Author Topic: POIS, I think I am cured!  (Read 39927 times)


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #60 on: June 16, 2017, 10:53:17 PM »
Hey Nas,

From what I read, most advice in this forum suggests that you should not take the B3 vitamin regularly or it loses its efficacy.

There are a few guys here who had success with taking B1, B6 and B12 daily but I don't know how healthy taking them in high doses regularly is...

If you do take the B3, others have suggested to take it on an empty stomach, not eating 3 hours before, then having O an hour or so after. I take their advice...

100 mg may not be strong enough according to other posts, but everyone is different.

Keeping trying new things, I NEVER would have thought something as simple as a vitamin could help what has plagued my life with unbearable cognitive symptoms. Unfortunately I ignored this forum for years believing these suggestions were pointless... please keep trying new things, very few people have symptoms as bad as mine, I could barely go outside with POIS for 2 days...

All the best...


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #61 on: June 19, 2017, 12:27:43 AM »
As I said B3 took like 400mg for me to flush but it still didn't work. But I'd maybe try this B-Complex for a week and see if anything happens. I'm still yet to find anything that would work out for me and it's getting pretty frustrating to be honest, added to that how hard it is to get stuff shipped to here, it feels like a big hurdle.
Anyways will keep trying new things and where I'm going is probably going to be focused on packing multiple treatments together and see if anything will happen.


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #62 on: June 19, 2017, 12:29:39 AM »
Hey Victor,
can you elaborate what do you mean by the Auto Immune Protocol ?


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Re: POIS, I think I am cured!
« Reply #63 on: June 19, 2017, 03:23:38 PM »
auto immune protocol, it is a diet that cuts out alot of food that are suppose to be inflammatory. After cutting out all those foods you will introduce them back one by one to see which ones are causing your symptoms. 
If you google it you will find a good amount of information.