Author Topic: POIS, I think I am cured!  (Read 39930 times)


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #40 on: June 02, 2017, 06:48:09 PM »
Also, was it mentioned the dosage if B3? Just realised you answered the question however, you mentioned taking it 1 hour before orgasm and not eating 3 hours before that? But do you take the B3 with some food or eat immediately after you take it?

Have their been any other successes or progressions since this post, it's a few years old so I thought there may be some update... thanks guys...


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #41 on: June 03, 2017, 10:43:59 AM »
Welcome to the forum, Michael! :)
10 years of significant POIS-reduction, treatment consisting of daily (365 days/year) testosterone patches.

TRT must be checked out carefully with your doctor due to fertility, cardiac and other risks.

40+ years of severe 4-days-POIS, married, raised a family, started/ran a business


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2017, 01:10:56 PM »
Also, was it mentioned the dosage if B3? Just realised you answered the question however, you mentioned taking it 1 hour before orgasm and not eating 3 hours before that? But do you take the B3 with some food or eat immediately after you take it?

Have their been any other successes or progressions since this post, it's a few years old so I thought there may be some update... thanks guys...

Hi Michael,

Here is the summary I have made of niacin users, in my POIS types chart at :

POIS type name: Niacin type
Reference member(s)   Daveman, Limejuice, Observer, Poisperson, Bluesbrother, victor.kons,...
Relief method description: Niacin taken on empty stomach, waiting for the flush to happen before ejaculation.  Usually doses from 100mg to 300mg, but varies. 
Effect on severity and duration of POIS: 50% to 90%

Most members using it prefer to take it on an empty stomach, because it is much easier that way to get a flush with a lower dose.   Almost every member using it take niacin ( B3, flushing type), than wait for the flush to have happen, and after that, they can ejaculate and have almost no POIS symptoms.  It does not work for everybody, though.   

Some member have relief even with non-flush type which is niacinamide.  Some absolutely need the flush in order to get relief.   Nothing is clear and simple with POIS...
You are 100% responsible for what you do with anything I post on this forum and of any consequence it could have for you.  Forum rule: ""Do not use POISCenter as a substitute for, or to give, medical advice" Read the remaining part at


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #43 on: June 05, 2017, 07:43:09 AM »
Wonderful to see new members gaining symptom reduction from the forum content.

Just a bit to add to Quantum's post. With regard to the flush type Niacin for newbies, do try refer to Daveman's extensive posting on this topic, as a (too) high dose of flush type B3 has had scary short term physiological impacts for some others. Everything here with caution and lower level dosages initially suggested to experiment with what works and effects you. As Daveman wrote about in one of his many detailed posts on Niacin

« Last Edit: June 05, 2017, 07:48:27 AM by COLM_2 »
Formerly user COLM (previous username accidentally deleted). Few decades with POIS.


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #44 on: June 05, 2017, 10:51:56 PM »
Hi guys - thanks for the warm welcome.

Demo, Quantum, Colm - thanks a heap for the replies.

I read over Dave's posted suggestions on Niacin usage - some very handy stuff. Had no idea what 'flush' was, just took a 500 mg B3 pill and did the deed an hour or so later. The funny thing is, I followed about 3 different people's advice at the same time. One member attributed zinc and alfalfa to his success, Dave recommended B3, and then I think it was Sameer who recommended another guy to try B1, B6 and B12. So with lovely determination I thought, what the hell, let's try all at the same time and see what happens. So I took the B3 (500 mg), 1 (250 mg), B6 (200 mg), B12 (1000 mcg), zinc (40mg), alfalfa, fenugreek (1000 mg), c (1000) & an E (no idea) - all about an hour before, the zinc was taken afterwards - not with all the others.

Anyhow, was a bit shocked the next day when my symptoms were pretty much wiped out - the worst of them being cognitive.

For your records, reporting symptoms to assist the data:

34 years old. Suffered severe POIS probably my entire life although I never really recognised it as a condition until it hit me a few years ago. Symptoms are: shocking brain fog resulting in extreme anxiety/social anxiety, lacking in energy and motivation... generally avoid social interaction whenever possible in a POIS episode. If the 'o' falls on Monday evening, Tuesday is very difficult and Wednesday is terrible... By Thursday morning i'm usually almost back to normal. Thankfully that is - I know others get it for far longer which I can't imagine how that must be. We really need to get to the bottom of this.

So, after this initial testing out of all the vitamins in one go and it being successful, I tried it again the following week, repeating the same thing. It wasn't perfect this time, but still a HUGE improvement - wiped out nearly all my brain fog and subsequent anxiety/social anxiety which for me, is really everything... Felt like I could really function quite normally afterwards, with a few mild symptoms. But manageable.

Anyway this brings us back here... Last night's sleep, at about 6 am the 'nightmare' that most people live for - a NE. Today's very difficult. POIS symptoms have returned obviously.

What on earth are people here doing about NE's?

I only take the vitamins/supp's before 'o', not on a daily basis. I did notice that the guy here who takes B1,6 & 12 said he takes high doses on a daily basis and it knocked his POIS out completely. Amazing. But they are high doses, and I didn't see a need to do this after the first attempt.

Long enough post - but want to thank everyone here for the incredibly helpful information, suggestions, advice and sharing of experiences in helping fight this bastard of a condition.

Still haven't tried Tumeric...


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #45 on: June 06, 2017, 12:16:07 AM »
P.s just realised the B3 I took was Nicotinamide - which is apparently flush-free... still not even sure if it was the B3 that was successful before, took so many other vitamins with it... guess it's a long road of trial and error...


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2017, 03:13:44 PM »
Hey Michael,
Any success with orgasm ? I'm considering buying a b-complex supplement.


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2017, 08:50:43 PM »
Yep, that's what sparked writing all of these posts the past few days. Took B3, B1, B6, B12 along with some Alfalfa and Fenugreek (and 40 mg of zinc before bed) and it SIGNIFICANTLY reduced my symptoms by about 70-80%. Nearly no brain fog or anxiety which were my main killers. I never believed something as simple as a vitamin would have any effect, but 'Daveman' and others posted convincing results so I thought what the hell, and gave it a try... couldn't believe it helped as much as it did. Not sure if it was the B3 (as Daveman and others have much success with alone) or another member's post saying B1, 6 & 12 helped him.

As mentioned, one probably needs to take the B3 1-2 hours before release for it to work however, there was 1 guy who apparently got the benefit of the B3 taking it afterwards. But everyone else seems to have to take it before. Trial and error...

My dosages and details are in one of my previous posts.

I didn't take them every day, only before 'o' however, am considering taking a high potency B1, 6 and 12 once or twice a week and then just taking the B3 before 'o' as others have had success with. I am only at the very beginning, a few weeks into having 1 very successful trial and another the following week which was slightly less but still very comforting.

Would like to tackle NE's although as others mention, but if you can manage POIS in your awakened state and release at select times and frequencies, the chances of having a NE can be managed (hopefully).

I can't imagine anyone suffering from POIS as badly as I have though many of us probably think this. For me it was unbearable.

COLM, best of luck with the findings of the VNS trial. I read a bit about this, very curious as to your results and will eagerly wait for your future post...

Quantum, that's a great idea. I will copy/paste what I had written and make it a new thread to attract attention. I sincerely hope people pay attention to it as it was literally the only thing that ever made my POIS bareable. It has the potential to really enhance life in general, POIS or no POIS. Love that you used the word 'presence', Eckhart Tolle has had a very deep impact on my life.

All the best!

Going less Crazy

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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2017, 09:26:38 PM »
I've been taking very very low amounts of vitamin B12 (enough to get my rda) for energy and it seems to have helped.  However I wish I could take larger amounts of vitamins but I can't because I usually just end up with insomnia.  This is why I just try to get mine with food.
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #49 on: June 08, 2017, 06:07:43 AM »
Funny you mention that, I had insomnia the first night I took the vitamins. But I took them at about 9 p.m.

So, the following time I took it at 6:30 p.m, 'o' at 8 p.m, went for a light walk for 30-60 minutes to reduce the risk of insomnia again - and slept beautifully.

If that hadn't have worked for me, I'd have taken it morning/lunch time, an 'o' 1-2 hours after, and the effect would surely die down by bed time...

Another thing - I used to get TERRIBLE insomnia. Practicing mindfulness has completely fixed it.


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #50 on: June 10, 2017, 02:42:41 PM »

Anyway this brings us back here... Last night's sleep, at about 6 am the 'nightmare' that most people live for - a NE. Today's very difficult. POIS symptoms have returned obviously.

What on earth are people here doing about NE's?

I only take the vitamins/supp's before 'o', not on a daily basis. I did notice that the guy here who takes B1,6 & 12 said he takes high doses on a daily basis and it knocked his POIS out completely. Amazing. But they are high doses, and I didn't see a need to do this after the first attempt.

Hello Michael, I can speak for myself in this case.

When I have a NE (It's been a long time since I had one, I had to say), I "restart" the POIS cycle by having another orgasm. I mean, I am able to wipe off my previous POIS symptoms if I have another orgasm after taking niacin.

In this regard, NE's are just an anecdotal setback. Maybe you should try this approach and see what happens.

On the other hand, I recall reading other forum users who have said that using a whole set of B-multivitamins alongside B-3 can weaken the relief effect achieved by niacin on POIS.

Maybe you should test only the FLUSH-type niacin before, and then decide if it is the right path for you. I have been taking 200 mg of niacin since Victor.kons recommended this treatment and so far it still works (Since 5 years ago!!)- Right now, I have found out that I need like 210-220 mg in order for it to work completely, but that could be explained by the fact that I have gained some weight during the last couple of years (1,93m - 86 kg)

The only thing you need to take into account is that the niacin can deteriorate over weeks and months if you don't keep the recipient in a dry and mild place and their effects will be less intense on your POIS. I am sure that you will get the best results if you follow the protocol attached by Quantum.


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #51 on: June 10, 2017, 05:13:27 PM »
I've actually tried B3 with flush about an hour before Orgasm I think but it unfortunately didn't work. I thought about maybe a B-complex would be more beneficial ? as the pack already contain B3 but not sure if it's the flush type or not. You also use fenugreek which I don't have which make me think that it plays a big part of all of that.


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #52 on: June 11, 2017, 12:47:35 AM »
Thanks Observer. Incredibly helpful stuff - very interesting that you say you can avoid POIS after a NE by taking Niacin and having another release. I will definitely give this a try.

Quantum, did you ever try that after a NE? Simply waiting an hour, taking your pre-pack prior to release as usual and seeing the result?

Very appreciative of your comments on other B supplements potentially weakening the effect of the B3 alone. Very interesting indeed. Thanks Observer. This is all ground-breaking info for me as I'm relatively new to these treatment ideas.

Last night, took B3, 6, 1, 12, C, Magnesium, Fish Oil and Fenugreek - about 2.5 hours till release and today's results... about 50-60% less symptoms i'd say. Am sure if I optimise the assortment and the timing results will improve more.

One thing is, as another member mentioned, if taken after 9ish PM, can't sleep. So today I am quite tired, but with reduced symptoms so I don't care...

Nas, try to be very specific with your posts so we can really help. So many vitamin brands, when you say 'b-complex', it isn't clear what you're taking. For instance, I have a b complex supplement which only has about 20 or 30 mg of Niacin (b3) in it. This, in my view, is not nearly enough to get the benefit. You mentioned you got the flush from your B3, but how many mg's was your B3 pill? I took Nicotinamide B3 which has no flush, so I just took 500 mg of it, waited, and hoped for the best... hoping to buy small dose B3 as I don't want my body to build up an immunity to its effect.

All this being said, I take about 7 or 8 pills as mentioned above so I don't even know if in fact it is the B3 doing the work - I just assume this is the case due to reports here.

Trial and error...

I've actually tried B3 with flush about an hour before Orgasm I think but it unfortunately didn't work. I thought about maybe a B-complex would be more beneficial ? as the pack already contain B3 but not sure if it's the flush type or not. You also use fenugreek which I don't have which make me think that it plays a big part of all of that.

Going less Crazy

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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #53 on: June 11, 2017, 06:37:26 AM »
Funny you mention that, I had insomnia the first night I took the vitamins. But I took them at about 9 p.m.

So, the following time I took it at 6:30 p.m, 'o' at 8 p.m, went for a light walk for 30-60 minutes to reduce the risk of insomnia again - and slept beautifully.

If that hadn't have worked for me, I'd have taken it morning/lunch time, an 'o' 1-2 hours after, and the effect would surely die down by bed time...

Another thing - I used to get TERRIBLE insomnia. Practicing mindfulness has completely fixed it.

Yeah I stopped taking it.  Literally a fraction of a B12 pill will cause insomnia in myself, no matter what time of day I take it.  They pack those B12 pills too.  1 pill = 16000% rda... rediculous.  I'm just not good with vitamins at all and I can never figure out why.  I just don't get it.  I can go over in, say, vitamin c with pears and peaches but as soon as I take a pill of vitamin c, same thing happens.  Maybe I'm just sensitive to artificial vitamins.  I really have no idea.
My POIS managed with Diet (@ diet that 100% manages my pois)Believe my POIS stems from inflammation in the gut. O = neuro POIS from inflammation from the gut

supps: microdose zyrtec if needed for food sens. ibuprofen for infl. as needed. Melatonin as needed. Big Pinch Black cumin  seeds once daily


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #54 on: June 11, 2017, 06:46:14 PM »
Thanks for the advice, here is the b-complex I ordered :
I tried about 400mg which was enough to make me flush but I actually think that did Niacin not only hold no effect it made me slightly worst.
Before I also used this but to not effect :


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #55 on: June 11, 2017, 09:18:16 PM »
Quantum, did you ever try that after a NE? Simply waiting an hour, taking your pre-pack prior to release as usual and seeing the result?

No, I didn't.  When I first found the forum over 2 years ago, and got a lot of new information from it, I started right away to develop my pre-pack, and after a few months got to my still current "formulation".   Whenever I had a NE, I took the same pack as soon as possible after, and it was ok, because, as I have already shared on the forum, I always had less symptoms from a NE than from a "waking state" release  ( maybe only 30% symptoms when from a NE).   So, taking my pre-pack afterward was enough to manage that 30% of symptoms.  I wouldn't take the risk of a second release in a few hours, not now at over 50 y/o, and because my current method is ok, and because symptoms tend to stack up a lot my case, when another release in a short period of time.

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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2017, 09:34:06 AM »
I might also add, a weekly schedule for orgasm is more than enough to prevent NE in my experience.


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #57 on: June 16, 2017, 07:23:39 AM »
Thanks for the advice, here is the b-complex I ordered :
I tried about 400mg which was enough to make me flush but I actually think that did Niacin not only hold no effect it made me slightly worst.
Before I also used this but to not effect :

Hi Nas,

Good stuff, had a look at your Vit-B. 100 mg's of each B variety. Have you received and tried it yet? Curious... I would stick to all the other suggestions about taking it on an empty stomach, not eating a few hours before, and having an 'o' 1-2 hours after taking it, depending on flush.

Have you considered taking all the suggested vitamins listed on this forum together about an hour before 'o'? E.g. taking B3, B6, B12, B1, Magnesium, Fish Oil or Flaxseed Oil, Vitamin C, E & Zinc (zinc after 'o'). My vitamins are very high doses... but at least this way I can use the process of elimination and then reduce the dosage to determine which ones are doing the work...

Keep us posted!


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #58 on: June 16, 2017, 07:34:59 PM »
I haven't received it yet, takes quiet a long time ( about 3 weeks to be shipped ). I also don't have the other vitamins but if the B-Complex didn't work I'd order them.
I'm also very curious if I'm I gonna flush at all, only 100mg of Niacin probably won't have that much effect. Thus, do you think I should stick to the empty stomach advise or should I just take it regularly ?


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #59 on: June 16, 2017, 08:26:15 PM »
Dear Friends,

It is always nice to learn that we are getting cured. It gives the rest of us a lot of hope. I am on AIP (Auto Immune Protocol) Diet (have a look at and and it is really helping.

Day before yesterday, I was able to orgasm without the brain fog effects, yesterday, I was able to perform an intellectually simulating writing assignment at work, without any problem or experiencing the frustration of the brain fog.

If more people can share reports of being free of POIS, using any of the remedies being talked about in this forum, which have helped some of us. It will be a great step further. Really, feel great to have the support of this forum in helping me deal with POIS. Its great to see members coming out and sharing their experiences.