Hi guys,
I wanted to wait at least a year to post this to make sure my POIS was in fact in complete remission. I will post my regimen below which was heavily influenced by Demografx, a member I highly respect.
Escitalopram 20mg/day (this is an SSRI also known as Lexapro)
Testosterone Gel applied 3 times daily to scrotum
DHEA 100mg/day
Pregnenolone 100mg/day
That's it! Total remission and I can orgasm as much as I want. I try to do it at least 5 times per week just in case POIS is caused by some kind of prostate bacterial infection. If you want to know what my best guess is I would say we are just hypersensitive. The hormonal and neurotransmitter fluctuations after orgasm send our bodies into some kind of hypersensitive reaction. By taking the SSRI and exogenous testosterone these fluctuations are eliminated or at least highly reduced.
I should also mention that I also took Fenugreek seed capsules (2x610mg) before orgasm initially as this was one of my best go to treatments before starting the SSRI and hormonal treatment. I have since stopped taking the Fenugreek and my symptoms remain in total remission.
I had healthy testosterone levels before starting treatment by the way at around 600ng/dl. So I don't think POIS is caused by low natural testosterone levels. My treatment targets 1000ng/dl as ideal but sometimes falls below that into the 600-1000ng/dl range.
As you can imagine this has completely changed my life. My social anxiety is virtually gone and I'm working on mending all the relationships that have been damaged over the years by my condition.
Please ask me any questions you may have. I will check in periodically to see if I can help others.
Big thanks to Demografx for this forum and for inspiring my treatment regime!