Thaks for feedback! For me is most terrible thing anxiety, which does not let me sleep. Anxiety and panic are so strong, that they make me shake all over the body sometimes. Sleeping in this impossible in this condition. And also all the other symptoms, like burning eyes, memory problems etc.
Fenugreek has helped me. I'm not sure of Niacin effect so far, although I'v been using this almost half year. I have not tried Niacin without Fenugreec, but without them would be absolute hell.
I'll order today Olive Leaf Extract and let you know, is there some effect or not.
1. I'd be happy if someone would describe if he get some experience with strong anxiety, panic and insomnia in POIS and the possible cure
2. Is there some success storyes more in taking Olive Leaf Extract
I know we don't want to be medicating all the time, but sometimes it helps to get a temporary relief.
For me the anxiety came usually only on day 2 and/or 3 and it is terrible!
I found that when it got rough, I could take a little Xanax or Loratidine. Loratidine is an antihistamine, so has the double effect of
helping some with any stuffines or inflammation. Either is good enough to take the edge off.
I found that if I nipped it in the bud on day 2, sometimes I wouldn't need to take anything on day three, it has the tendancy to
calm things down in the longer term, not just only in the moment.
Others use Banadryl. It does make you a bit sleepy, but this, in my books, is better than anxiety.
The Banadryl and Loratidine don't need prescriptions.