
Do you have LIPOMAS?

Yes, hundreds, all over my body
1 (10%)
Yes, dozens
0 (0%)
Yes, a few distinct ones
1 (10%)
Maybe, can not distinguish them from lymph nodes etc
1 (10%)
7 (70%)

Total Members Voted: 10

Author Topic: Do you have LIPOMAS (small fatty bumps under your skin)?  (Read 2087 times)


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Do you have LIPOMAS (small fatty bumps under your skin)?
« on: November 02, 2021, 11:23:43 AM »
Lipomas are fat-formations that feels like hard bumps or irregularities under your skin. They are normally small (1mm to 1 cm) and can be found all over the body but are more common at your extremities (arms/legs) and trunk. Mostly they are not visible and can only be felt.

Last 3 years I found that I appearently have many of them, mostly on my inner legs and upper arms. I think I've noticed them after a period of loosing 10-15 kilos of weight (and subcutaneous fat). They cant be seened but I feel them. I believe they are related to POIS inflammation, deficiency of oxygen, insuline resistance and celiac disease (Stommach/gut POIS hypohtesis again!).

Do you have them too? Sometimes you have to slide your fingers hard over the skin on your arms (biceps) and legs or pinch your skin to feel them. Orthodox medicine claims they cannot be cured, but I've found a forum like this, where they report some success with using some nutrients/herbs.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2021, 10:06:33 AM by BoneBroth »