On the contrary! Intermittent fasting (when done the right way, leaving the intestines empty in the night) is confirmed to have many health benefits, of which the probably most important is to give the intestine time to heal. I do it almost every day now! It is also thought to increase growth hormone (anti inflammatory). Some benefits:
Weight and body fat loss
Increased fat burning
Lowered blood insulin and sugar levels
Possibly reversal of type 2 diabetes
Possibly improved mental clarity and concentration
Possibly increased energy
Possibly increased growth hormone, at least in the short term
Possibly an improved blood cholesterol profile
Possibly longer life
Possibly activation of cellular cleansing by stimulating autophagy
Possibly reduction of inflammation
https://www.dietdoctor.com/intermittent-fastingOne drawback might be increased cortisol due to hunger feelings, but that might be corrected by drinking more water and going to bed more early.