Author Topic: Frequent Urination/Air Hunger  (Read 1280 times)


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Frequent Urination/Air Hunger
« on: March 01, 2022, 10:49:02 PM »
So when I was 22 my POIS symptoms started and they were mainly feeling like I had to urinate all the time, urinary hesitancy, not being able to empty fully, weak stream and also fatigue. Always got worse 2nd day after Orgasm and then usually got better around the 4th/5th day although a lot of times never completely resolved. Then when I was 30 (after spending thousands of dollars going to a urologist who found nothing wrong and trying multiple drugs that did nothing but make the urinary symptoms worse)I went to a chiropractor who uses the activator method and two days later my symptoms changed to an air hunger type of feeling. All my oxygen levels are good so it seems to be just a feeling (although awful feeling) that usually gets. Along with this air hunger feeling my mouth also gets dry and I don't sweat as much as I use to (along with fatigue still). Sometimes I'll still have urinary problems but when I do my breathing is usually better so there is some link between the two. Either way though they both get worse after orgasm and usually start to get better after the 4th/5th day after orgasm  Two questions I have:

1. Where should I start with treatment? As in what to try for this type of POIS

2. Why did going to the chiropractor change my POIS symptoms from urinary symptoms to an air hunger type feeling.

Also the air hunger makes my anxiety/panic disorder absolutely brutal although SSRIs I was prescribed help some with that. Note that the POIS symptoms started 5 months after I started wellbutrin which I took for 4 years after.


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Re: Frequent Urination/Air Hunger
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2022, 10:16:22 AM »
Just a guess. Perhaps the chiropractor improved the blood circulation to the kidneys that regulates the urination and also the nerves to the digestive organs. Did you experience any diffrences in your bowel movements or blood pressure after the chiroprators treatment? Have you tryed the garlic-method that some members here uses (including me now). My Pois symptoms is much less severe when taking two fresh cloves of garlic (squeezed and aired for 10 minutes) in a glass of milk 2-3 times/day righth after orgasm and the coming 3-4 days after. I belive this has a tremendous effect to lower the inflammation in all parts of the body, minimizing the acne, lowers the headache and shorten the POIS recovery time. I combine this with 3-6 grams of vitamin C a day, MSM (metylsulfonylmethane) and lots of water and omega 3 to make the blood less thick.

Update: My TCM-chineese doctor has always said that weak stream, frequent urination and low blood pressure are all typically signs of low kidney function and causes too low blood circulation to the organs (they dont get enough of nutrition and oxygen). Only by strengthen the kidneys this will be better. And he sais this is, according to traditional chineese medicine, a typically symptoms of long term too frequent orgasm. I would add the stress factor, which lowers the function of the kidneys too (they are running low on resources because of the "cortisol steel"), according to western alternative medicine. I belive its the inflammation that is the specific attributing factor. Stress, sensibility to stress and too frequent orgasm is the cause, both those things requires raw materials from the kidneys. Lowering the impact of this inflammation (which POIScenter users have find many effective and innovative ways to do), lowering stress, cutting down on orgasm, and strengthen the kidneys is perhaps the only, but very possible, way to become better. Working with anti addiction technichs would probably help some people alot.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2022, 11:18:05 AM by BoneBroth »


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Re: Frequent Urination/Air Hunger
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2022, 10:55:02 AM »
Hi Xavier, welcome to the forum!

I totally understand what you mean by air hunger, that was my first POIS symptom ever, and for some reason, in my case it's linked to exercise intolerance. I'm no expert in this matter, but after having suffered from POIS for 13 years, I've come to the conclusion that at this point nobody has any clue yet about what causes it or what its biological mechanisms are, and so there is no treatment plan for it either. Different people have tried different things, experimenting by themselves, as there is still no doctor knows how to cure us. And even though there are some supplements and medications that have helped some people with their symptoms, I believe they're just targeting the symptoms and not curing the syndrome or addressing the cause. Some forum members claim they've been cured following different methods, but there is no universal explanation that I've seen as to why their methods work.

Personally, I've been taking niacin (vitamin B3) daily for a few months now, and it does help a bit since most of my symptoms are inflammatory (fever, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, brain fog). But still, it hasn't solved anything for me, I still get symptoms and have crippling exercise intolerance. Some people take it before orgasm, and someone here said that taking niacin and matcha tea before orgasm prevented all the symptoms for them. If you browse the forum you'll see that many members have proposed explanations and treatment plans for POIS, but they don't seem to work for everyone, that's why I think they work to prevent symptoms and not cure the underlying cause of the syndrome. Still, it wouldn't hurt you to try some of these supplements (mostly vitamins and minerals, as they're mostly always good for the body, if it were me I'd stay away from taking any medication for a syndrome that isn't understood at all as you might end up worsening things, but you have to decide for yourself and talk to a doctor if you want to try any of the medications that have helped people here).

I believe that POIS has to do with some imbalance/damage/malfunctioning of the nervous system, or of some specific nerves. Your symptoms seem to line up with this theory, but I have no idea of what the link between urinary problems and air hunger might be, other than different nerves malfunctioning and sending the wrong signals (that's what many of my POIS symptoms feel like, but I have no idea if it's true or not, or what we could do to test this theory). To lessen the air hunger feeling, what I do is to practice diaphragmatic breathing for a few minutes, slowly inhaling through the nose and letting the air out through the mouth, focusing on expanding the belly and abdominal muscles as I inhale. My diaphragm and abdominal muscles seem to tense/seize up when I'm experiencing POIS symptoms, so expanding the abdomen as I breathe feels like pushing against a wall that doesn't want to give up. But as soon as those muscles relax, most of the air hunger and feelings of sickness improve quite a lot. Sometimes it helps to lay down on a flat surface to do this.

I share your urinary problems, too. Here's an example that happens to me every day: I always take a bath before going to bed. Well, I urinate before taking the bath, but as soon as I'm out (even if it's just 5 minutes later), I need to urinate again, and for some reason there's a significant amount of urine, as if the bladder hadn't been emptied properly. Then, when I go to bed, the position change (from standing up to laying down) makes me feel like I have to urinate again (most of the time it's true that my bladder is not empty again, but if I'm having POIS symptoms, sometimes it's just a phantom feeling and there's actually no urine left). Also, sometimes I need to hold my breath to be able to start urinating, even though there's a significant amount of urine in my bladder. I think I do this most of the time now.

I've had multiple tests done at different doctors and the only alteration they've found in me is a very high level of C reactive protein (a marker of inflammation) when I'm in full POIS mode and running a fever, and low levels of vitamins D and B3. The lack of specific alterated results in medical tests makes things really difficult for people with POIS, as it makes it too easy for doctors to dismiss us as patients with psychological problems, which isn't the case at all. It's immensely frustrating. But please take my advice on this: POIS is a syndrome that can get much, much worse with certain triggers, sometimes things we wouldn't have imagined that could harm us. If you want to take the time to read my case (the link is in my post signature), you'll see an example. So be very careful, take care and don't risk your health too much over momentary pleasure, however necessary it seems at the time. I wish I had followed my own advice earlier, I probably wouldn't be as sick as I am now.
26-year-old Spanish woman with POIS symptoms for the last 13 years.
Suffering from exercise intolerance since April 2020.
My case thread, with medical tests results.


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Re: Frequent Urination/Air Hunger
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2022, 05:03:38 PM »
Hi Xavier, welcome to the forum!

I totally understand what you mean by air hunger, that was my first POIS symptom ever, and for some reason, in my case it's linked to exercise intolerance. I'm no expert in this matter, but after having suffered from POIS for 13 years, I've come to the conclusion that at this point nobody has any clue yet about what causes it or what its biological mechanisms are, and so there is no treatment plan for it either. Different people have tried different things, experimenting by themselves, as there is still no doctor knows how to cure us. And even though there are some supplements and medications that have helped some people with their symptoms, I believe they're just targeting the symptoms and not curing the syndrome or addressing the cause. Some forum members claim they've been cured following different methods, but there is no universal explanation that I've seen as to why their methods work.

Personally, I've been taking niacin (vitamin B3) daily for a few months now, and it does help a bit since most of my symptoms are inflammatory (fever, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, brain fog). But still, it hasn't solved anything for me, I still get symptoms and have crippling exercise intolerance. Some people take it before orgasm, and someone here said that taking niacin and matcha tea before orgasm prevented all the symptoms for them. If you browse the forum you'll see that many members have proposed explanations and treatment plans for POIS, but they don't seem to work for everyone, that's why I think they work to prevent symptoms and not cure the underlying cause of the syndrome. Still, it wouldn't hurt you to try some of these supplements (mostly vitamins and minerals, as they're mostly always good for the body, if it were me I'd stay away from taking any medication for a syndrome that isn't understood at all as you might end up worsening things, but you have to decide for yourself and talk to a doctor if you want to try any of the medications that have helped people here).

I believe that POIS has to do with some imbalance/damage/malfunctioning of the nervous system, or of some specific nerves. Your symptoms seem to line up with this theory, but I have no idea of what the link between urinary problems and air hunger might be, other than different nerves malfunctioning and sending the wrong signals (that's what many of my POIS symptoms feel like, but I have no idea if it's true or not, or what we could do to test this theory). To lessen the air hunger feeling, what I do is to practice diaphragmatic breathing for a few minutes, slowly inhaling through the nose and letting the air out through the mouth, focusing on expanding the belly and abdominal muscles as I inhale. My diaphragm and abdominal muscles seem to tense/seize up when I'm experiencing POIS symptoms, so expanding the abdomen as I breathe feels like pushing against a wall that doesn't want to give up. But as soon as those muscles relax, most of the air hunger and feelings of sickness improve quite a lot. Sometimes it helps to lay down on a flat surface to do this.

I share your urinary problems, too. Here's an example that happens to me every day: I always take a bath before going to bed. Well, I urinate before taking the bath, but as soon as I'm out (even if it's just 5 minutes later), I need to urinate again, and for some reason there's a significant amount of urine, as if the bladder hadn't been emptied properly. Then, when I go to bed, the position change (from standing up to laying down) makes me feel like I have to urinate again (most of the time it's true that my bladder is not empty again, but if I'm having POIS symptoms, sometimes it's just a phantom feeling and there's actually no urine left). Also, sometimes I need to hold my breath to be able to start urinating, even though there's a significant amount of urine in my bladder. I think I do this most of the time now.

I've had multiple tests done at different doctors and the only alteration they've found in me is a very high level of C reactive protein (a marker of inflammation) when I'm in full POIS mode and running a fever, and low levels of vitamins D and B3. The lack of specific alterated results in medical tests makes things really difficult for people with POIS, as it makes it too easy for doctors to dismiss us as patients with psychological problems, which isn't the case at all. It's immensely frustrating. But please take my advice on this: POIS is a syndrome that can get much, much worse with certain triggers, sometimes things we wouldn't have imagined that could harm us. If you want to take the time to read my case (the link is in my post signature), you'll see an example. So be very careful, take care and don't risk your health too much over momentary pleasure, however necessary it seems at the time. I wish I had followed my own advice earlier, I probably wouldn't be as sick as I am now.

Thanks for the reply! Yeah currently I take D3 and some Fish Oil but I'll look into some of the supplements other people have tried. And yes I do some diaphragm breathing along with meditation which definitely seems to help some with the air hunger and the anxiety around it although never really eliminates it. And when my urinary symptoms were bad (before the air hunger) I also had to hold my breath in order to urinate (and sometimes still do) and I also had the same thing when going to bed as well. Getting up multiple times cause I feel like I had to pee only for barely anything to come out. The worst. And thanks for the advice! I have found stress definitely makes things worse. I'll definitely take some time to look into your case!


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Re: Frequent Urination/Air Hunger
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2022, 05:08:58 PM »
Just a guess. Perhaps the chiropractor improved the blood circulation to the kidneys that regulates the urination and also the nerves to the digestive organs. Did you experience any diffrences in your bowel movements or blood pressure after the chiroprators treatment? Have you tryed the garlic-method that some members here uses (including me now). My Pois symptoms is much less severe when taking two fresh cloves of garlic (squeezed and aired for 10 minutes) in a glass of milk 2-3 times/day righth after orgasm and the coming 3-4 days after. I belive this has a tremendous effect to lower the inflammation in all parts of the body, minimizing the acne, lowers the headache and shorten the POIS recovery time. I combine this with 3-6 grams of vitamin C a day, MSM (metylsulfonylmethane) and lots of water and omega 3 to make the blood less thick.

Update: My TCM-chineese doctor has always said that weak stream, frequent urination and low blood pressure are all typically signs of low kidney function and causes too low blood circulation to the organs (they dont get enough of nutrition and oxygen). Only by strengthen the kidneys this will be better. And he sais this is, according to traditional chineese medicine, a typically symptoms of long term too frequent orgasm. I would add the stress factor, which lowers the function of the kidneys too (they are running low on resources because of the "cortisol steel"), according to western alternative medicine. I belive its the inflammation that is the specific attributing factor. Stress, sensibility to stress and too frequent orgasm is the cause, both those things requires raw materials from the kidneys. Lowering the impact of this inflammation (which POIScenter users have find many effective and innovative ways to do), lowering stress, cutting down on orgasm, and strengthen the kidneys is perhaps the only, but very possible, way to become better. Working with anti addiction technichs would probably help some people alot.

Thanks for the reply! The kidney theory is definitely interesting and something I'll look into here as thatbis not something I have thought about to this point. I did not notice a difference in bowel movements or blood pressure as I went to a doctor shortly after and BP was still good. I'll also try the garlic method here  in the next couple weeks and see if that helps any. I agree that lowering inflammation is key. I also think ill add some vitamin c to the vitamin d and fish oil I currently take. Thanks for the recommendations!