Today, November 28, 2024, I am posting my WhatsApp number (48991405838) so that you, who are also Brazilian, can join me so that we can create a discussion group about what we can do to give more visibility to this syndrome, as well as to demand that public institutions and health professionals recognize that the syndrome exists and that they need to be committed to researching and supporting us, just as other countries have already recognized and are committed to doing.
So, that's the idea! If we want a solution to our problems, we must unite, in a group of Brazilians with the same symptoms, so that together we can have some idea of ??how to give more visibility to this, as well as demand recognition by the authorities.
By this, I mean that as long as time passes, it will be okay. If you saw this post, send me a message to this number (48991405838) saying simply: ""Hello! P.O.I.S", and I will respond to you.
I'll be waiting!