For years, after ejaculation, I?d always feel mild to heavy brain fog. Over the course of several weeks, it seems as if after ejaculation or general erotic stimulation I don?t feel any brain fog anymore. However, I still experience grueling cognitive issues which severely impact my memory, ability to process information, and ability to enjoy things. To note, it has taken much longer than usual for these symptoms to dissipate. I would always recover on a consistent 3-5 day basis and have always had brain fog as a symptom. I?ve been abstaining for about a week and a half now and these cognitive issues have slowly been getting better, buy are still there. I fear as if my POIS has mutated. I fear that the lack of brain fog is a dangerous sign. Isn?t brain fog an indicator of the healing process? I mean brain inflammation, although it has its long term ramifications, is still important. Have I lost the ability to heal myself properly? I?m frightened, but standing strong in hope of a full recovery? I have questions, does anyone know anything as to why this is? Has anyone heard of this?