Update #4
Hi all,
It's 2 months that I'm having 80% less of symptoms.
This improvements started in coincidence with 3 main measures that I'm taking since then. I'm not able to isolate the main factor in this improvement, I cannot say if it's just thanks to cabergoline or to one of those measures or all of the things together.
The fact is that now I am not using anymore niacin,but I still better to have only an O per day and the pleasure is quite low but it is slowly increasing.
Below the measures that are helping:
1. Improved breathing. I've been inspired in looking into this direction by a thread started by poisperson about UARS. I cannot say if I have sleep apnea or UARS because I ?ve never being tested . But I am quite sure I have a form of nasal resistance. My left nostril is smaller than the right one. If I plug the right nostril I almost cannot breathe through the left one. Furthermore my nose always gets obstructed by mucus during the night, so I often wake up. The mucus production is not due to a cold because I have it even when it is very warm like in summer. I'm not even allergic to any common allergens causing rhinitis, I ?ve been tested and resulted negative. It seems to be an asymptomatic rhinitis.
As a consequence of that bad sleeping I wake up every morning very tired and confused.
In order to fix this problem I bought an internal nasal dilator that I put before going to bed and trying to keep clean my nasal conducts during the day using a natural rhinospray made of a saline solution plus the extract of some herbs.
What could be the link beetwen a chronic nasal resistance and a pituitary microadenoma I don't know, but it's quite logical in my opinion the equation: bad sleeping → stressed endocrine system
2. Matrix Method. This has been already debated, I don't want provoke it again. Please refer to the original thread in case you feel to discuss about it.
Let me be clear: it is not the cure for pois.
I don't think pois is emotional nor mental, but in my personal case it's helping in reducing my symptoms.
3. Jelqing. It will sound weird to you, but I feel I have the obligation to share it.
I'm following the basic routine described in the most famous forum in the net about it. Not because of a matter of size (I think I'm in the average, but I guess you are not interested on it really), but I read it helps with Erectile Disfunction, and actually on that forum many users state they have fixed it thanks to jelqing. Others also say they have fixed some stenosis in theirs urethra.
I don't know if I have ED, but every time I ejaculate, I need to make an extra effort with the muscles involved in order to cum. I also feel some small resistance in my urethra to the sperm.
I'm noticing that since I'm doing it I have stronger erections.
Please be aware It is a dangerous practice and there is the risk to injury yourself, so I'm not reccomending it!!
I'm sharing this only because I think a possible link between pois and ED should be investigated.
I feel on myself it's doing good things, I'm doing it GENTLY and strictly folowing the instructions of the basic routine without exceeding and with a proper warm up and warm down. But we are not the same, what is good for me could be bad for someone else.
If you begin with this practice you are deciding to do it under your own responsibility being aware of the risks!!
I'm not saying that the above measures are the cure for pois nor reccomending them, not even that pois is only in our mind. I think this illness involves both body and mind aspect. I just needed to share what is working for me.
Anyways, I'm still taking Cabergoline as prescribed by my doctor and I will have a blood test again in one month.