further improve, perhaps a correction in the chemical imbalance of neurotransmitters may be necessary.
My proposal: https://poiscenter.com/forums/index.php?topic=2714.0
Thanks, FernandoPOIS.
I met with Dr Amarenco 2 times. The last time was last year and he mentioned this device saying it was being built.
Two 2 weeks ago, I sent him a mail out of nowhere asking about the device and he replied that there were planning a specific study for its use in the context of POIS. Now that I see this post it makes more sense.
I'll try to see him shortly to know more.
POISse, THANK YOU very much for this update!
I am using the tens device nearly 14 Weeks and i can tell all of you it changed my Life in a lot ways.
I feel a lot better with claritin and the therapy but i need a little more time to make a dedicated summary of all changes of my feeling.
Please stay tuned. :)
A bientot,
pharayema, THANK YOU very much!
To our NORD POIS Research Team 11/9/19
Hi Dr. Lorenz,
Hi Dr. Prause,
The forum has done some exploration of the relationship between POIS and vagal dystonia, with some promising but not yet definitive experiments with tVNS devices.
Is there any room for this type of inclusion or consideration in your current study?
Best regards,
Hi Demo;
Yes, we have taken vagal contributions into account.
Dr L
Hi All (from Colm here),
Long time no posts - sorry.
Thanks for keeping this thread alive. I think it deserves to sit alongside other helpful threads.
Am now over 3 years of daily use / experimentation with (now two) tVNS devices, since the original research centering on ‘Vagal Dystonia’ inspired me to take a risk and delve in a practical way, deep into the VNS world.
I plan to give a meaningful and honest update of my own experience since my last update, posted here by year end. Pharayema’s experiential holds promise also and is obviously helping his version of POIS also.
It may be of interest to some POISers, but as I know from 45 years with the condition, and the information I have seen here since finding POISforum in 2013, there is a variance of POIS experiences and a still wide set of beliefs around how to manage the myriad of symptoms or finally solve the puzzle.
Am very excited to learn more from the new study this year also, and I believe the focus and process will be complementary to other theories like Vagus nerve. Anything that helps guys who are still struggling is hugely valuable. Fair play to the lads on the team here for getting NORD to source a modern and forward thinking research team on board.
Best regards,
Thank you, COLM!!
Thank you, COLM!!
Hello Colm,
any news fron your expemirentation with the tens eco2 device?
I'm 49 and have been suffering from depression for decades. I was able to go a long time without antidepressants, but in the summer of '21, I realized that I could no longer do without them, so I was prescribed some. With time, I stabilized and was able to stop them last October. During this period, I've had increasing problems with fatigue, concentration, and, for several months now, memory problems, certainly due to my sleep apnea, which was diagnosed in May 2010. I forget words in sentences or letters in words, and a few years ago I changed letters in words. I could also point out that I've been suffering from POIS for over 30 years, diagnosed at the time in 2019 at Tenon. This had led me to undergo various tests with a neurologist last summer, including a brain MRI, until the lumbar puncture at the end of October. I had my appointment on 06/02 for the diagnosis; there is a very strong suspicion of prodromal Lewy body disease. As I'm totally overwhelmed and can't get my head around it, finding anything and everything on the Internet, I wanted to find out more about the subject in this group. I can't imagine losing control of my life one day; I don't feel that bad, and I'm not old enough yet to be punished like that by life. What's next for you? Are there any tips, support groups, or discussions on how to deal with this situation? What I'd still like to say is that I'm not hallucinating, I'm not walking safely, and I'm not falling either, but how can I find out and be sure there's no mistake? It seems that there are no clear tests or that the disease is very difficult to diagnose, isn't it? There are a lot of unanswered questions at the moment, and I'd be very happy if someone contacted me with similar issues or symptoms in themselves or someone close to them. Thank you in advance for your patience in reading my text. I hope to have piqued their interest.
Merci beaucoup et bonne journee.
Noninvasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation in Postural Tachycardia Syndrome: A Randomized Clinical Trial
I'm 49 and have been suffering from depression for decades. I was able to go a long time without antidepressants, but in the summer of '21, I realized that I could no longer do without them, so I was prescribed some. With time, I stabilized and was able to stop them last October. During this period, I've had increasing problems with fatigue, concentration, and, for several months now, memory problems, certainly due to my sleep apnea, which was diagnosed in May 2010. I forget words in sentences or letters in words, and a few years ago I changed letters in words. I could also point out that I've been suffering from POIS for over 30 years, diagnosed at the time in 2019 at Tenon. This had led me to undergo various tests with a neurologist last summer, including a brain MRI, until the lumbar puncture at the end of October. I had my appointment on 06/02 for the diagnosis; there is a very strong suspicion of prodromal Lewy body disease. As I'm totally overwhelmed and can't get my head around it, finding anything and everything on the Internet, I wanted to find out more about the subject in this group. I can't imagine losing control of my life one day; I don't feel that bad, and I'm not old enough yet to be punished like that by life. What's next for you? Are there any tips, support groups, or discussions on how to deal with this situation? What I'd still like to say is that I'm not hallucinating, I'm not walking safely, and I'm not falling either, but how can I find out and be sure there's no mistake? It seems that there are no clear tests or that the disease is very difficult to diagnose, isn't it? There are a lot of unanswered questions at the moment, and I'd be very happy if someone contacted me with similar issues or symptoms in themselves or someone close to them. Thank you in advance for your patience in reading my text. I hope to have piqued their interest.
Merci beaucoup et bonne journee.
Hello everyone,
I wanted to get in touch with you briefly after 35 years of struggle.
Year after year, no matter what products, doctors, vitamins, tests, diagnosis, etc etc I have done, I have steadily got worse. I can now report something positive tonight.
After I was diagnosed with Lewy body dementia in prodromal form as a possible additional disease at the beginning of February in Strasbourg by a very renowned professor in France, in addition to sleep apnoea, dysautonomia, various and long-standing depressions, I went down even further. After this diagnosis, I thought I would die in the summer of 2024. I dragged myself to work for the first few weeks until I couldn't do anything after Easter. I was so devastated, I couldn't sleep properly but I wasn't able to do anything at all for the first 4 months. I was completely robbed of my zest for life and my POIS symptoms, which had been chronic for several years, were only exacerbated.
In the beginning, I resisted the possible diagnosis and didn't want to take anything other than escitalopram antidepressants and bilastin antihistamines. Why should I? Nothing ever really helped and now this darn dementia in the preliminary stages.
It remains to be seen whether this decision was a chance one, but the first positive results have been noticeable for 2 to 3 weeks now. What had happened: out of sheer fear of dying and despair, I had started taking donepezil 5mg in mid-April, which I had been given immediately after the diagnosis at the beginning of February, without really believing that it could help me. As the months went by and I felt no improvement, I continued to look for solutions to POIS because it had been with me virtually all my life, I came across xolair in the POIS forum in the USA. To keep it short in the first step, I was unfortunately refused the prescription this week, I have to go to a pneumologist in the hospital environment because the drug is very special, expensive and therefore not covered by health insurance. An appointment will follow on 10 October in Saverne, further information on this part will follow in October at the earliest, as the 75 mg injections are administered 6 to 8 weeks apart.
In the meantime, since the end of August, I can report an almost unbelievable development in my condition. My life now makes sense again, I am able to talk, think, memorise and pronounce several words or sentences.
Now, what is it? My guess, which I will find out from the professeur in Strasbourg on 15 October, is the donepezil 5mg. I have been taking it for almost 5 months now, my condition has improved so much that I can no longer remember such a cognitive performance, thinking and speaking ability. I can now speak fluently again, write long, extensive texts again, and the great thing is that my courage to face life is almost completely back.
I am once again planning topics/projects that I no longer thought possible, have been working again since the beginning of the week, 2 hours a day, but could already be doing much more.
I'm still a bit tired from time to time during the day but not at all, so really no comparison to the last few years and especially months since the beginning of the year.
I'm not saying that I've finally beaten POIS, nor that I don't have or won't have dementia, but the signs are pointing to a great personal feeling, coupled with an increased, not completely back, but already at a very good level of self-confidence, which leads me to be able/want to inform you.
I will of course stay on the ball, the dates in October will be very exciting and hopefully the good results will be underpinned by successful tests, I will be happy to keep you informed and up to date via this platform.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, write something here or contact me directly via PM.
Thank you very much for your time, patience and mutual support. My credo for more than 35 years... 😊
I am very happy for you, pharayema :) Looking forward to another update !
It remains to be seen whether this decision was a chance one, but the first positive results have been noticeable for 2 to 3 weeks now. What had happened: out of sheer fear of dying and despair, I had started taking donepezil 5mg in mid-April, which I had been given immediately after the diagnosis at the beginning of February, without really believing that it could help me. As the months went by and I felt no improvement, I continued to look for solutions to POIS because it had been with me virtually all my life, I came across xolair in the POIS forum in the USA. To keep it short in the first step, I was unfortunately refused the prescription this week, I have to go to a pneumologist in the hospital environment because the drug is very special, expensive and therefore not covered by health insurance. An appointment will follow on 10 October in Saverne, further information on this part will follow in October at the earliest, as the 75 mg injections are administered 6 to 8 weeks apart.
In the meantime, since the end of August, I can report an almost unbelievable development in my condition. My life now makes sense again, I am able to talk, think, memorise and pronounce several words or sentences.
Now, what is it? My guess, which I will find out from the professeur in Strasbourg on 15 October, is the donepezil 5mg. I have been taking it for almost 5 months now, my condition has improved so much that I can no longer remember such a cognitive performance, thinking and speaking ability. I can now speak fluently again, write long, extensive texts again, and the great thing is that my courage to face life is almost completely back.
Do you still take donepezil with success?
Donepezil is also a combined ERbeta and sigma-1 agonist, which may be one of the reasons why it works.
Some antidepressant/anti-anhedonic medications and Alzheimer's medications like donepezil also happen to act as Sigma-1 receptor agonists, and this action likely contributes to their therapeutic effects on cognition. In summary, Sigma-1 receptors play an important neuromodulatory role in various processes fundamental to learning and memory. Sigma-1 agonists continue to show promise as cognitive enhancers, especially under pathological conditions involving cholinergic or glutamatergic deficits.
Donepezil mediates oligodendrocyte differentiation by activating both ERa and ERB. Western blotting revealed that the donepezil-mediated increased expression of MAG and MBP was inhibited following treatment with antagonists of ERa and ERB. These findings demonstrated that ERa and ERB play important roles in donepezil-induced oligodendrocyte differentiation as indicated by the expression of myelin-associated protein.