Has anyone ever been tested for Prostate specific antigen (PSA), it is a common test that males over the age of 50 may get to screen for prostate cancer. So, in my health maintenance class I was reviewing things that may alter PSA test results by either lowering or raising them. I found out the PSA is a composition in semen and you can get higher test results if patients have and ejaculation with 2 days before an exam. Higher levels of PSA are also common with BPH (enlarged prostate). Many people, including myself have reported prostatitis for a few days after ejaculation. if there is some kind of duct or shunt in our seminal piping that goes into are blood stream, which has been hypothesized in one theory, then it makes sense that we may have high levels of PSA after ejaculation. I believe that these high PSA levels may cause the immune system to target the prostate, causing the prostatitis that some of us experience.
"Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a substance made by cells in the prostate gland (both normal cells and cancer cells). PSA is mostly found in semen, but a small amount is also found in the blood. Most healthy men have levels under 4 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) of blood. The chance of having prostate cancer goes up as the PSA level goes up.
Ejaculation: This can cause the PSA to go up for a short time, and then go down again. This is why some doctors suggest that men abstain from ejaculation for 2 days before testing.
An enlarged prostate: Conditions such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate that many men get as they grow older, may raise PSA levels. "
http://www.cancer.org/cancer/prostatecancer/moreinformation/prostatecancerearlydetection/prostate-cancer-early-detection-testsDemo and Daveman, I am mostly talking to you older guys, since it is highly unlikely that anyone under 50 has had a PSA test.