Author Topic: No brain fog, but other symptoms still present.  (Read 2188 times)


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No brain fog, but other symptoms still present.
« on: December 08, 2021, 11:22:47 AM »

For years, after ejaculation, I?d always feel mild to heavy brain fog. Over the course of several weeks, it seems as if after ejaculation or general erotic stimulation I don?t feel any brain fog anymore. However, I still experience  grueling cognitive issues which severely impact my memory, ability to process information, and ability to enjoy things. To note, it has taken much longer than usual for these symptoms to dissipate. I would always recover on a consistent 3-5 day basis and have always had brain fog as a symptom. I?ve been abstaining for about a week and a half now and these cognitive issues have slowly been getting better, buy are still there. I fear as if my POIS has mutated. I fear that the lack of brain fog is a dangerous sign. Isn?t brain fog an indicator of the healing process? I mean brain inflammation, although it has its long term ramifications, is still important. Have I lost the ability to heal myself properly? I?m frightened, but standing strong in hope of a full recovery? I have questions, does anyone know anything as to why this is? Has anyone heard of this?


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Re: No brain fog, but other symptoms still present.
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2021, 01:06:25 PM »

For years, after ejaculation, I?d always feel mild to heavy brain fog. Over the course of several weeks, it seems as if after ejaculation or general erotic stimulation I don?t feel any brain fog anymore. However, I still experience  grueling cognitive issues which severely impact my memory, ability to process information, and ability to enjoy things. To note, it has taken much longer than usual for these symptoms to dissipate. I would always recover on a consistent 3-5 day basis and have always had brain fog as a symptom. I?ve been abstaining for about a week and a half now and these cognitive issues have slowly been getting better, buy are still there. I fear as if my POIS has mutated. I fear that the lack of brain fog is a dangerous sign. Isn?t brain fog an indicator of the healing process? I mean brain inflammation, although it has its long term ramifications, is still important. Have I lost the ability to heal myself properly? I?m frightened, but standing strong in hope of a full recovery? I have questions, does anyone know anything as to why this is? Has anyone heard of this?

One thing that has helped me immensely with brain fog is aged garlic extract which has been mentioned in a couple of other threads - I still get brain fog and get very irritatable, but it lasts hours instead of days. 

I take 600mg in the morning, 600mg at dinner, and as long as I orgasm sometime between those two, the difference is stark for me. Hope that helps!

Mr Raba

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Re: No brain fog, but other symptoms still present.
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2021, 01:57:18 AM »
Yes.  I tried the Kyolic Garlic Extract.  Thanks so much for sharing that Charles.  It points to a lack of irrigation issue for me.  Please see my other recent posts about my trial with Kyolic Aged Garlic.   And one big warning.  Start with one drop first, wait an hour before you increase.  I noticed that two drops for me can have the same effect as 10 drops depending on what day after O I am in or maybe other unknown  factors  So I test my sensitivity every day.  And when I get too much, I get too much vasodilation which is rather unpleasant and lasts one to 2 hours. Rapid heart beat, have to lay down immediately for the whole time, etc.  But if not too much the benefits are calmness, and feeling like I am normal for a while.  What a treat.  Which goes to show once again, that what we have is functional, and no permanent damage has been done.. 

Here is why I think irrigation is the issue in both CFS and POIS besides that vasodilators have a big quick positive effect if I do not take too much.

Hey guys I hit my 100th post!!!

Not bad for a guy with CFS and POIS for more than 30 years!!!

So nice to have this forum and all of you guys.  We will beat this!  We are close.  I can smell the victory already ….

Simultaneous onset of CFS and POIS since Feb 1993. Married since 1989.

Helped by Immunocal (I explained how to take in previous posts).  Some relief on day one and day two.  It affects neurotransmitters.


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Re: No brain fog, but other symptoms still present.
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2021, 10:47:15 AM »

Congrats! :-)

And very good you have a positive attitude on this, I think this can-do/can-fix attitude is an important trait for getting a good life.


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Re: No brain fog, but other symptoms still present.
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2021, 08:32:06 PM »
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of weekly (52 weeks/year) testosterone self-injections.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business.