About tachichardia, i discovered that is becuse of pois affect
nervous system( is this because norephiderphine spike in pois
, who knows) or because autoimune reaction that affect
ours nervous system and thus we hawe thouse symptomes.
Tachichardia in is not always the same, but i did
had a lot of bad
pois episodes where my mucules is so stiffed( internal
muscules , esophagal swalowing , pelvis flore , neck..)
Thouse inhibition of muscules, largly inhibit my guts, then food
start to ferment and produce large amoung of gass(sibo)
wich put presure on my esophagal spitcher and then lungs
and that heart(vagus nerve tachichardia) eg the you get
heital hernia from all this.
This couse tachicardia in my case.(must lerned
this in a tuff way) no doctor will tell you this.
Try to notice do you hawe hiden air in top of yours stomac.
Beacause with pois atac and nerwous system
affected ,sensitivity can produce tachichardias
(presure on spincher where dysfuntcional vagus
nerve send "wrong or write information" "to save you".
Uh, tired now

, maybe some words missing